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Author Topic: Westward: Incident at Fort Southridge  (Read 87224 times)

Offline Shadow Chorus

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Re: Westward: Incident at Fort Southridge
« Reply #100 on: May 28, 2014, 01:10:05 AM »
Seth cracked the barrel of his rifle open, the break-action mechanism working with ease as he reloaded a pair of spikes into the weapon. Walking over to the downed bandits, he slung the rifle over his shoulder, glancing over the fallen enemies to see if they perhaps held anything of value. He would leave the talking to the others.

"Offer him a quick death, it's about all we can give him at this point." Seth said, rifling through the dead men's pockets for bits or ammunition. He also looked for any workable metal they may have had on them, as well as taking their guns. Spare parts and spare ammunition would never go amiss to a techanic. Even if he couldn't use exactly what he took, he could more often than not refashion it, take it apart, or melt it down into something he could use. Anything he found he'd load onto his bike, the storage space being comparable to a pack horse's, considering the size and strength of the vehicle.

Offline Radobe

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Re: Westward: Incident at Fort Southridge
« Reply #101 on: May 30, 2014, 05:16:19 AM »
The Jagger sighs as he looks at the last living bandit. Enoka seems to be trying to get some information out of him, but for Sebastian, information received for free or without an appropriate threat, is untrustworthy. Better to keep going while on the lookout, instead of getting unreliable information.

Sebastian sees no merit in entering either of the conversations that currently take place. She retrieves her horse instead and patiently waits for both conversations to unfold.
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Offline Veldanya Venalla

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Re: Westward: Incident at Fort Southridge
« Reply #102 on: June 02, 2014, 05:12:48 PM »
The mortally wounded man laughs, the action causing him to start coughing, some blood spurting from his mouth.

"You damn bitch, you think I  gunna tell you anything?!?"

The man laughs again as he seems to realize something, struggling as he props himself up on an elbow, leaning in closer to the woman so only she can hear what he says.

"You have no idea what you are REALLY involved with...can you really trust the Marshal? Has he told you everything?"

Another fit of laughter overtakes the dying man as he flops back onto the ground, followed by another coughing fit.  Before long the coughing stops as the man dies from the loss of blood from the neck injury and spikes embedded in his stomach, his eyes staring up into the sky.  The Marshal pulls his horse up near Enoka and the dead man and silently looks down at them, the dying light of dusk reflecting off his goggles, making it almost seem as if there is a fire behind the black lenses.

"Did you learn anything?"
Seth searches the corpses of the fallen, finding some spare ammo on each man and of course their weapons.  Within a hidden pocket of one of the dead men's coat he finds a piece of paper with writing on it.

No screw ups this time.  I want the Marshal and his two companions dead.  We take a job we see it to completion.  You fuck this up you had better hope they kill you or else.....

The paper is signed simply with the letter D.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2014, 06:55:31 PM by Jharm »
Religion and greed, cause millions to bleed.

Offline Shadow Chorus

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Re: Westward: Incident at Fort Southridge
« Reply #103 on: June 03, 2014, 01:15:24 AM »
Seth read the note over, reading it three times to commit each word to permanent memory, before he struck a spark using some of the metal he'd gathered and burnt the note to ashes, his back facing the group so they could not see what he was doing.

Someone was hunting them, but they apparently only knew about Sebastian and himself. That could mean three things. Either they didn't have any contacts in that town, this group had been tailing them for some time, before reaching Southridge, or...

Seth glanced over to Enoka, sniffing sharply as he pocketed the ammunition and stored the guns on his bike. Whether Enoka was a traitor or not, he needed more information. He'd wait and see how long it took for word to get out of the party's expansion into four members. He'd judge for himself if the news traveled too fast to come from outside the group. Best he didn't share the contents of that note with anyone else. He didn't know if he could trust anyone, not even the Marshal. He'd been back-stabbed by more 'noble' men than he in the past. But he would see what he could glean from casual conversation.

"So. What did the dead man have to say?" Seth said, approaching with his rifle resting casually on his shoulder. It had proven itself in its first combat trial, but he still needed to tinker with it to make it more efficient.

Offline Daccio

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Re: Westward: Incident at Fort Southridge
« Reply #104 on: June 03, 2014, 09:55:44 PM »
Enoka frowns as the man died.

