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Author Topic: The Legion Immortalis: The Bulwark of Heaven (Part 1)  (Read 37608 times)

Offline Faidth

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Re: The Legion Immortalis: The Bulwark of Heaven (Part 1)
« Reply #60 on: July 25, 2010, 03:37:56 PM »
   In the boughs of the old oak, Archer’s laughter fills the air. “Conjure a mountain? I love the mountains. I grew up not far from the Aldwen Pass. My father was a hunter, but took only what he needed from the land. Every now and then, we would stumble upon particularly cruel traps… poachers.” Archer frowns. “They were looking for a rare white owl that lived in our forests. My father was quite gentle and would try to mend whatever unfortunate creatures wandered to close to the camps of these poachers.”

   “That’s actually how my father passed. One day, he decided to confront those men, and they killed him and fled. I pursued them for quite some time, but when I finally got my revenge upon them, I felt strangely empty.” Archer shakes her head as if dispelling these unpleasant thoughts from her mind.

   “I… I don’t know why I’m telling you this. I shouldn’t bore you with my tales. That was several hundred years ago. You just… you have such… interesting eyes. Whether man or beast, the eyes are windows to the soul, and when I look at yours… I see… trust.”

    She quickly changes the subject. “Well, I certainly wouldn’t put that past Dethys Night to be able to pull a mountain out of thin air. He’s a rare one. A good teacher, and an honorable man. I studied a bit with him, but I spent the majority of my time with Hestia… learning her healing arts. I occasionally spar with Blood, too, but I always come out on the losing end. I’ve met a plethora of feral beasts, and Blood, when she fights, is like a wolf in the thralls of a blood rage.”

   Sembas speaks. "That was quite a display earlier Besnik, although when Faile grows in size she becomes a tad larger than that."

   Besnik makes a shrill shriek and peers up at you disdainfully before puffing up his chest and glancing at Faile with irritation.

   “I, too, am hard pressed to teach Besnik some manners.” She gives him an amused look, but he flaps his right wing at her dismissively as he stuffs his beak into his honeycake with vigor. “He had Faile’s brothers for company for a bit, but it was short-lived. You know how wild falcons are.”

   “You see, Zarine was born in the wild. Though she became my companion, she was never a kept-bird. When they were scarcely old enough to fly, all of her hatchlings left the nest. Faile, interestingly enough, was the first to leave, a good time before her brothers at that. They still come back and visit from time to time. One of them, Anlaf, makes his home in the Raynar Mountains. The other, Cuthbert, serves in the human military as a messenger and scout. We cross paths from time to time.”

Offline Faran Beshral

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Re: The Legion Immortalis: The Bulwark of Heaven (Part 1)
« Reply #61 on: July 25, 2010, 04:25:24 PM »
Well! I thought to myself. I seem to be forgotten for the moment. Capital chap that Dethys, maybe not as insane as I thought he was. Well, maybe a little.

I stood in General Fury's very, very red anteroom watching Dethys take Fenwick with him. They were all aflutter about that book Fenwick had with him. Fenwick considered this book very important to him. Seemed like one of those spell books the old mages always had with them. Horribly backwards magic, but whatever works for him, I guess. I was the only one who could hear the Song. I was fortunate in that.

I stood and gazed up at the enormous shield that hung at the top of the stairs to the General's office. Gold and ivory with the heraldry of a tower built on a hilltop. This was the organization I had decided to spurn the help of. I could have done a lot with their resources. Yes, great things, but I would still be one of their number. A cog in their machine. Well, the die has been cast and I must live with the result.

I had an enormous task ahead of me. I had to show the Bulwark that one man can make a difference. They touted their 'help' and 'protections'. Avalon was enough protection. It was a level playing field for me. A chance to grow without the threat of an army of Forsaken showing up at my doorstep. That was an interesting thought. It seemed like the world was a very dangerous place for a young Ageless like myself. Like, the whole world belonged to the Forsaken and Avalon was the only refuge.

Which led me to another point. Why wasn't this Dethys a much busier man? He has time to “experiment” and be otherwise distracted while his actual job was to protect young Ageless. Yet it had been made clear that this Severan was outpacing him in recruitment. How was Severan getting to them so fast when Dethys had his “Mystical Tome of Knowing Whether or Not an Ageless Has Picked His Nose”? Seems like Avalon needed more people with Dethys's job, since he was, evidently, overtaxed. That was a sarcastic thought. I enjoyed it.

My mind began to wander. If I could recruit some Ageless... now that would be something. There were so many wonders here in Avalon. The Ageless were capable of so many things, why couldn't they help the ordinary people? Imagine a group of Ageless devoted to improving the lot of humanity instead of detaching from them? Mortals think on the Ageless as untouchable beings, angels or devils locked in a private war. Or cursed beings, like I was accused of. I remember the times of my exile with some fondness. A faceless wanderer curing the sick and growing food. Those were good days. I wonder if I'll ever be able to get back to them? Thanks to this stupid war, probably not. All wars were stupid, no matter--

SIR!!” I jumped out of my skin. Well, very nearly anyway. There was a guard standing behind me and looking quite flustered. “YOU ARE NO LONGER PERMITTED TO BE HERE. I AM GOING TO ESCORT YOU OFF THE PREMISES.

Well the fellow didn't need to shout! I was standing right in front- oh. I just remembered the ear muffs I was wearing. Funny I forgot them so fast. This poor fellow had probably been shouting at me while I had been lost in thought. I gave him my best smile and nod and proceeded out the door Dethys and Fenwick had disappeared through. Generic guard 001 followed right at my shoulder, like he was escorting a prisoner. Corvus eyed me as I passed by him but said nothing. I was fast becoming a celebrity in this town. He had come back to his duties after escorting his brother to the Smith.

So I found myself deposited outside Blood-Warden HQ. The afternoon sun was sitting halfway to the horizon now. Hard to believe it had only been five hours ago that I had plopped down in the Seer's tent. Things had moved so fast... and I was unconscious for part of it. It seemed like the day should have been hotter than it was, but the air was comfortable. Probably another effect of Avalon someone dreamed up, no need to provide my own air conditioning then. Suddenly the ground shuddered and a faint wisp of dust rose from that clockwork monstrosity Dethys called home. Symphony, what was he doing now? Maybe that book blew up. I felt sorry for Fenwick just then, getting mixed up in whatever Dethys was doing. Symphony, maybe the man WAS crazy.

