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Board Battle OOC Threads / Re: The Three-Edged Sword: OOC Thread
« Last post by Veldanya Venalla on April 06, 2023, 03:26:32 PM »
Sorry for the delay, and the rather long post but felt it was time to finally get you all into the thick of it so to speak.  Basically everyone is finding themselves expelled from the Aisgeim roughly 10-15 feet above the ground or so (given this is Epic BB and whatnot, im figuring everyone has some method to pull off a "super hero landing" to get to the fun hehe).  Speaking of fun, you all are surrounded by scores of Shaiton troops.  Heavily armored, wielding an array of basically your standard melee weapons/shields.  The aim is to reach the front of the fort around 25-30 feet away.  Feel free to god mod cleaving your way through the enemy forces presently.  The Seraph forces are still a little distance behind, Gulgrim of course you can have your Orks land wherever for obvious reasons lol.
Board Battles / Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
« Last post by Veldanya Venalla on April 06, 2023, 03:21:56 PM »
Jharm simply watches from a short distance away as the three large demonic figures emerge from the Warp Gate and acknowledge Soul Reaver, before they disappear into plumes of smoke.  It was not a decision he was fond of making, but his past choices and left few options for being picky about assistance.  He followed the other back onto the Aisgeim, watching the smoke plumes warily before turning his attention away and focusing elsewhere.

"General Drayvon, myself and the others will be en-route momentarily.  Are you managing to hold the front line still?

After a few moments he finally gets a response

"We managed to hold and have begun to finally push the Shaiton back closer to the fort with the assistance of the ones you call "Orks".  I must say though, their method of deployment is...haphazard to say the least.  Some of their landings have almost "landed" right amidst our forces, but one can not deny their motivation."

Jharm nods and then once more shifts his focus elsewhere.

"Lady Nethanya, how goes your forces?"

"All things considered we are doing better then anticipated.  Those Orks are proving to be ample distraction and helping to alleviate the pressure on my troops to protect against the forts bombardments.  I was unsure at first of the new devices you suggested but they are working quite well."

Vee on the other hand has already returned to the command deck and slipped back into the pilots chair.  She doesn't seem to pay much mind to Soul Reavers suggestion, though the warrior can almost feel like a presence somewhere around him is watching, almost monitoring the plumes.  Once all have boarded again, the ramp recedes and the hatch closes as the Aisgeims engines roar to life once more and the vessel rockets into the air and heads for the front lines.  It isnt long before they are flying over the battlefield, display monitors scattered around the ship seeming to show the outside view.  The surrounding land is in sharp contrast to the almost idealic terrain they were standing on but a short while ago.  The land itself looks almost lifeless, various shades of brown, grey, and black as opposed to the brilliant whites and golds.  What few trees can be seen are also just as lifeless, withered husks or shattered stumps.  Far below can be seen the two main armies with a sizable building, most certainly the target of current assault.  As the Aisgeim slowly starts to descend in altitude the battlefield becomes clearer. 

Battalions of Seraphs march towards the fort, clad in arrays of silver and gold.  Large devices looking to be crafted of seemingly a mixture of stone and steel reside on hills closer to the rear, occasionally the rear parts brightening quickly before the front end erupts in an explosion of light as an orb is launched far into the distance to come crashing down on the opposing forces while at the same time a multide of flashes and streaks of light can be seen as shields manifest seeming to block similar projectiles bearing a blackish purple color.  Further forward the front line can be seen, silver and gold crashing against a tidal wave of blacks and purples, blotches of green visible as Orkish Rokks crash into the ground and divulge their occupants.  Upon the top of the fort are large glowing crystals, flashing almost constantly as large beams of more blackish purple light blasts out, targeting the Orkish Armada in the air.  The Aisgeim slows significantly as Vee watches the battle unfold.

"Other then the colors, almost reminds me of home."

She then clears her throat and continues.

