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Author Topic: The Eye of Terror: The Labyrinthine Depths of Chaos (Part II)  (Read 114751 times)

Offline Daccio

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Re: The Eye of Terror: The Labyrinthine Depths of Chaos (Part II)
« Reply #140 on: July 10, 2014, 01:10:35 AM »
Sepher continues to collect himself from their ordeal and solemnly watches as Jharm heal Kalana. He wondered if there was anything that Jharm could do for him, to help him surpress the souls further, but that thought was pushed out of his mind as Kalana spoke.

"Ugh... someone tell me we killed that guy."

Sepher nods to her words but doesn't speak. He listens as the other's converse. His mind is still elsewhere, however. The souls inside him have not spoken to him in so long that he was truly shaken. This could only be ill. He took a deep breath, and turned to face Mary.

"Yeah, we best be off. I do not wish to be here any longer than needed"

He held his katana out to the side and it slowly shaped itself into a spear with a leaf head blade as he started for area that mary was gazing towards. He could feel the soul of the Daemon god watching from behind his eyes. Sepher knew it was only a matter of time before it tried something once more.

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Re: The Eye of Terror: The Labyrinthine Depths of Chaos (Part II)
« Reply #141 on: July 10, 2014, 05:17:42 PM »
Soul Reaver looks up with sadistic satisfaction as Peterson is viciously slammed into the far wall.  He rises to his feet again, his fist grasping Blooddrinker, and stalks toward the cloud of dust and rubble where Peterson fell.

His expression darkens further when the rubble shifts aside and Peterson rises like a ghoulish phoenix from the ashes, laughing and mockingly congratulating the warrior.  Despite the force of Soul Reaver’s attack, Peterson seemed to be unharmed.

Advancing, Soul Reaver’s attention focusses with almost obsessive determination on Peterson’s twisted face.  The sickening smirk on his stitched-up lips as he once more states the companions are dying.  Why was he so insistent on this?  Despite what he heard and saw – could he trust the words of this monster?

And did it even matter?

If what Peterson says is false, he would need to go through Peterson to once more find the companions.  And if it was true, then it was too late, and he would make Peterson pay.  In either case, the outcome would be the same: Peterson would be carved into bloodied pieces before him.  That, right now, mattered more than anything else.

Under his breath, Soul Reaver speaks words of sorcery.  Peterson extends a skeletal hand toward Soul Reaver, inviting him to watch the death of his companions.

 "Shall we?"

It was indeed death he wanted to see.

Soul Reaver hefts Blooddrinker in both hands as a blaze of fiery crimson light consumes him.  That same instant, he appears directly in front of Peterson, his eyes locked onto the ruined marine’s.  A mad bloodlust swirls in the crimson depths of Soul Reaver’s iris, only held back by the thinnest of threads.

“No, we shall not!”

Blooddrinker flashes upward diagonally in an attempt to sever Peterson’s blasphemous, skeletal claw.  Soul Reaver does not pause as he presses forward, Blooddrinker weaving a lightning fast web of sweeping, cutting blows.  Each strike leads into the next, leaving no opening.  With each flurry of cuts, Soul Reaver takes another step forward.  Anyone wishing to survive his onslaught would need to defend and retreat – and Peterson’s back was to the wall.  Soul Reaver spits words filled with hate.

“You are a fool, Peterson!  Why ever would I take your offer, when instead I can take your head?”

Offline Danyael

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Re: The Eye of Terror: The Labyrinthine Depths of Chaos (Part II)
« Reply #142 on: July 11, 2014, 12:14:06 AM »

He looked around and saw both everything and nothing. And then everything in between. He saw the intricate patterns of energy that created existence around him. He saw the beautiful souls of the elementals and the perfect soul of Mary. He saw the conflict of Sepher and the radiance of Jharm. And he envied them. All of them. But then he saw other things – things that wouldn't inherently be so presently distinctive. He saw Duriel standing both near and far. He saw the many faces of his psyche laughing and taunting him.He saw the faces of old companions he'd left long ago – Shenba and Otaken.  He saw demons and angels and everything in between. And then, he saw it all shrink down to a glint of reality, only to start back up all over again.

