Haha, developments lately have been keeping me surprised, that's for sure. From exploding people to docile and peaceful, the forms (from Bjornfir to her current form), information on the Forsaken and the Lady of Shadows, prophecies of Fjorin, the past of the Carnis... just awesome.
Seriously we all just need to get in a Skype call and talk characters across the board one of these days. I love the twists and turns some of them take and sometimes I just wanna' gush at people. It's like playing Mass Effect all the way through and having no one to talk to about it.
EDIT: Also, will be posting for this and Epic BB tonight.
EDIT of EDIT: And good news about Lai keeping the powers! They shall be mine... one day... *scheme*
EDIT of EDIT of EDIT: Something came up, won't be able to post tonight, but I'll be scheming so that Sunday I'll be able to slap it right up!