"While it looks like your fleet is certainly keeping their attention Gulgrim, I'll be damned if I'm going to risk flying the Aisgeim in close for any extended period.  Thus I recommend ya'll make your way down to the front of the hold.  There's a smaller hatch there that should make a rapid drop much easier, cause I'm sure once I fly in closer, those crystals wont hesitate to lock-on, or whatever it is they do, and start blasting out that purple light in our direction, say nothing of the forces on the ground potentially.  Thus, im not thinking your offer of artillery support will be very possible Phaerys."

Jharm nods and makes his way down into the hold, finding the hatch that Vee referenced on the opposite side.  Finding it leads to much smaller airlock its clear that should the lock be cycled that any within would either be able to jump (or perhaps depending on other factors, be sucked) out behind the Aisgeim as its flying.  Vee looks around for a moment to verify that any others on the command deck have also headed downwards.  Shifting in her chair she takes a few breaths and flexes her fingers.

"Alright, lets show them how we can truly fly."

Her eyes seem to glow for a moment as a few beeps can be heard from the console in front of her before she places her hands down on the armrests of the chair.  A moment later the temperature of the command deck starts to drastically plummet, ice forming around both Vee and the chair until it almost looks like she is frozen over.  From a speaker within the airlock Vee can be heard.

"Right then, I'll take us down, give ya'll a warning and then off you go to cause whatever sort of ruckus you can so we can try to get into that fort.  Don't worry about me, I'll be able to join you once ya'll are safely off and the Aisgeim is out of harms way.  Oh, I would recommend trying to hold on to something perhaps, since we are going in close, things could get quite bumpy."

After waiting for a few moments for everyone to make whatever last second preparations necessary, the Aisgeim suddenly surges forward and down, the engines rumbling loudly as the room seems to rock and shake about as the ship clearly seems to turning and rolling at incredible speeds.  A second later Vees voice is heard once more.

"Yep, those things are quite quick but we're holding our own for sure.  Gunna try to drop you as close to the gate as I can get, here we go!"

Then with a single emergency klaxon the outer hatch hisses open and all the occupants are likely either forced out by pressure/inertia or jump out to find themselves about 10-15 feet above the ground nad landing in an area awash in blood as its clear the Aisgeim blasted the area a moment ago to give the Companions a moment before battle occurs.  All around them are scored of heavily armored Shaiton, pitch black armor, lined with purple accents.  The enemy forces show no hesitation as they turn their assorted melee weapons against the sudden arriving group of attackers.

Jharm wastes no time as the hatch slips open, taking to the air before descending down to almost collide into the enemy forces.  His sledgehammer crushing the nearest Shaiton as if the armor was nothing, a shield of light shimmering on his other arm to block an incoming sword as a brilliant beam of light erupts around him, burning the surrounding Shaiton as he begins to work his way closer to the front of the fort, roughly 20-30 feet away or so.

"For the Light!"

Meanwhile the moment the Companions "disembarked" the Aisgeim rocketed upwards and out of range of the large crystals.  Back on the command deck the temperature rises once more as Vee seems to "thaw" out and lets out a heavy breath.

"Well now, time for me to join them."

She looks up affectionately towards the ceiling.

"You keep yourself out of harms way now, Who knows how accurate those Ork weapons are, not sure I'd trust them not to accidentally hit you or something."

The voice from earlier resonates from the speakers.

"Very well, do be safe down there."

She simply smiles and makes her way down to the cargo hold and to the back airlock where the others were a few moments ago.  Stepping inside, her eyes glow for a moment before metal plates start to slide up from her chest armor under her coat, moving upwards and covering her head.  A few seconds later another single klaxon sounds and the outer hatch hisses open.  Moving to the edge she gazes down at the battlefield a distance down as she slips the two revolvers from their holsters.

"And here we go...I swear this is reminding more of home then I'd like..."

