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The Eye Closes (The Eye of Terror Epilogue)

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Soul Reaver:
Soul Reaver's Voidblade swings in silence, dampening all the roaring sound and chaos around him.  To hold death in one's hands comes at a price, and it is all that Soul Reaver can do to set his mouth grimly, cold sweat glistening on his brow, as he vaporizes the endless waves of flesh that threaten to engulf him.

Jharm's flashing spears fly overhead, followed by Danyael in a whirl of power and light.  From Kitharsis erupts a veritable storm of sinister energy, coalescing into a bristling hail of bone blades, spears and skeletal minions to a scale he had never seen the warrior use before.  Jihon's triton blasts away with its cannons while Gulgrim and his Krooza pour out a level of fire that could have leveled cities in a blink.

He barely can register what has happened before Soul Reaver finds himself standing within range of the Avatar's core, an enormous, squealing, gibbering thing.  Its body crackles and crunches as it tries to protect itself against the relentless onslaught, but it is hurt.  It is weakened.

There could be no mercy now.

Soul Reaver grips the Voidblade's insubstantial hilt and swings it down again and again.  It cleaves its way effortlessly through the matter before it, hewing chunks of armor and indescribable matter from its target.  Again and again he raises the weapon, until it falls one last time...

A fiery eruption of energy that washes over Soul Reaver.  In a dreamy calm he realizes he had not really planned an escape route this time.

His Warp Shields instinctively snap into existence as he finds himself within the Warp, but before he even has a chance to panic, a familiar, friendly will guides him to safety.


There is a clang as solid metal appears beneath Soul Reaver's feet.  The ugly, jumbled mass of technology looks to be of now-familiar orkish design, and Soul Reaver realizes he is standing on the bridge of the Krooza.  Next to him, his companions appear.  Before him, the baleful Eye of Terror stares back at him.

But where was Cameron?  Where was Mary?

Then there is a flash of light, and the Eye closes.

Soul Reaver stares numbly at the vast field of empty, uncaring stars.

Shadow Chorus:
Gulgrim slowly floats in the void of space for a moment, laughing his triumph into the soundless vacuum, before his frame begins to shrink, the titanic Ork compressing down into his still impressively large but more manageable size, his flaming WAAAGH!!! arm guttering out before, with a KRACK of green lightning, the Ork and the kannon he had been holding vanish from the emptiness and return to the interior of the ship in their appropriate places, a heavy klang and thud marking Gulgrim's entrance to the Bridge.

The bridge of the Infinite WAAAGH!!! is a wild, haphazard array, a mixture of Imperial Battlefleet command vessel and ancient aquatic-world mariner's vessel. At the helm stands a grizzled-looking ork decked in an eyepatch and overwrought hat, much like his Warboss's but smaller, gripping what looks to be a wooden ship's wheel. How such a device could handle the complex and difficult task of steering a vessel this massive, especially in a three-dimensional field such as space rather than the significantly less vertical environment of the open sea, was a mystery only the Orks could solve.

Elsewhere, Orks milled about to and fro, punching uppity machines that were reeling from the sudden shift out of the warp and back into the materium, sparks flying as computer banks overloaded and were quickly doused by the quick application of an ablative grot smothering, and bellowing orks shouted statuses across and over each other in a hooting cacophony.

"Mista Jagtoof!" Gulgrim hollered, his voice immediately carrying over and silencing the din of Orkish noise. "Status reporta!"

The grizzled ork at the helm grinned, his gruff, gravelly tones offsetting the loud noise that had previously been present. "Everyfin's good, boss. All systems Operashunal. Da krooza's still alive an' kickin', an' most a' yer WAAAGH!!!'s 'ere in da void aside us." He kicked a small display console next to him, and a hololith diagram of the local space indicating the nearby fleet that made up Gulgrim's WAAAGH!!! that hovered in space nearby in the place the Eye had once been.

"Den we'z did it!" Gulgrim laughs, his massive, sharptoothed grin stretching to his ears. He immediately raised his one remaining hand, his cybork arm having not been replaced yet, and in it is suddenly a massive flagon, filled to the brim with some frothing liquid. "Fungus beers all 'round, ladz! We'z won anuvver one! Dis was one o' da biggest fights any ork's ever seen!"

Cheers went up across the bridge, and could be heard echoing from deeper within the krooza's interior, the Kaptin's voice having been carried likely across the entire fleet jus now. Orks ran to and fro, hooting and laughing, grabbing flagons of fungus beer and starting minor brawls in celebration. Some of them even looked likely to have a go at the Companions until one of them, running headlong at Soul Reaver's numb form with a choppa raised high, caught a boot to the head from Gulgrim that sent him sprawling.

"Leave deze lads outta yer celebrashuns!" Gulgrim bellowed, indicating with his thumb to the Companions. "Dey'z not Orkz, but dey'z worf workin' wif. Dey'z brought us ta dis fight, an' dey'll bring us ta more a' da biggest fights we could ever find in da future! Dey'z off limits fer krumpin! An' if anyone tries ta get smart wif em, dey'z gots me permission ta thin out any o' me krew wot gets 'unruly'" he offered a baleful glare that cowed any other Orks thinking of trying their luck, and then turned to the Companions himself, still somewhat lopsided without his other arm.

"So den. We'z won. Da big 'ole in da 'ooniverse is gone, an' da spikey boyz' stoopid godz iz dead. Dat sounds like cause fer celebrashun ta me."

