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The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War

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The markets of Dinlete were a wonder.  He was already feeling like a babe in the woods after The Separation.  Add in the coalescence of the multiverse in one marketplace, and the result was a nearly overwhelmed Kitharsis.  But it wasn't before long that he found a well fitting belt adorned with as many pouches as he could ever want. 

Another merchant was selling blank rune stones near identical to the ones he fashioned on his home world.  Trinkets, artifacts, even jelly candy soon lined the many pouches at his belt.

Last but not least, a tailor was able to fashion a sturdy cloak that actually fit.  He was in debt to Soul Reaver's coin.  A debt he was able to pay off quite rapidly.

On top of Soul Reaver's generosity, Phaerys followed through with his offer to construct him some equipment.  Kitharsis humbly requested a sword, and a set of light armor.  Phaerys responded by creating two marvels far surpassing anything Kitharsis was expecting. 

The sword was constructed from a bronze colored alloy, impeccably balanced.  It wasn't embellished, like a gaudy show piece.  But built like a proper weapon.  Its appearance hid a mechanism that heated to blade to molten temperatures, cauterizing and searing whatever it sliced through.  But only during a swing.

The armor was light, durable, and extremely heat resistant, mimicking Phaerys's own equipment.  Lightweight plates of bronze allow sit atop a black mesh underneath.  The combination of the two materials gave the perfect amount of protection, while still allowing freedom of movement.  Kitharsis dons it with pride, and is quite careful to not damage it.  If he can avoid it.

It may have been a simple gesture for Phaerys but it meant a great deal to Kitharsis, and he hopes to repay his new friend in kind some day.

The markets were but a prelude to the journey that Soul Reaver would soon take them on.  He was tested and tried, learning to cope without being attached to The Source, evil as it was.  He leaned heavily on the equipment he was able to procure at the markets.  Combined with his desert elemental powers, he was able to keep up with the others.  But not quite at his previous level.

His particular favorite destination was a lucky stop on an entire desert world, dotted with oasis's supporting the peoples living on it.  The entire planet would have heeded his call.  The conflict was resolved rather quickly, considering Kitharsis's involvement.

Oh but he could have stayed there and sunk into the sands and never returned.  It was invigorating, and he felt no guilt when he stalled their departure for a number of days while he communed with the desert.  Bolstering his strength and peace of mind. 

It was there that he discovered the power still within him.  Meters below the ground, enveloped in sand, Kitharsis found himself resonating with the desert like never before.  He felt invigorated, as a power flowed through his body.  Initially he believed it was the desert itself lending him its power.  But he found it radiating from within himself.  Indeed, the "spark" that he used to purify the darkness within him as a Tirthandara was still present.  Yet it was clearly no mere spark, but a mighty power of his own.  Having strained against the darkness for so long, it had grown into a substantial force in its own right. 

It was a welcome reunion.  He regained his full strength quickly, and was soon wading through battle akin to his old self.

More travels, battles, negotiations, and diversions.  Soul Reaver was relentless in his search for those in need.  More than once, Kitharsis thought to travel home to consult with The Shaman.  If nothing else but for an excuse to rest for a moment.  Yet each new destination was pressing.  Always a need for assistance, or a wrong that needed corrected.  He could hardly turn his back on those in need.

This constant stream of needs lead them here, holding position on a strategic bridge.  Kitharsis's chest heaved as he caught his breath for a moment.  Three days and nights they have held fast, deflecting a relentless horde of heavily muscled brutes.  Each of the three defenders was stained with sticky, black blood from the creatures.

Kitharsis swipes upward with his sword, and three amplified sandstone blades swipe upwards along with it.  The brute is sliced into pieces with body parts falling on either side of Kitharsis.  Summoning the sandstone blades was the most strenuous part, if he could even consider it strenuous anymore.  Maintaining and manipulating them was as easy as thought.

He returns his sword to neutral guard, preparing for the next brute to throw itself at him.  The sandstone blades hover at either side of him.  Specks of sand sprinkle the ground below where Kitharsis stands, a constant signature of his powers.

A sudden message from a familiar voice in his head.