It wasn't long before he realized that he was breathing rapidly, his eyes were darting about, catching glimpses of energies that painted pictures he couldn't make sense of, but knew well enough of their falseness all the same. And then he understood. The spasms of power, the continuous changes and that creeping feeling of unease that was getting more and more difficult to play off. Then there was the lingering sense that he was losing his grip of control. He knew it now. This labyrinth, this... pit... was driving him mad. And then he felt her hand on his and all the pain went away. It was a warm feeling, a welcome feeling. Then he noticed that not only had Kalana and Garr returned, but the younger elemental had been healed by Jharm. Putting up the ever usual front of cool indifference, he approached Kalana, the shadows of his hood giving visual accent to the eeriness of his new eyes. And with these eyes, he looked into hers and offered his hand. “Let's have you up, m'lady.” 
"Yeah, well, ya' better have a spatula where we're goin' cause my ass is frozen to this yak!" :o

Offline Cameron

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Re: The Eye of Terror: The Labyrinthine Depths of Chaos (Part II)
« Reply #143 on: July 17, 2014, 05:11:29 PM »
Cameron watches with a blank expression as Gulgrim claims his trophies. When Gulgrim turns and addresses him, he looks around and takes stock of the rest of the group.

The creature known as Jorumn is working on piecing himself back together. Magic swirls about him as he makes repairs. Kithariss stands nearby, ready to move. He doesn't see Fei, but he can feel him nearby. And Karyl and Kari are at his side. As they make eye contact with each other, they realize that they all still have their elemental blades drawn. Without a word, the three elemtals sheathe their sentient weapons. Karyl pulls his guitar from his back and begins to pulck out a tune. Cameron turns back to Gulgrim.

"I'm honestly not sure which way to go from here. I can't see the end to this place..."

Cameron suddenly glances over his shoulder innto the gloom surrounding them.

"Wait... I think I can feel the others. They must be close. Let's head this way."

Cameron begins to move off in the direction he was looking. The heavy thuds of his power armored boots echo through the empty expanse.

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Re: The Eye of Terror: The Labyrinthine Depths of Chaos (Part II)
« Reply #144 on: July 17, 2014, 05:38:44 PM »
Kalana shakes her head once more as she gets her bearings, She sees a hand extended to her and looks up to meet Danyael's gaze. Her bright blue eyes linger on him for a moment before she brings her hand up and clasps his. She swiftly pulls herself to her feet and looks off in the direction that Mary has indicated. Her eyes glow as she reaches out with her mind.

"Yeah... that's Cameron over there. Seems like he's below us. Under that light. I can barely make him out, but he's there. Something's interfering with my ability to link with him."

Kalana can feel something else in that direction too. Something menacing.

"We need to get over there. They may be in trouble."

Mary nods. 'Let's stay on the catwalks for now. If they're still fighting something, we can use the high ground to our advantage."

Kalana looks to Mary, nodding back in agreement. 'This way, then."

Kalana and Mary begin walking. Garr follows.

Offline Daccio

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Re: The Eye of Terror: The Labyrinthine Depths of Chaos (Part II)
« Reply #145 on: July 17, 2014, 05:46:29 PM »
Sepher, spear over his shoulder, moved to follow.

"Glad to see you back on your feet Kalana"  He said, nodding to her.

He listened to mary speaking then, and agreeing with what she said voiced no complaint.

"So, we will finally get back together with at least some of the rest of the team. That is good. We need as much help as we can get here. Best get to them quickly."

He would take up position at the back of the group to guard them from dangers from behind.

Offline Shadow Chorus

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Re: The Eye of Terror: The Labyrinthine Depths of Chaos (Part II)
« Reply #146 on: July 17, 2014, 06:21:18 PM »
"Alright. Dere'd better be a fight dat way. Maybe sum demons I'z can krump an' use da sharpest bitz fer ornamentashun."

The Ork's grasp of vocabulary was surprisingly strong, despite his heavy accent ruining pronunciation. He must have spent quite some time as a mercenary for other races.

