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Author Topic: The Eye of Terror: The Labyrinthine Depths of Chaos (Part II)  (Read 109668 times)

Offline Shadow Chorus

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Re: The Eye of Terror: The Labyrinthine Depths of Chaos (Part II)
« Reply #80 on: October 06, 2013, 10:45:16 AM »
Gulgrim didn't pay an ounce of attention to what any of the group was saying around him. A baseball whizzed over his head and he immediately told his Orks to quit muckin' about. They all grouped up and followed him into the elevator last. As the last of the Orks filed in, they closed the door behind them, and stood patiently waiting. Gulgrim took this moment to run a hand across his face in a gesture almost of exasperation, when he noticed something odd. His hand seemed to be able to run all the way across his skull without coming into contact with his hat. Planting a hand firmly on top of his head, he felt only his bald pate and not the familiar leather of his Katpin's Hat.

"Uh-oh..." He muttered.  He looked back at the door only for a ground-shaking explosion to rumble back at him.

"Whoops. Well, I suppose it wasn't a complete misuse o' me 'at. Didn' like dat place anyhow."

Gulgrim looked around and saw a Turkey next to a toppled barrel that Cameron had moved. Thinking the Space Marine had been in the mood for food and the barrel had acquiesced, Gulgrim booted over the second barrel to unveil yet another turkey, this one happening to be wearing a copy of his hat.

"Oi! Thank ye little bird."

Gulgrim reached down and plucked his hat from the Turkey, putting it on his head, and then reached down and ripped a leg from the Turkey and took a bite out of it.

"Tastes right Orky, it does."

Offline Cameron

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Re: The Eye of Terror: The Labyrinthine Depths of Chaos (Part II)
« Reply #81 on: October 09, 2013, 07:45:40 AM »
Soul Reaver launches himself forward. As he does so, the power he can feel from Peterson first doubles, then quadruples. At the same moment, Soul Reaver can finally fully detect the second spiritual signature that has been tugging at the corner of his mind since Peterson first appeared. It is immediately recognizable. Abbadon the Despoiler is here. But where?

Peterson's form flickers and shifts again. The angelic wings burn away, leaving translucent insect wings in their place. Peterson himself is engulfed in flames as the rest of his flesh burns off, save the right hand side of his face. This reveals Peterson's true form. Long metal legs end in three huge talons, spaced evenly apart with two facing forward at opposite angles and one facing straight backward. His arms are longer then they should be, and are strangely jointed. These also end in razor sharp metal talons, four on each hand. His body mostly resembles a skeleton. Metallic ribs protect a bundle of metal and cables that serve as his spine. The upper chest area is a solid enclosure of plating. Large silver chains wrap around the figure’s body in multiple places.

The left half of Peterson's face is the face of a robot. The eye on this side is a glowing red lens set into a metallic visage in the shape of a skull. The area where the mouth would be is covered in a metal plate. It appears that the metal part of the face on the right side was ripped off at some point. A jagged line of sharp metal and exposed wiring indicates where the metal face was sheared off. This exposes the right side of Peterson's human face underneath it. His face appears to be the face of a corpse. The flesh looks pale and lifeless, as if it had been preserved for a funeral. The mouth is visibly stitched closed, and the creature’s hair is mostly gone. What is left of it is wispy and transparent. The only thing that remains the same as his previous form is the exposed eye. The iris glows a sickening shade of green and is almost painful to look at. It swirls around the pupil as if it was a cyclone of energy instead of a physical part of the eye.

The silver chains that wrap around Peterson suddenly spring to life. They unwrap and swing forward, coming in between Soul Reaver and Peterson and parrying Blooddrinker's blow. Though the daemon blade cuts into the chains, they hold taut, stopping Soul Reaver's forward progression. Any damage done to them is already starting to repair itself.

"Tisk tisk, Master Reaver. We weren't done with our conversation yet! There's no need to be rude."

Soul Reaver can suddenly feel another presence behind him. The silver coin indicates that it is Natalya, but something is wrong.

"Hey Natalya. Why not escort your friend Soul Reaver here to his knees where he belongs."

There is an unnatural roar from behind Soul Reaver and then Natalya is on him. Her once frail form has twisted, and she wraps legs and arms that are far too long around Soul Reaver, hanging on with unnatural strength as she attempts to tear into his throat with massive fangs.

Cameron replies to Fei as they step onto the elevator platform.

"Yes. Abbadon is dead. We finally overpowered him, and he overloaded the Talon of Horus in an attempt to destroy us. He was not successful."

As Cameron stares at the first turkey, Gulgrim kicks over the barrel next to it. Cameron watches as Gulgrim recovers his hat from the roasted bird.

"How the hell did-"

Cameron is interrupted by Karyl.

"Bro, maybe we should just let that one go. k?"

As Gulgrim eats the turkey leg, the rest of the turkey disappears with a strange, almost 16-bit sound. Gulgrim suddenly feels energy coursing through him, healing any wounds he may have had and making him feel twice as powerful. At the same time, there is a rumbling and the elevator starts moving up the ramp very slowly. Strange electronic music starts playing from seemingly nowhere.

And then there are people dropping from the sky. They land on the platform one by one. Thugs with broken bottles and knives. Burly men in dirtbike helmets with lead pipes. Punkish looking men with brightly colored mohawks and yellow, red, and green leather jackets. Martial arts masters. Masked ninja armed with katanas. The list goes on. Soon, the companions are surrounded by these people. Even more wait above to drop down on to the elevator as it gets closer, and strange looking men with jetpacks hover and circle, waiting to strike. In unison, the men on the elevator rush forward to attack as what appears to be a countdown timer appears overtop of everything.

Garr had fallen back to Mary's position when she shouted her warning. Mary throws up a shield that protects her and Garr from the spells and majicks that are hurled their way. Some of the wizards manage to dart through the shield to attack up close. Garr and Mary take them out as they come, Garr leaping to meet them in midair and dislodge them from their brooms, and Mary hacking them down with the reach of her large two-handed blade. As the numbers become overwhelming and the shield begins to falter, Garr and Mary find themselves forced back to the edge of the bridge. Garr is caught head on by a blast from a wizard he was leaping towards and falls in a heap, disappearing in a swirl of shadows shortly after landing. Mary sees her shield finally fail just before she is hit by several powerful curses simultaneously. She tumbles backwards off of the bridge, falling towards the waters below.

Kalana uses her psychic powers to hold the wizards and their magic at bay as she charges towards the old man at the end of the bridge. She runs headlong into his shield and is pushed back. Her eyes narrow as the old man laughs at her.

"Okay, old man. We'll see if you're still laughing when I get my hands on you."

Kalana focuses her entire mind and all of her energy towards the barrier. A wave of psychic power rips from her as her finger tips penetrate the magical shield. Given enough time, she should be able to power her way through, but she cannot defend herself and some of the wizards are already turning towards her.