My friends, I have need of your assistance at once.  Darkness is returning and my people can not face it fully on their own.  Time is of the essence and there is much I must see to.  I can explain everything in full once you arrive if you so choose.  My people are prepared to open entryways for you should you choose to accept.

A quick glance to Soul Reaver and Phaerys reveals they too have received the message from Jharm.  Indeed, Soul Reaver replies for all of them to hear.

I will stand with you.

Kitharsis shares the sentiment.  Their promise to the kingdom fulfilled, nothing held them from leaving to assist Jharm.

I may need a bath first, but you have my aid as well.

He responds, for the others to hear as well.

Shadow Chorus:
Gulgrim was pulling the head off a Zoanthrope when he received Jharm's message. He stopped what he was doing and looked around to take in the sights, observing the carnage surrounding him as the angel made his request of the Warboss. Letting the Tyranid in his other hand flop limply to the ground, Gulgrim tossed the severed head of the creature over his shoulder as he turned around to face the Inquisitor Furael Faust and his Deathwatch retinue. He pulled Mork's Teef off his back and fired it blindly behind him into the horde of Tyranids as he spoke.

"Sorry ladz. I'd love ta stay an' keep krumpin' dese bugz wiv ya, but somefin' came up. Wot's dat fing you lot always sayin'? Duty calls? Somefin' like dat. Me boyz'll stick around a bit longer ta finish up dis scrap an' probly be along aftah me latah."

The Inquisitor raised an eyebrow at the Ork as he leveled his bolt pistol at a Tyranid warrior and laid it low with a hellfire round. "Really, Captain? Taking off before you've received your payment?" The Deathwatch space marines around him muttered something about not seeing the xenos filth off fast enough, but kept their focus on the Tyranid swarms around them.

"Yeah, sorry bout dat. Was really lookin' forward to da chance ta scrap wif yer best, too. But I'z been waitin' fer dis call fer a bit now. 'Sides, we'z both know ya didn' really wanna 'ave a go at me; ye'd just lose some o' yer boyz, an you 'umies can't afford ta spare 'em like we Orkz can." The warboss offered a sly grin and a wink with his biological eye, before he turned and shouted into the air "Alright ya sparkly git, open da way!"

Even while he waited for the angel to open his portal, he took a few last pot shots at oncoming swarms of creatures while his boys continued their mercenary action, reinforcing an Imperial Guard front against a Tyranid Hive Fleet at the employ of this Inquisitor who Gulgrim had worked with previously.

Veldanya Venalla:
The Seraphim stands firm in the large circular room, a handful of Seraphs positioned around the area in a circular pattern.  One after the other he received the responses from the Companions, each indicating that they would honor his call for assistance.  Extending his arms to the side his voice rings out loudly

"You each know your focus.  Let us bring them forth at once!"

The seraphs around the room nod and begin to channel spells.  A few moments later portals manifest in front of each of them.

Each Companion finds a portal manifest in front of them moments after expressing confirmation to the Seraphims request.  Upon entering the portal they would find themselves in a large circular room, occupied by a handful of angelic beings as well as Jharm.  He extends his arms out in a welcoming gesture briefly.

"Greetings my good friends.  I thank each of you for accepting my request for assistance.  That said, there is little time to waste."

That fast his demeanor changes from a jovial welcoming one to almost dour and concerned.  He gestures with his hands and from the center of the room the floor seems to separate and a rectangular pedestal rises up to about waist height.  Approaching the pedestal he beckons for his friends to approach.

"Greetings aside, there is little time to waste.  I have called for your aid to help and save not only my people but the entirety of this plane and perhaps universes beyond.  Should we fail here, I fear that the forces of Darkness will succeed in all of that."

He waves a gauntleted hand over the simple looking pedestal and suddenly a glowing image manifests.  It seems to show a large area of rolling hills, mountains and valleys in shimmering light.  Dotted amongst the terrain are large squares with two even larger squares located at either end of the display.

"Before you lays the general layout of the battlefield.  On one side the forces of Darkness reign supreme, and on the other we, the Seraphs, reside."

His hand shifts between pointing to the one side of the display and then over to the far end.