He thumped along at the rear of the group, as he towered over the majority and could see past easily. Marching along behind him were a pair of mean-looking Nobz that looked almost big enough to be warbosses in their own right. they didn't seem to question how they had gotten here or where they were, simply acting as a personal retinue for the big boss, toting big twin-linked shootas and vicious looking axes as they kept pace behind Gulgrim.

Offline Veldanya Venalla

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Re: The Eye of Terror: The Labyrinthine Depths of Chaos (Part II)
« Reply #147 on: July 18, 2014, 12:55:29 AM »
The Seraphim listens as Kalana indicates where she thinks the other half of the party may be.

"Let's stay on the catwalks for now. If they're still fighting something, we can use the high ground to our advantage."

Jharm nods at the tactical sense of the statement.  As the party begins to move forward the angellic being takes to the sky.  He flies above the group, scanning down into the darkness and forward, glowing eyes keeping vigil should either anything attempt to ambush them from the darkness or signs of battle involving the other group become visible.

Religion and greed, cause millions to bleed.

Offline Fei

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Re: The Eye of Terror: The Labyrinthine Depths of Chaos (Part II)
« Reply #148 on: July 19, 2014, 09:00:24 AM »
The blindingly bright floodlight in the warehouse seems to flicker and wane for a moment before becoming noticeably dimmer. Off in the corner of the warehouse, Fei can be spotted playing with what appears to be a a light or dimmer switch.
"There, much better. A tan is the last thing I need." he sighs to himself before coalescing into the shadows and reappearing back with the party.

"I sense the others are nearby as well. If you'd like, I can go and.... surprise them." Fei speaks with a cheesy grin across his face that pushes his cheeks up into his eyes.
"... as well as scout ahead, of course."

Offline Danyael

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Re: The Eye of Terror: The Labyrinthine Depths of Chaos (Part II)
« Reply #149 on: July 22, 2014, 11:01:34 PM »
As the elementals and his two brothers in arms advanced on the structure, Danyael too approached with them. His pace shifted, then halted and he found himself unable to move, unable to breathe. His body convulsed upward then bent inward as his knees hit the ground with a sickening crack, his hands grinding up metal in their unrelenting clasps. He felt his breath return in heavy hefts as his eyes darted about for some hint of normalcy, rumbling, quivering and swaying with the sudden nausea of origins unknown. A growl, snarled in an array of echoes disconnected from his own voice, stirred and his eyes went wide as the face beneath his hood became a horrid opposite of his original beauty.

Spending time in the warp for too long could do things to mind, body and soul – all at once. And prolonged exposure could commit untold monstrosities upon the psyche. His connection to the omniverse and all of their words had heightened, true. But being back in the realm of Chaos, whose energies had now attuned his own to theirs, was like having molten rage poured into his mind over and over again. He remembered all the faces he used to hate, all the faces he wanted to watch him through dead eyes. And with the sight of those faces did a rage he'd thought he'd cleansed himself of swelled over, made manifest as his form, cloak and all, went completely black, as if he were a living shadow, embodied entirely of night. A hurricane of wrath roared both around and within him, snapping both in and out of relative time. For a single moment, it appeared as if all of the wrathful hosts of the hellish realms he was connected to would rush forth in real time all at once. But only for a moment. Just as quickly as the storm came to be, it was gone just as swiftly, as if it were a simple moment in time. He was holding on by a thread now and it was more than evident, now more than ever, that this place was taking its toll on him. And he could only keep it all in for so long until it burst loose. It was all he could do to maintain the focus necessary to allow that very bursting to be aimed at the right target. One thing was certain: should he make it out of here alive, he would steer clear of this place. Very clear.