Ugh, enough daydreaming, Faran. Time to get to work. I started walking. I'm on my own now, so I have to work double hard. Step one: find some space to set up my Air Tent. Step two: Find a job; I want to eat sometime. Step three: find Blood; I have a debt to settle. Step four: find some space to experiment in. I need to find new songs and I need a place to find them without killing someone. I've gotta be ready when things start to happen. That might be tomorrow or next month.

I walked into a wide circular plaza where some of Avalon's roads came together. The plaza was dominated by a graceful fountain. Water gushed out of the highest pool near the northern end of the plaza. From there the water flowed and spilled into lower and progressively wider pools. The lowest and widest pool dominated the plaza with less than half a foot of water. Stones were placed at even intervals and in different pathways providing walking access across the pool. Set into the floor of each pool was a tile mosaic of various underwater scenes. The tiles so artfully placed and shaped as to depict fish and underwater plant life. Indeed, if seen from above the fountain itself looked like someone had laid a gigantic fish on its side in the middle of the plaza. The heart of the fountain was its eye, the bulk of the fish's body was the lowest pool. There was a raised platform that made up the negative space inside the crescent shape of the fish's tail. A dais of some kind. Probably for public speaking or performing.

I was standing on one of the stepping stones and admiring the pool when I noticed Captain Blood storming her way across one of the pathways in the pool. She had such a look on her face. I'm almost certain she didn't need the stone pathway, she could have simply frightened the water out of her way. As I watched, she marched across the pool and into a tavern on the far side. Looks like Step three just became Step one, I told myself, and marched after her.

The tavern building was only part of a larger complex which included a large glass enclosed area and a larger building, seemingly of only one room. The tavern itself was of stone and timber construction. The stone was perfectly washed white and the timber looked like it had been felled yesterday. One large arched doorway was the only entry into the tavern and it was complemented by several large round windows, each wreathed with trained climbing ivy. The building was capped by a red tile roof with generous overhang, allowing patrons to sit and shelter underneath.

The building was just as grand on the inside. To your right as you entered, was another doorway which led out into the enormous glass enclosed room. A garden grew inside, one that included an entire row of hops, rising may times my own height into the air. The space inside the tavern was roomy. Great beams and rafters, which seemed to grow out of the ground supported the roof above this one room tavern. The rafters and ceiling, while like the outside seemed fresh hewn, were darkened by the stains of pipe smoke. It added a certain charm to the place, which was probably why the stains were there. The floor was tiled mostly a dull red color except for a ring of white tile which barely fit inside the floor. Set into the ring itself was a repeating tile mosaic of a vine of hops, never ending and never beginning, round and round in a continuous circle. The bar dominated the center of the tavern. It was circular and set inside the tile hops circle. At its very center, stacks of tapped barrels reached nearly to the ceiling with enough space between them and the bar for the bartender to walk around and serve patrons. Several bottles of, what I assumed to be the harder stuff, stood around the inside of the bar. Probably imported.

Captain Blood sat on one of the stools at the bar with a glass of some kind of fluid inside it. Considering her reputation, I was surprised the fluid wasn't eating through the glass. I didn't like what I needed to do here, but it had to be done. I marched up to her like a soldier going to war against hopeless odds. As I marched I thought about what I was going to say. How do I address her? I remembered what she had said to Dethys about being “Captain Blood” while on duty. She didn't seem to be on duty now. I supposed some other honorific was in order.

“Um.. Good afternoon, Lady Blood.” It was at that precise moment that a mischievous thought entered my head. If the moniker “Lady Blood” had lost its pronoun status it would mean something different altogether. I wondered if her third name “Blood” had been given for more than her combat prowess. It certainly would explain her irritability. I abandoned this line of thought before it got me into trouble. “, I'll skip introductions, since most people already know who I am. I've come to thank you for the service you have rendered me. You cleaned up a mess that I created in my ignorance and for that I owe you a debt. I intend to see this debt paid not matter the cost, for it is my shame that I have incurred it.”

Offline Faidth

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Re: The Legion Immortalis: The Bulwark of Heaven (Part 1)
« Reply #62 on: July 25, 2010, 06:12:11 PM »
   Blood does not even look up at you and merely responds with a grunt as she lifts her index finger into the air to hail the bartender. The tall, lanky gentleman behind the bar is well over six feet tall with short, light brown hair and eyes that are a comforting shade of green. He seems to know exactly what she wants and fetches a tall, gold bottle with some blackened liquid inside of it. He sets it before Blood who gives a nod of appreciation.

   “The only debt you have to pay is the one you owe to the Divine for being such a foolish prig. No wonder Fury didn’t invite you. Despite the self-importance that exudes from your every sniveling orifice, you wreak of ignorance.” She is obviously a ray of sunshine today. Her aggravation is nearly palpable and simply being near her would be enough to put you in a state of unease. Much like Fury, she has a presence that commands respect and an intimidating aura that suffices to imply the words “back off” to whoever is foolish enough to draw near her.

   Blood takes a large swig from the bottle in front of her and as you catch a whiff of it, you are surprised to find that it actually smells sweet and quite alluring. A mark upon her forehead catches your notice. It is an odd shape, almost like a diamond, set firmly in the center of her forehead. She absentmindedly rubs the scar, and as her fingers draw over it, this only seems to agitate her more.

   “Anyway, I didn't do it for you... so consider yourself debt-free. The Bulwark pledges themselves to the protection of humanity, and those folks were in a pretty bad way when I found them. One of our healers saw to them, but I would venture there are several who will be having nightmares of Lieutenant Cauter for a long time to come. Asschab… I hope that wound I delivered on him festers and rots. It might not kill him, but let him writhe in a pool of his own pus. That bastard deserves it.”

        "We ARE the first and last line of defense. We serve primarily in the human realm, ensuring that the Adversary and the Forsaken do not attempt to harm our human cousins. There are even a few companies whose sole purpose is to patrol possible Forsaken targets there. The Blood-Wardens, my company, and the Fierce Legion, lead by Cedric Fierce, usually accompany the Archon or the General on the front lines, but I spend a great deal of time in the field, too. We gladly forfeit our lives to ensure that humanity thrives. Such is the nature of the Bulwark... Humanity comes first." 