Even as this is happening, shadowy figures descend from the sky. These 10 foot tall wraith-like beings make their way towards the companions, hands outstretched. As they draw closer, the companions can feel their power weakening.

Please read the OOC thread before replying to this post!

Offline Danyael

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Re: The Eye of Terror: The Labyrinthine Depths of Chaos (Part II)
« Reply #82 on: October 09, 2013, 11:23:13 AM »
The battle gave Danyael little means for pause as the strike force was once again assaulted on all sides. As his shades continued the slaughter against the demon wizards, his eyes caught sight of a fusillade of spells hurling against the barrier for Mary and Garr, only to see the two elementals be assaulted in an entirely new wave, throwing Garr into nothingness and Mary over the edge of he bridge. His eyes looked everywhere for Garr but could not find him, and with his healing factor still out of whack, Danyael could not send out telekinetic feelings to search for him. Spitting up another liter of blood, preferably his last before his healing could fully kick in, he pushed off the ground in a mad dash for Mary, battering through the wizards that stood in his way much like an earth-based offensive lineman would batter through the opposing team, violently kicking, clothes-lining and shoulder tossing the demons as he shot through them like a high speed freight train. Just as Mary was fully over the edge and on her way down, Danyael, his cloak and imperial jacket gone - now revealing the body-fitting encounter suit beneath, leaped off in a swan dive for the elemental. He clamped his arms firmly around her, before fully turning themselves around as it was now his back that faced the waters and her body to face the sky.

 Feeling the energy of the rushing waters beneath them, Danyael tapped into his authority over the elements - heightened by his exile in the warp - where the water first began to slow as it got more and more dense, over and over again. The more dense it got, the more firm it became until it was a writhing mass of aquatic gel; hard enough to cushion a fall, but light enough to not cause a messy impact. They hit it hard, anyway, causing the gel to splatter in a multitude of directions in a geyser of jelly. Considering his incredibly weakened state, it wasn't that bad of an idea. All the same, there they lay in the deep gelled indentation of what was once the waters below. But having been weakened for so long, Danyael's eyes finally rolled back into his head and he went limp.

When he was in the warp, his powers had heightened, evolved, to such degree that even the slightest difference made a vastly more potent response. His connection to the worlds, the elements, the very universe - in this case Multiverse - around him affected him differently on a number of levels both positive and negative. The level of corrupted energies at work in this construct known as the Labyrinth was so severe that it had retarded his ability to heal instantaneously. And now, his limp form was the final product of the forces that be at work.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2013, 11:24:58 AM by Danyael »
"Yeah, well, ya' better have a spatula where we're goin' cause my ass is frozen to this yak!" :o

Offline Veldanya Venalla

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Re: The Eye of Terror: The Labyrinthine Depths of Chaos (Part II)
« Reply #83 on: October 09, 2013, 12:10:30 PM »
As the Seraphim battles the waves of demon wizards in the air he spots Garr and Mary fighting near the edge of the bridge.  In a blast Garr falls and disappears and Mary tumbles over the edge.  Danyael then follows her over the edge and he loses sight of the two of them.  Noticing Kalana's psychic assault against the old wizard the angel knows his next course of action.  Speeding towards the defenseless form of Kalana he crashes through two children who were about to attack Kalana from behind, slamming into the ground and crushing them beneath his mighty frame then knocking the forms off the edge of the bridge.  He moves behind Kalana with his back to her.

"Fear not Lady Kalana I'll ensure you come to no harm!"

Suddenly wraith like creatures descend from above towards the companions.  As they draw near Jharm can feel his power draining as if the creature is literally sucking out his soul.  He launches his sledge up at the nearest one and watches as it passes right through the creature.  He gestures and the hammer comes flying back into his outstretched hand.

"Immune to physical damage?  Then feel the glowing brilliance of the Light!"

The armored form of the Seraphim begins to glow a brilliant white, almost turning the night into day.  He raises his right hand towards the nearest Dementor and directs a beam of light at it.  The creature recoils as it is struck by the beam and begins to retreat from the glowing form of Jharm.  Two Dementors attempt to get behind Jharm and attack Kalana.  Suddenly the light surrounding the Seraphim flashes and grows even brighter, blinding a few demonic children nearby, causing them to fall from their brooms and to their deaths.   The Dementors shriek as they reel under the incredible brightness and move away from Jharm and Kalana.  Summoning a shield around Kalana the Seraphim proceeds to defend her with all his power, either striking any wizards that draw near with his sledge, blasting them from their brooms and keeping the Dementors at bay with flashes and beams of light.  Should anything make it through the shield and injure Kalana he is quick to place healing prayers upon her, knowing that the battle hinges on defeating the old man beneath the shield.
Religion and greed, cause millions to bleed.

Offline Cameron

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Re: The Eye of Terror: The Labyrinthine Depths of Chaos (Part II)
« Reply #84 on: October 09, 2013, 02:16:13 PM »
Mary barely registers toppling off of the bridge. She is completely stunned from the assault. As she falls, she catches a glimpse of someone falling after her. Then, nothing.

And then a split second later, a landing on something soft and cold, and she is snapped back to her senses. She rouses herself slowly, trying to figure out what the gel-like substance she landed on is. Then she feels someone beneath her. Realizing that lying on top of someone while in field plate isn't a fantastic idea, she allows herself to float up and twists over so that she is facing her savior.

It is Danyael. She could have guessed that he would be the one to catch her before she plummeted into the water unconscious. That didn't make her any less grateful. She can see that he is not in a very good state. She doesn't have any healing abilities to help, but can at least get him away from the action for a moment.

Mary reaches down and touches Danyael, and they both vanish in in a flash of violet light. They re-appear on top of a tower a good 50 yards away from the combat. Mary keeps her hand on Danyael as she feeds some of her elemental energy into him, hoping that maybe he can kick-start his own healing powers with it. She then looks back towards the combat, but a noise closer to their position attracts her attention.

It is three of the wraiths. They must have seen her teleport. They are making a beeline for her and Danyael's position. Mary shifts into a defensive stance. Anything trying to get to Danyael will have to go through her.

Offline Kitharsis

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Re: The Eye of Terror: The Labyrinthine Depths of Chaos (Part II)
« Reply #85 on: October 09, 2013, 03:25:33 PM »
Kitharsis watches as Gulgrim miraculously finds his hat perched on the top of the second turkey.  This Ork is incredibly powerful, and just as odd. 

A rumbling sound marks the begin of the elevator's ascent.  Adrenaline infusing electronic music begins playing from out of nowhere.  Kitharsis cracks his knuckles and raises his fists into a boxing stance.  His tattoos glow red on their own accord, reacting to the electronic music and the totally extreme atmosphere of this place.  His blond mohawk starts to feel more right than it ever has, dude.

