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Author Topic: Key Figures in the Endless War  (Read 7516 times)

Offline Veldanya Venalla

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Key Figures in the Endless War
« on: August 22, 2013, 11:19:27 PM »
                                  Key Figures in the Endless War
Jharm: See other documentation [character creation] for info on the Seraphim.

Nethanya:  Leader of the Voice Caste, Nethanya is a woman of massive power, being topped only by the Seraphim.  Blessed with incredible beauty and poise, it has been said that upon Nethanya's arrival that nations poised at each others throats and seconds from war realize the error of their ways and become staunch allies.  Bearing long flowing silver hair that reaches to her shoulders and a body that looks as if it was sculpted and shaped by a master craftsman, many say that Nethanya is almost the physical manifestation of  Nelathia herself (a view that Nethanya strives to refute for she feels that such a comparison is wrong and misleading, for none could ever compete with the beauty and majesty of the Light herself).  Nethanya is generally clad in a robe of pure white flowing silk, while her battle armor is a suit of form-fitting armor of white with golden trim and angellic runes.  Nethanya's weapon of choice is a silver staff known as Talralla

Drayvon:  A Seraph who at one time held the rank of Seraphim until he suffered a massive and debilitating injury that left him permanently blind and crippled, Drayvon appears as an aged man, but still strongly built.  He stands around 6 feet, his head completely bald and bearing a band of pure gold silk across his eyes (for the blindness removed the glowing orbs a Seraph normally would have).  When not engaged in military actions he is generally wearing a tunic and pants of white silk with a sash of gold around his waist and a pair of knee high white leather boots and a gleaming silver sword at his side, while his military armor consists of full plate armor of shining white steel with gold trim bearing angellic runes on the shoulders.

Xorav:  Referred to as the Shreezax, Xorav is the bonafied tyrant leader of the Keeraza.  Standing a massive 7 feet tall, he wears a suit of ebony black plate armor bearing twisted and profane runes worshipping the Darkness.  Xorav wields a massive and cruel looking battle-axe constructed of ebony black steel, the edges almost looking like they drip venomous toxins.

Krovzev:  Leader of the Poison Caste, Krovzev is the most vile and despicable being of the Keeraza beneath Xorav.  The few times he has been seen he is wearing a robe of pure black with runes etched in red, with a mask, crafted of what appears to be bone, covering his face and a hood pulled over his head and grasping a scepter of black obsidian with a blood red gem fused into the top.

Voraslaz:  Leader of the Bloodshed Caste, Voraslaz embodies violence and carnage.  A hulking creature standing around 7 feet (around 7.5 or 8” tall if he stood up straight) Voraslaz appears more....demonic and twisted then his companions with blood red skin covered in hardened plates of blackened bone and spikes upon his head where hair would normally reside and pure black eyes.  Voraslaz requires no weapons for he bears massive claws on his hands that can tear through most armor as if it were the flimsiest of clothing. The only semblance of clothing he bears is a blood red loincloth bearing sigils revering The Darkness.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2014, 08:56:22 PM by Jharm »
Religion and greed, cause millions to bleed.

Offline Veldanya Venalla

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Re: Key Figures in the Endless War
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2018, 01:00:22 AM »
Religion and greed, cause millions to bleed.