Finding focus, clenched his fist in front of his eyes, his sight perceiving the appendage as a solid gold/black nimbus of light and shadow vying for control of itself. He clenched his fist harder, focusing around its solidness and sense of form. He focused on the energies this one hand, this one physical aspect, could rain down on any world. He focused on the people this hand had touched – more importantly the two women this hand had loved, one of which stood not but an arm's reach away.  And then the pain was lesser, his breathing controlled and smooth. The quivering slowed to near nonexistence and the sense of gravity weakened. He looked up from the drape of his hood, stood, cleared his throat and returned his face from that of apathy. He looked first to his companions, then to elementals. "Lost myself. Won't happen again." he lied to them. He had no fucking idea what was going to happen next.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2014, 11:38:47 PM by Danyael »
"Yeah, well, ya' better have a spatula where we're goin' cause my ass is frozen to this yak!" :o

Offline Daccio

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Re: The Eye of Terror: The Labyrinthine Depths of Chaos (Part II)
« Reply #150 on: July 23, 2014, 12:03:17 AM »
As Danyael went to his knees, and he suddenly went black, sepher turned to face him and every muscle in his body tensed.

He felt a massive build of power and for just a moment manifestation of daemons flashed around his companion.

Sepher's spear fell into a ready position. Would this place drive them against each other? Sepher knew very well the tricks and fatigue this place could play on a mind. The daemons in his own mind fought their jailor, but he had something to focus on.

"Danyael" He growled out, but just as quick as it all started, it all flashed away.

His companion seemed to take a moment to compose himself before he spoke.

"Lost myself. Won't happen again."

Sepher let out a breath and moved to help the other man to his feet, now that things seemed to be under control. Sepher spoke quietly to the man as he helped him up.

"Keep it together for just a little while longer. We must surely be almost out of this place"

Danyael could see the same struggle in sepher's eyes, that he was fighting himself and this place.


Offline Veldanya Venalla

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Re: The Eye of Terror: The Labyrinthine Depths of Chaos (Part II)
« Reply #151 on: July 23, 2014, 12:42:36 AM »
The Seraphim glided through the air above the companions, never straying too far from the group as he scouted the surrounding darkness.  The sound of bones crackign and metal twisting reached the ears of the mighty Seraph.  Turning in the air, his glowing eyes set upon Danyael in what appears to be some sort of fit.  It was evident that the Warp was having more and more negative effect on the being.  The situation turned more precarious as Jharm saw Sepher lower his spear and growl at the temporarily crippled spellcaster.  Silently the angel watched the brief spectacle, light flowing around his body in slim tendrils as he remained ready to create a barrier or otherwise do what would be needed to separate the two should one of them lose control and come to blows.  The situation defused itself a moment later as Danyael gets back on his feet.

"Lost myself.  Won't happen again."

The demonic-infused human extends a hand helping the Nephilim to his feet, speaking something to him that escaped the Seraphim's ears but it was likely words of encouragement.  Orbs of light focused into slits as the holy creature above them scanned over the two beings.  Sensing the demonic entities within each man are, for the time at least, restrained he returns to circling the area as the group moves forward.  As he floats through the air, the Seraphim contemplates the ever increasing.....outbursts of his companions.  He knew that they were good at heart, but in such a twisted environment as the much longer would their good natures win out over the dark evil they contained within.  Would he be forced to cut one of them down before they could escape from this place?  Such thoughts were not something the holy being took lightly. 

Light....grant them the strength to maintain control.  I fear we will need every ounce of strength we can all muster to finally escape from this hellish nightmare

Both Sepher and Danyael feel a brief calm wash over them, as what could be almost described as a gentle breeze seems to blow over them.  While it was unlikely the effects would completely eliminate their inner turmoils, the blessing would likely alleviate some of the strain they are both feeling.
Religion and greed, cause millions to bleed.

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Re: The Eye of Terror: The Labyrinthine Depths of Chaos (Part II)
« Reply #152 on: August 15, 2014, 12:05:39 AM »
Peterson is forced back by Soul Reaver's onslaught. It takes all of his speed and power to ward off the flurry of blows, and each blow forces him further and further back. Finally, he hits a wall. And doesn't stop. Peterson slides back through the wall as if it was air. Soul Reaver's final swing finds Blooddrinker cutting through rusted metal instead of it's intended target. And just that quickly, Peterson emerges from the floor behind him. A swift kick drives Soul Reaver face first into the wall. Peterson's voice echoes from behind him.

"And what good would taking my head do for you? What would that accomplish? Staying here and fighting me isn't helping anyone but yourself."

Peterson's voice seems to be coming from every direction at once. He has vanished from behind Soul Reaver, and it is almost impossible to pinpoint his current location.

