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Times you typically are able to view/post on the Forum.

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I'm with clutch on that one. Camped out.

Yue Kurine:
Why am I always so late to find out about all these things? Sure I havent been around in like 7 years but still.

I blame you Clutchy. XP

Totally not my fault. :-P

Soul Reaver:

--- Quote from: Yue Kurine on March 15, 2010, 09:09:37 PM ---Why am I always so late to find out about all these things? Sure I havent been around in like 7 years but still.

I blame you Clutchy. XP

--- End quote ---

I blame society.


--- Quote from: Castellan on March 03, 2010, 11:36:51 AM ---Just trying to A. Test out the Poll feature and B. Find out when people will typically be online to make posts.   Just figured I'd check it out.

--- End quote ---

The problem with your poll is that you neglect to set a baseline time zone, so even if people explain shit in their posts the poll won't make any sense.

If I'm not at my work I'm at my computer. Whether or not I'll be playing remains to be seen.


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