A group of rough and tumble dudes drop down from the sky and begin circling the companions.  Kitharsis grins as he realizes that they are all melee fighters.  A punk in a bright green leather jacket slides forward and throws a punch at him.

Kitharsis easily dodges and returns with an uppercut of his own.  The uppercut connects and sends the dude in green flying backwards.  He bounces on the hard metal floor a good number of times before springing back to his feet like nothing had happened.  Kitharsis frowns, but before he can throw a follow up attack a dude in blue leather with spikes on his shoulders nonchalantly tosses a grenade.

The Tirthandara jumps with a crazy roll and lands a few yards away from the grenade.  Surprisingly none of the debris from blast hits him.  The blue leather dude keeps tossing grenades in the same spot, not even aiming for anything.  A few dudes with different colored mohawks randomly step onto the grenades as they explode, sending them flying high into the air.  Maddeningly, the floor is still pristine even after the barrage of explosions. 

A dude with a silver mohawk comes at him with a broken bottle.  Kitharsis kicks him in the side of the head, causing the dude to drop his primitive weapon.  He follows his kick with a one-two combo of punches, punctuated with another uppercut.  The glow of his tattoos leaves a red trail following his attacks.  Wicked.  The dude falls down and gives out a cheesy scream as he blinks out of existence.

"This is just nonsense."  He growls, as he charges into three dudes in yellow leather jackets.  He dips his shoulder and collides with all three of them at once.  They stumble and fall backwards, each yelling out the same cheesy scream as they blink out of existence at the same time. 

A dude in a blue jumpsuit with a jetpack on his back throws a diving kick at him.  It connects with his back and sends him sprawling.  Kitharsis shakes the elevator floor as he bounces and rolls to his feet.

Jetpack dude makes another dive.  Kitharsis grabs his leg and spins him in a circle before whipping him at the side of the wall.  He and his jetpack explode, leaving no trace of either of them.

"Righteous."  He mutters.

Offline Shadow Chorus

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Re: The Eye of Terror: The Labyrinthine Depths of Chaos (Part II)
« Reply #86 on: October 09, 2013, 04:06:46 PM »
Gulgrim barely has enough time to decide He'd like his Power Klaws on his arms before people begin to show up to fight them. Unsurprisingly, when he struck out at the first oncoming Punk, his cybork arm ended in a power klaw rather than the fist it had been moments ago. Perhaps even less surprisingly, he struck out with his other hand, which had also been equipped with a power klaw in the time that no-one had been looking at it. Since these gits were going to fight him with their handz and pitiful weapons like knives and broken bottles, he'd show them how a real Ork brawls.

Surprisingly All of Gulgrim's Orks had vacated the area, but that didn't seem to matter, as they made no bones about showing up when Gulgrim wanted them to. As Gulgrim Jabbed an oncoming brawler with his heavy right klaw, sprawling him back, He made a Throat-cutting gesture with his left power klaw, dragging the power claw's bladed thumb across the air in front of his throat. As he made the insult, a swarm of Orks charged across the elevator platform, heedlessly charging through the enemies and smacking them, chopping at them, or simply bowling them over as they charged from one end of the elevator to the other and vanished off the other side. It felt almost like a special move from an old 16-bit video game.

One of the fighters jumped up behind gulgrim and sunk his knife into the Ork's shoulder. The blade jammed into the Ork's thick green skin up to the hilt, and didn't even seem to draw blood. Gulgrim spun and backhanded the fool with his power klaw, sending him flying through the air to land in a heap before blinking out of existence. A pair of Warriors approached Gulgrim from either side, and he made a forward punch with his heavy right power klaw, and at the same time a Nob appeared behind him, making the same strike towards the fighter behind Gulgrim, punching both of them square in the jaw with Power Klaws before The Nob vanished as Gulgrim stood straight again.

Gulgrim roared a hearty "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!" As he grabbed two fighters in his mighty power klaws and slammed them together, before dropping them and looking around for more people to stomp.

"Orkz is made fer fightin' an' winnin'! Come an' get some ya gitz!" Gulgrim shouted, daring any who thought they were tough enough to face the Enraged Ork.

Offline Danyael

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Re: The Eye of Terror: The Labyrinthine Depths of Chaos (Part II)
« Reply #87 on: October 09, 2013, 11:20:05 PM »
In the beginning there was blackness, but Danyael was aware of his presence in it. He called out at first,  then when he heard nothing call back he used his actual voice. “I know you're there.” a force that may have been his voice resonated throughout the emptiness. “I know you know.” another voice replied with an amused croon. “You haven't been quite yourself these days, have you?” the voice asked him. It was a joke. But he wasn't laughing. “Well... alas, that part of you will always remain.” the voice jeered, referencing Danyael's lack of humor. “I see you've come for help.” it changed the subject.

“Help would constitute assistance from an outside source. You and I are now one and the same.” Danyael corrected, or so he thought. “And yet we still remain, on several levels, separate – thus classifying me as, as you would put it, an outside source.” the voice, now a presence, corrected. The nephilim lord couldn't counter it as he, amusing as it was, recognized the presence was indeed right. “Then yes, I suppose I need your help.” he acquiesced.

The darkness swirled around him, folding in on the presence until it became the presence – a single, featureless being identical in height to him. “It's been too long.” the presence said, both praise and sneering evident in its tone. Danyael nodded in agreement, “And for that, I apologize.” he opened his arms to the presence, now a being, inviting his hands to its. “You don't need much from me. Just a pinch will do.” the being, now a person – identical to him in everything but two features: his 'eyes' reflected the very cosmos of the omniverse itself and an entire host of brilliant wings reached out into infinity. Danyael nodded again, “A pinch is all I need.”

The person still looked somber. “You won't entirely be in control. In fact, you won't be in control at all. All I can guarantee is that you won't hurt any of your friends.” letting Danyael think over the option. Needing only a moment to consider, he provided his answer. “That's all I ask.”

In the living world, the three dementors closed in on Mary and Danyael. They approached much like predators circling their prey before the final pounce. Their languid forms swaying in all directions before they suddenly swooped for the warp elemental, only to be halted by a sudden screech unlike anything heard in the living world. The shadows themselves began to quiver and twist until elongated, reptilian, skeletal limbs began to pull themselves from the shadows, oozing with an ichorous substance that could only be considered the very life's blood of existence itself. They began clamping their way up the tower, tearing up chunks of the mortar as they made their way to Mary and Danyael until they were finally upon them.

Danyael's limp frame, at first, remained still; shallow breathing and all. When the limbs reached them, they darted passed Mary and began to lift Danyael, wrapping around and penetrating him, almost lovingly pouring around him in a passionate embrace. And then Danyael's eyes snapped open with a deafening roar. But it wasn't a voice. It was something else. Power. Pure, vocal power. And then he was gone without a trace. His sagging head rolled up to look to Mary as a cacaphony of hisses and whispers  spoke one word, or possibly a plea, of warning: “...Away...”