"He called me a bitch. That was very ungentlemanly of him."

She reached forward and yanked the knife out of his neck. A small spurt of blood shot up, but then died down quickly. She wiped the blade on his clothes and spent a moment inspecting the blade to insure that it wasn't dulled or anything of the like. She sheathed the blade and gave the dead man a pat down and took the gun and ammunition that he had been wielding.

She didn't respond to the marshal right away, rather she put the rifle she had gathered on her horse. She turned as Seth spoke as well and addressed both as she wiped her hands off of blood with a lace hankerchief that she had pulled out of her pack.

"The dead man really didn't say much"

Her gaze swept to the marshal however, and she gave him THE LOOK. The one where a woman knows that you know more than you are saying.

"Perhaps the marshal can enlighten us a little as to this situation?

Offline Radobe

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Re: Westward: Incident at Fort Southridge
« Reply #105 on: June 04, 2014, 11:28:18 AM »

The jagger, now sitting on her horse, was in thought about why was there an ambush set up way out here and amidst a road frequent by ferals. To top it off, in order to set up this attack the bandits would have had to know ahead of time the destination of the marshal's party. Why attack the party if they have come first? If they share the same goal retrieving the package would not take so much time as to have the need to slow us down? Something just seemed out of place, was some one of the party a target? Who and why?

"So. What did the dead man have to say?" …

Enoka's question came right on time, if there was someone who knew more than them about the situation it would be the marshal. Sebastian moves her horse and places Vildayvin on her left side, just in case things got rowdy.
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Offline Veldanya Venalla

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Re: Westward: Incident at Fort Southridge
« Reply #106 on: June 09, 2014, 01:04:36 PM »
Vil gazes at Seth and Enoka (respectively) as they speak.  He notices the stare that the woman gives him but his face remains emotionless.

What is she hiding?  He said something....that look proves that.  Damn Tranquil, I'm going to regret hiring her on I just know it.

"Perhaps the Marshal can enlighten us a little as to this situation."

Gray eyes squint at the woman from behind black glass at the tone and attitude of the woman. 

"Enlighten you?  Well lets see....we are traveling to a feral camp, out in the middle of the badlands.  We have been attacked by a group of bandits, intent on deepening their pockets from whatever they could get from our corpses, something they failed at quite plainly."

He then reaches into a vest pocket and pulls out a pocketwatch, popping open the lid and gazing at the hands a few moments before closing it and sliding it back into the pocket.

"Now....we must continue on.  Jerrick, how much farther until we get near your camp?"

The feral draws his horse up behind the Marshal as he responds.

"Only a few more miles actually.  Its getting dark though, shouldn't we think of finding somewhere to hunker down for the night?"

"No.....we are short enough on time as it is and there might be more bandits or patrols that could find us.  No...we finish this tonight."

Gesturing forward to Jerrick, silently telling him to take the lead, Vildayvin urges his horse forward, the feral taking the lead as instructed by the Marshal. A distance away from the party, a man is hiding behind a rock, looking through a spyglass as he watches the group move onwards, all still standing after the ambush.

"Shit.....Boss is gunna be pissed about dis!"

Scrambling back down the hill to a horse waiting nearby, the man leaps on it and gallops off.  The group travels on as the sun continues to fade away.  As the last rays of the sun break over the horizon they see the walls of the feral camp, men patrolling the perimeter.  A few hundred feet in front of the walls a shallow gully runs past the camp, probably a stream or river now long dried up, a rickety wooden bridge giving access across the gully to contiue to the camp.  Jerrick signals for everyone to stop just before they reach the bridge.  He continues on alone across the bridge, reaching the end just as one of the guards above the gate yells down.

"Halt! Who goes there?"

"Josper....its me....Jerrick!"

"Jerrick?  Your father told us you died in the last scavenging run."

"Scavenging run?  Is that what he calls it?  There was no scavenging attempts....he sent those men to butcher and murder innocent people!  Let us in, my father has gone mad and must be stopped!"

The man turns as if he is about to yell down when another man on the wall stops him.

"No!  Boss says no one allowed in.....kill em all!"