"To try and put everything very simply, the Darkness himself, the one responsible for creating the armies my people are right now fighting against, is returning.  A long time ago he was defeated by our Lady of Light but it cost her greatly and she vanished at the same time, seeming to escape from this plane with the intentino to return rejuvenated and ready.  That...has still not occured.  I had hoped while traveling with you all that I might happen upon where she had fled to but with no success.  As I mentioned before though, Darkness himself has managed to return.  This is a dangerous and concerning event.  Without the Lady of Light to strengthen and protect us, we alone would struggle to try and hold back Darkness and his armies.  Should he reach the Lightwell and corrupt it, we believe this entire plane would be lost and then nothing would be stopping Him from expanding beyond to other planes and universes, destroying all in His path.  Thus, I have called upon all of you to help us.  I believe with your might we can stand against Him and push him back for the time being."

As Jharm nears the end of his speech, from an area of shadow at the edge of the room, a tall slender woman seems to almost appear out of the darkness.  Her heels click softly over the stone flooring as she walks, her long dark coat rustling around her.  Her skin is almost a pure white color, at first glance one could almost think she was a Seraph if not for the fact that her eyes were normal looking, a deep blue color compared ot the glowing orbs of light that the Seraphs posses.  Her hair is pitch black and cut short and swept backwards.  Over her chest seems to be a metallic chestplate of sorts, much of it concealed by her long black leather coat.  Her legs clad in a simple pair of leather pants while a pair of thigh-high metallic boots cover her feet.  On her hips rest a pair of holsters, the butts of two guns visible within them though the coat hides much else beyond that.  Drawing closer to the table she smirks slightly, her gaze drifting over each of the Companions in turn.  Her lips, painted a dark shiny black color part after a moment.

"Well, so these are the Companions you spoke of then eh?"

She crosses her arms over her chest.

"Certainly an eccentric sort for sure, that greenskin one especially."

Jharm looks over his shoulder at the woman and gives a slight nod.

"Yes, these are them."

He turns his attention back to the others

"My friends, this is Veldanya Venalla.  I encountered her during our time apart and, like the rest of you, have found her abilities to be quite formidable and have thus called upon her assistance."

The woman smiles and gives a small curtsy.

"I suppose that is certainly one way to put it.

The Seraphim looks at the woman and seems to scowl slightly before turning his attention back to the glowing display on the pedestal.

"Anyways, back to the matter at hand.  What we are needing to do, and what I am needing all of your assistance with, is that we get from where we are now, to the, for lack of any other real designation, the Citadel of Darkness."

As he speaks he gestures at the one large square at the one end of the map and then at the second large square at the other end.

"This almost certainly sounds incredibly easy at first but trust me when I say it is far from it.  The entire area in between is a series of forts and defenses almost constantly fought over between the forces of Light and Darkness.  Then to actually gain access into th Citadel will almost certainly require the full force of Light to be present.  That means all of these forts in between must be claimed."

He gestures at 3 slightly smaller squares positioned throughout the middle of the shining landscape.

"While any sort of recon has been almost impossible for any beyond the first fort, we can almost certainly anticipate one of the leaders of Darkness' forces to be present either in or near it." 

He stands up, his expression dour.

"Basically we will be looking at a veritable slog as we must fight through enemy forces to each battlement, take them in turn before reaching the Citadel and then finally defeating Darkness itself.   This will give my people renewed time to either find our Lady of Light or for her to return on her own."

His gaze shifts between each of the companions as he speaks.

"I know this isnt quite the same as many of the situations we have involved ourselves in previously.  Trying to help save an oppressed people or defeat a clearly evil, malevolent force that we all know.  Darkness though IS such a force I promise you.  For ages now we have fought against it, and for the first time now I truly am unsure if we can succeed against it without your assistance.   I know I already basically asked it before, but now that you are more aware of what is at stake and is required, I ask again.  Will you stand with us?"

He then turns his gaze to Gulgrim before speaking further.

"Can I expect your...."boyz" to reliably fight alongside my people without gunning them down in the process?  Your peoples penchant for bloodshed can certainly be useful against the Darkness but I need your assurance it wont lead to slaughter of my own people when your troops get out of control.  If you can truly offer such guarantees then I ask that you call them in at once and...."

He hesitates for a moment as if he ponders about his following words.

