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Author Topic: Official Administorum Star Wars: The Old Republic Guild  (Read 86223 times)

Offline Veldanya Venalla

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Re: Official Administorum Star Wars: The Old Republic Guild
« Reply #100 on: October 25, 2011, 10:22:50 PM »
Hey... hey!!!

Quit rubbin your beta in my face you!  *Shakes fist*

That's great that you got in.  Was it a beta weekend or are you testing for a while?

Is everyone else still on board for this?

I hears WoW is introducing Kung Fu Pandas...

well Fei technically was the one who got in, they recently (as in this previous weekend) took the beta offline to put in the next build (no idea when that will be) so maybe more people will get invited for next build.  I honestly hope everyone is still in, im totally pumped about an Administorum guild (hopefully it lasts longer then LOTRO's did lol).

Yeah i've been reading up on Mist of Pandaria....looks pretty interesting but SWTOR just looks too amazing to pass up.
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Offline Veldanya Venalla

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Re: Official Administorum Star Wars: The Old Republic Guild
« Reply #101 on: November 07, 2011, 01:14:46 PM »
So got a jedi guardian, trooper vanguard and smuggler gunslinfer on beta right now.  Cant decide between guard or van for my tank toon.  Gunslinger is cool but I miss my scoundrels stealth belt and the satisfying BOOM from his backshot attack (pulls out aa shotgun and unloads it into the targets back).  Also looks like the final stages of the pre-release guold creation is occuring and sounds like ours is all set to go
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Offline Veldanya Venalla

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Re: Official Administorum Star Wars: The Old Republic Guild
« Reply #102 on: November 09, 2011, 01:49:02 PM »
Yeah thinkin my tanks gonna be guardian.  Liking the knights resource system better and T7 (your first compaion, an r2d2 type droid) is just plain awesome and hilarious.
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Re: Official Administorum Star Wars: The Old Republic Guild
« Reply #103 on: November 10, 2011, 08:35:54 PM »
As a man who has yet to try it out or show interest in the game, how would you compare its features to other MMOs?  Solo play, end game, PvP, leveling and whatnot...?

Offline Veldanya Venalla

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Re: Official Administorum Star Wars: The Old Republic Guild
« Reply #104 on: November 11, 2011, 12:49:48 AM »
ok ill put it simply....SWTOR plays kind of like a single-player game.  What i mean by this is that the story, conversations etc are all "geared" to your character and advancing a storyline.  There are still of course plenty of group options with group quests being referred to as Heroics 2+ (i.e. you should have at least one other person with you before attempting the quest, the mobs are higher difficulty then your average mob) as well as flashpoints (aka dungeons) and operations (aka raids).  Leveling has you go from 1-10 on a starting world (exact world depends on what class you choose) as the "original class (i.e. smuggler, trooper, jedi knight/consular for republic).  Once you hit lvl 10 and travel to the next area (for republic this would be Carrick Station) you will run into an NPC that will direct you to your class trainer where you will get to choose your advance class (smuggler can either be scoundrel (close combat dps/healer) or gunslinger (ranged dps/mid-range dps).  I can't really tell you anything about PvP (i am not a big fan of PvP in general).

Compared to other MMO's well, the only other one I have played extensively is WoW.  In WoW you feel like a nobody when you start out, but SWTOR makes you feel like a badass right from the start.  I am looking at actually cancelling my WoW subscription and going with SWTOR, which anyone who knows me can tell you says something for SWTOR cause ive been an avid WoW fan since its release 7 years ago...
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Offline Veldanya Venalla

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Re: Official Administorum Star Wars: The Old Republic Guild
« Reply #105 on: November 21, 2011, 08:38:59 PM »
well its official....Bioware has begun sending out notifications inviting people to the upcoming beta test weekend!  If you signed up for testing before 11/11/11 I believe you are guaranteed to get invited.  Big thing to note though is a very simple but easily missed (aka lots of people will bitch about it) is that this weekend is pretty much a server stress test...bioware is literally inviting pretty much everyone they can so swarms of people can slam the servers as hard as possible so that hopefully come 12/20 they will have everything ironed out and issues will be minimal. 