The man then raises his rifle and fires off a round, the bullet whizzing down and embedding itself in the skull of the horse Jerrick is riding on.  The creature crashes to the ground, the man barely managing to prevent from being pinned by the corpse.  As gunfire ripples from the wall he scurries over the side of the small bridge and down into the gully, taking cover against the wall of the riverbed.  Soon after he is joined by the Marshal, his revolvers drawn as he occasionally pops up and fires some rounds off.  A few seconds later three flares rocket up into the sky from within the walls, bathing the entire area in flickering light, revealing both the defenders and the party to the sight of each other.  While many of the men on the walls seem intent on killing the group below them, a few (such as Josper) seem to either be horrible marksman or intentionally throwing off their aim.  Could these be some of the men still faithful to Jerrick?
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Offline Shadow Chorus

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Re: Westward: Incident at Fort Southridge
« Reply #107 on: June 09, 2014, 03:26:19 PM »
Ferals. Superstitious, antagonistic rock-biting morons. But apparently some of them could be decent people. But, that didn't mean he wouldn't take advantage of that superstition. Letting go of the clutch, Seth gunned the motor of his bike, creating an angry growling noise akin to a raging beast. Drawing his pistol with his left hand, the Techanic opened fire on those who were honestly attempting to shoot him. Ignoring those who appeared to be intentionally missing, he shot down the loudmouth who had initially ordered them dead, and while he was firing he continued to Rev his bike, attempting to scare or draw the attention of the ferals.

Offline Radobe

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Re: Westward: Incident at Fort Southridge
« Reply #108 on: June 10, 2014, 12:05:27 PM »
After the first shots are fired, Sebastian rethinks the situation before jumping into action. First off, Jerrick has lost any value he might have had as an exchange coin. Second, their priorities have not change and their task remains the same. Third, the flared up sky and the ferals remaining here are the perfect thing to distract the ones still in the camp. Perhaps things did not turn out as bad as they seemed at first.

The Jagger turns her horse around and spurs the horse to run until she vanishes into the darkness. Taking a roundabout way to approach the camp from a different direction, she makes sure her movements are not lit by the flares. When the time comes to cross the gull she dismounts and crosses on foot, while looking out for any sentries that might be placed nearby.  Under the cover of darkness she gets close enough to the wall to be able to make a sprint for it.

Using the gun fire as cover for the noise, she times it so that the moment she hits the wall a few shots go off and cover the noise. Now she will scale the wall and if she remains unnoticed she will try to get to the chiefs tent to look for the Lasher venom and retrieve it if possible.
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Offline Daccio

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Re: Westward: Incident at Fort Southridge
« Reply #109 on: June 13, 2014, 01:01:33 AM »
Enoka leaps from the back of the horse just as the first shots are fired and darts down into the gully, taking refuge for a minute. Her keen eyes pick up on the fact that a few of the men seem to be missing them on purpose. She makes a mental note to which ones they are. Her light colored dress tends to blend in well with the terrain around them as she watches her companions move into action. The Roar of seths motorbike was heard over all and she hoped that that might catch most of the people's attentions. She watched through narrowed eyes as sebastian retreated back into the darkness. She wondered what the other was up to, but quickly turned her attention to the marshal and jerrick.

   "Give me as much cover as you can. I'll see if I can't get that open"

With that, she turned and angled herself to the flank of the wall, where she might be able to get up relatively unnoticed. First running along the gulley parallel to the wall, she pulled on her climbing gloves, staying low enough to remain unseen. Once she got to the end of the line of defenders, she angled inward in a low, crouched run. If anyone took aim at her, she would move in erratic, unpredictable patterns. She knew the dangers of bringing a knife to a gunfight, and she trained herself well for them.

   As she hit the wall, she drew one combat knife and placed it between her teeth. The tang of copper still hinted at what they had been used for earlier this day, as she silently leapt up to seek any handhold on the wall. She was no expert, but she was strong and swift. She would hug the wall as she tried to scale. If anyone neared the edge to look down as she climbed, she would reach up if she could and drag them off, unless it was one of those who had intentionally missed them.

Offline Veldanya Venalla

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Re: Westward: Incident at Fort Southridge
« Reply #110 on: June 14, 2014, 11:49:55 AM »
The roar of the technic's bike bellows across the battlefield, almost drowning out the sound of the gunfire.  Some of the men seem startled by the mechanical monster in front of them, though the knowledge that they are up behind a wall seems to keep any of them from really being affected.  It does however manage to draw the attention of most of the men on the wall as rifles and pistols shift aim towards the bike and the rider on it. Bullets wizz by Seth, a few pinging off the metal skin of the bike.  It is obvious to the tech that if he doesn't move soon though one of those bullets is going to find its mark on him. 

