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Author Topic: MH:The Secret Flight of the Vilya - PART 1: A Troublesome Crew OOC Thread 2  (Read 35780 times)

Offline Cameron

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OOC thread continued from this thread:


Offline Cameron

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Re: MH:The Secret Flight of the Vilya - PART 1: A Troublesome Crew OOC Thread 2
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2010, 09:27:16 AM »
Well I've come up with the solution.   Although won't be able to post it possibly until monday night.  Possibly tonight.  I am leaving for vacation tonight and don't know if I'll have time labor Day night to post when I get back.  Will end part one on this post.  It will be a semi large post so will take a little while to post.   Part II will start then.

Offline Tyvaris

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Re: MH:The Secret Flight of the Vilya - PART 1: A Troublesome Crew OOC Thread 2
« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2010, 10:00:46 AM »
Thanks. Although I may just change the name and make this PART II.  My plans are to have one final post and then start Part II.  We'll start off from Part II after the post.

Offline Cameron

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Re: MH:The Secret Flight of the Vilya - PART 1: A Troublesome Crew OOC Thread 2
« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2010, 10:53:40 AM »
That's fine. Still not letting your previous thread go past 100 posts though. Just call me the Post Count Nazi.  :P

Offline Daccio

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Re: MH:The Secret Flight of the Vilya - PART 1: A Troublesome Crew OOC Thread 2
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2010, 09:38:03 AM »
*eyes castellon*

Offline Tyvaris

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Re: MH:The Secret Flight of the Vilya - PART 1: A Troublesome Crew OOC Thread 2
« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2010, 12:16:21 PM »
Yeah... Tomorrow and Monday I have off.  Expect updates then.  Sorry about the delay, haven't been home really at all, all week.   Was in Ocean City Labor Day weekend and then GF's Birthday on Tuesday compiled with me and GF being busy all week now.   Tonight im busy also.   Tomorrow I don't have plans.   I have the idea completed just needs put into post.

Offline Tyvaris

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Re: MH:The Secret Flight of the Vilya - PART 1: A Troublesome Crew OOC Thread 2
« Reply #6 on: September 14, 2010, 12:26:13 PM »
Well crew you've just be conscripted against your will. This is not the actual writing on the decree it's a fabrication in order for Lark to get the results he requires.   Opinions? Part 2 I'll allow your reaction posts and then we'll kick off on the mission for Tellos' ammunition.

Offline Soul Reaver

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Re: MH:The Secret Flight of the Vilya - PART 1: A Troublesome Crew OOC Thread 2
« Reply #7 on: September 14, 2010, 04:38:56 PM »
You're lucky that I'm not (a) RPing a more intelligent character and (b) that character is not in the room, because the moment when I read about Lark reading out that decree (and before I read your OOC), I thought to myself "If I was in that room, I'd ask to see that decree myself".   :o

Offline Tyvaris

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Re: MH:The Secret Flight of the Vilya - PART 1: A Troublesome Crew OOC Thread 2
« Reply #8 on: September 15, 2010, 07:59:54 AM »
I was going to put it in there and probably will that Lark was going to say that, "due to the sensitive content of the Decree that it can not be shown to anyone but the Captain."   

Offline Tyvaris

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Re: MH:The Secret Flight of the Vilya - PART 1: A Troublesome Crew OOC Thread 2
« Reply #9 on: September 28, 2010, 01:58:41 PM »
Misthaven is sorta gonna be placed on a temporary hiatus.  By temporary I mean it maybe about a week or so before I reopen and proceed again.

I too feel it's a little shallow and pointless to force everyone to go.  It creates an unnecassary animosity towards Lark and Grumbald.   I am in the process of retconning the last post and redoing it.   Lark is supposed to be a charasmatic scoundrel but not a blatant liar and theif.  He should only lie, cheat, or steal only when necessary and this doesn't seem necessary and goes against the picture i've painted for him.

Offline Kitharsis

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Re: MH:The Secret Flight of the Vilya - PART 1: A Troublesome Crew OOC Thread 2
« Reply #10 on: September 28, 2010, 03:01:19 PM »
If it counts for anything, Darterity was a pirate just days before.  I'm sure he would love to do some pillaging, and without much persuasion at that.

The heavy handed approach...  Well he was a pirate, so a Mistvald decree doesn't really matter too much to him.

Offline Tyvaris

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I'm going to apologize for the current half post.  I'll have to post tonight at home.  Have been  trying to post at work and it seems to be lagging badly. 
« Last Edit: October 14, 2010, 02:06:03 PM by Castellan »

Offline Soul Reaver

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Any progress on the post?  Or are you waiting on replies?

Offline Tyvaris

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Im posting tonight after i make some pumpkin chocolate chip cookies.

Offline Soul Reaver

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pumpkin chocolate chip cookies.

That's a pretty good reason for a delay.

Offline Tyvaris

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I have to make them for a halloween party at work, although I think i feel sorta sick after making them.  Alas, I digress and must say i'll finish my post probably around 8, sorry for the delay I need to take a break for a little bit before I post.   

Offline Soul Reaver

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I have to make them for a halloween party at work, although I think i feel sorta sick after making them.  Alas, I digress and must say i'll finish my post probably around 8, sorry for the delay I need to take a break for a little bit before I post.

Hehe, I wasn't being sarcastic: making cookies should always be a top priority for everyone.  Though I originally thought you were making the cookies just for fun. :P

Offline Tyvaris

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Ok,  Post finished, and so finishes part one.   Tomorrow begins part two.   Please don't post anything until after the new Battle is started and I have posted the first post.

Any questions? 

Offline Cameron

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Please don't post anything until after the new Battle is started and I have posted the first post.

Wow... seriously?  ???

They're going to beat your door down if you make them wait to post too much longer.

Trust me. I know.

Offline Soul Reaver

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They're going to beat your door down if you make them wait to post too much longer.

Trust me. I know.

I just wanted the Board Battles back.  :-[