What this means is not expect to get any real quality game time in between probable server issues and just a crap ton of new characters everywhere.  With that being said I hope to see at least some of you on, I myself will more then likely not be on until 7pm EST saturday due to work.  When/if you get in try to make a republic character on Cosmic Turbine, thats the server I have been utilizing to test on via friends "regular beta" account.  If it gets real nasty we can always try to swap over to a less busy (even though such a thing wont prolly exist) server and get some Administorum grouping going on.
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Re: Official Administorum Star Wars: The Old Republic Guild
« Reply #106 on: November 21, 2011, 10:03:12 PM »
Of COURSE they have to do this on a weekend, which really doesn't help me. I have the next 4 days off but work Saturday and Sunday. Oh well. :(

I'll do what I can to try and be on sometime during the weekend. No guarantees when.

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Re: Official Administorum Star Wars: The Old Republic Guild
« Reply #107 on: November 22, 2011, 02:01:09 PM »
Those of you participating in this beta weekend need to do two things ASAP.

1: As Jharm said, CHECK YOUR EMAIL. As soon as you get the email with the invite, click the respond now link immediately. They're letting us in based on when we responded, so do it ASAP for earlier access.

2: Go to the website and DOWNLOAD THE CLIENT. Do it NOW before the weekend starts and the servers get jammed. The client is massive and takes a very long time to update, so get a jump on it now so you aren't stuck waiting for it when the beta kicks off.

Sorry I haven't been active much in here. I'm the Guild Leader but I've kinda been leaving it to Jharm to keep everyone up to date. Still really psyched about playing with all of you!

Offline Veldanya Venalla

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Re: Official Administorum Star Wars: The Old Republic Guild
« Reply #108 on: November 22, 2011, 03:01:16 PM »
Those of you participating in this beta weekend need to do two things ASAP.

1: As Jharm said, CHECK YOUR EMAIL. As soon as you get the email with the invite, click the respond now link immediately. They're letting us in based on when we responded, so do it ASAP for earlier access.

2: Go to the website and DOWNLOAD THE CLIENT. Do it NOW before the weekend starts and the servers get jammed. The client is massive and takes a very long time to update, so get a jump on it now so you aren't stuck waiting for it when the beta kicks off.

Sorry I haven't been active much in here. I'm the Guild Leader but I've kinda been leaving it to Jharm to keep everyone up to date. Still really psyched about playing with all of you!

When he says massive he isnt joking....20 gigs...thats about how much space the game currently takes (interesting point...WoW is a lil under 20gigs total after 3 expansions...)

Eh no problems Clutch...its a lil easier for me as well what with me having access to the "regular" beta and thus seeing the messages on the launcher and such.  I was thinking though, for the weekend test we might want to go with Empire characters so then people dont have to worry about spoiling the class storyline for the class they are planning on playing at release (the class playstyles and such are mirrored so if you want to be a consular you would go with inquisitor, trooper would be bounty hunter, jedi knight=sith warrior, and smuggler=agent).  The only difference I have seen between the respective mirrors is that trooper works off ammo (starts at full and drops down to empty as you use abilities) while BH uses heat (starts at 0 and builds) so slightly different there but everyone else is the same.
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Offline Veldanya Venalla

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Re: Official Administorum Star Wars: The Old Republic Guild
« Reply #109 on: November 25, 2011, 07:02:31 PM »
well...the final SWTOR beta weekend kicked off today.

1.  As of the time of this post (6:59pm EST) of the ~25 servers they have online 23 are listed as FULL (aka queues are in place) 1 is listed as Heavy and one is offline.
2.  Any of you planning on playing for the beta ill be on Cosmic Turbine so try for joining that server :)

if you dont feel like dealing w/ the possibly massive queues and swarms of people running around (prolly a large number just being idiots) feel free to post any questions you got here and ill try to answer em for ya :)
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Offline Cameron

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Re: Official Administorum Star Wars: The Old Republic Guild
« Reply #110 on: November 25, 2011, 07:08:03 PM »
I don't get access till tomorrow, so I won't be online till then.

Offline Kitharsis

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Re: Official Administorum Star Wars: The Old Republic Guild
« Reply #111 on: November 27, 2011, 03:12:25 PM »
Apparently my house wasn't in a valid region to be able to play yesterday.

So without being able to login I couldn't patch. It's downloading now but I have a feeling it's going to take alllll frickin day.

Ugh, at least I can play me some Skyrim in the meantime.

How is everyone's beta?

Offline Cameron

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Re: Official Administorum Star Wars: The Old Republic Guild
« Reply #112 on: November 27, 2011, 07:02:39 PM »
Apparently my house wasn't in a valid region to be able to play yesterday.

So without being able to login I couldn't patch. It's downloading now but I have a feeling it's going to take alllll frickin day.

Ugh, at least I can play me some Skyrim in the meantime.