Sebastian manages to scale the wall relatively easy, the assorted sheets of metal providing decent handholds for the jagger.  Reaching the top, she finds herself alone on the wall.  It would seem the technic's little distraction has drawn most of the attention.  Slipping over the side and down into the camp the jagger moves in between the tents as she heads towards the center of the camp where the chiefs tent should be.  Other then the occasional woman or child glancing out from their hiding places inside other tents, Sebastian doesn't see any sign of guards, the attack at the gate likely drawing everyone with a gun.  Reaching the center, she spots the chiefs tent, the flap open and unguarded.  Moving inside she sees a large bed at the end of the single room.  Scattered around the room is loot taken from their recent attacks and taken by the chief for himself.  On a table at the one side of the room sits a large metal container, almost like a briefcase.  It seems secured with 3 different clamps and has small square panel of raised buttons, their faces blank.  It is evident someone has been trying to open the container with force as the clamps have numerous scratches and dings on them but it still looks like it is secure.

Enoka scrambles up the side of the wall, her dexterity along with the benefits of the climbing gloves speeding her ascent.  Reaching the top she flips overself over the wall, landing next to a very surprised feral as she pulls the blade from between her teeth.  Having been focused on the bike rider, the man had failed to notice the womans silent approach.  He attempts to turn to fire his gun at her but the assassin is quicker, knocking the rifle to the side and slashing her blade across his throat.  As blood seeps down over him, the dying man drops the gun and clutches at his neck in an attempt to stop the flow.  The Tranquil grabs his shoulder and launches the man over the edge of the wall, his suffering ending when his neck snaps as he hits the ground.  The man next to him watches the short fight and glances at the woman and the bloody knife in her hand.  He then glances back down the wall at the other defenders.  It is becoming evident that the chiefs men are fighting a losing battle as bullets continue coming up from the gully, about a quarter of the men loyal to the chief already dead or wounded.  He raises his gun and promptly blows out the brains of the man next to him, one of those actually trying to kill Jerrick.

Josper watches as the man who interrupted him takes a bullet to the head, the corpse falling over the wall and landing in front of the gate.  He ducks behind the wall and watches as the guards open fire on Jerrick and those who came with him.  He was good friends with the chiefs son, and was not fond of the recent decline of the chiefs apparent mental state.  He and Jerrick had spoken a few times about the possible need to remove his father from power, slowly working to determine all those loyal to Jerrick, which was most of the camp, but as time passed his father brought in more outside force of his own.  Their plan had come to an end though when Jerrick was sent out on a scavenging run (or so his father told everyone) and was killed by soldiers from Southridge.  With his return, and the additional reinforcements he somehow managed to bring, Josper realized that the time for rising up was now or never.  Taking a deep breath he shouts out the agreed upon signal.

"Men! For the son!"

Those loyal to Jerrick hear the call and suddenly the wall is thrown into chaos as they turn and attack the chiefs men.  He then moves down the wall, joining his men in battle.  It would seem that the battle is almost theres but then suddenly a crashing sound tears across the area as the wall shakes violently.  The gate to the compound explodes as a large mech blasts through it.  The mech stands over 8" tall, a large pack on the back with a small stack on top powers the mechanical monster.  One hand resembling a large claw and the other being replaced with a large minigun.  A voice bellows from within the automaton, circuitry within amplifying the voice.

"JERRICK!  You think to betray me?!? I will have your head for this!

The minigun then rises up and aims towards those in the gully and on the bridge, the barrels slowly beginning to spin up.  Vildayvin and Jerrick see this and slide back down into the gully, making for the area underneath the bridge to take cover.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2014, 11:56:49 AM by Jharm »
Religion and greed, cause millions to bleed.