"Why are you even IN the Eye of Terror? Are you helping your friends? Would they do the same for you?"

Soul Reaver can feel dark power building all around him.

"I have seen everything that you and your friends have done since I've been gone. All of it. Every moment. And I can tell you without any doubt that your companions have taken more from you than they have ever given you in return. And yet, you continue to sacrifice everything for them! Think! Think about everything that you've lost because of them! How have they ever repaid you? How could they?"

A harsh tearing sound rips through the air around Soul Reaver as reality is seemingly torn asunder. A cyclone of green and purple chaos magic surrounds him. For a moment, all sense of direction and time is lost. And n that moment, a voice whispers into his ear.

"They can't."

Barbed chains with viscious hooks at their ends fly through the walls of energy directly at Soul Reaver. He will have to get his bearings quickly, or he will be impaled.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2014, 10:14:54 PM by Starblade|MKIV »

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Re: The Eye of Terror: The Labyrinthine Depths of Chaos (Part II)
« Reply #153 on: August 18, 2014, 04:08:28 AM »
Blooddrinker cuts a glittering arc in what should have been a final blow.  Instead, it strikes a wall of rusted metal, the tip of the blade slicing into it as though it were air, throwing up sparks and emitting a metallic shriek like a mechanical banshee.

Before Soul Reaver recovers from the swing, a metal-shot foot slams into the small of Soul Reaver's back, and sends the side of his face smashing into the cold iron.  It hits with a wet thud and a sickening flash of white swims across Soul Reaver's vision.  A normal man's skull would have split like a watermelon.  Fortunately, Soul Reaver is not so easily defeated.

He responds almost instantly, a snarl on his face as Blooddrinker draws another deadly arc behind him.  But Peterson is already gone, his voice seemingly emanating from the stale air itself.

"And what good would taking my head do for you? What would that accomplish? Staying here and fighting me isn't helping anyone but yourself. Why are you even IN the Eye of Terror? Are you helping your friends? Would they do the same for you?

The anger in Soul Reaver burns at boiling point as he begins to trace runes into the air, looking to break through Peterson's cowardly protections and finish him off once and for all.  His blood-streaked face is contorted into a mask of fury as he spits out arcane words from between gritted teeth.

"I have seen everything that you and your friends have done since I've been gone. All of it. Every moment. And I can tell you without any doubt that your companions have taken more from you than they have ever given you in return. And yet, you continue to sacrifice everything for them! Think! Think about everything that you've lost because of them! How have they ever repaid you? How could they?"

Soul Reaver's hand wavers, and the almost-completed rune shudders into nothingness.  The fabric of reality shreds apart around him with an unearthly screech.  Time and space cease to have any meaning.

Somewhere from deep within, blackness wells over Soul Reaver’s vision – a suffocating darkness full of abject despair.  His only comfort, the only thing keeping the darkness at bay, is a small warm light cradled in his palms.

Countless hands rise ominously from the darkness around him.  They are raised in pitiful supplication, begging, reaching desperately.  Blindly, they claw at his flesh, drawing blood, only satiated and receding once they have pulled agonizing, ragged strips from his body.  Like moths drawn to a flame, the hands reach for the flame he carries.  He wishes to protect it, to hold it close, but finds himself paralyzed and impotent to act.

"They can't."

There, in the wan light, he sees familiar faces turned aside, sealing a fate they could have changed, accepting what they could have fought.  Their gazes turn inward, and they turn their backs, and they fade into the darkness.  The grasping hands close over the flickering mote of light, and its warm brilliance is extinguished forever.

Soul Reaver’s body jolts from multiple impacts as metallic hooks thud into his flesh.  Lances of pain drive through him.  With the pain, a sense of utter hatred beyond the ken of any mortal men washes through him, filling every corner of his being.  Its heat burns away all pain, all regret, all despair… and he welcomes it.

The chains crack, a red light blazing from within, before blasting apart into thousands of superheated fragments.  The wounds heal, spitting unnatural flames, and as Soul Reaver’s blood strikes the ground it sizzles and boils.