   She rounds on you and there is fire in her eyes. “You’re an ungrateful scab, you know that? Snubbing the Bulwark’s protection… Snubbing MY protection." Apparently this woman takes her job of protecting people VERY seriously. "Do you know what happens to people who can’t be protected, Faran Beshral? They die. Severan kills them.” She takes another swig from the bottle. The anger starts to manifest itself, pouring off her form in barely discernible waves. She lets out a growl and you are pushed several feet away from her by the force she is emitting. You can tell this is not an overtly hostile, or even an intentional action, but likely the result of the rage she is feeling.

   “Severan KILLS them. Have you ever watched someone die, Faran? Seen their life drift from their still-warm bodies? Had a child die in your arms as its mother begs for you to save them?” In a fit of irritation, Blood slams the bottle upon the bar, causing it to shatter into dozens of pieces.

   You see the bartender sigh heavily and he kneels beside Blood who glances up at him miserably. “Sorry Calming. Had a bad day.”

   “I can tell, Adia. You want to tell me about it?” asks the bartender.

   “Maybe later. Right now… I just want to… forget.” Blood runs a hand through her hair. “It won’t be better until Vartan returns. When he comes home… then… then I won’t worry so much. I should have gone with him. I should have gone… Why didn’t he tell me, Calming? Why didn’t he just tell me he was going? I could protect him.” She starts for the door, and glances back at the sympathetic bartender, who follows after her.

   Calming puts a hand upon her shoulder. “Now, now. You know that’s not what he wanted. Vartan needs his space, Adia. You can grant him that, can’t you?”

   Blood nods silently.

   Calming reluctantly hands her another bottle and she makes her way out of the door to the tavern. Blood turns to you and utters a quiet. "And you're welcome."

         As you look after her, a slender hand appears upon your shoulder.

   “You’ll be wanting to leave her alone now,” comes Muse’s captivating voice.
   Blood exits the tavern and Muse directs you to a table by the door and Calming fetches her a glass of deep, red wine. “So, you must be having quite a day.”
« Last Edit: July 25, 2010, 06:37:11 PM by Faidth »

Offline Faran Beshral

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Re: The Legion Immortalis: The Bulwark of Heaven (Part 1)
« Reply #63 on: July 26, 2010, 02:07:19 AM »

OKAY! Faran, this is your brain speaking! Pick your jaw up off the floor and listen up, because shit just got real! Alright, here's the score: You really haven't been using me much today and you need to listen to me real good now. That's Muse right? Good, yes, I figured you got a good enough look at her. Now, see, she's the one who owns those ear muffs you're wearing. Piss her off and you won't be wearing them anymore. That would hurt pretty bad wouldn't it? Okay: first point then: DO. NOT. PISS. HER. OFF!! Okay, next: she's pretty cute isn't she? Second point: NEVER. EVER. PISS OFF. THE CUTE ONES. Cute is dangerous.

Okay, okay! Symphony... I had to think. Muse's appearance had turned me upside down and inside out. I had gone from fear in the presence of Blood, to comfort in Muse's voice in less than a minute. The adrenaline rush was still riding high in me. I was a bit shaky honestly, like I had just run for my life. And now here was Muse. Symphony, I don't think I can take another jolt like that again today. Sigh. Right. Muse. Okay. What do I do? Don't want to piss her off. Play the Rogue. They always like the Rogue.

'Yes.” I said sliding smoothly into the chair at the table she indicated. At least, as smoothly as I could possibly manage. I was still a bit rattled. Still getting my brain together. I put on a wry smile. “I'm... becoming quite the celebrity. I firmly believe that I will have offended enough people by the night's end that I'll have my picture on a wanted poster in every tavern in Avalon.”  I didn't wait for a reaction. That was so dumb. I felt the stirrings of a headache. I sighed and dropped the act.

I didn't look at Muse. I'm not sure I wanted those big, blue eyes staring at me. I looked after Blood, or at least in the direction she went. Doubtless she had heard the entire conversation, scratch that, verbal assault. I knew she heard the whole thing, just by taking what I knew of these Ageless so far and applying it to her. Hell, a mortal might have heard that from across the plaza.

“I have seen people die before.” I said half to myself, half to Muse, half to the retreating Blood. Wait wasn't that three halves? Whatever. The question had raised some indignation in me. Was she saying I new nothing about battle and fighting for something? I didn't know anything about protecting people? Fuck her, I knew what it was to protect people. I knew what it was, AND I knew what it was to be hated for it! I was hated and I didn't hate them for it. I still cared about them.

My head pounded suddenly and I couldn't help but wince. I rested my head in my hands and rubbed my temples. Coming off of the adrenaline rush was giving me a headache. I reached out for the right Song and found it easily, even with the ear muffs on everything was so strong here. It was the song that could be heard in all mankind. It was the first time I had used the Song since leaving the desert. I voiced a few notes, wordless. I didn't need much to make this work. As soon as the first note was out of my lips I felt the song respond to me. Ecstasy. Nothing I knew of felt so good except to Sing. I wanted to go on, but I knew how to restrain myself. As soon as the Song responded, coolness settled on my head, relaxing away the ache 'til nothing was left but the memory.

I sighed and straightened. Muse was still here. Right. Trying not to offend her. Chivalry. Pay for her drink.”You must let me pay for your drink. I owe you for the help from before.” I said. I picked up my travel bag and started going through it. “Er, I have some Imperial marks and some Southern Scrip. I don't know yet what currency Avalon runs on, but if it's not either of these I can go and find a money changer.” Of which I had seen none of in this city yet, but it was a big place. I suppose that sounded competent enough. Pretty sure I'm not coming off as an ignorant fool this time.

Offline Faidth

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Re: The Legion Immortalis: The Bulwark of Heaven (Part 1)
« Reply #64 on: July 26, 2010, 02:38:22 AM »
   In her centuries upon the earth, Adaline Muse has encountered a great deal of bravado and spades upon spades of charm. Thus she frowns in disappointment as Faran says, “I'm... becoming quite the celebrity. I firmly believe that I will have offended enough people by the night's end that I'll have my picture on a wanted poster in every tavern in Avalon.”