Offline Shadow Chorus

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Re: Westward: Incident at Fort Southridge
« Reply #111 on: June 14, 2014, 03:01:00 PM »
Bullets were skidding past Seth, skipping off his bike, and one even grazed his cheek, drawing a thin line of blood across his face. Perfect. He had their attention. Pulling on the clutch and setting the bike into gear, Seth spun the bike around and took off, kicking up dust as he drove circles around the camp, constantly moving and constantly firing, picking off those he could while a rebellion sounded within the walls. While battle raged inside, he would be the metal beast circling its prey, circling the outside for easy targets and fleeing enemies. He would keep his watch steady, eyes open for allies or enemies who might need protection or a bullet. He would let the others handle the interior for now.

But before Seth could act on that, a mech breaks through the gate. Now this was a sight. A mech, and a big one at that! Probably tech stolen from capital forces. Well that was just too bad. For the chief, that is. A techanic knows machines like an average man knows his hands. While Seth scanned the machine for particular weaknesses, he started with the most generic weakness a mech could have; its joints. Servos and pulleys that need full room of motion to work properly. The joints attached to the weapon arms in particular would need range of motion to aim and fire.

Pulling his Rail rifle from its rack on the bike, he takes a position off to the side of the mech, out of its driver's cone of vision, and lined up a shot on the attachment joint of the minigun hand before firing both barrels at his target.

Offline Daccio

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Re: Westward: Incident at Fort Southridge
« Reply #112 on: June 19, 2014, 11:50:13 PM »
        She scaled the wall easily and dispatched of the man on top of the wall. As she moved toward the next, knife bloody in her hand, the man turns at a shout from this Josper and attacks his companions in an apparent division of followers.

   She sighed. It didn't look like there was going to be much sport today-

   Suddenly a loud explosion causes her to brace herself so as to not fall, and the gate shatters outward toward her companions. Through it, steps a
monstrous mech. She had seen a few of these in the capital city. A grin came to her face. This would certainly be a bit more fun!

        She glances quickly down the wall to see josper's men turning on the others. With them seemingly distracted, she could try to do something about this mech. She saw from her vantage point that Seth was lining up a shot with his rifle. She knew he was a good shot, so she was willing to chance it.

        With one last deep breath, she started sprinting down the wall, before take a small jump up to the edge and leaping. She could feel the rush of adrenaline going to her head as she sailed over nothing, her heart pounding in her ears. She flips the knife around so it protrudes from the bottom of her fist and attempts to land on the shoulder of the mech, grabbing hold of anything she can to keep hold aside from what appears to be the boiler. If she is successful, she will pull back her other fist and try to ram the knife in any vision port on the mech that she could find.
« Last Edit: June 21, 2014, 10:42:44 PM by Sepher »

Offline Radobe

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Re: Westward: Incident at Fort Southridge
« Reply #113 on: June 20, 2014, 01:20:16 AM »
The jagger is a bit distracted by the loot inside the tent, but she quickly snaps out of it and retrieves the briefcase. It looks like the container they are looking for, there is also evidence of failed opening attempts and that is proof enough for her that this is the item of interest. The briefcase is a bit on the heavy side, but nothing that she can’t handle and so she returns to the shadows of the camp to make her escape. She is startled, however, by a crashing noise coming from the direction of the gates. Stopping to think for a second, the jagger struggles a bit to decide what to do. Knowing that the one paying the money is the doctor they've met, she could flee and deliver the goods to him, but the prospect of having your contractor die is not a welcomed one. After all, some people might question the validity of a contract should the employer die. Reluctantly, Sebastian tracks her steps back and quickly returns to the wall. Approaching the action carefully, she keeps out of sight as much as she can and after seeing the mech spits out a curse. Currently she stands away from the action, but close enough to have a look into it, waiting for a chance to act.
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Offline Veldanya Venalla

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Re: Westward: Incident at Fort Southridge
« Reply #114 on: July 13, 2014, 06:37:58 PM »
Enoka nimbly lands on the shoulder of the steam-mech, grabbing hold of the "collar" around the head of the mech.  A moment before she slams her blade through the front viewport of the protective helmet of the machine, a loud whistle sound is heard as Seth fires two spikes at the monstrosity.  As the blade shatters the viewport, the spikes slam into the metal plating of the arm joint of the mini-gun appendage.  The metal rods embed themselves within the plating, jamming the mechanisms allowing the arm to properly move and turn, in effect locking the arm up pointing forward.  Between the loss of aiming control and the sudden destruction of the viewport, cursing echoes from within the mech as the gun fires.  A barrage of bullets fly across the field, peppering the approximate area Vildayvin and Josper were at until a few moments ago.