"I give you full authorization to unleash your "Waagh", as you call it, upon our enemies."

Soul Reaver:
Soul Reaver steps from the portal.  He inclines his head and gives a thin smile to acknowledge Jharm's welcome, then listens carefully as Jharm outlines the situation and introduces Veldanya.

Responding to her curtsy, he gives a half-bow, keeping his eyes on her as he does so, his expression unreadable.

"Pleased to make your acquaintance, my lady."

He then continues to listen in attentive silence as Jharm covers the rest of the situation.  When Jharm is finished, he crosses his arms and chews his lower lip thoughtfully for a moment before asking some questions.

"Forgive me, but I feel there is much as-yet unexplained.

Firstly, what of the enemies we face?  Who is Darkness and why does he seek to conquer your people?  And what manner of armies does he command?
And this Lady of Light... is there no clue that could help us locate her?  You sounded pretty certain that she was due to return - why?

Lastly, assuming we must defeat this Darkness to end the war... perhaps a stealthy assassination would work better than a frontal assault and would remove the head from the snake without the damage and loss of life that a frontal assault would cause.

Maybe your people have already considered or attempted this, but then again..."

He hesitates for a moment before giving a slight sigh and continuing, "...there are times where your people have shown a lack of flexibility in their choice of means."

He glances over at Gulgrim, then finishes speaking with Jharm.

"I suspect that you at least are currently ready to consider all options."

Shadow Chorus:
Gulgrim rolls his shoulders and leans back as he is addressed, rising from his typical hunched stature to his full, terrifying height, though anyone who witnessed him in the battle against chaos would know that even this was a kunnin' deception compared to his potential true scale. When Gulgrim spoke, he did so in an articulate manner, his words clearly yet another display of his capacity for deceptively keen thought, though the shape of his maw and the sheer size of his teeth prevented the words from being completely free of the standard orkish mangling.

"Hehehe. It strikes me that you'z, along wiv just about every uvver fool 'oo's come across us, 'ave severely underestimated an' misunderstood wot exactly we orkz are."

Gulgrim strode over to the war table, his gargantuan steps even and well-spaced, as if the Ork was seemingly parading his physique for all present to take in, a paragon of strength and violence. Was this him simply showing off again, a side-effect of the space he found himself in and the Orks' unique capacity for adaptation, or something else? Hard to tell to any outsider.

"Orks are made for fightin', and for winnin'. We'z 'ave everyfin' we could need fer those goals built into our very essence." He holds up his massive green hand and emerald lightning crackles along his fingertips. "But da rules for wot is fightin', and wot is winnin', are set by da Boss in charge of da WAAAGH!!!" The Warboss clenched his fist, looking at the Seraphim with a toothy grin.

"An I'z the Avatar o' Gork and Mork, the great Green Godz o' Brutal Kunnin' an' Kunnin' Brutality. Dere ain't nobody who could challenge my status as da Boss save da prophet of da WAAAGH!!!, an' ol Ghazzy ain't nowhere near dis fight, so I've got no need ta krump his face ta prove I'z da one in charge."

Gulgrim seemed to be in his flow at this point, a big green preacher at the pulpit. "So When I'z say who we're fightin' an' who stands wiv us, da rules for what is Fightin' and what is Winnin' are set, an enforced down from me ta me Nobz ta me Boyz. An' you ladz look to 'ave made it real easy ta tell who's who in dis fight. So long as yer own gits stay outta the line of fire an' don't puff up their chests at me Boyz like they's lookin' to prove somefin', dey'll be fine. But when you'z question an Ork's prowess at da fight, it's a matter of somefin like your Honour bein' insulted, only fer us, it's da very core of who we are. So keep yer disparagin' o me Boyz to a minimum, else you'll 'ave a few border scraps ta contend wif. We'z violence made manifest, an' I fink all of you'z here can understand dat whether ya can call Violence good or bad in yer own non-orky estimashun is all about 'ow it's directed."

The Ork crosses his arms and glares down at the war table. "So. In the interest o' not disparagin' me boyz wiv a weak fight, tell me why it is dis fortress is too tough or too important for me Krooza ta flatten it from orbit. Like Spikey Boy Soul Reaver 'ere, I'z want ta know everyfin."


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