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Battle Related Forums => Board Battles => Topic started by: Veldanya Venalla on October 01, 2022, 05:31:43 PM

Title: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Veldanya Venalla on October 01, 2022, 05:31:43 PM
"Understanding is a three-edged sword.  Your side....their side....and the truth." - Unknown

*Several years after the events surrounding the Eye of Terror*

"It is as we have feared isn't it?"

The large armored figure standing at the balcony, looking out over the city turns at the sound of the voice, his gaze coming to rest on a slender, winged woman a short distance away.  The Seraphim nods grimly.

"Yes.  Not only do the scouting reports clearly show an increase in the forces of Darkness all along their borders, as well as an escalation in raiding attacks...but I can even sense the growing strength of Darkness itself. returning."

The woman moves closer, joining Jharm at the balcony as they both overlook the sprawling shining city.

"Yet still She has not returned.  Your travels with those "Companions" failed to provide any leads as to her whereabouts, as well as weaken our forces when we joined in the assault upon that "Eye of Terror" hellscape."

Her words, while neither accusatory nor hostile do still bear a bit of a sting to them, demonstrated by the Seraphim looking off to the side and clenching a fist.

"Correct.  I believe we made the right choice though.  The Eye had to be dealt with, otherwise I'm sure eventually it would have spilt over into other universes.  We stand against the Darkness, not only here in our own universe but I feel, elsewhere as well when necessary."

"You know we agree with your decision...but that does not change that not only are we weaker in strength now then if we had not participated in that attack...we also now face the very real likelihood of facing Darkness himself without Her direct aid.  Never before has such a thing been done.  What if we should fail?  Darkness will no doubt overcome everything and then what?  Invade other realms?"

"Correct once again.  All is not lost.  There are the Companions.  All of them are powerful in their own ways, and I have no doubt that they would all offer their assistance to us should I ask."

"Even that psychotic...what did you call him?  Ork?"

"Yes...Gulgrim.  In truth Im sure if he is offered the possibility of untold carnage and violence...I don't think there would be any way to deny him from participating.  Plus his army would be serve as a very suitable..."vanguard" for our own troops."

"Bloodthirsty psychotic monsters, that's what they are Seraphim."

"Yes...but given the dire threat...I see few other options.  I should go speak with..."

Suddenly the doors of the room burst open and an armored Seraph rushes in.

"Seraphim!  The General is in need.  Something has happened to him!"

*Elsewhere in the Citadel*

An older looking Seraph sits cross-legged, candles burning in a circle around him.  A pure white blindfold is wrapped around his head, his chest barely rising and falling as he seems to be deep in a meditative state.  Two Seraphs stand a distance away, clad in simple white robes.  Suddenly, the seated figure begins to spasm and shake before his head rolls back and suddenly light begins to glow from within the empty eye sockets covered by the blindfold.  The priests look at each other before the one rushes towards the spasming figure and the other quickly slips through the doorway and dashes out of sight. After a few moments the blind Seraphs movements calm and he slumps against the attending priest, his breath ragged and tired.

"I....Im okay.  I'm...alright.  Help me up...I...I must speak with the Seraphim at once."

It is at that moment the other priest returns, followed by Jharm and the woman he was speaking with.

"Ah, I suppose I should have known you would show up without delay."

"Of course General Drayvon, your acolyte tells me you were meditating and then without warning started to spasm all about.  Naturally this is concerning.  Are you.."

"Alright?  Yes of course, a bit tired perhaps but I am alright.  That is not important though.  What IS important is that I have had a vision."

Jharm takes a step back, slight shock on his face.

"A vision?  Was it about.."

"Yes. A vision of what is to come...or what may be to come.  I can not say for certain."

Drayvon turns and moves over to Jharm, placing a hand upon the larger Seraphs shoulder.

"As before, flashes of images and voices.  I recognize some as your Companions thanks to our interactions with them previously...but there is one I do not recognize.  Steady yourself and I will share it with you.  I feel that we must move quickly."

Focusing, he lowers his head and squeezes the Seraphims shoulder as Jharms mind is suddenly overtaken by a barrage of images, sights, and sounds.  They are gone in a flash though as he gives a shake of his head and rubs a head over his forehead.

"Y...yes.  Those were certainly Lord Reaver and the others I saw.  That woman though I have never seen before.  I got a strange sense that she is important in some way, and that final seems familiar in a way.  I recognized some of the signs.  I...I think it was the Imperial plane...where the Eye of Terror used to reside."

"You have never been there before though correct?  There must be some reason it was in the vision though.  You told me once before that you thought you felt the presence of the Light after the Eye closed, but that all of us had already returned home."

"Yes, it was very faint, as if it was either a great distance away or..."

"Concealed deep within someone."

"General, do you really think this woman could be somehow be connected to Her?."