Soul Reaver’s eyes burn a deep red, and he roars a roar that quakes the Eye of Terror itself.

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Re: The Eye of Terror: The Labyrinthine Depths of Chaos (Part II)
« Reply #154 on: August 20, 2014, 01:22:35 PM »
Gulgrim's Kutlass finished the deed, leaving the Chaos Sorceror cleaved in half.  As the black blood sprays into the air the illusion surrounding them expires along with the sorcerer.  The jungle abruptly blinks out, revealing a a warehouse outfitted with a huge floodlight that hangs above them. 

Kitharsis returns a nod to Cameron's question of everyone's well being.  Before he can say a word Gulgrim violently rips off the two sides of the sorcerers head and stick them on his poles.  Regardless of his beastly nature, the Ork has a good point.  Where do they go now?

Cameron has a sudden realization, and leads them towards what he thinks are the rest of their companions.  Kitharsis taps his hammer on the ground, shaking off some scraps of power armor.  He slides it into the sling at his hip and falls in line behind Cameron.  His own heavy boots adding to the echoes as they walk.

The light above flickers, and becomes less bright.  For a moment Kitharsis expects another squad of Chaos Marines to appear with weapons drawn.  His eyes find Fei playing with some sort of switch, eliciting a chuckle.  The vampire becomes shadow once again, only to reappear alongside the group.

"A surprise may not be well received in such a place."  Kitharsis offers.  "But scouting ahead is a sound plan."

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Re: The Eye of Terror: The Labyrinthine Depths of Chaos (Part II)
« Reply #155 on: December 23, 2014, 10:58:24 PM »
Two groups of companions move through the darkness. The first group, consisting of Kalana, the two elementals Mary and Garr, Jharm, Sepher, and Danyael, move through the catwalks above the warehouse floor. The second group, consisting of three elementals; Cameron, Kari, and Karyl, as well as Fei, Kitharsis, Gulgrim, and Jorumn, move beneath the catwalks and head in the other direction.

Kalana is the first of one group to spot the other. She spies Cameron and his crew moving below them. She quickly and quietly surveys the group. She can feel a horrible, manevolent prescense below them. Her eyes move back and forth between the companions. Her gaze falls first on Fei. He has turned on the group before, but he does not seem to be the source of this particular darkness. She then looks over Jorumn. She doesn't sense any true life in him, but no true darkness either. She is surprised to see what appears to be an ork warboss with the group, and studies him for a moment. But he doesn't seem to be the source of what she's feeling either.

Then she looks to Cameron. And it hits her. Her eyes go wide as she senses the source of the corruption. In that instant, Cameron looks up and meets her gaze. In that instant, she can see into his mind, and beyond it. Something is there. Meeting her gaze through Cameron's gaze. She can feel it laughing at her. It chills her to the bone.

Cameron detects none of this. Upon seeing Kalana, he simply smiles and waves.

"There you are! We've been looking all over for you!"

Kalana shakes off her shock and awakens her powers. In an instant, she has vanished from the catwalk and is standing at Cameron's side. Without waiting for any kind of reply, she pulls Cameron down to her level and grasps his face in her hands. Cameron sputters awkwardly.

"Wait, what are you doing-"

Cameron is shocked into silence as Kalana easily rips through his natural psychic defenses and enters his mind. She feels around, sliding swiftly through memories and emotions. The evil is in here, somewhere. Watching her. Sneering at her. Daring her to find it, but she cannot grasp it. It is always just one step ahead of her. And then Cameron resists, pushing her out of his mind with all the force he can muster. She could have overpowered him, but she had no intention of hurting him. She allows herself to be rejected and Cameron's face returns to her field of vision.

"Kalana, that's a hell of a greeting. What's wrong?"

Kalana sighs and pulls away from Cameron as Mary and Garr land just behind her. Kari and Karyl stand just behind Cameron, looking somewhat confused. Karyl recovers quickly and tips his hat at Mary, who scoffs quietly. Kalana notices none of this.

"I'm... not sure. Something is in your mind. Something evil. I can't get a grasp on it."

Cameron looks even more confused.

"Something in my mind? No. I'm fine. I don't feel anything there."

