Aracela you might like this one too if your into Epic - Trailer type music. Best Part I think is about 2:25 into it. Can't get the tune out of my head.
I do like that! And that's exactly the kinda music I'm talking about. Normally stuff like that pops up on the side when I listen to something like the Audiomachine tracks I linked to earlier.
And I changed my username, Danyael. Aracela was a spur of the moment decision. Probably should have stuck with the name everyone knows, so there it is.

Most likely Aracela will be the name I use for a character, not sure yet. Character creation has been more frustrating than usual, but when I am comfortable with her back story I'll make sure everyone gets to meet her via the epic thread before she leaps into the battle.
I like the music you picked for Tam too! If I had to pick a song, it would have similar instruments and the vocals are a plus. The drums make me picture her walking in a very resolute manner...stormy skies and angry eyes.
Been listening to a wide range of music during writing spells for the new character. is a wonderful thing. of the songs that came across one day and, despite the language, I still get the 'Beni, Beni' part stuck in my head. These are the types of songs that have been influencing my ideas...very different, but fun.