   “Would you truly be proud of such a feat? There is little honor in celebrity, especially if it is made through the aggravation and indignation of others. You must be joking…” She raises her eyebrow, contemplating whether or not you are serious. “You ARE joking aren’t you?”

   Faran switches gears, “I have seen people die before.” Muse is significantly more sympathetic.

   She listens as you muddle through your words and attempt to collect your thoughts. “You must let me pay for your drink. I owe you for the help from before. Er, I have some Imperial marks and some Southern Scrip. I don't know yet what currency Avalon runs on, but if it's not either of these I can go and find a money changer.”

   Muse’s laughter is a beautifully dulcet sound and you notice people look upon her with smiles on their faces. Every individual present at the bar is completely relaxed and put at ease by the soothing sound.

   “My! You do have a lot to learn. We don’t use money here. Whenever you want something, you simply ask for it. Between all the conjurers, spell-casters, and the business that we do with humans in trade, we never want for anything. It is always enough to sustain us, so when we desire something, we ask our brethren for it, and we are rarely refused. Sometimes a person might ask you for a favor in exchange for rare items, but typically, even those will be negligible.”

   “I suppose this place must really be an adjustment for you. Don’t worry; you’ll find your way soon enough... As long as you continue to be gracious and well-meaning." As an afterthought she adds, "I would also recommend you give Blood her space.”

   “You see, Blood is…” Muse leans back in her chair, her finger delicately dancing around the circumference of her wine glass. “Blood is… well… Blood. You’d be a bit on the grouchy side, too if so many people relied upon you. She spent the majority of her mortal life as the Captain of her City Guard. She actually died by the hands of Severan himself… while she was trying to protect her people. That scar upon her forehead is actually from Severan Deceit's own spear. You will understand then why Blood is so committed to his downfall."

        "Blood had always been one to trust her gut instinct and several days before the assault, she felt that some ill would befall the city. She tried to convince her superiors that fortifications should be made and the innocents should be hidden within the confines of the City Hall, as it was the most secure establishment there. However, her superiors would hear nothing of it.”

   “When the assault finally came, Blood did all she could to save as many lives as possible. She was very successful actually, though there were, of course, some casualties. Mind you, not nearly as many as if she had not fought so valiantly to aid them.”

   “However, Blood can’t see the lives she has saved… only the lives that were lost… the people she could not save. Now, she commits the entirety of her waking life to protecting others. She’s almost fanatical about it, but one cannot fault her for the dedication she shows to both our people and our human cousins. I could only dream of being half as brave as that woman is.” You can tell that Muse truly admires her brethren and speaks fondly of each Ageless as if they were a close member of her family.

   Muse drums her absentmindedly drums her fingernails upon the table. “When I have served on the front lines, I have always been a nervous wreck. It is always Blood who helps to soothe me. We draw strength from her… just as we do from General Fury or the Archon. It is one of the things I adore about my people. We are always there for each other… to lend one another our strength. We are all strong in our own right, but there will always be moments when we experience weakness. It is at those times that we must rely on our companions to provide the resilience to persist through anything... no matter how dire the circumstances. But why am I telling you this? Surely you must enjoy such companionship all the time!”

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Re: The Legion Immortalis: The Bulwark of Heaven (Part 1)
« Reply #65 on: July 26, 2010, 05:52:26 AM »
As is his custom, Fenwick bows to Dethys' wife, apparentely named Carina, when introduced. When their child, Laertan, touches his book, he begins drawing it away, but is stopped when the voice bugs him again.

*Ugh! Uah! Baby Drool. Disgusting!"

What?!?!?!!?!? babies and anything associated with babies weren't disgusting!

At least, that's what he thought, directed to the-voice-coming-from-somewhere-in-his-head. Hearing no reply however, he turns his attention again to the couple, just in time to hear Carina 'scold' Dethys.

“You aren’t going to be EXPERIMENTING are you? General Fury told you that you were not to be conducting any more experiments while the Childer Immortalis were in your care.”

Dethys' reply is quick, and before Fenwick can effectively register it, he is thwacked on the chest. Fenwick heaves from this, and nearly trips over his robes.

"See? Resilient lad! He’ll be alright.”

Yep. Totally... ouch... will be.

He is led to the basement, and is asked whether he had enchanted it. "Yes, I have. Although you no doubt already knew that. I wanted to be able to control its condition, modify it if the need ever arises. Therefore, I needed to ensure that Mother Nature had less hold over it. Thus, the spell. Of course, no modifications have been made yet. I've always felt compelled not to do anything to it." He shrugs to himself, admitting that it's probably because it was too precious to him.

Dethys appears not to have heard him as he puts the book down. It is then that the voice screams and shouts as if in torment, begging to be led away, commanding Fenwick to simply grab it and run.

He almost does so, but manages to restrain himself.

The next moment, a flash of light. Then, dust. Finally... a... a... body? Half a body?

“Oh crap…” bemoans the figure.

“Cardack!” growls Dethys. “I should have known!”

Seeing Dethys' responding in such a hostile manner, Fenwick immediately puts him arms across his chest to form an X. He breathes in, focusing the magic, and quickly pushes his arms out, simultaneously releasing his breath. In that instant, he casts WISDOM--PROTECTIVE BARRIER on himself. Keeping his eyes on this 'Cardack', he voices his questions.

"What is this thing? Who is he?"

The spell wears off very quickly from lack of practice, and Fenwick is unsure what to do, although he keeps his eyes on the spirit.

Destruction begets Creation. Creation begets Interaction. Interaction begets Society. Society begets Use. Use begets Destruction.

Thus the cycle begins and ends.

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Re: The Legion Immortalis: The Bulwark of Heaven (Part 1)
« Reply #66 on: July 26, 2010, 09:46:48 AM »
"I'm sorry to hear of your father.  He sounds like he was a good man."

   “I… I don’t know why I’m telling you this. I shouldn’t bore you with my tales. That was several hundred years ago. You just… you have such… interesting eyes. Whether man or beast, the eyes are windows to the soul, and when I look at yours… I see… trust.”

"My eyes..."  He begins to say, but she quickly changes the subject.  Visibly relieved, he lets out a small sigh. 

He laughs at Besnik's reaction to his comment.

"...You know how wild falcons are.”

"Wild through and through.  But they can be the most wise and graceful creatures as well."  Muse continues, talking about Faile's family.  "I'm not surprised Faile was the first to leave.  She hates playing second fiddle to anyone.  We certainly have our hands full with these two."