The dementors looked around, sniffing out essences and traces of power. And then the same shadowed hands clamped hard around their faces, smashing them together with such force, they nearly shattered into a single mass. Serving their only function, to steal life, they began sucking away at the already lifeless face of Danyael, only for the Nephilim Lord to send something back into them. The dementors sucked back, but the nephilim lord continued feeding them more and more. More dementors began to show up, snared by the essence of his eerie trap. And when enough had gathered, the phantom limbs exploded in quadruple the numbers rivaling the dementors themselves, yanking and shredding away at them with such aggressive ferocity that when he was done with them, the wraiths were little more vanishing essence. Because the dementors were never physical, it was just as suiting that the living darkness itself be an appropriate weapon. And an even deadlier predator.

Danyael's form, all this time, wasn't in control at all. It was as if he were the puppet and the living darkness the puppeteer, existing through him to extend its powers across the battlefield. Vanishing in another blast of speed, the storm of shadows that was Danyael rained down on the army of dementors, the phantom limbs hammering down in rapid fire as blurred lightning bolts, battering down and slashing at them with an undying vitality. All the while, Danyael's form hovered amidst the chaos, eyes black as the shadows themselves, looking deep into the emptiness. 
"Yeah, well, ya' better have a spatula where we're goin' cause my ass is frozen to this yak!" :o

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Re: The Eye of Terror: The Labyrinthine Depths of Chaos (Part II)
« Reply #88 on: October 13, 2013, 12:16:11 PM »
   The cackling of the daemons and the screams of the children were threatening to overwhelm him. They taunted him, tortured him. But then, through the tormentous ringing in his skull comes a sense of peace, piercing through the darkness. Words float through his mind.

Peace my not let them win.....

   The daemons snarled and tried to lash out at Jharm for his intrusion, before retreating. Existence seemed to wink out for sepher as he focused completely inward. Sepher's thoughts floated across his mind.

Thank you my friend...

   As his felt his strength returning, he opened his eyes. From his kneeling position he could see Garm get assaulted and thrown off into who knows where, and Mary get knocked off the bridge as she is pummeled, though Danyael dives off after her. Kalana is threatening to be overwhelmed in her fight to get to the old man, but Jharm is there in a heartbeat. An Idea forms in his head. Reaching out in his mind with newfound concentration, he grabs ahold of a soul. These things need a bigger target, something that can distract the multitudes of minions while the others do their work. To take the pressure off.

   Standing slowly, his fists at his sides, he forces the soul of the Greater Daemon Radenoliel to merge with his own. Gritting his teeth in pain, a flash of blinding bright white sparked from Sepher and winked out like a lightbulb burning out. A bulb of growing shadow appeared and grew quickly. Like shattering metal, the large orb of shadow burst, buffeting those nearby with a wash of cold energies. A loud roar split the sky as sepher finished his transformation, standing now close to 25 feet tall. (SEE OOC FOR PICTURE)

   The Deamon's eyes opened slowely, and peering into them was like looking into the end of time itself, as if ones time meant nothing to this beast. With yet another roar, the beasts great bronzed wings spread and with a power downward stroke, carried itself into the air. The daemon barreled through the children buzzing about, knocking them off their brooms with powerful strokes of the wings or forceful dislocation due to the creatures bulk. As it rose into the air above the party, it slowed to hover there. Many of the children buzzing around would turn their attention to it and begin launching magical attacks on the beast. Some of these attacks were trivial, harmlessly bouncing off such a great beast, but some tore into the beasts body, rending into the bronze shell of the daemon. Some of the Dementors floated towards him, threatening to steal his energy. It did not seem to feel it however, as the beast unleashed one of it's greatest powers.

   The corrupter of time did as his namesake holds, and unleashed a flow of his daemonic power into the currents of time surrounding him. The spells slinging towards him as well as the dementors seemed to creep like slugs now, as he slipped through the sands of time. Building up his own energies, he prepared to unleash an attack that would devastate the beings around them. Throwing his arms and wings wide, energy shot forth, bronze blasts of concussive energy, tearing children and dementors alike to pieces. The screams are drowned out in the whirl of energy. He hopes that anything that survives focuses on him, to give kalana time to focus her efforts on the old man.

« Last Edit: October 13, 2013, 10:04:53 PM by Sepher »

Offline Cameron

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Re: The Eye of Terror: The Labyrinthine Depths of Chaos (Part II)
« Reply #89 on: October 14, 2013, 03:14:13 PM »
Mary looks on as Danyael's attack decimates the children and shades. She can see him in the chaos of battle. Something was off about him. His eyes are completely black. For a moment, a tendril of fear snakes it's way into her subconscious and she is rooted to the spot. Then Sepher's attack hits, causing a huge bronze explosion of power. This snaps her out of her daze and she shakes her head, breaking eye contact with Danyael. She speaks aloud to no one in particular, clearly frustrated with herself.

"Dumbass... why don't you just file that away under the "Things to ask that guy you like the next time you have a chance to sit down for a beer and aren't facing down certain death in a hellish nightmare realm" and move the fuck on, already?"

And move on is exactly what she does. Seeing Kalana struggling with the old man's shield, she focuses her mind and disappears in another puff of violet smoke and energy.

Kalana focuses on ripping through the old man's shields, knowing that the shades and demonic children will just keep coming if she doesn't. Jharm does a valiant job of protecting her, but a few of the shades manage to slip through. They are met with last minute resistance as shadowy forms of Garr suddenly appear to engage them. The shadowy blades of these copies seem to affect the shades just fine, ripping into them and driving them back. And even with this assistance, Kalana can feel her mind slipping. She is expending too much energy. Runes spin around her head and blue smoke and fire pour from her eyes as she refocuses, using every trick she knows to increase her mental output.

And then Mary arrives. Ignoring the immense pain that rips through her from reaching into the massive backlash of psychic energy pouring off of Kalana, she grabs the psyker's shoulder. Kalana feels energy pouring into her as Mary draws power directly from the warp to augment the psyker's strength. With a roar, Kalana re-doubles her efforts. The old man frowns as his shield cracks and then finally gives way in an explosion of green fire and screams. The last of the children and shades vanish into air.

Kalana collapses to the ground, completely spent. Mary rips her smoking left gauntlet off of her hand, revealing third degree burns running up her arm. She flexes her hand painfully. She won't be able to use her two handed sword like this. Garr appears beside her, also worn out from his attacks and from the efforts of the shades. He looks paler than usual. He drops to help Kalana back into a sitting position. The old man stands in front of them, still frowning.

"Mary, you're hurt, and Kalana is unconscious. We can't keep this up."

Mary sheathes her two handed sword with her good hand.

"Sure we can. We just need some extra help. In the meantime, get her somewhere safe."

Garr nods in agreement, immediately understanding what she is referring to. He lifts Kalana off the ground and begins to run back across the bridge. But he does not make it.

