Battle Related Forums > Character Discussion

New Epic battle Character

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My thought is, that because she is like... THE explorer and bond forger for the tau, she gets access to experimental and new tech before anyone else, and has license to create and work on her own.

She's probably going to be a competent engineer in her own right, able to design things and stuff, for new use. And some of the tau stuff.... well, let's just say it IS  up to the task. Their standard weapons are much more powerful than a lot of the standard weapons of the other races, and they also have assimilated a lot of other races into their people, so those will be at her disposal too.

I definately intend for her tech to allow her to keep up with the companions.

Shadow Chorus:
I mean when you're carrying twin shoulder-mounted Pulse cannons on your crisis suit that just so happen to be using experimental matter disassembling tech that no other Tau in the universe have access to, you can be considered up to the task.

And their heavy railguns? That's some scary shit man.

Since no one has really done anything with the tau at all, the background in this universe is sorta in my hands. I had toyed with her eventually obtaining the dawnblade, if anyone knows what that was. Not sure 100% though. Might be neat, and a good way to describe why she is living so long.

Edit as of 8:45 pm - I think I am going to go with this. I have ideas.

Sorry, this is literally my scratchboard for this character

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