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Author Topic: Does EA have another ace in the hole in the MMO market besides SWTOR?  (Read 8660 times)

Offline Tyvaris

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Was doing some research on SW:TOR and another game that might pick up steam next year in the MMO market is another EA branded game called "The Secret World".  Supposed too be a modern Vampire/Zombie/Horror/Post-Apocalyptic MMO created by FUNCOM the same people who made Age of Conan and Anarchy Online(Games that haven't been altogether that successful).  This game could either be a smash hit as it does have some radical choices and some interesting game design. (THERE ARE NO CLASSES TO CHOOSE)    I'm not altogether interested in playing more than one MMO but If this game is available via a trial I might check it out for the trial period.  It definately looks interesting.   

Almost like EA is picking some big fights against the gaming giants this year.    Battlefield 3 VS Activision's Call of Duty MW 3, SW:TOR and Secret World VS. WoW, EA Origins VS. STEAM, and EA trying to take over the portable gaming world.    Will be a very interesting year in gaming to see how successful they are.

Anyway.  Here is the website for The Secret World. Take a look. It's almost like a Left4dead MMO.

Offline Cameron

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Re: Does EA have another ace in the hole in the MMO market besides SWTOR?
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2011, 10:55:51 AM »
SWTOR is not trying to "pick a fight with WoW". WoW isn't going to loose any business because of SWTOR and they know it.

Also, unless A Secret World is made by Bioware, I probably won't care much. (EDIT: Wait, FUNCOM? PFFT. Forget that.)

Offline Archdemon Stu

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Re: Does EA have another ace in the hole in the MMO market besides SWTOR?
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2011, 01:54:20 PM »
All I know is when Blizzard's next MMO comes out (they're calling it Titan at this point) I'm in.  It takes a lot for me to even look at other game companies at this point as my gaming time gets cut more and more.  They say Titan will be able to co-exist with WoW without competing with it, and will have an entirely new story separate from Diablo, Starcraft, or Warcraft.

Until then, I'll keep playing Rift, as much as I hated their ad campaign ("You're not in Azeroth anymore" blehhhh), it's an extremely well made game.

Offline Cameron

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Re: Does EA have another ace in the hole in the MMO market besides SWTOR?
« Reply #3 on: August 10, 2011, 02:16:35 PM »
All I know is when Blizzard's next MMO comes out (they're calling it Titan at this point) I'm in.  It takes a lot for me to even look at other game companies at this point as my gaming time gets cut more and more.  They say Titan will be able to co-exist with WoW without competing with it, and will have an entirely new story separate from Diablo, Starcraft, or Warcraft.

Until then, I'll keep playing Rift, as much as I hated their ad campaign ("You're not in Azeroth anymore" blehhhh), it's an extremely well made game.

Yeah, fuck Blizzard.  >:( </stupid bias>

Lightning doesn't strike twice. That's all I'm going to say.

Offline Tyvaris

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Re: Does EA have another ace in the hole in the MMO market besides SWTOR?
« Reply #4 on: August 10, 2011, 02:35:17 PM »
Yeah... I sorta think MMO's are a fad I know millions of people play them, but they burn out pretty quick.   It's usually the social end of the game that keeps me going, if everyone I know stops or slows playing it, I usually quit too.   I think WoW has worked not because it's a good game but because people just want to interact with other people and do things together.   Thats why MMOs are so popular and will continue to be.   I can't see WoW being heavily supported in say 5-10 years unless people continue to essentially force themselves for social reasons.   

I like that SW:TOR is going to be sorta Movie-esque that the entertainment comes from story elements and cinematic sorta  battles.   The social end of things will really take this game over the top.     

I just find it interesting that EA appears to be taking on all the giants this year.   Although this year they may actually put up a good fight.

Offline Cameron

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Re: Does EA have another ace in the hole in the MMO market besides SWTOR?
« Reply #5 on: August 10, 2011, 03:20:08 PM »
I can't see WoW being heavily supported in say 5-10 years unless people continue to essentially force themselves for social reasons.   

Everquest is still very popular, and that's been around since before WoW. The same people who are addicted to WoW now will still be addicted in 5 years.

I just find it interesting that EA appears to be taking on all the giants this year.   Although this year they may actually put up a good fight.

I stated this before in another thread, but every MMO that has tried to take on WoW directly has fallen flat on it's face. I really hope that SWTOR doesn't attempt to pander to the WoW crowd and is successful on it's own merits.

Offline Kitharsis

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Re: Does EA have another ace in the hole in the MMO market besides SWTOR?
« Reply #6 on: August 10, 2011, 03:50:04 PM »
I still play everquest....

There are really a lot of MMO's out.  From cash shop to subscription there are a lot of models to choose from.  Lots of WoW clones without much substance.  Korean grind fests, and even arcade fighting type MMO's (Vindictus, Dragons Nest, Dungeon Fighter Online, etc.). 

WoW did things right and they made it pretty and fun.  Lots of carrots on sticks that got people hooked early.  And the community aspect is still huge.

SWTOR might pull some people away from WoW, and The Secret World will too, but WoW will keep going strong until they decide to pull the plug.