The old man's eyes suddenly glow orange, and his features ripple and shift. There is a sound like the tearing of wet paper, and the old man's clothes and skin fall to the ground in tatters. A cloud of shadows with orange eyes is left, but this soon solidifies into a much bigger figure. It is a Chaos marine in power armor, but it is obviously not your normal marine. He towers over Mary, with fire seeming to pour from vents and exhaust ports in his armor. A strange headdress of purple and yellow surrounds his helmet. Wicked spikes adorn his shoulder pads. A cloak of purple fabric covers the lower half of his armor, with the skull of a long dead animal holding it in place at his belt. A bolter hangs off of his belt, unused. A huge flaming sword is grasped in his right gauntlet. His left gauntlet extends outwards towards Mary, and she can see an actual human eye open up in his metal palm. It begins to glow brightly, as the sorcerer prepares to unleash a spell. Kalana, were she conscious, would have recognized this immediately for what it is, a Chaos Sorcerer Lord of the Thousand Sons chapter. A chapter which has not been seen outside of the Eye for centuries. Mary recognizes it as more powerful than anything they've faced since entering the Labyrinth. She takes a step back, as her good hand drops to the hilt of Morthoseth.

At the same time, flashes of smoke and flame appear all over the bridge. 20 Chaos Marines decorated in the same purple and yellow livery as the Sorcerer appear and aim strange looking bolters at the companions. They quickly open fire, but what emerges from the barrels of the bolt rifles are not the normal bolt projectiles favored by both the Imperial and Chaos Space Marines. Instead, pure bolts of magical fire burst forth from the weapons, exploding on impact and engulfing anything they hit. The companions will not have much time to defend. Two marines appear right next to Garr and draw flaming swords instead of firing with their bolters. Garr knows that these will rip right through his mundane weapons. Without thinking, he draws Molotoch and parries both blades with a one-handed flourish, still carrying Kalana over his other shoulder. A surge of power rips through the battlefield as Molotoch is drawn, and every other elemental's blade reacts in unison. Mary feels Morthoseth stir, it's pull beyond her control. She rips the blade from it's sheath, feeling it's power surge through her and outward, feeling the other blades reacting in her mind once again. She raises the sword in a defensive stance just as she is engulfed by a wave of fire that springs from the open palm of the Sorcerer before her.

Please read the OOC thread before replying to this post!
« Last Edit: October 16, 2013, 10:35:34 PM by Starblade|MKIV »

Offline Daccio

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Re: The Eye of Terror: The Labyrinthine Depths of Chaos (Part II)
« Reply #90 on: October 15, 2013, 09:52:12 AM »
   Suddenly, time seems to return to normal speed for sepher, and the large deamon hovers as the children and specters vanish. His eyes narrow as the true threat finally reveals itself. His mind raced with the need for destruction and death. He quickly took a firm grip on his mind before his thoughts were able to run loose.
        Bolter fire, seemingly otherworldly in nature, flares up at him and instinctively he slows time around himself, slowing the bolts of energy as he moved through the spaces between time. Falling backwards from his hovering position, the giant daemon flipped around to come upright  and flying at great speed just above the bridge. He angled himself towards the end that held the the larger quantity of marines and none of his allies, power welling in the creatures chest as it moved.
        To others, he would seem to shoot along incredibly fast. So fast so, it would almost seem as if he teleported. Sepher's wings snapped open as he just reached the bridge, allowing himself to return to normal time and unleashed a momentuous blast of bronze energy, directed at the marines and this half of the bridge. The energy was enough to turn brick and mortar to shards and dust. He was trying to slam power into the marines to crush them and tear this half of the bridge off of its foundations.

Offline Veldanya Venalla

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Re: The Eye of Terror: The Labyrinthine Depths of Chaos (Part II)
« Reply #91 on: October 16, 2013, 02:51:29 PM »
The Seraphim turns as a few Dementors manage to slip past his defenses but then are suddenly cut down by shadow images of Garr.  Suddenly there is an explosion as Kalana manages to finally pierce the shield around the old man.  Before his eyes the old man changes into what could only be a high ranking Chaos Sorceror.  Suddenly Chaos Marines flash into existence along the bridge and fire magical bolts of flame at the companions.  In the blink of an eye a shield appears around Jharm as he crouches down just as the bolts slam into the shield, engulfing the area in flame.  As the flames disappear the shield around Jharm seems to still be standing though it is visibly weaker then before.  Within the shield can be seen the angels massive frame kneeling down.  The holy being gazes around and stands up and begins to glow brightly.  He suddenly raises his hands towards the sky as the light around him shoots upwards into the heavens.  A second later what could be described as large "meteors" of light come screaming down from above, aimed at each of the Chaos Marines and the Chaos Sorceror.
Religion and greed, cause millions to bleed.

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Re: The Eye of Terror: The Labyrinthine Depths of Chaos (Part II)
« Reply #92 on: October 16, 2013, 10:46:03 PM »
A vicious smirk crosses Fei's lips as the mix-matched band of gangbangers, martial artists and out-of-place 80's styled, hightop wearing cyberpunk dressed thugs leap down to surround the companions.

As he prepares to deliver a bare knuckle beatdown, Fei's attention is drawn to something oddly peculiar.  Whomever he draws his focus upon, a yellow bar appears atop their head along with a name beneath it. In fact, some of these individuals share the same name.... Galsia? A quick analysis leads Fei to determine that these yellow bars above their heads represent their physical wellbeing. 
Some enemies have a blue bar instead of a yellow one with little stars beneath it.  These enemies clearly stand out from the rest.

Looking around, Fei notices that when his eyes glance over the companions, they, as well have these physical representations of their overall health above their heads in the form of yellow bars.  Glancing upwards, Fei notices one above his head as well.  It is presently one quarter filled with yellow, and the rest is shaded red.

"Hmmm.  Well that's embarrassing..."

Right above the health bars of the companions, appears to be a string of numbers starting at 000000.

"Well then, lets get started."

Fei lunges forward with blinding speed towards the closes opponent who, without expression, shuffles his feet forwards. He's adorned with bright red hair, hightops, a blue jean jacket and non-ripped up jeans, surprisingly.  His name was Galsia.  And this was the end of him. 

There's an explosion of force as Fei brings his leg up into a side kick planted directly into Galsia's chest.  Galsia's yellow bar drops by three-quarters as he's propelled backwards into 3 others named Galsia just like him who take equal amounts of damage.  He continues to fly back until he hits the iron chained fencing on the far side of the elevator and explodes into a pixelated mess that scatters and disappears.  Fei appears dissatisfied as he apparently cannot feed on these opponents.   

The three other Galsia's stand up as if they weren't just beat down from their other-twin.  No discerning representations of damage are present on them. Fei is quick to descend upon them, delivering a flying kick that strikes all three of them and sends them sprawling to the ground before flashing and disappearing.
The number above Fei changes to 000440.

A knife goes flying past Fei's face from behind and bounces off the caged enclosure. Ducking down and spinning upwards into a backflip, Fei kicks the knife  back at the attacker.  An enemy named Jack.  He has a blue health bar with two stars beneath it and has a shaggy blond mohawk, a black biker jacket and torn up jeans and unfashionable boots.  The knife spins back towards Jack, striking him in the chest and knocking him to the ground.  With a grunt he gets back up and brandishes another knife he pulls from his jacket pocket.   

Another knife comes hurling towards Fei's face who snatches it out of the air before it nears his face.  Then another. Then another. Jack stands but 15 feet from him but continues to hurl steel blades at Fei who casually plucks the knives from the air as they come.  But where is Jack keeping all of them at?
The 13th knife Fei deflects into the air with a swift kick as he leaps off one foot to ascend into the air. The knife soars through the air striking a biker named tempest on a motorcycle as he comes ramping off of one of the overhead hallway entrances high above.

Tempest is knocked from his bike and his incredibly small health bar depletes in a single knife strike and he vanishes away, his bike now falling from the sky. 

While leaping into the air, Fei's body twists around to face the ground, revealing two fistfuls of knives held between his knuckles.  In an instant there is whirling blades being rained down upon Jack who makes no effort to move out of the way.  As each blade strikes him in rapid succession, locking him in place, Fei flips up into the seat of the falling motorcycle, bringing it back under control.

With a satisfying crunch, Jack's head explodes under the spinning back tire of the bike as Fei peels off into a wheelie. His body fragments into pixels.

A flashing Gold sign above Fei's health bar followed by a random ghostly announcer speaking in all caps explains 19 HIT COMBO! OUTSTANDING!!!


Shortly after peeling off of Jack's head, a kabuki looking individual with long claws comes spinning into the bike, causing it to explode.  Fei is thrown from the bike but flips onto his feet, shrapnel impaling his body in all manners. 

From the flaming wreckage, the clawed warrior emerges, his health slightly drained from the explosion as well.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2013, 10:58:15 PM by Fei »

Offline Archdemon Stu

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Re: The Eye of Terror: The Labyrinthine Depths of Chaos (Part II)
« Reply #93 on: October 17, 2013, 01:15:43 AM »
A crowd of men and women with a fashion sense that only the cultural confusion of the turning of decades could be guilty of encroached on Jorumn and his puppet.  They did not yet know the forces they reckoned with.  The shifting of the 80's to the early 90's was now strong with Jorumn.  The ritual was nearly complete... but the oncoming horde of punks, thugs, and strippers were already upon him.  With greatly exaggerated sound effects, Jorumn was overwhelmed and pummeled to death.  He blinked slowly out of existence, and the assailants - satisfied for the moment - began to meander aimlessly.

Suddenly, Jorumn and his puppet rocketed down from the sky!  As their weight slammed into the ground, the sheer nonsensical force of it violently threw the attackers to the ground.  The construct mage and his undead thrall were now wearing wife beaters, bandannas, and some super sweet fingerless gloves... because everyone knows they look so f***ing rad.

Assessing the situation, and deciding his best move with the power remaining from the ritual, he comes to a conclusion: "Bodily intregrity shall not last long in this form.  Sheer amounts of 'bogus' will destroy soul, and diminish internal power sources.  Efficiency advised."

Before his foes could even stand once more, pipes, knives, and grenades rained from the sky.  As they stood, the mage and his puppet were already upon them.  The knives flew swiftly, and barely allowed any man time to recover one for themselves.  By the time they did, it was too late; Jorumn's steady supply of incoming knives allowed him to effectively spam each and every foe.

His plan was quick to backfire... or so the muggers thought, for now.  The punks with jetpacks were unlike foes he was used to, and were difficult to account for.  With the brief moment of down time, it was not long before every enemy in his vicinity was armed with disproportionately powerful lead pipes.

A quick flash of pixelated lightning coursed through every single lead pipe and jet pack surrounding him, momentarily stunning the mage's foes.  With martial efficiency that could only be attributed to watching every Chuck Norris and Steven Seagal movie through the power of his ritual in order to understand the world around him, Jorumn dispatched his foes easily.  The high kicks were many, and each blow resounded as if a whip to a wet slab of meat.  With each foe that fell, they rose to join Jorumn, and were thus... totally radical.

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Re: The Eye of Terror: The Labyrinthine Depths of Chaos (Part II)
« Reply #94 on: October 19, 2013, 08:52:03 AM »
Soul Reaver’s charge is interrupted by a veritable wall of chains.  Blooddrinker’s point is deflected, red sparks spewing from the silver chain links where they make contact with the sword.

Anyone looking carefully would notice that Soul Reaver’s physical form seems to shudder and shimmer for a split second at the moment of contact, and the deep rents on the chains don’t seem to be appearing where they should be.  But Peterson is on the other side of the chains, and is unlikely to actually spot this discrepancy.

The sword deflected aside, Soul Reaver deftly backsteps.  A snarl is evident on his face.  He can feel yet another spiritual signature nearby – Abaddon!  He was sure that the damnable chaos puppet was dead, but there was no mistaking his presence.  Matters were turning more dire by the second.

Peterson’s dead, pallid face looms above Soul Reaver.  Though expressionless, he can feel it leering at him.

"Tisk tisk, Master Reaver. We weren't done with our conversation yet! There's no need to be rude."

Yet another warped presence behind him – like Natalya, but different – and Peterson speaks once more.

"Hey Natalya. Why not escort your friend Soul Reaver here to his knees where he belongs."

The strange roar heralds Natalya’s attack.  A mass of twisted limbs and fangs leaps through the air, intending to wrap the dark warrior in a deadly embrace.

But Soul Reaver does not whirl around completely to face her – he only turns on his heel to face his right.  And when Natalya’s limbs attempt to seize him, they find themselves scrabbling at thin air.  Soul Reaver’s form shudders into nothingness one last time.  His Displacement spell has run its course and served its purpose.  Soul Reaver’s true location is revealed, standing about one and a half metres to the left of where he seemed to have been standing.  His displaced image turns into nothing more than rapidly fading motes of glowing mana.

The confusion will last but a moment, but it is enough.

Blooddrinker flashes upward in a diagonal stroke that sings a dark tune.  The Natalya-creature reacts with supernatural speed, but even that is not fast enough.  A trail of thick blue blood spatters across the floor as her right forearm is separated from her body, falling to the ground some metres away.

“Do not think me a fool, Peterson.”

Soul Reaver advances, Blooddrinker batting Natalya’s other hand aside as she again reaches for his throat.  She may be injured, but by Inferno, she was still FAST.  With both Peterson here and Abaddon’s spiritual signature indicating his presence as well, he could not afford a prolonged battle.