Kalana moves to object but both her and Cameron are suddenly shocked into silence by a horrible noise off in the far distance. The sound seems to me coming from miles away, yet the ground almost shakes with the awfulness of it. The Companions can all feel a great and terrible power coming from that direction. Cameron's eyes narrow.

"That's Soul Reaver. Something is wrong."

Kalana looks around.

"Soul Reaver? I thought he was with you?"

Cameron shakes his head.

"No. He's not with us. I was under the impression that he was with you. He must have been teleported elsewhere."

Cameron clamps his helmet back over his head and begins to march swiftly in the direction of the power surge.

"This way. Come on."
« Last Edit: December 23, 2014, 11:16:11 PM by Starblade|MKIV »

Offline Veldanya Venalla

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Re: The Eye of Terror: The Labyrinthine Depths of Chaos (Part II)
« Reply #156 on: December 23, 2014, 11:36:52 PM »
The Seraphim floats above the catwalk as he follows the others.  His position allows him to notice the other group below shortly after Kalana.  Flying down to them he surveys the group, noticing two new figures he doesn't recognize.  One seems to be a humanoid being covered in bandages, and the angellic being senses a complete lack of life within the being.  The other figure causes Jharm to pause slightly.  Travelling with the group is an Ork Warboss!  Though he isn't from this universe, Jharm recalls learning about some of the darker races [Chaos, Orks, Tyranids, The Necrons].  The Orks are a violent, aggressive, and brutal race that is at constant war with the Imperium and the Space Marines.  To see one lumbering alongside Cameron was not something the angel would have ever expected to see.  Landing on the ground he sees Kalana grasping Camerons head for a moment before releasing him.

"Kalana, that's a hell of a greeting. What's wrong?"

"I'm... not sure. Something is in your mind. Something evil. I can't get a grasp on it."

"Something in my mind? No. I'm fine. I don't feel anything there."

The Seraphim raises an eyebrow as he does not sense any kind of evil coming from Cameron, but they are suddenly interrupted by a terrible noise from off in the distance, though it feels as if it is actually closer.  Terrible power washes over the angellic being, as Kalana and Cameron react as well.

"That's Soul Reaver. Something is wrong."

Kalana looks around.

"Soul Reaver? I thought he was with you?"

Cameron shakes his head.

"No. He's not with us. I was under the impression that he was with you. He must have been teleported elsewhere."

Cameron clamps his helmet back over his head and begins to march swiftly in the direction of the power surge.

"This way. Come on."

Jharm takes to the air again, soaring high above and far in front of the group, attempting to scout ahead for the cause of the power he just felt.

If that power is coming from Soul Reaver....this is not good.  Light grant me the strength for whatever lies before us!
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Re: The Eye of Terror: The Labyrinthine Depths of Chaos (Part II)
« Reply #157 on: December 24, 2014, 12:01:49 AM »
Soul Reaver's roar of anger echoes throughout the cyclone of energy swirling around him. And from within it, from every direction, echoes the laugh of Peterson.

"NOW YOU SEE. Now you UNDERSTAND. Now, you and I are finally on the same page!"

The green energy suddenly slows and darkens. Images slowly become visible. Faces.

"Remember what happened. Remember what they have done to you! To US!"

Images flit by in the maelstrom. The deck of a ship. The arrival of unknown entities. The Soreans. Soul Reaver can hear their voices. Angry. Accusatory. They accuse someone of a crime she did not commit... Asaki. Soul Reaver can see her now. Bound. Chained. Standing trial on the deck of a ship full of allies that could have easily leapt to their defense. But none did. No one did.

"I loved her, Soul Reaver, Just as you did. And she was taken from us. But it wasn't our fault. It was THEIR fault."

The Companions. Called to serve as jurors in this mockery of a trial. Soul Reaver's passionate defense of his pupil fall on deaf ears. The other Companions don't even bother with a proper defense.

Cameron Aileron, sneering as he turns his back on her. "She was useless. A sub-par soldier. I have no use for her. Take her."

Kalana Ryoki. Standing behind Cameron, snickering and whispering awful things into his ear. Refusing to make even a token attempt at defending Asaki.