Sembas finishes the honeycake and sets his plate down.

"With a name like Archer, you must be quite the expert with a bow."  He pats his shortbow leaning next to him.  "I'm a decent shot, and the bowyer in our village did his best to create my shortbow.  But I imagine you're leagues ahead of me in skill.  And your bow makes mine look like a couple of sticks tied together.  Where did you get it?"
« Last Edit: July 26, 2010, 10:28:00 AM by Kitharsis »

Offline Faidth

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Re: The Legion Immortalis: The Bulwark of Heaven (Part 1)
« Reply #67 on: July 26, 2010, 10:57:14 AM »
   Dethys places his hands upon his hips and frowns in irritation. “This cretin is my former apprentice, Cardack Silenus. He never received the honor of the Naming Ceremony because, as a self-admitted pacifist, he never did anything to aid the Bulwark. He was independent and-”

   “Was? Was?! Is! He IS independent. Stop talking about me as if I’m not here. Furthermore, you know I don’t like war. As for the protecting humans part, I’d like to give them a bit more credit than that. They’re pretty strong on their own,” argues the phantom.

   “Yes, they are strong, but just like young, headstrong, pacifist Childer Immortalis, they require the protection of their Elders so they don’t go about getting themselves killed by the Adversary… as I assume YOU did. Didn’t I warn you? You never listen? You’re all…” Dethys puffs out his chest and imitates his apprentice in an exaggerated voice. “I’m Cardack. I’m afraid of dying again so I’m going to hide behind my book and-”

   “What do you know?” demands Cardack. He assumes a mocking imitation of his former master. “I’m Dethys Night. I’m and Elder so I’m practically invincible. I-”

   “Now you listen to me you foolish, rapscallion! I-”

        "No, you listen to be you self-important horse's ass!" shouts Cardack.

        "You ungrateful bastard! After all I did for you! And then you leave and have the gall to take my EXPERIMENT with you!"

   This is getting them absolutely nowhere, and you get the feeling if you don’t intervene, this may just continue forever, or however long Cardack manages to sustain himself in that book. How is he doing that anyway?

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Re: The Legion Immortalis: The Bulwark of Heaven (Part 1)
« Reply #68 on: July 26, 2010, 11:08:23 AM »
   Archer’s bow is exquisitely made from some dark, rich form of wood you’ve likely never seen before.  As your attention is drawn to it, Archer smiles broadly and places it upon the table in front of her.
   “This is made from Ironwood. It’s virtually indestructible. It grows from only ONE tree in the heart of the Besel Woods. To harm such a rare entity, even for the sake of a mighty weapon would be most cruel, so when I sought to fetch it, I simply asked the tree and it gave me a small portion of its branches on its own free will.”

   Even the bowstring has an unusual gleam to it, as if it was fashioned from pure moonlight. “The string is woven from a particularly strong spider’s web. His name is Belloch, and he is the largest, and likely oldest, spider that has ever lived. I came upon him once when I was scouting in the human realm. I thought he would set upon me, but he simply stared at me and bid me bring him the largest swine I could find. I did so, as he had asked quite politely, and he rewarded me with a bit of his web.”

   “As for the crafter, I did that myself. I come from a long line of bowyers and fletchers, so I make my own bows and my own arrows. This…” She raises the bow into the air, admiring it with a smile, before carefully, almost reverently, handing it to you. “This is my finest work. It never misses. Ever.”

   “Would you like to shoot her?” asked Archer. You might find the use of the pronoun a bit unusual, but much of what you have seen in Avalon thus far has been a bit unusual. “I have several targets set up around the back. Dethys was kind enough to construct a shooting range for me as well. It’s in a pretty golden field behind the tree here. Maybe we could practice together?”

Offline john greymore

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Re: The Legion Immortalis: The Bulwark of Heaven (Part 1)
« Reply #69 on: July 26, 2010, 11:48:12 AM »
Fenwick slaps his forehead with his palm. These two were worse than kids!!!

Although they were admittedly quite amuzing.

He decided to walk right inbetween them and wave his hand right in front of their eyes just to see what would happen, before raising his hands up in the air and with a grand, deep voice, shout out a simple "ENOUGH!!!!!"

"So, Cardack Senilus, I mean, Silenus, how long have you been in this book?"

He thinks for a moment, then asks again.

"Are you also the reason why I never make any spells which directly hurt people?"

He turns to Dethys and blinks.

"And what experiment is this? Can't you just make another one?"
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Re: The Legion Immortalis: The Bulwark of Heaven (Part 1)
« Reply #70 on: July 26, 2010, 12:14:16 PM »
   In unison, both Cardack and Dethys greet your interventions by crossing their arms over the chests and uttering a “Hmph!” of indignation.

   “No. I can’t simply remake the experiment,” grumbles Dethys. “Because that horse’s ass is in it!”

   “I had just as much a hand in this as you did!” shoots Cardack.

   “Bah! I did all the work! You just sat there and-” Dethys cuts himself off, realizing this was a waste of time. He sighs heavily and looks to you. “The book WAS the experiment. It’s a phylactery. I was testing to see-”

   “WE!” corrects Cardack.

   Dethys rubs his temples with his index fingers and relents to Cardack’s interruption. “Fine. WE were testing to see if we could somehow make it so an Ageless could avoid their second death. The book was intended to house the soul of the one that keep it. It wasn’t perfect mind you. We couldn’t really figure out how it would actually work. How did you manage to get in there anyway?” asks Dethys.

   Cardack beams, a proud grin expanding across his translucent face. “Binding spell. It was a bit tough to get it off while Lieutenant Cauter was beating me to death, but I made it work. I've been stuck here for almost two hundred years now.”

   “I see. Any idea how to get yourself out of there?” asks Dethys.

   Cardack shakes his head miserably. “No. I haven’t found a way to make myself corporeal. In fact, since I am now bound to the book, I have a feeling that if it is destroyed, so will I be.”

   “Hmph!” huffs Dethys. “I do believe a book burning is in order. Let me just get this fireplace started…” He crosses to the fireplace but Cardack shouts out to him.

   “No, NO! Please you old coot! I’m begging you! Besides! You don’t want to make Fenwick sad, do you? He died saving me, you know. He likes me!” says Cardack proudly.