All he could think of was finish it. Over and over these two words echoed in his mind - a battle mantra to keep his mind centered on the end goal. Finish the mission. Finish the campaign. The two words played in synchrony with each thrust and swing, of which there were already too many to count in what would be a lifetime. And in a flash of light, he swung again, but this time with a hand that held no blade. All he could see was light. Light, everywhere. And it was his hand that now swung to reach into the radiant infinity - until he felt another hand clasp'd firmly 'round his own. The hand felt more than familiar, and it brought calm with it. He closed his eyes and treated himself to a mental smirk, wordlessly mouthing her name with a laugh no one could hear.

And then he felt the sudden influx of gravity as the infinite light became a downward well, his feet now touching down in a small up-spurt of sparks as he touches down on what would be the floor of an unfamiliar vessel. The blissful silence was replaced by raucous noise - not rage inducing, but just simply raucous. The presence and the hand that came with it was no longer there - now replaced by the companions he'd fought alongside. He took his new alien environ in slowly (or at least his version of slow) and dedicated each face, old and new, to memory before finding a wall to lean against. He knew she wasn't actually gone, but he also knew she wasn't in the room with them.

He watched what was once the Eye, now blink itself shut in a flash of power, the boom from the flare tethering out to him into it fizzles back into the aether. He watched the place that was once the Eye and reminisced: this place was his home for centuries. This place mutated him, changed different aspects of his genetics, as well as literally transforming the way he perceives the universe (nay, the Omniverse) around him. He was now, because of the Eye, for all intents and purposes, a mutant the likes of which the Imperium had not seen. There would be countless more like him, though. This wasn't necessarily bad, however. And it was all because he'd chosen to run away in his youth, an immature leader of a nation he was not prepared to rule. But due to his time in the Eye, he was older, wiser, stronger. The Eye improved him. It was a peculiar conundrum. And just musing about it was an obnoxious irony he didn't feel like expending the stamina to contemplate any further.


Veldanya Venalla:
The Seraphim watches as the horrible mass of Chaos flesh quivers and then explodes.  Jharm barely manages to erect a shield around himself a split second before the terrible viscera splashes over him and then a moment later he finds himself floating in the Warp itself.  There is little he can do and he knows this, but then feels a presence seeming to guide him and then the next thing he knows his armored feet thump down onto the deck of the orkish Krooza.  His glowing eyes gaze around, taking in his surroundings and noticing that there is no sign of Mary or Cameron even as the Eye itself winks out of existence.  His hands grip his warhammer tightly as the various Orks make a move briefly as if intending to "celebrate" on the Companions before Gulgrim stops them.

"Leave deze lads outta yer celebrashuns!" Gulgrim bellowed, indicating with his thumb to the Companions. "Dey'z not Orkz, but dey'z worf workin' wif. Dey'z brought us ta dis fight, an' dey'll bring us ta more a' da biggest fights we could ever find in da future! Dey'z off limits fer krumpin! An' if anyone tries ta get smart wif em, dey'z gots me permission ta thin out any o' me krew wot gets 'unruly'"

The giant Ork then turns back to the Companions before continuing.

"So den. We'z won. Da big 'ole in da 'ooniverse is gone, an' da spikey boyz' stoopid godz iz dead. Dat sounds like cause fer celebrashun ta me."

Jharm ponders for a moment before closing his eyes.

General Drayven, please tell me the two of you and the rest of our people managed to make it out of there...

After a few moments he finally gets a response

D: Yes Seraphim, all surviving Seraphs had managed to return home before suddenly the portal collapsed.  We have been unable to reach you until now.  Is everything alright?

Alright?  In truth I'm not sure I can say it is, but most of us seem to have survived the battle.  Worry not about that, see to our people and I want all defenses reinforced.  Beware of possible attacks by the forces of Darkness should they sense our current.....weakness.

D: As you command Seraphim, it shall be done.

The Seraphims focus returns to his present surroundings as he gazes at the Ork Warboss

"We have been victorious it seems...but the cost is staggering.  My own people endured much in their efforts to hold back the forces of Chaos, and...."

He gazes between the Companions as if to punctuate his next words.

"I count us 2 fewer then we should be.  We can only hope they still survive somewhere."

It's dark.

Where is everyone?

I was doing something.  Something important.

Why can't I remember?

A deep rumble sounds in the distance.  But all is calm here.  It's a sensation like floating.  But there is nothing to float in.  He moves his hands, but he cannot see them, and no rush of air tickles his skin.

Where am I?

Who... am I?


The Maw explodes, and with a guttural scream Kitharsis expels a huge amount of energy to deflect the maelstrom.  The Warp quickly envelops the area, pulling him in along with the other companions.  He laughs as the Warp assaults his defenses.  The epilogue of a dying god.  Pitiful.

A presence reaches out to him.  Mary, the Warp Elemental.  Kitharsis pushes away from her and exits the warp on his own.

The vastness of space stretches out before him.  Dark energy continues to roil and seethe around his body as he floats stationary in space.  The Eye was gone.  How disappointing.  He wanted to play some more.  One measly, mundane attack was a let down.  The potential for destruction sits at the tip of his fingers.  It begs for release.

It was a thirst.  A hunger.  And it needed sated lest it drive him mad.

A riotous grin carves across his face as he turns to face the Krooza.

There is a meal worth pursuing.

The aimless energy clouding around him explodes in a massive shock wave that rocks the Krooza.  Massive black flames burst forth from his body as he gathers an unfathomable amount of energy within him.  A burst of energy propels him forward, directly at the Krooza and The Companions.  Without intervention, Kitharsis threatens to smash right through the ship, and whoever is in his path.


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