The mech lurches around as the driver seems to be attempting to throw his assailant off of him.  It is quickly evident though that the person above him is not going to be falling off any time soon, so suddenly the mech stops and begins to quickly move in reverse.  Enoka realizes that if she doesnt do something quick, the mech is going to slam back first into the wall of the camp....with her between the wall and the mech.


Vildayvin and Josper dive under the bridge just as the mingun belches to life, bullets tearing through the area they had previously been in, some even punching through the bridge above them.  Leaning up against the side of the gully, Vildayvin pops out the cylinder of his guns, dumping the bullets into his hand and stuffing them into a pocket of his coat.  Reaching inside his duster, he pulls out a box and opens it up.  Within are bullets, the tips of the bullets bearing a red mark, a method the Marshal uses to designate the small stash of armor-piercing rounds he always tries to keep on hand.  Loading up the cylinders with the special ammo he slips the chambers back in and slides out from under the bridge as the gunfire above him dies down.  Popping up he fires off a few rounds towards the hulking mech.  The bullets whiz through the air before impacting against the plating.  As Enoka realizes her predicament she hears the man within shout out in pain, no doubt one of the bullets found its target.
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Re: Westward: Incident at Fort Southridge
« Reply #115 on: July 13, 2014, 09:13:34 PM »
The satisfying crunch of the view port crumbling and cracking before her blade makes her very happy. She did not flinch as the spikes of metal from seth embed themselves into the minigun and it lets loose. Her adrenaline had her in its grip and she hardly knew the meaning of fear.

Suddenly, the mech changed directions and starts moving backwards. Enoka, quick of wit as well as body, realizes that if she doesnt move she is going to get crushed. She noted that the mini gun arm seems to be locked in place as the blazing sound of ammunition going off rings a chorus in her ears. Taking a good grip on the collar of the mech, she pulled herself forward over the shoulder of the mech as she heard bullets rip into the metal and a yelp of pain.

Lurching into motion, her dress swirled around her as she flipped over the shoulder of the mech, spinning herself so that she could grab the collar on the front of the mech now. As she came back down, she would be holding onto the front of the mech, feet planted on the metal armor, staring into the viewport. She draws her knife back  in her left hand and repeatedly slammed the blade into the viewport in order to get at the flesh that was hidden beneath the skin of metal.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2014, 12:32:18 PM by Sepher »

Offline Radobe

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Re: Westward: Incident at Fort Southridge
« Reply #116 on: July 17, 2014, 02:46:30 AM »
   Seeing how Enoka and Seth are handling the mech, it is apparent that Sebastian’s aid in the matter won’t be needed. Sebastian takes note of Vyldavin’s armor piercing rounds, she would try to get her hands on some of those eventually. Right now moving the goods to the marshal and getting out of here are what must be done. A midst the confusion, she goes down the wall swiftly and rushes for the gully.  Hopefully they can be out of here before sunrise.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2014, 04:07:21 AM by Radobe »
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Offline Veldanya Venalla

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Re: Westward: Incident at Fort Southridge
« Reply #117 on: December 23, 2014, 08:52:23 PM »
The mech slams into the ramshackle wall, the structure denting from the force of the collision.  The mechanical construct lurches  under the combined attacks of Enoka, Seth, and Vildayvin; blades, bullets, and spikes punching through the shell of the construct.  After a few moments it becomes evident that the mech is crippled and its occupant is at the mercy of the attackers.  The battle on top of the wall draws to a close as the thugs loyal to the chief fall under the bullets of the rebels.  Silence spreads across the area as guns fall silent.  From within the iron hull a voice suddenly rings out.

"Hold your fire!  I give up! I'm coming out!"

Hearing this Vildayvin and Jerrick clamber up the side of the embankment and move to the front of the crippled mech, the Marshal still keeping his guns aimed at the mech.

(Vil) "Step out of the mech and keep your hands where I can see them! Now!"

Sounds of the locking mechanism resonate from within the mech, the front section shifting forwards and then raising up.  From within a man comes climbing out.   It is immediately obvious that it is Jospers father, the physical similarities easily visible.  Glass pieces are visible on his upper body, no doubt the remnants of the visor port of mech.  He struggles slightly to climb out of the mech, a bullet wound evident in his leg.  As his feet hits the ground he glares at the Marshal standing before him, and then over at his son.