How is everyone's beta?

Great so far! If you manage to get in, we all have Republic characters on Cosmic Turbine. My character's name is Aileron.

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Re: Official Administorum Star Wars: The Old Republic Guild
« Reply #113 on: November 28, 2011, 02:48:27 PM »
I'm actually in the beta as well. Don't know whether I'll be able to support the monthly payment when it comes out though. I was on Darth Bandon but I think I'll move over to Cosmic Turbine

Offline Cameron

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Re: Official Administorum Star Wars: The Old Republic Guild
« Reply #114 on: November 28, 2011, 04:07:49 PM »
Just a heads up to any of you who are still on the fence about joining the guild. The Pre-Launch Guild Program ends on December 2nd. You have until then to register for the guild. If you haven't registered by then, you won't be able to join the guild until after the game launches on the 20th. This may affect your ability to join the guild during the early access period, so keep that in mind if you've already pre-ordered.

Offline Veldanya Venalla

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Re: Official Administorum Star Wars: The Old Republic Guild
« Reply #115 on: November 28, 2011, 06:35:08 PM »
Apparently my house wasn't in a valid region to be able to play yesterday.

So without being able to login I couldn't patch. It's downloading now but I have a feeling it's going to take alllll frickin day.

Ugh, at least I can play me some Skyrim in the meantime.

How is everyone's beta?

absolutely awesome.  On a side note...I HIGHLY SUGGEST that everyone makes sure they log into their account on and make sure they have changed their password and put in security questions.  If you dont do this before launch you could face delays on trying to log in because they are pretty tough in regards to account security and to log into the launcher on a "new" computer you have to answer one of your security questions and im sure at launch will probably be slow as hell.
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Offline Kitharsis

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Re: Official Administorum Star Wars: The Old Republic Guild
« Reply #116 on: November 28, 2011, 08:23:53 PM »
Glad to see everyone is in and having fun! I got it downloaded overnight and had the day to play it.

The Jedi Knight class just wasn't doing it for me. The trooper is lots of fun though!

I made a bounty hunter that I like the most actually. I know it's just the imperial trooper and all but I really like the character model and the dialogue is just fun.

Nothing funnier than the fat character model using his jet pack to do a rocket punch haha.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2011, 11:12:47 AM by Kitharsis »

Offline Veldanya Venalla

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Re: Official Administorum Star Wars: The Old Republic Guild
« Reply #117 on: November 29, 2011, 11:51:06 AM »
Interesting bit of news I found off SWTOR FB page...ill copy/paste it here:

Stephen Reid confirmed via Twitter that the Star Wars: The Old Republic testers from the Thanksgiving Beta Weekend will be able to be patch their game client for Early Game Access and Release. As such, players should keep their game installation in tact on their computers. For players who tested the game prior to November 25th, however, Mr. Reid recommends a clean installation of the game client.

Read on for the direct quotes from Stephen Reid.

Stephen Reid
FAQ: if you played this weekend you do NOT need to uninstall the #SWTOR client. We are planning to patch it to Early Game Access / Live.

Stephen Reid
If you played before this weekend we will recommend a reinstall just to clean up, but otherwise no.
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Offline Veldanya Venalla

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Re: Official Administorum Star Wars: The Old Republic Guild
« Reply #118 on: November 29, 2011, 11:56:47 AM »
also of note according to Stephen Reid this was the last beta test weekend (well techinically he stated no more are planned but yeah...)
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Offline Veldanya Venalla

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My "reviews" for SWTOR classes I have played
« Reply #119 on: November 29, 2011, 10:08:45 PM »
So got to thinking tonight nad decided im gonna try to put up some info on the adv classes i have experienced so far.  I will not be posting anything in regards to class quests or any of that so do not worry about spoilers.  I will probably be using some comparisons to WoW simply to help with descriptions.

Jedi Knight -> Jedi Guardian (also Sith Warrior -> Sith Juggernaut):
Ok, so I have managed to get a Jedi Guardian (advanced class for Jedi Knight, can do dps or tank roles) to lvl 18 so far.  The Jedi Guardian uses 1 "standard" lightsaber as their weapon.  Their resource system works something similar in a way to a WoW rogue's combo point system.  What I mean by this is that you have a "free" (doesnt cost any resource to use) attack that when you use it it generates 2 resource (focus for Jedi, rage for Sith).  You can build up to like 15 resource and afte exiting combat it will slowly fade away.  Your abilities cost anywhere from 1 to 4 (dont think i saw any costing more then 4) resource to use.  At lvl 14 you get your official tanking abilities (a lightsaber form that increases threat gen, reduces damage taken, and increases shield chance).   The Guardian also utilizes Heavy Armor as well. Between the 4 tank characters (though sith juggernaut plays just like guardian so yeah) i have tested so far (guardian, trooper vanguard, BH powertech) the guardian allows for the more button spam then the others.