   “No, he died saving the book… not you, specifically,” corrects Dethys.

   “But I AM the book!” argues Cardack. “All my magical knowledge is contained within its pages. When I fused with it, it only enhanced its power.”

   “And this is my problem why?” queries Dethys, feigning disinterest.

   “Come on, Dethys!” implores Cardack. “For the regard you once bore for me, can we not just agree upon this? Besides, don’t you want to see this through? Being stuck in this book, I can’t exactly discern much about my situation. Perhaps you and Fenwick could find out more.”

   Dethys sighs again, but you note the lurking smile present upon his face. He is actually looking forward to such a challenge. “Fine. Maybe I can find something in the Library about this. Granted, I’ve written many of the tomes there, but I’ve forgotten more than either of you will likely ever know. Come Fenwick.” Dethys motions for you to grab the book and follow him. “And do make yourself decent, Cardack. Our brethren have enough to worry about without some ethereal half a man popping out to scare the dickens out of them. Besides… Hestia still hasn’t forgiven you for abandoning her.”

   “Hestia!” exclaims Cardack. If it is possible for a ghost to blush, that is certainly what Cardack is doing now. “How… how is she?”

   “Very well, actually. Though I would venture to say she has never truly recovered from your just gallivanting off without a word to her. Spends all her time in her garden now. Even planted a rose in remembrance of you when I told her you were likely dead somewhere.”

   “Aww… She was always such a dove,” fawns Cardack.

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Re: The Legion Immortalis: The Bulwark of Heaven (Part 1)
« Reply #71 on: July 26, 2010, 12:29:00 PM »
 “Aww… She was always such a dove,” fawns Cardack.

Fenwick shrugs, thinking this as good a time as any.

"You know," he turns to Cardack for effect. "If I recall, I think I casted a spell that prevents the book from being burnt... or drenched... or have you forgotten?"

"But the experiment seemed to work. I mean, I'm talking to him right now, right?" Fenwick sticks his hand through Cardack and waves it about. "And I'm certainly able to go through him, for all that matters."

Fenwick begins to lean in to Dethys to whisper something, but realises that he's still holding the book, with Cardack still... projected... out. He stares at the book for a while, then decides to stick it into his robe, muttering a quick 'sorry' to Cardack although he probably wouldn't be able to hear it.

Leaning in to Dethys now, he asks, half-jokingly, half-seriously, "Cleo told me this book would betray me someday. I can't recall if it's static or not, I don't think so, but... this... guy... what can he do?"
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Re: The Legion Immortalis: The Bulwark of Heaven (Part 1)
« Reply #72 on: July 26, 2010, 12:43:52 PM »
   Cardack glances at you ruefully. “Protection from elements, yes. However, I have a feeling that this arrogant son-of-a-pig already knows that and will use a rare form of magical fire, thus eschewing the Protection From Elements.” Cardack puts his hands upon his lack of hips.

   “Speaking of, why don’t you get on that! You’re apparently going to the library! Figure out how to protect me better! I’m stuck in here, you know! It’s not like I can just hop on our whenever I please! There are so many other dangers out there! What about bears?! I could be mauled by a bear! Or ripped apart by a toddler! How about you give me a damn Invulnerability Spell or something! But don’t let him do it!” He gestures to Dethys. “He’ll probably just turn my pages pink!”

   Dethys smirks. “Personally, I think you’d look ravishing in polka dots. Maybe even fashion your cover a little dress to wear.”

   “You see!” exclaims Cardack.

   Dethys ignores him. “Well, the experiment KIND OF worked. To be truly successful, we’d have to find a way to make him corporeal again. Honestly, I’m not even sure if that can be done. If he gets a body, will he still have a Death Wound? Will he simply be mortal again? These are questions I cannot answer.”

   Cardack grumbles as you put him into your robes and he reluctantly retreats back into the book again.
   You speak to Dethys. "Cleo told me this book would betray me someday. I can't recall if it's static or not, I don't think so, but... this... guy... what can he do?"

   “What can he do? Mostly irritate me and give me blistering headaches. Not to mention he is unrelentingly inquisitive! Always getting himself into trouble which I inevitably, and now you inevitably, will have to get him out of. You just make sure you don’t leave that book to its own devices. Divine knows what he could do if he was left alone!”

   “As for the betrayal thing, I can’t be sure what the Seer foresaw. Again, she often gets glimpses, but sometimes they do not make sense until the event is allowed to transpire. If it’s static, then it’s unavoidable and I suggest we burn that damn thing!”

   You hear a plaintive, “NO, NO, NOOOOOOO!” in the back of your head.

   “But if it can be avoided,” continues Dethys. “Maybe the key to that is simply making sure that lout doesn’t fall into the wrong hands. He’s lucky he’s managed to escape the detection of the Forsaken thus far.” 

Offline john greymore

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Re: The Legion Immortalis: The Bulwark of Heaven (Part 1)
« Reply #73 on: July 26, 2010, 12:58:49 PM »
Cardack whines about his lack of security within the book, and before Dethys can reply, Fenwick shouts out his own rebuttal.

"I didn't know that you existed! I didn't even hear your voice until we came to Avalon! What are you complaining about! I've taken good care of you, I mean, my book since I got you! Sides, what the hell were you doing being traded around by travelling merchants anyway!?!? I don't think the Forsaken would just take you and just sell you away!"

"And babies are not, and never will be, dangerous!!!" Fenwick adds quite forcefully. He could not remember getting this worked up ever in his life. Maybe he was getting old.

Dethys then talks, suggesting too the possible ways of preventing the future. A loud triplet of 'NO' bursts forth, and Fenwick realises that putting it into his robe probably wouldn't work since they were now, essentially, bound together.

"Sembas has his bow and hood, Faran has his songs, we have our magic. But perhaps it is possible to combine the disciplines into one. Maybe, if we fail to give him a body, we can bind him to some robes or something similar, which can sing, while casting magic."

The thought was entertaining and brought a smile to his lips. Then a thought suddenly occurs.

"This thing's avoided detection for two hundred years right? Then there has to be something, an enchantment, that's protecting it. If that's the case, and if we can magnify this enchantment, then it's possible to prevent Avalon, even its people, from being detected!" As he speaks, Fenwick appears to be skipping as he walks, excited by the possibility.