Which seriously, probably won't happen.

PS:  Hellgate London went free to play.  It was interesting to fool around with for a little while.

Offline Archdemon Stu

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Re: Does EA have another ace in the hole in the MMO market besides SWTOR?
« Reply #7 on: August 11, 2011, 01:41:02 AM »
Lightning doesn't strike twice. That's all I'm going to say.
Have you seen Blizzard's track record?  Lightning's been striking away ever since Warcraft II, if I'm understanding your metaphor correctly.

Kith:  Oh yeah, that reminds me, I read an article about how free to play is extremely profitable.  Apparently the US just hasn't gotten over the stigma that free-to-play games have just yet.  In Chinese markets it shows that even if 10 people play for free, 1 of them is a paying customer for vanity items and whatnot.  That alone is enough for them to not just stay afloat, but to recruit people with ease and further those numbers to 1,000,000 free players to 100,000 paying customers.  One big thing about subscriptions is that it scares people away from trying it, so it has to rely entirely upon opening day recruitment and hype.  If a subscription MMO these days falls short on people on the day of release, they're screwed.

Only problem is the USA stigma that free-to-play = low quality.  In eastern countries, selling things in the box is unheard of, and subscriptions are extremely rare.  I live in the wrong country.

So yeah... I'll stop typing now.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2011, 01:49:37 AM by Jorumn Fargazer »

Offline Cameron

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Re: Does EA have another ace in the hole in the MMO market besides SWTOR?
« Reply #8 on: August 11, 2011, 10:06:09 AM »
Free to play is working fine over here. Turbine is leading the way with 2 free to play games (Dungeons and Dragons Online and Lord of the Rings Online) and have been doing great. DDO was considered a failed MMO till it went free to play, and it worked so well that they immedeately converted LOTRO to a free to play system as well.

When I said lightning doesn't strike twice for Blizzard, I was specifically referring to MMOs. Yes, Warcraft/Starcraft/Diablo has always been popular, but no game has allowed them to print their own money quite like WoW. I just don't see them repeating that feat, especially since they're going to have to compete with themselves. Hardcore WoW fans will continue to play WoW even after Titan comes out. They can't expect their entire WoW player base to subscribe to two MMos, so they're going to have to try and attract non-WoW players. And if that's their game, then Titan better be a completely different animal. Most people I know who don't play WoW aren't going to play a similar game by the same company either.

Offline Kitharsis

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Re: Does EA have another ace in the hole in the MMO market besides SWTOR?
« Reply #9 on: August 11, 2011, 10:18:38 AM »
I've played so many free to play MMOs and other types its ridiculous.

I've even spent money on a few of them, joining that percentage of paying players because I enjoyed the game so much and I needed that new skin for Nidalee.

I agree with Cameron that Titan will have to be very different than WoW.  And that is going to be difficult given that MMOs in general all play the same.

Offline Shadow Chorus

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Re: Does EA have another ace in the hole in the MMO market besides SWTOR?
« Reply #10 on: August 12, 2011, 05:23:29 AM »
Not all of them. I gurantee you Dungeon Fighter Online and their brothers don't play like WoW. Nor does Runescape. In fact, there was once a lot of hype about a little game called Global Agenda, which fused MMORPG with FPS.

There's a large market for variety in MMOs. You just need the right creativity and the right formula. I know I don't expect Dark Millenium to play like WoW.

Offline Kitharsis

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Re: Does EA have another ace in the hole in the MMO market besides SWTOR?
« Reply #11 on: August 12, 2011, 01:36:47 PM »
Thats also another problem!  There are too many of them. 

It seems that I stumble on a new MMO every week.  Some shiny bit makes me want to drop what I'm currently playing and jump on the new one. 

I think the main hurdle that SWTOR is going to have to jump is keeping an active subscription base.  Release will be a huge surge of people trying it out.  Getting people to keep playing past the first free month will be the true test.

Offline Veldanya Venalla

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Re: Does EA have another ace in the hole in the MMO market besides SWTOR?
« Reply #12 on: August 12, 2011, 07:53:56 PM »
It seems that I stumble on a new MMO every week.  Some shiny bit makes me want to drop what I'm currently playing and jump on the new one. 

hmmm...sounds like someone i know....(now to see if he actually reads The Administorum at all)

I agree Kith....the 2nd month will be the true reveal of just how popular SWTOR will be.  Its a given for every new MMO that theres a surge the first month (and a subsequent sub drop for WoW) then right before the 2nd month hits...the new MMO sub's drop and WoW's goes back up.  This will of course happen with SWTOR (im sure there will be plenty of ppl QQ'ing about not getting gear fast enough, or leveling is too slow, or their hand isnt being held enough to allow them to get uber without any work hehe).  I just hope that its on a much lesser scale then it has been for other MMO's.
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Offline Tyvaris

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Re: Does EA have another ace in the hole in the MMO market besides SWTOR?
« Reply #13 on: August 13, 2011, 08:41:39 AM »
I do have to say this new video for Secret World has sparked my interest some: