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Author Topic: The Eye of Terror: OOC Thread IX  (Read 123154 times)

Offline Soul Reaver

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Re: The Eye of Terror: OOC Thread IX
« Reply #180 on: December 03, 2015, 07:13:27 PM »
Just so everyone knows what's up: I'm holding off posting until Cameron's post.

Offline Cameron

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Re: The Eye of Terror: OOC Thread IX
« Reply #181 on: December 07, 2015, 08:17:32 AM »
Sorry for the delay. We had some scheduling problems this weekend that prevented Daccio, Jharm and I from getting our post completed.

I already have the beginning of my post written. I am going to finish writing it today and then I will have Jharm and Daccio add their parts to it. Once they do, I will post the entire thing myself in one post. Jharm and Daccio are both okay with this. I'll work on getting this up as soon as possible.

Offline Cameron

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Re: The Eye of Terror: OOC Thread IX
« Reply #182 on: December 09, 2015, 01:02:13 AM »
Whew. Okay. Post is up. Sorry for the long read.

Again, this was a joint effort by Jharm, Sepher, and myself. Jarh and Sepher's posts are clearly marked. Anything in italics without quotation marks around them cannot be heard by anyone but their respective targets. And the blue text is just for Soul Reaver.

A TL;DR.  Cameron tries to defend against the Retribution shield but takes a major shot. As he recovers, he's warned by Gulgrim. Kalana digs through his memories and figures out what's bothering Soul Reaver. Cameron, Jharm, and Sepher try to hold off the WAAAGH energy attack while Kalana makes one last effort to reach out to Soul Reaver.

Any questions, let me know.

Offline Soul Reaver

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Re: The Eye of Terror: OOC Thread IX
« Reply #183 on: December 09, 2015, 03:55:04 AM »
That was a cool post.

I will endeavor to reply tomorrow.

Offline Cameron

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Re: The Eye of Terror: OOC Thread IX
« Reply #184 on: December 09, 2015, 07:59:38 AM »
That was a cool post.

I will endeavor to reply tomorrow.


I had Jharm try and reach out to Kitharsis. Hopefully he can get a post up before you reply.

Offline Kitharsis

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Re: The Eye of Terror: OOC Thread IX
« Reply #185 on: December 09, 2015, 12:55:28 PM »
Kith ain't too sure about saving Soul Reaver, at this point.

He isn't helping save him, but he isn't actively attacking either. 

Offline Cameron

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Re: The Eye of Terror: OOC Thread IX
« Reply #186 on: December 09, 2015, 02:00:43 PM »
Looks like that's everyone but Danyael. The stage is set. Take it away whenever you're ready, Soul.

Offline Soul Reaver

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Re: The Eye of Terror: OOC Thread IX
« Reply #187 on: December 09, 2015, 09:39:33 PM »
And that's it for this particular self-indulgent side-plot.  Thank you everyone!

Soul Reaver's unconscious, heavily wounded, and sans one arm, but he's alive and non-crazy!  That counts as a victory, right?
« Last Edit: December 09, 2015, 10:03:25 PM by Soul Reaver »

Offline Cameron

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Re: The Eye of Terror: OOC Thread IX
« Reply #188 on: December 09, 2015, 09:55:51 PM »
At this time, I am resuming my duties as Battle Master. I already have part of my next post written and I will begin work on finishing it tomorrow.

Things are going to be moving pretty fast from here on out. The end of this story is fast approaching. I just have one last loose end to tie up...

Offline Shadow Chorus

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Re: The Eye of Terror: OOC Thread IX
« Reply #189 on: December 10, 2015, 12:02:20 AM »
Expect a post in the next few minutes from Gulgrim.

Offline Cameron

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Re: The Eye of Terror: OOC Thread IX
« Reply #190 on: December 10, 2015, 07:56:37 AM »
One thing I definitely forgot to mention in my OOC post is that although no one could hear Kalana's words to Soul Reaver, the glowing figure of her that I described was, and still is, clearly visible to everyone. That bit's important for my next post.

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Re: The Eye of Terror: OOC Thread IX
« Reply #191 on: December 10, 2015, 11:47:57 AM »
And that's the  loose end tied up. Peterson hasn't left the scene just yet, so if you want to try to interact with him before he does leave, feel free to do so.

Offline Soul Reaver

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Re: The Eye of Terror: OOC Thread IX
« Reply #192 on: December 10, 2015, 04:44:05 PM »
Soul Reaver's pretty much unable to do anything for now.

Unless someone's paying close attention to Soul Reaver, I'm not sure anyone will even notice that he's partially regained consciousness.

Offline Kitharsis

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Re: The Eye of Terror: OOC Thread IX
« Reply #193 on: December 14, 2015, 07:11:04 PM »
Kitharsis would like to beat the crap out of Peterson.  But he's low on energy and pretty beat up.

Crap I forgot the golem...

Ok, all accounted for  ;D
« Last Edit: December 14, 2015, 07:16:37 PM by Kitharsis »

Offline Cameron

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Re: The Eye of Terror: OOC Thread IX
« Reply #194 on: December 14, 2015, 08:27:41 PM »
Kitharsis would like to beat the crap out of Peterson.  But he's low on energy and pretty beat up.

Crap I forgot the golem...

Ok, all accounted for  ;D

Hey Kith, just a small edit. Kalana wasn't one of the Elementals. She was with the companions long before they showed up.

Offline Kitharsis

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Re: The Eye of Terror: OOC Thread IX
« Reply #195 on: December 14, 2015, 11:44:22 PM »
Whoops! Sorry about that. Fixed.

Offline Cameron

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Re: The Eye of Terror: OOC Thread IX
« Reply #196 on: December 17, 2015, 01:26:33 PM »
I'm working on a post that will hopefully be up tomorrow but will be absolutely no later than Sunday. My next few posts will bring the Labyrinthine Depths of Chaos chapter to a close, at which point the final chapter of the Eye of Terror campaign will finally commence.

Offline Cameron

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Re: The Eye of Terror: OOC Thread IX
« Reply #197 on: December 18, 2015, 11:38:58 AM »
My post is up.

Peterson is gone. No one will be able to detect him. He took Kalana's body with him.

Cameron is marching towards Soul Reaver with the intent to destroy him. He's moving deliberately slow, so you all will have plenty of time to act.

Offline Shadow Chorus

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Re: The Eye of Terror: OOC Thread IX
« Reply #198 on: December 18, 2015, 11:48:50 AM »
You can't start making like you want a fight and expect Gulgrim not to get in on it. It's probably unwise for him to do it, considering he's not back at fighting strength, but this is how Orks live. Either Cameron strikes him down swiftly before he can get his strength back, or if a fight breaks out, he'll eventually be back in good shape.

Offline Veldanya Venalla

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Re: The Eye of Terror: OOC Thread IX
« Reply #199 on: December 18, 2015, 10:20:53 PM »
Ok so Jharm is pretty much trying to play peacekeeper here.  He has placed himself between Gulgrim/Soul Reaver and the advancing Cameron as he tries to talk some sense into him (Cameron).  As the post indicates, he is not approving of the idea of Gulgrim getting involved, both because of his excitement at fighting someone (even someone he was just fighting alongside) as well as knowing that the Ork won't stop until someone is dead.  Jharm is going full defensive right now, intent on only attacking Cameron as a final last resort.
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