She then swan dives out of the Aisgeim and starts rapidly descending downwards.  Gesture with her one gun-wielding hand a large chunk of ice manifests under her feet and she shifts, looking almost as if she is riding the frozen projectile downwards.  As the ground draws closer and closer she suddenly leaps off the ice and disappears into a shadowy portal, a similar portal appearing closer to the ground, only a few feet above the Shaiton forces and in close proximity to the other Companions.  She effortlessly seems to land on a Shaitons helmet, balancing perfectly before kicking off into a backflip as both the ice projectile crashes into the ground, instantly freezing those directly under it and piercing the surrounding area with razor sharp shards of ice.  As she is flipping through the air her revolvers bellow to life, the booms one could almost mistake for the sound of an Orkish weapon.  The woman begins to shift and move about, her arms twisting and turning so that any motion leads to one or both of her gun barrels blasting into an enemy in what could almost be described as a dance of death.

Board Battles / Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
« Last post by Shadow Chorus on April 02, 2023, 01:19:55 AM »
Gulgrim followed along behind the rest of the Companions and boarded the Aisgeim with the rest, but the entire time he seemed to be communicating with his ships in Orbit via a mechanical screen that seemed to emerge from the side of his Cybork arm, establishing some form of hololith connection with his vessels far above. As the others made their plans and preparations, Gulgrim commanded his battleforce with the care of an experienced general; though his orders, barked shortly in Ork jargon to various Nobs and sub-bosses under his command, largely amounted individually to 'Go dere an' krump it' or 'hold 'ere an' kill anyfin' dat shows up.', taken in aggregate the Warlord was marshaling his forces at an incredibly fine level, commanding groups of Orks as broad as whole warbands or as narrowly as individual mobs of boyz depending on the situation's needs.

Overhead, the screeching engines of Ork ships could be heard descending into the atmosphere, tailed by the roaring blaze of several Roks careening straight for the front lines to crash cataclysmically to the earth, disgorging hordes of Boyz to prep for the coming engagement.

After the bulk of commands had been issued, Gulgrim brought up one final hololith, and the face of a particularly veteran Ork, his face covered in scars and with a massive, wild-looking hair squig tied back into a great orange tail adorning his head, appeared before him. This boss was decked in furs and bones, skull-shaped pauldrons jutting with massive beast horns, a targeting squig standing on his shoulder linked into a big shoota, allowing the Ork to wield a massive choppa in one hand and an enormous klaw built from the skull of a massive feline beast on his other fist. This Beastboss looked to be of impressive size, though perhaps not as large as Gulgrim typically presented himself. "Varoz da Squiggoff 'ere ta krump for ya Boss." the Ork greeted, saluting with his beast klaw.

"Varog, you'z an' yer Beast Snaggas got da important job dis fight. Load up on yer' Squighogs; you'z runnin' interference fer our attack. When da rest o' da boyz get stuck in on da front lines, you an yer' ladz are gonna punch on through ta hold up an' 'arass anyone 'round da fortress we'z gonna be smashin'. Plenty o' trophies ta take, so get yer ladz gud and ready fer krumpin'."

The Beastboss grinned viciously, the targeting squig on his shoulder hopping about in excitement. "You'z got it boss. Me boyz'll be 'dere ta smash up da uvver lads reel gud."

Gulgrim nodded and cut the connection, looking up at the rest finally. "Everyfin's in order. Got some o' me best ladz ready ta run interference on our target ta help ease up our assault. Ded tuff dey are. Dey'll hold up da enemy just right."
Board Battles / Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
« Last post by Fallen Templar on March 24, 2023, 06:23:25 PM »
Much like the Seraphs, Phaerys was briefly caught off guard when Gulgrim's subordinate materialised out of thin air in a remarkably ungainly fashion. What information on the Warboss that Soul Reaver and Kitharsis had provided the Ataran during their travels together had made for an... interesting picture.

With everyone about as ready as they could be, it was time for them to depart. The Aisgeim looked to be a worthy craft for carrying them into battle intact. Had it not been such an improper time, Phaerys would have had more than a few questions for Veldanya about her ship. Of course, he knew better than to distract their pilot mid-flight.

