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I'm going to the army!

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john greymore:
Dear everybody,

It seems that my 4 months break has come to an end. I am going to the army on 3rd May to serve my National Service. I'll be in Basic Military Training for 2 months or so. Then I'll be sent to my unit and work in the army for the next 20 months (i.e. 2 years).

Fun, fun, fuuuuun times to come!

If you're interested in having a glimpse of how army life is like in Singapore (along with how 'singlish' accents are like), search up 'Every Singaporean Son' on youtube!

First episode:

I doubt it's as tough and what not as your country's training, but that's to be expected since this is compulsory conscription and not everyone is fit to handle the extreme training. I myself have extreme flat feet, so I'll be taking a modified version of training (not shown on the videos).

Also, I was planning on giving control of my characters to the respective Board Battle Masters, but I'm unsure whether this would be required since the pace of our forum posting would allow me to post without too much of a delay. If required, I'll make a post on the OOC topics to officially state so.

Good luck!  I knew a guy from Singapore who had served his time in your army.  He was a pretty cool guy, and he didn't seem worse for the wear because of it  :P 

I hope you're able to keep up with the boards!

Archdemon Stu:
Your Army seems more practical in their training than the US.  US Army training is ghetto as shit.  Singapore's seems to have an actual plan with... "logic."

Well, whether you like or dislike your experience there, you'll grow from it.  And from my experience, it's all a test of your mental strength.

Let us know when you're done and whatnot!  I'd love to hear about your crazy adventures. :P

Thanks for letting us know. Good luck to you. Hope to still see you around here!

You might want to pop a quick OOC post in the thread for any battles that you're currently a part of, just to let the battle Master know what's up. I'm sure they'll understand. :)

john greymore:
@Kith: Glad he didn't change much. Hope all the testosterone etc etc won't subtly affect my personality, that would be disastrous!!!

@Jorumn: Really? I'd have had thought that US training would be more planned out, considering there's more resources spent on fewer soldiers. and yea I'll post about my adventures :D

@Cameron: Yea sure, I'll do that :D I'll be around!


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