Jharm. The angel. Casting judgement, as always. "She is evil! An abomination! Cast her down to Hell where she belongs!"

Fei Serumen. So worried about his next meal that he could hardly spare the time to care. "Heh, she's a dumb bitch anyway. Do what you want. I don't have time for this. I need to feed."

The rest of the Companions have nothing to say. The Soreans render their verdict: Guilty. The sentance: Death!

"They did nothing. They didn't care. Only we cared. And yet, I languished in the Eye of Terror while you continued to help them. Like nothing ever happened."

Asaki is dragged, kicking and screaming away from Soul Reaver, while he can do nothing to help. While his Companions stand idle.

"Why would you still stand with them? They never stood with you. Not when it mattered. Not when it counted."

The images fade. An after-image of Peterson, not in his skeletal robot form but in his original human form, hovers just beyond Soul Reaver's reach. This time he is not gloating. He looks sad. Devestated. When he speaks, his voice is soft. Normal.

"Are you just going to let them... get away with it? Like you let them get away with her?"
« Last Edit: January 09, 2015, 02:15:56 PM by Starblade|MKIV »

Offline Shadow Chorus

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Re: The Eye of Terror: The Labyrinthine Depths of Chaos (Part II)
« Reply #158 on: December 24, 2014, 01:13:34 AM »
"Well now, dat wuz weird." Gulgrim says as he observes Kalana's 'greeting' to Cameron. He looks up to see where she had come from and spots the rest of her group. He grunts disinterestedly, and then has his attention caught by Soul Reaver's scream. As he drinks in the energy pouring from that direction, his face cracks into a toothy grin.

"Well now, dat's sometin big! Dat git's so angry I'z ken -Taste- it! 'E must be Dead 'ard! An' if 'e's on yer side, Wez'd better find 'im quick-like!"

Gulgrim spotted Jharm flying overhead, and grinned, sensing a race. "Well now, ain't no winged git gonna outpace Ol' Gulgrim, 'specially headin' fer a fight!"

The Ork takes off in a sprint, already faster than something his size aught to be. But then a deafening mechanical roar materialized in the air, and Gulgrim leapt forward only to have a large, Orky looking motorcycle appear beneath him as he landed in the saddle. It was huge, sharp, covered in guns, and had an angry red paint job, not to mention what appeared to be a Jet engine strapped to the back. With a resounding "WAAAAAAAAGH!!!!!" Gulgrim gunned the Deffchoppa, and took off at breakneck speed toward where he could feel Soul Reaver's energy coming from.

Offline Veldanya Venalla

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Re: The Eye of Terror: The Labyrinthine Depths of Chaos (Part II)
« Reply #159 on: December 24, 2014, 01:32:27 AM »
As the Seraphim soars through the air he hears a strange sound beneath him...almost like a loud roaring sound (though different then the roar in the distance) almost more engine roaring to life???  Looking down he see's the Ork barreling across the landscape beneath him, now riding what could only be described as some sort of twisted death machine on two wheels and bellowing at the top of his lungs


Where in the light did he get that contraption at?!?  He sure didn't have that before!

The airborne Seraphim and the Ork Warboss tear across the landscape, neck and neck with each other when an idea pops into the angels head.  Realizing that the Ork below him is somehow managing to keep up with him, almost to the point that the Seraphim actually has to force himself to fly might be better to conserve his energy for whatever it is they are likely to face before them.  With this in the mind the glowing being suddenly drops down and lands himself on the back of the Deffchoppa that Gulgrim is riding upon.  Placing a shining silver hand on the Orks shoulder he sends a mental message to the creature, seeing as how the terrific noise that the choppa's engine is making, makes it almost impossible to hear anything verbally spoken.

Greetings Ork.  My name is Jharm, Seraphim of the Light.  Seeing as how Lord Aileron has not torn you asunder I feel it safe to assume that, at least for the time being, our goals mutually align.  As long as you do not assault my companions or attack innocents I feel we can maintain a beneficial working arrangement.  With that said....follow my guidance.  I have a feeling I know who we are headed for and can direct you where to go.
Religion and greed, cause millions to bleed.