Along the way, the Aisgeim would touch down to allow Soul Reaver to summon reinforcements from Inferno. Cruel, cunning, and utterly terrifying to the eyes of mortals. They were certainly powerful, the Ataran had no concerns about that. Rather, could they be expected to enact their part of the plan without slipping the leash?

Once Soul Reaver returned inside the ship to speak with its pilot, Phaerys followed close behind, with the intention to also offer a suggestion of his own for when the battle would be joined.

"Veldanya, if this vessel has a suitable vantage, I may be able to assist in surface bombardment prior to the assault. I believe it would increase our odds of successfully securing a foothold."
Board Battles / Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
« Last post by Kitharsis on March 10, 2023, 11:06:58 AM »
The Ork always did things unconventionally, and summoning his troops is no exception.  The Stormboy makes quite the entrance, alerting the Seraphs into an apprehensive reach for their weapons.  After a display of Orky decorum it appears that Gulgrim and his troops are ready for battle.

Kitharsis drops another charged rune in the pouch at his waist.

Vee's ship is impressive, and larger than Kitharsis first expected.  Although, ceilings are always too short, and Kitharsis ducks his way through on the way to the bridge.  He grabs onto one of the hand holds in the ceiling as the ship takes off.

Soul Reaver summons his Daemons, impressive as they are.  He is glad they are under Soul Reaver's control.  And yet he can see as they chafe at their bonds. 

The next runestone Kitharsis infuses is given some extra attention as he glances up at the black smoke collecting at the ceiling.
Board Battles / Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
« Last post by Soul Reaver on March 01, 2023, 04:05:03 PM »
Soul Reaver nods, then proceeds down the ramp.  Even here, he can sense the influence of the Warp Seal generated by the distant crystals.

He had spent the journey thinking about what forces might be most effective in the coming battle.  Creatures that wielded shadow, darkness and poison would not be the best choices - he would instead rely on flexibility and raw physical power.

Standing amongst the white and gold landscape, he closes his eyes, takes a deep breath and exhales slowly.  Focused, he begins to gesture and speak the words of the spell that will call upon his chosen forces.

Space distorts inward and then tears open, red wisps of Warp energy licking around the edges of the newly-born Warp Gate.  A few moments pass before three hulking figures step from the opening.  To the left, the blazing form of a Fire Daemon, its massive axe wreathed in flames.  To the right, reflecting the flickering inferno, the metallic form of a Steelheart, wielding a two-handed mace the size of a full-grown human.  And at the forefront, his ashen brow framed with twin pairs of horns, a darkly majestic Shadowlord: a Daemon Prince.

Behind the three Greater Daemons, a small entourage of spiked Cruelbeasts and a couple of fat, waddling Daemonspawn emerge.

With a forced, fang-filled grin and glowing red eyes burning with barely-restrained malice, the towering Shadowlord gives a small bow toward Soul Reaver.

"We have come, as summoned, ready to serve."

The Warp Gate snaps shut and Soul Reaver looks over the squad.  On the journey here Soul Reaver had formulated a plan that would allow him to keep these troops close right up until they were in the midst of the enemy territory, where they could be more safely unleashed.

"Follow my lead, Blightwing."

Soul Reaver performs a different set of gestures, and the Shadowlord, Blightwing, contributes with casting of his own.  Suddenly, the entire group of Daemons dissolves into huge plumes of black smoke.

Soul Reaver strides back onto the Aisgeim.

"Vee, you will need to register several more passengers.  It would be safest if they stay here with me for now.  When we are ready to begin the battle, they can be released - air-dropped or otherwise."

Behind Soul Reaver, the qualms of smoke move with a will of their own, organically pulsing, writhing and flowing through the air until they form a roiling black cloud at the back of the ship.

Soul Reaver seats himself once more, staring straight forward and with jaw clenched.  Small beads of sweat can be seen on his forehead.