"Congratulations looks like you win out in the end.  Well....what are you waiting for?!?  Finish it already!"

For a moment it seems as if the Marshal is about to do just that when suddenly Jerrick raises his hand.


He pulls Vil off to the side and speaks to him quietly.

((Jerrick) "I can't allow you to do this.  You and your friends have assisted greatly in helping me and my people...but if I am to become chieftain of the tribe it must be through my own hand."

The Marshal stands in silence for a moment, his face completely blank, and sign of emotion within his eyes hidden behind the pitch black lenses of his goggles.

(Vil) "What are you proposing then?  I certainly can not allow that man to go free."

(Jerrick) "I understand and that is not something I would suggest.  Leadership of a tribe happens through two methods....either it is willingly handed down or it is taken by force.  As we are poised to achieve it through the second method through your help...I must demonstrate that I am capable and skilled enough to be chieftain on my own accord.  Therefore.....a duel.  Me versus my father, the faster one remains standing and determines the leader of the clan."

(Vil) "And if you should be slower?"

(Jerrick) "Then  I will die and will no longer be able to hinder you from handling things your way."

(Vil) "What of your people then?  Should you fall....and your father meet his end by my hand....who shall lead them?"

(Jerrick) "I will see that that possibility is taken care of.   I know this is not how you would PREFER it to happen but I must demonstrate that I am capable of being chieftain without.....outside assistance."

Vildayvin stands in silence again, contemplating the decision before him.  As if to give his answer, he lowers the hammers on his revolvers and slides them into their holsters.

(Vil) "So be shall have your duel....and should you fail......"

He pats the handle of one of his revolvers to signal the next option.   Jerrick nods in agreement and signals to Josper, who was still up on the wall above them.  Nodding the man turns and hurries down.  As he reaches the group, Vildayvin pulls something from within his coat....a pair of manacles, and tosses them to the guard.  The two move and quickly binds the now-overthrown chiefs hands behind his back, Josper then escorts the bound man back into the camp as Jerrick turns towards the rest of the companions.

(Jerrick) I thank you all for your assistance with this.  You are all welcome to rest here til morning.  I would not recommend travelling this area during night time, especially after all the noise the battle made.  Many a creature is likely awake from it.  In regards to the item you were searching for....

It is at this point that Sebastian reaches the gate, Jerrick turning to see the case in the bounty hunters hands.

(Jerrick) Well.....I take it you have found what you were looking for then?  (He doesn't seem to wait for a response) Well, the men will lead you to some available tents you can sleep in and I am sure we can spare some food and water if you need it. 
Religion and greed, cause millions to bleed.

Offline Shadow Chorus

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Re: Westward: Incident at Fort Southridge
« Reply #118 on: December 24, 2014, 01:06:25 AM »
The fight over, Seth shoulders his rifle and drops the clutch of his bike down, reducing it to a low idle as Jerrick and Vildayvin argue over how to deal with the chief. Cruising over to the now empty mech, Seth parks his bike next to it and, replacing the key around his neck after removing it from the ignition, steps up to examine the damaged machine. His eyes run cursory analysis and he idly reaches down for a toolkit from his bike.

"I hope nobody minds if I examine this wreck. I might be able to salvage something from it, or even repair it for use." He doesn't wait for a reply before getting to work, opening up maintenance panels and examining internals as well as checking the extent of surface damage.

Offline Radobe

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Re: Westward: Incident at Fort Southridge
« Reply #119 on: December 24, 2014, 02:24:58 PM »
By the time Sebastian reaches the gate the whole mess is sorted and she finds there is no need for her services after all. She approaches Vildayvin and hands over the package quietly.

"The package is secured." her altered and raspy voice came out from beneath the mask. "I will go retrieve my horse and join you lot inside, unless..." she purposefully moves her head to indicate the shift of her gaze towards the chieftain and quietly adds "you want something else done?" The walls were easy to scale and the place had no structure capable of keeping the bounty hunter out. It would cause little effort to sneak in and out of the camp.
An eye for two, a tooth for a jaw, a hair for a head! Fight to be respected!