“I have come to expect treachery,”

Twisting her limbs in a bizarre fashion, the Natalya-creature ducks below what was supposed to be a decapitating blow and leaps toward Soul Reaver’s face, fangs bared.

“And I prepare accordingly.”

The Natalya-creature’s fanged mouth chomps down onto the metal of Soul Reaver’s right gauntlet, which he raises just in time to shield his face.  At the same time, his left hand moves forward and deftly – almost gently – touches the coin on the creature’s forehead.


The coin glows white, and the creature’s eyes go wide.  There is short, sharp sound – the sound of metal piercing flesh and bone – and a lance of silver blooms from the back of the creature’s head.  Blue blood runs down its length and drips to the floor.

The Natalya-creature drops to its knees.

“I have no time to deal with this rabble.”

Soul Reaver snaps his fingers, and in an instant the hollow silver lance blooms open in a spiral shape, blades and spines manifesting on its flanged metal sides.  The Natalya-creature’s head and upper body explode into an unrecognizable mass of fleshy chunks, spraying Soul Reaver with gore.

The perverse flower retracts, and lies on the ground once more as an unassuming silver coin.  Soul Reaver scoops it up as he turns to face Peterson.  He grips Blooddrinker in both hands, rage again seething over his features as he advances.

“Soon we find out if any blood still pumps beneath that dead flesh!”
« Last Edit: October 19, 2013, 10:36:57 AM by Soul Reaver »

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Re: The Eye of Terror: The Labyrinthine Depths of Chaos (Part II)
« Reply #95 on: October 19, 2013, 11:38:52 PM »
If timing couldn't be any worse. In his current state, would it even matter if he got hit over and over again? But that was a moot point as his level went from trance to suddenly, and inconveniently, awake - right at the moment the marines appeared and the chaos sorcerer finally revealed their forms. The shadows vanished in a wink and the nephilim lord descended to the ground, only to turn his fall into a dive and he was no more - unseen, that is. In the same moment, as Mary was enveloped in a gout of flame, one that the nephilim lord faithfully believed she could defend against, it was apparent the sorcerer was otherwise occupied. Tactics and their outcomes soared through his mind in a moment in time and thus he picked the closest, fastest and most convenient.

As the chaos sorcerer shot flame at Mary, the air stilled behind the chaos sorcerer, only to shift into a gaping vortex of earth that was once the ground. The vortex spun, roaring and spitting tendrils of uniquely separate energies as they now began to reach out for the sorcerer. Considering Danyael's sudden reawakening into the living world, one could only guess whether or not his tactic was fast enough to catch the sorcerer by a wide enough surprise to land in counting blows.
"Yeah, well, ya' better have a spatula where we're goin' cause my ass is frozen to this yak!" :o

Offline Fei

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Re: The Eye of Terror: The Labyrinthine Depths of Chaos (Part II)
« Reply #96 on: October 21, 2013, 10:14:18 PM »
Fei cracks his neck to the side and rolls his shoulders back.  He looks down to see the bike shrapnel lodged in various parts of his body then back to... oh what's his name... his eyes flick upward to the clawed man's health bar who is striking a menacing pose from the disappearing flames from the wrecked bike.

"Zamza?  Well then.  I suppose I needed someone to start my warm up on. I hope you'll do."

With a small amount of concentration the shrapnel within Fei's body dislodges and his wounds seal within an instant.

Zamza wastes no time lunging at the Lord of Shadows as he is 'recovering' from his wounds, his claws poised to strike Fei down who stands passively.

With a thunderous boom, Fei's left hand rips through the sound barrier with a front jab that rock's Zamza's face before his claws could ever come down, the torrent of force following in it's wake propelling the assailant backwards through the air and expanding outwards from Fei, scattering a dozen more enemies within 10 feet of him scattering like leaves in the wind.

"Hmm still a bit stiff...hahahaha.HAHA. "  Fei laughs aloud about the pun he's made for a second before he disappears, leaving behind a ghostly shadow of himself which slowly fades in a gentle swirl.

Reappearing behind the air born Kabuki fighter before he hits the steel plated floor, Fei throws an upward kick to the back of his head, rocketing him skyward.  Zamza strikes one of the jetpack wearing enemies named Jet as he ascends, causing his jetpack to explode and to plummet to the ground.  As he reaches the apex of his ascension several hundred feet above, still within the elevator shaft looking down on the many dozens of enemies waiting to jump onto the companions far below, Fei reappears in a shadowy explosion, his body wreathed in abyssal essence, his shadows leaping to life.

Blow upon blow lands upon Zamza as he's juggled back and forth, seemingly being struck from all directions at once.  In this time, the shrouded images of Fei appear to be in more than one place at once, more than 10 places at once it seems, it's hard to tell... delivering a strike upon the defenseless thug and vanishing in a wisp of fading lights.   Zamza's multiple health bars are rapidly depleting as the combo counter next to Fei's name has reached the triple digits and continues to climb.  Black lightning crackles across the elevator shaft high above where the onslaught takes place.
Before a final strike is delivered, the shadows coalesce and vanish, reappearing back on the elevator, leaving Zamza to plummet back down towards the elevator shaft. 

The Vampire's leg comes back and before Zamza hits the ground, he spins down, sweeping across the floor and brings his leg up to  to deliver a brutal kick directly above him, right about where Zamza's unfortunate face would be.  In the moment that Fei delivers his kick, the steel plating beneath him twist and dislodge and get turned into lethal projectiles as a violent tornado 10 feet wide at the base and 80 feet high roars outward from the force generated by the kick.  Zamza is also disintigrated by the kick.

The twister begins to grasp and pull at anything within reach. Especially the poor saps up above waiting to jump down onto the elevator and the jetpack enemies. Dozens of enemies are instantly drawn into it's furious winds and torn assunder as motorcycles, steel plates, Lead pipes, Knives, swords, and where the hell did the robots come from?... Anyways. they all become lethal projectiles ... as if they weren't already... eviscerating enemies are thrown around, and bashed off the sides of the elevator shaft for a full 6 seconds before all the enemies appear to choke out the tornado and cause it to sputter and die, dropping many, many, MANY of them down onto the elevator floor where they explode into pixel dust.

Fei's combo meter has apparently broken at 9,999 as well as his score now showing 999,999.

"What the hell is this?  New high score? Enter Initials?"

Initials: A.S.S [end]
« Last Edit: October 22, 2013, 10:03:01 AM by Fei »

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Re: The Eye of Terror: The Labyrinthine Depths of Chaos (Part II)
« Reply #97 on: October 29, 2013, 08:59:48 AM »
The stitches holding Peterson's mouth closed pull taut as his smirk widens. He stifles a giggle as what is left of the false Natalya's lifeless corpse collapses to the ground with a wet thud.