He did not summon Blightwing lightly - keeping it close would make it easier to maintain his grip over the creature.  But even so, summoning and controlling so many powerful Daemons as well as maintaining a mass Discorporate spell was proving taxing.  It would get easier once the Daemons' natural desire for destruction could be given more free reign.
Board Battles / Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
« Last post by Veldanya Venalla on February 25, 2023, 12:18:49 PM »
The Seraphim watches as the Ork Warboss starts shooting green lightning about and then another Ork manifests and gets choke slammed by Gulgrim.  The Seraphs around the room look between the scene and their leader with a mixture of confusion and concern, a few reaching towards their weapons before Jharm gives a slight shake of his head.  Turning to Soul Reaver he nods.

"Unfortunately as you can see as was the case with Gulgrim, those crystals have far reaching effect, and the closer we get the stronger the effect.  Best option would be having Vee land us a few miles outside of the city and some of my people and myself can provide assistance to temporarily pierce the barrier."

Turning back to the table he gestures a short distance away from the first fort.

"At present this is the rough position of the front lines.  Your people will have little trouble in spotting it Gulgrim, especially from their ships.  As for us, there is a large enough platform just down the hall that Vee can land her vessel on and we can depart from there, stop off to summon in your forces Soul, and then make for the front lines and the fort while my people and Gulgrims Orks can push forward."

Once everyone is prepared he leads them out of the room.  Two armored Seraphs stand at attention outside the door and salute the Seraphim as he passes, their gaze following each of the Companions as they pass.  Further down the hallway Jharm walks through a set of double doors that lead out onto a large square platform, giving the Companions a clear view of the city.  Sunlight shimmers off pure white walls seemingly made of some sort of stone, tall spires reaching up high into the heavens.  Should anyone approach the far edge they would see what looks like a large circular pool that seems to be filled with what could loosely be described as bright glowing water, massive power radiating from the pool.  As Vee arrives on the platform her eyes seem to glow slightly for a moment as she seems to tap at the air in front of her before her eyes return to normal.  A few moments later the roar of twin engines can be heard from above as a ship descends and settles onto the platform, a ramp lowering from the belly of the vessel.  She looks to the Companions and gestures at the ship.

"I present the Aisgeim, she was once one of the crowning achievements for my people."

Without waiting further, she makes for the ramp and heads up inside.  Upon entering the Companions see a large cargo hold, stairs leading up to parts of the ship.

"The bridge is up this way, follow me, mind your heads and shoulders though, she naturally wasn't designed for some larger figures present."

She chuckles and heads up the one set of stairs, taking a final puff of her cigarette and letting it drop to the floor.  Passing various doors she eventually passes through one at the end of a hallway as they reach the bridge.  The viewport giving another impressive view of the city.  Numerous screens and consoles are situated on the walls aroudn the room, with two large consoles set up so those seated at them are facing out the viewport, clearly pilot stations.  Slipping into one the chairs a soft hum can be heard from speakers somewhere in the room

"Welcome back my....Vee.  The Aisgeim is fully prepared to depart, the crystal is at full charge and wards are in place.  New occupants have been added to approved passanger list."

Vee seems to ever so briefly glance up towards the ceiling before she gestures as some of the chairs situated around the room in front of other consoles, their size clearly intended for a more regular sized humanoid shape.

"Feel free to have a seat, though I believe some may be a bit out of luck.  Should you wish to stand, there are some hand holds in the ceiling you can make use of if and when things get bumpy."

Once she is certain all the Companions are on board and situated she starts to press some buttons and flips a few switches.

"Entry ramp retracted and cargo bay sealed."

The slightly muffled roar of the twin engines spinning up can be heard before a moment later the Aisgeim starts to ascend and spins around before the engines roar loudly and the ship takes off, the Seraph city turning to a blur beneath it.  A few minutes later the Aisgeim starts to slow and descend before it lands.  Jharm gestures out the viewport.

"This is as close as we can get and still have a reasonable chance to manifest that portal you will need Soul Reaver.  Lower the ramp Vee, this shouldn't take long I hope."