Trooper -> Vanguard
I only got a Vanguard to lvl 12 before a bug occured after a new build release that prevented me from being able to log into him and thus I deleted him.  The biggest differences between the Vanguard and the Guardian are that a) the vangaurd uses blaster rifles b) the Vanguard allows for range tanking whereas the Guardian is all melee and c) the Vanguard utilizes Ammo as their resource.  A vanguard (well trooper in general really) starts at full ammo (i think something around 15ish) and each attack (except for their "free" one they start out with) costs  1-4 ammo.  Ammo slowly refills depending on how much ammo you currently have (this means if you are 3/4 full it recharges faster then if you completely empty out your resource bar, so you need to make sure to use your free attack to keep ammo from getting too low).  The Vanguard works off using grenades, and plasma/ion attacks to damage enemies.  They also receive their tanking stuff (special ammo loadout called Ion Cell) at lvl 14.

Bounty Hunter -> Powertech
Ok technically the Powertech and Vanguard mirror each other but there is one slight "difference" they have that made me decide to split them up.  While the trooper/Vanguard starts at full Ammo, the BH/Powertech starts at 0 heat.  As you utilize a BH's attacks they generate X amount of heat and once you get too much you can't use any of your abilities (cept for your free attack).  A thing to note is that both the BH and trooper get a special ability to quickly generate (or remove for BH's) some resource quickly but it has a 2 minute CD.  Other then the slight difference (at least as i see it) in resource the BH and vanguard play the same.

Smuggler -> Scoundrel (dps/heals)
So, as of this post I have now created 5-6 smugglers during testing, 3 have been scoundrels, that tells you how much i enjoy the class lol.  The Scoundrel is a close-midrange fighter that utilizes a stealth belt to help him/her get into close quarters easier and allowing them to perform special attacks utilizing their scattergun (aka shotgun).  The Smuggler uses Energy as a resource (works just like Energy for rogues in WoW except the less energy you have the slower it regens).  Early on the Scoundrel gets an ability called Pugnacity which when used consumes a stack of Upper Hand (achieved by using Blaster Whip or killing an enemy) to allow for faster energy regen, but Upper Hand itself provide a damage/healing boost.  This creates a fun (to me at least) point where you try to maintain at least one stack of Upper Hand for the dmg boost and utilize Pugnacity and your free attack to keep your energy regen high. 
           Out of all the characters I have made the Scoundrel by far has some of worst (from the viewpoint of their enemy) attacks in the game :).  First the Smuggler in general gets Dirty Kick which literally has your character kick the target in the junk...accompanied by a very satisfying and loud *crunch* sound effect causing the target to also double over in pain for a few seconds.  The Scoundrel then gets Back Shot which literally has your character pull out their scattergun and fire it into the back of the enemy...also accompanied by a very loud and satisfying BOOM (even more satisfying when it follows a dirty kick and you defeat the enemy and they go spinning through the air).
     I didnt really test out the healing aspect of the Scoundrel too much.  My first scoundrel I went healer and it wasnt bad but I have never really healed in any MMO so it was quite challenging for me.  The rest of my scoundrels I went the DPS route and would toss out heals when people needed em.

Smuggler -> Gunslinger (Pure dps)
So out of all the classes I have played so far the Gunslinger is the only pure dps class I played.  Of course this means all 3 skill trees available to the Gunslinger focus on DPS, but Bioware made all 3 different. One skill tree focuses on their blaster pistols (Gunslingers get Dual Wield right at lvl 10) for long range fighting from cover (most of their attacks require cover) , the 2nd tree is more midrange focusing on use of grenades and other explosives, which the final tree (which is also available to Scoundrels I should mention) which focuses on Damage over Time attacks.  My Gunslinger went the long-range route but I didnt get him very high lvl (i think like lvl 13) before he also got hit by the unplayable bug and I had to delete him.  In the time I played him though I found him fun, but I prefered the close range combat that the Scoundrel provides.

So thats all the classes I have played and at least a lil bit of info on them.  I did make a Consular and Inquisitor characters but didnt get very far with either...didnt even hit advanced class level, so don't feel like I can really give much info on them at all.
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