"People wouldn't need to die!!!!"
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Thus the cycle begins and ends.

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Re: The Legion Immortalis: The Bulwark of Heaven (Part 1)
« Reply #74 on: July 26, 2010, 01:10:56 PM »
   Depheir Kogthar found his summons stuffed into one of the scabbards that he carried with him. It is a simple note, in a very fine calligraphy writing, that instructs the mage to make his way to the Wastes of Faranas. Depheir knows this is an unforgiving desert, but the writer of this note seems to imply he knows a great deal about your rather unique “condition.” You are well-read, so you know what you really are. You have heard of the unending struggle between the Ageless and Forsaken, two factions of immortals known as the Legion Immortalis. You know that the former wants to protect humanity from evil, but he latter seeks to destroy it. In your travels, you may have even seen an Ageless, but the fact of the matter is, humans know very little about them other than what you have already discovered.

   Being a gentleman who is on an unending search for wisdom, this summons piques your interest and you begin to make your way to the Wastes of Faranas. It takes you nearly a week to cross the barren, sweltering deserts, and as you set your eyes to the horizon, the expanse seems to be never-ending.

   On the seventh day, your foot becomes stuck in the sand and you watch with growing horror as a craggy old hand reaches through the sand and seizes you by the ankle. You are dragged through the sand, and you realize with amazement that you are in the tent of an old woman. This was likely the crone that was alluded to in the letter, so you assume you are in the right place.

   Her face is laden with wrinkles and her dull, vacant blue eyes inspect you with interest. “You… are late.” The old woman frowns, her expression quickly growing sour. She sighs in exasperation and presses her thumbs to your eyes. “Now… this is just a precautionary measure to make sure you are who you are supposed to be.”

   This statement is simply confusing, but your confusion is interrupted by a searing pain that shoots through the woman’s fingertips and blasts through your sockets. Upon seeing that you are still alive, the old woman smiles and begins to transform into an exceptionally gorgeous blonde woman with sparkling blue eyes. Your mind still feels as if it is scrambled and she presses something moist to your lips. Once she does this, you instantly regain your composure. You find yourself upon the floor of the tent and the pretty woman extends a hand to help you to your feet.

   “Sorry about that,” she apologizes. “The Forsaken have been doing all they can to find this place. I’ve got to move the gates soon, but I did not want to leave before you had a chance to arrive here.” Her apology seems sincere and she puts a delicate hand upon your shoulder. “Are you alright? I wish I did not have to resort to such measures, but it is my duty to ensure the safety of Avalon.”

   She crosses to the far end of the room and fetches you something cold to drink. It is a welcome gesture since you had spent the last several days in the blistering desert.

   She guides you to a table and seats herself across from you. Being so in-tune with the arcane arts, you immediately notice that her form simply EXUDES an immense amount of magic. This is a truly powerful mage, the likes of which you have never seen before.

   “So you truly are Depheir Kogthar. I am Cleo Seer. It is a pleasure to meet you, though I apologize again for the… you know… the zappy thing. Anyway. It is my duty to commend you to Avalon, the Capital City of the Ageless. Several of your companions have already been sent through the gates, but we are still missing one more. We shall give him a few hours to see if he arrives, and if he does not, you shall simply have to make your journey alone. Until then, can I get you anything else? Or perhaps you have some questions about Avalon?”

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Re: The Legion Immortalis: The Bulwark of Heaven (Part 1)
« Reply #75 on: July 26, 2010, 01:26:39 PM »
   Cardack is rendered speechless by your forceful reply. “I suppose you have done a decent job of looking after me. As for the Forsaken, Lieutenant Cauter is a horse’s refuse and was too daft to notice me. I was picked up by some mortal farmer, who, being illiterate, saw no use for a book and passed me on to some traveling merchants. Fools!”

   Cardack grumbles at the prospect of being someone’s singing robe.

   Dethys chuckles. “I would like to see you bound to a frilly mumu, Cardack. You’d make a fancy garment for some corpulent woman,” he teases.

   Cardack silently seethes, but does not dignify Dethys’s taunts with a response.

   You make an intriguing suggestion."This thing's avoided detection for two hundred years right? Then there has to be something, an enchantment, that's protecting it. If that's the case, and if we can magnify this enchantment, then it's possible to prevent Avalon, even its people, from being detected!"

   “He's likely avoided detection only by the intervention of the Divine," speaks Dethys. "However, it is an interesting thought, but it would be far more difficult than you could possibly understand. You see, there are only ever about three hundred Legion Immortalis in total. Since Severan’s betrayal, we have always had superior numbers. Now, however, our numbers are nearly even. I do believe the Adversary has some hand in that. There must be some way he is reaching the Childer before we are.” Dethys appears disturbed by this thought.

   “We have managed to become quite adept at hiding Avalon, as it technically exists in another plane of existence and Cleo is currently the only key. However, hiding its people, especially when we are in the human realm would be quite difficult. Perhaps not impossible, but difficult. We will have to research this extensively.”

   Dethys bids you to follow him to an enormous, looming edifice in the center of Avalon. It is an immense tower done in the same gold and ivory fashion and elaborate architecture that you have come to expect from Avalon. The tower is about twenty stories high and the interior is just as impressive.  You see elaborate carvings of armed warriors and tapestries of winged beings. Each section is filled from floor to ceiling with nearly every tome that has ever been written.

        Dethys leads you to one of the uppermost floors. Upon this floor, there is a large shield adorned in gold and ivory and depicting a tower. You recognize it from the Blood-Warden base. This section houses the rarest tomes, many of them written by Dethys himself, and is an exclusive section of the library that is only able to be accessed by members of The Bulwark of Heaven. In order to even enter this floor, Dethys must use a very specific incantation that only he, and a handful of others, know by heart.

   Dethys claps his hands together. “Well, let’s get to it then.”
« Last Edit: July 26, 2010, 01:28:26 PM by Faidth »

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Re: The Legion Immortalis: The Bulwark of Heaven (Part 1)
« Reply #76 on: July 26, 2010, 02:10:07 PM »
Depheir replied to Cleo, with unconcealed curiosity.

"Yes, I have few questions. First, is that, how did you call it, "zappy thing", some sort of security?"