He heads back downstairs and down the ramp.  Those who follow will see land of mixtures white rocks and dirt and golden grass, a forest nearby of thick white trees with golden leaves.  A group of Seraphs approach, their attire similar to the ones who assisted Gulgrim with bringing his forces in.  He gestures at them as he looks at Soul Reaver. 

"Here they are, we are ready when you are Soul."

Board Battle OOC Threads / Re: The Three-Edged Sword: OOC Thread
« Last post by Veldanya Venalla on February 01, 2023, 11:07:27 AM »
Planning to get a post up at some point friday, i have the day off so other then dealing with car inspection ill be free.  Aiming to have next post shift right into some fighting but will have a period inner-post where Soul you can summon your “troops” but figure eveyone is tired of chit-chatting so time for some smashin
Board Battles / Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
« Last post by Shadow Chorus on January 25, 2023, 01:18:18 PM »
A crack of Green lightning blasts its way from Gulgrim's outstretched arm and Copper rod, vanishing through any material in its way as it shoots into the sky. A moment later, nothing much appeared to have changed, with the majority of the ships conjured existing too far away from the ground to be easily visible. Another moment later, and the sound of jet engines burning through the sky could be heard as the ramshackle shape of a massive Blitza-Bomma began to descend. As it circled overhead, a second Jet sound could be heard, growing louder as if careening directly towards the companions.

"Zoggin' idiot's gonna run 'imself inta da roof." Gulgrim muttered to himself, pointing his Copper rod toward the noise and unleashing another bolt of green lightning. A moment later, a flash blinks out as an Ork with a rokkit pack strapped to his back appeared through the roof, still keeping his crashing momentum as he sped toward the ground. In a smooth movement, the copper rod retreated into Gulgrim's Cybork arm and the same arm swept up, grasping the descending Ork by the throat. The Stormboy's pack guttered and faltered as it tried to fight against the Avatar of Gork and Mork's iron grip, and the Ork in question gagged as his windwipe was compressed by unfeeling metal fingers. Slamming the Ork into the ground with a bellow of "Report ya Zogwit!" the rokkit pack finally cut out, the planted Ork coughing and sputtering as his neck is released, but a moment later, still supine on the ground, he brought a hand up to his head in a sketchy salute.

"Stormboy Naff Gitkrumpa reportin' sir!" The Stormboy spat out a toof, catching it in his free hand as it fell, and scrambled his way to his feet. "WAAAGH!!! Gulgrim's Battlefleet Goff-ic arrived like you wanted. All ships operashunal, we'z ready fer da fight!"

The Warboss crossed his arms and looked over his shoulder at the rest of the Companions. "Well, me boyz are prepped fer combat. Not dat dat's 'ard, considerin' we'z Orkz. Show me da battle-lines, an' I'll get 'em deployed."
Board Battles / Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
« Last post by Kitharsis on January 25, 2023, 09:16:35 AM »
"A wasteland," Kitharsis says solemnly.  He looks at his friend the Seraphim.  Kitharsis always considered Jharm so devout and disciplined, having no idea his home was constantly battered by an endless war.  Such circumstances would make a hardened man, or crush him.  He wonders if anyone remembers what this land was like before the forces of Darkness and Light went to war.  He mourns for the life that Jharm may have had under different circumstances. 

"I hope, once this is resolved, that your world can thrive once again."

With renewed vigor, Kitharsis begins digging into the many pouches at his belt.  He retrieves some blank rune stones with nothing carved on their rough surfaces.  Holding the pile of stones in one hand, he delicately picks one up in the other.

"It would do no good to crowd Veldanya's ship.  I will prepare for some of my friends to join us with these rune stones."

The blank rune stone in his hand begins to glow as Kitharsis imparts some of his power into it.  A symbol traces itself onto the surface of the stone.  Satisfied, Kitharsis drops it into an empty pouch at his hip then plucks another rune stone from the pile in his other hand.

"I can do this as we travel.  I am ready to depart."
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