"This just proves my point, Master Reaver. Look how you treat your apprentices. I wonder if Asaki knew your little boon could do that to her at a moment's notice. Maybe you should have just done it. After all, you were done with her anyway! Might have saved her a lifetime of torture and servitude! Oh well. No use crying over dead daughter figures, am I right?!"

Peterson allows himself to float to the ground and land. He takes a step towards Soul Reaver. The floating chains retreat and wrap around him again.

"But where are my manners! I can see you're in no mood to talk. You'd rather waste time playing Demon Swords with me while your remaining companions suffer and die elsewhere. Par for the course with you, isn't it? Letting people die. Being a complete waste of space. Accomplishing absolutely nothing on the galactic scale of things. Failing the only ones who have ever cared about you. It's your trademark! The one thing you're really good at! And I'll tell you, I'm more than happy to help!!"

There is a flash of daemonic energy, and suddenly a familiar blade is in Peterson's hands. Lightning arcs from the daemon blade Drach'nyen as Peterson continues to slowly walk towards Soul Reaver.

"Let's play Demon Swords. I've got mine. You've got yours. I'll even be nice and let you go first!"

Directly on the heels of Peterson's taunt, another voice rips into Soul Reaver's head. The all too familiar dark snarl of Abbadon the Despoiler. A voice no longer filled with despair, but dripping with conceit, malice, and confidence.

"He's right, Reaver. You have accomplished nothing in your time here. You weren't even able to defeat me. I live. Your actions are worthless. And now your companions die in the Labyrinth while you are powerless to help them."

Images of his friends dying flash in the corners of his vision. Obvious illusions... or are they things that are happening right now? Soul Reaver has not been able to detect any of his companions since he woke up on the bridge.

"You are all here because he wants you to be here. Any semblance of success is because he is allowing it. He has played all of you for fools and you are dying for it. You are not strong enough. You will never be strong enough until you drop this charade of humanity and embrace your true potential."

As Peterson takes yet another step forward, Soul Reaver can see an after-image of Abbadon just behind him. It is apparent that Abbadon is not only here, but is inside Peterson's body with him. Soul Reaver will be facing the combined might of both of these monsters simultaneously, with no help. A bone chilling revelation, to be sure.

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Re: The Eye of Terror: The Labyrinthine Depths of Chaos (Part II)
« Reply #98 on: October 29, 2013, 08:41:21 PM »
Peterson mocks Soul Reaver for dispatching Natalya - and for having been similarly prepared to dispatch Asaki when she had first pledged allegiance - and Abaddon's voice rings clear in his mind.  Drach'nyen glints in the flaring light of the fireball following behind Soul Reaver.  For a disorienting moment, Soul Reaver feels that he can see his companions dying around him, reaching out toward him as if pleading for help.

The odds were stacked against him.  Throughout this campaign, he had felt as if his energy were draining from him.  His spiritual energy, normally a reliable flow, had been chocked off and slowed to a trickle - his reserves were being exhausted faster than he could replenish them.  He could not concentrate, his attention was divided.

He doubted.

In other circumstances he would have approached such a threat in level-headed fashion.  He might have retreated, fought the enemy on different terms at a later time.  But Peterson's words amplified his doubt, and in so doing, was wearing down a mental guard that Soul Reaver absolutely needed to maintain at all times.

The guard cracks.


There is a loud, dull thudding in Soul Reaver's temples with every step he takes forward.  Each throb causes a flare of red to envelop the periphery of his vision.  Though agonizing, each pulse sends a surge of strength and energy through Soul Reaver's body.  A dark, sinister energy, deeper and more forbidden than any mortal sin.  He pushes it back, but with each step another pulse threatens to overwhelm him.  His rage builds.  There would not be a retreat.

Soul Reaver roars a wordless battle cry.  In one fluid motion, he raises Blooddrinker high over his head and spins through the air, clearing the remaining distance between himself and Peterson.  The same moment he lands, he brings the sword down in a swooping, two-handed arc that could split mountains in two.

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Re: The Eye of Terror: The Labyrinthine Depths of Chaos (Part II)
« Reply #99 on: October 30, 2013, 05:33:46 AM »
Sepher's attack is successful in destroying the rear half of the bridge. It collapses into the water, taking 10 of the marines with it. 2 of these 10 are the marines that were attacking Garr. They lose their balance and tumble into the water and rubble below. Garr seems to now be cut off from the safety of the area they had come onto the bridge from, but a flying leap puts himself and Kalana on that side of the chasm. He tips a salute to Sepher before creating a sphere of shadows to keep the two hidden from sight while she recovers.

Jharm's holy meteors strike their targets true. Each of the remaining 10 marines is smashed into the ground by spheres of light. Broken and battered suits of armor are all that remain of them. One of the holy meteors targets the sorcerer, but he glances up at it and waves a hand. A flurry of shadows knocks the meteor off of it's target and sends it crashing into the waters below. This leaves the sorcerer wide open for attack from behind.

The first two or three tendrils from Danyael's attack slam into the back of the sorcerer with enough force to crack his armor. It's massive bulk totters forward as it unleashes an inhuman roar of surprise. It manages to turn around in time to ward off the next few blows before an incantation causes a massive barrier to appear before it. This barrier blocks the remaining attacks. Content, the sorcerer then turns back to it's original target just as the fire from his attack spell clears.

Through the clearing smoke, a figure completely enveloped in white wings can be seen. The wings open to reveal Mary in a defensive stance. The elemental blade Morthoseth glows brightly in her right hand. Her left arm is held in front of her. A large translucent kite shield is now strapped to her left wrist. The burns she had suffered on that wrist already seem to be melting away. Mary's eyes open, revealing glowing white pits with no iris or pupil. The elemental markings on her now exposed right hand burn with white fire.

Mary flexes her new wings and launches herself at the enemy before her. Morthoseth collides with the sorcerer's burning sword as the two trade blows. The enemy lashes out at Mary with a wave of shadows, but she easily knocks this aside with her shield. She then engulfs the sorcerer in flames with a wave of her blade. These do not harm the sorcerer, but they disorient it long enough for Mary to focus. She gestures with her left hand and the earth underneath the sorcerer lifts up on it's own accord, throwing the vile creature to the ground.

Mary dives in for a killing blow but the sorcerer vanishes as she reaches it. He reappears in the center of the bridge. As this has been happening, glowing orange spheres have risen up from the empty shells of power armor that were once the 20 marines who had attacked recently. There are no corpses to be found. The sorcerer waves his hand, and two of the orange spheres swoop down and plunge into him. These appear to recharge him and repair the damage to his armor. He gestures again, and chunks of rent and battered power armor begin to pull themselves in from where they lay on the bridge and in the water. Soon, 18 marines again stand at attention. The remaining spheres plunge into each one, causing the marines to re-animate. They immediately open fire on the companions again with bursts of pure magical fire from their weapons. Satisfied, the sorcerer once again leaps towards Mary, who prepares to defend herself.