"Exactly", she nodded. "When the Forsaken learned of my whereabouts, and because this place is warden against them, they began to send humans posing as Ageless. There were enchantments on them that enhanced their abilities and made them seem like Ageless."

"I see. That spell might kill any human, but Ageless will withstand its power. Very clever."

She smiled to Depheir, and asked him: "Do you have any other questions, Depheir?"

"I want to know something about Avalon... and about your knowledge about magic. Perharps we can share our skills to each other."

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Re: The Legion Immortalis: The Bulwark of Heaven (Part 1)
« Reply #77 on: July 26, 2010, 02:31:24 PM »
"Ironwood.  No I've never heard of such a tree.  I've never heard of a tree simply giving up its branches either."

He holds out his hands and with the care of holding an infant turns it over and inspects it.  "You made this yourself?"  He flicks the bowstring lightly, shaking his head.  "Beautiful.  Old Lemnas would take a lifetime to make something like this.  I can make simple arrows in a pinch but they miss more often than not..."

His eyes light up when she ask if he'd like to shoot her.  "Why, yes I would.  It would be an honor."

Faile was long finished with her honeycake and was cleaning her feathers.  She was growing bored and keeps looking out the window.  She nonchalantly looks at Besnik and flutters her eyes at him.

Chirp?  She says sweetly.

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Re: The Legion Immortalis: The Bulwark of Heaven (Part 1)
« Reply #78 on: July 26, 2010, 03:14:13 PM »
        In the Wastes of Faranas, Cleo gives an agreeable nod in response to Depheir's response. "Yes, I think that I might be able to teach you a spell or two. It might take some time, however, more than we have just now. Perhaps after you have taken care of your business in Avalon you might return and I can show you a bit of my magic."   

        Cleo goes on to explain the grandeur of Avalon, and relates a great deal of information to you about the exquisite city of the Ageless. You note that she seems quite homesick as she recounts its beauty. She tells you a bit about the companions that you will soon meet. She tells you that Fenwick is incredibly intelligent, and quite special. You notice her smile widens when she speaks of him, perhaps betraying some deeper meaning. She recounts Sembas fondly, telling you that he is polite, well-mannered, and seems wise beyond his years. She also tells you of his traveling companion, a rare falcon named Faile. When she speaks of Faran, her beautiful face scrunches into an expression of distaste. She tells you that the way he wields the arts is quite impressive, but his behavior is rather boorish and he has a tendency to be insulting.


        Archer grins at Sembas as he admires the bow. “Yes, Ironwood is exceptionally rare, and the tree it comes from is the most unusual one I have ever set eyes upon. It is quite a sight to behold. Perhaps Besnik and I can take you there sometime. I could try to simply describe it to you, but I doubt I could do it justice.”

   Besnik raises his head and abruptly shakes his beak from side to side to dispel bits of honeycake. He looks over to Faile and calls out a friendly trill before hoping towards the window.

   “Ah… He wants to show her his nest. He’s quite proud of it. Male falcons usually don’t make such things for themselves, but Besnik is willing to try just about everything,” explains Archer.

   Besnik hops out one of the windows and sticks his head back in, calling out to Faile again. “Trrrrlllllll,” he purrs, beseeching her to follow him.

   Meanwhile, Archer gestures for you to follow her down to her practice area. The field that houses it is lovely, and it is yet another wonder of Avalon that such diversely different places can exist in the same place. That this seeming oasis of arboreal bliss can exist in the heart of a place is quite amazing.

   Archer hands you a quiver of arrows and places the Ironwood bow in your hands. As you shoot at the target, you quickly become aware that she was quite right: not one arrow that you shoot misses the target. She is also very impressed by your natural finesse and compliments your skill with a bow.

   After some time, Archer tells you that she has some business to attend to at The Bulwark, but would like to meet with you again soon in order to arrange that race between Besnik and Faile. She believes it will be quite a sight to behold, and would like to extend an invitation to her Ageless brethren to attend.

   Before she parts ways with you, she hands you a well-made quiver, filled with about a dozen of her custom-crafted arrows. (see OOC) She also detaches a small belt pouch from her waist and gifts it to you. When you open the small, leather pouch, you find a small bit of the same dark, Ironwood that her bow is crafted from.

   “For luck, Sembas,” she says simply.
« Last Edit: July 26, 2010, 07:51:21 PM by Faidth »

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Re: The Legion Immortalis: The Bulwark of Heaven (Part 1)
« Reply #79 on: July 26, 2010, 04:13:18 PM »
Faile hops out the window after Besnik and buzzes by him in the air playfully.  Sembas watches out the window as she tumbles around in the air, teasing Besnik.  Cupping his hands together he yells out the window, "Manners!"  He facepalms for a moment before following Archer down to her practice range.

Her bow is larger than what he is used to, yet it was surprisingly accurate.  It would be difficult to return to his old shortbow after firing such a weapon.

The race will be quite a sight to see, he agrees.  He goes on to mention that he would be proud for the others to come watch.  It would be a great introduction to those he hasn't met yet.

Sembas is quite shocked when she hands him the quiver.  He remarks about the quality and thanks her deeply.  The pouch also is quite a gift.  He gasps slightly, realizing the rarity of the ironwood inside.

"Thank you, Gladia.  May luck bring our paths together again soon."

The two of them part, and Sembas finds his way to a bench along a side street.  He takes a seat and looks up at the sky.  Faile was still with Besnik.  They were at his nest now.  He could feel Failes feeling of uncertainty.  Why would a male falcon be nesting?  He was glad she was being polite for once, at least.

About fifteen minutes later She lands on the back of the bench, chattering away.

"Yes, this place is very different than home.  We'll find our place here sooner than later.  No.  Well, yes, she is very beautiful.  Yes, these arrows are from her.  No, its not food in the pouch.  I'll show it to you later.  Of course we'll be seeing them again.  Hopefully quite ofte-"

He slaps a hand over his mouth.  Whipping his head around he looks to see if anyone was nearby.  It was hopeless, nonetheless.  She probalby heard he and Faile's exchange as clear as day.

He sighs loudly and holds out his arm.  "Come on."  She giggles in his mind as she hops on his arm.

"Did you happen to see where Dennan lives while you were flying around?  Yes, I'd like to pay him a visit too."

The two begin walking towards Dennan's cottage.  Hopefully the large man is at home.