"Seraphim, we know that during the last fight between herself and Darkness, she struck Him down while at the same time shattering her form and sending a fragment into the void.  That is how we are able to once more travel to other universes.  She said that she would return to us in our hour of need and I believe it is certainly safe to say that time is now.  I think it is important that we have least seek out this individual and try to ascertain if there is something to her.  The vision certainly has made it clear that the help of your Companions will be required in the battles ahead.

Jharm nods, looking between the General and the woman he was speaking to earlier.

"Drayvon, Nethanya...prepare our people for the End War.  I will return to the Imperial universe and do what I can to try and find this woman and contact the Companions.  There is little time to waste if we are to stand against the Darkness and obtain victory."

The two other Seraphs nod and move off, orders already being shouted as Jharm turns and manifests a portal in front of him and disappears.
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Veldanya Venalla on October 01, 2022, 06:39:04 PM
Location: The Lost Lady Saloon - Imperial Universe

The Lost Lady Saloon's exterior leaves no doubt that it is almost the dictionary definition of a rundown dive bar.  A few figures sit (or even lay) outside, overtaken by liquor or other likely substances. A figure clad in a dark brown trenchcoat and a wide brimmed hat, a pair of dark sunglasses over his eyes approaches the door and walks in.  The inside looks just as bad as the exterior, the furniture ramshackle and haphazardly bolted together (likely numerous times after bar fights).  The patrons cover the array of what one would imagine as thugs, ruffians, and general seedy underbelly denizens.  One single individual though sits in a back corner, shrouded heavily in darkness.  While one could say her general garb could mark her as someone affiliated with shady dealings, something about the way she holds herself almost denotes her as being "different" then the rest of the populace.  She reaches over and grabs a bottle near her, filled with what looks to be an almost icy blue liquid, pouring some into a shot glass and downing it as her gaze flits about the room.

Well here we are again...back once more searching for your needle in a haystack.  Its been years and still nothing.  Sometimes I wonder why I continue to entertain this idea.

Simple...there are few other options left open to us.  Your inquiries clearly indicated that a being I sensed some familiarity with had dealing in this universe.  Something involving an "Eye of Terror".  That was almost certainly who I sensed when we first visited this realm.  Hopefully this being will return at some point and we can try to track them down.  Otherwise we are back to wildly jumping into universes and hoping to get lucky again.

Fine...I just never really like visiting this universe.  We didn't exactly get the warmest welcome initially and ever since I swear they have been trying to find me.  More then once we have had to quickly depart.  What if when that happens we wound up...

Wait...quiet.  I sense something.  I believe he has returned and is near.  There, that figure that just entered.  I think that might be who we are looking for.

That guy?  Doesn't look like much, just some run of the mill bum.  Though...I do sense some power from him, seems like he is trying to hide it but there is certainly more there then if he was in fact some actual bum.

Her dark blue eyes gaze at the man as she downs another shot of the icy liquid.  Her hand instinctively slips down under her long black coat to the holster of one of her hand cannons.

Relax, I do not sense ill intent from him.

Doesn't mean much to me...besides, with the rest of these types in here, gotta be ready for anything.

It is at this point the man walks over to her table and grabs a nearby chair, pulling it over and sitting down.

"Beg you're pardon...may I join you?"

She looks across the table at him and pours herself another shot.

"Depends on your reasoning for wanting to join."

She sits up a bit more, draping one leg over the other as her one hand remains down at her side, a scant few inches from the grip of her gun even as she downs the shot with her other hand.  The man glances about a bit before leaning in slightly, his voice lowering a bit.

"I believe you are the one I have been searching for for quite some time.  It is imperative that we speak...preferably somewhere a bit more private then these surroundings offer."

One of her eyebrows raise slightly as her gaze moves over the other patrons, none visibly seeming to pay any attention to herself or the newcomer as of yet.  Her lips turn up into a slight smirk.

"Searching for some time?  Tell me, are there some sort of credits on the line for if you find me?"

"Credits?  No, I believe you misunderstand my meaning.  Listen..."

He leans a bit more

"I am not...from here.  I do not believe you are either.  Please, may we speak elsewhere before one of these unsavory types decides to become trouble."

Listen to him.  As I said, I sense no ill intent and we must find out more.  I know now that I sense something familiar to him.  Please.

The woman seems to think for a moment and then nods her head, raising the hand that was down by her hip to slide through her short dark hair. 

"Very well, lets head outside."

The two stand up and head for the door, the shot glass and bottle disappearing a moment after she leaves the table.  One of the nearby drunkards notices, their eyes getting a bit wider as they look down at their own drink.

"Mmm..I...I think I...I might be more drunk then I thought...."

The two exit the saloon, the man gesturing around the corner to an alleyway.  Hesitantly she follows him into it.  Once they have gone a short distance down it she stops and holds up a hand.

"Okay I think this is good enough.  Tell me what you gotta say and make it quick."

The mysterious man turns and looks at her, taking off the sunglasses to reveal two glowing white orbs in place of where his eyes would be.

"Well....that is one way to get my attention I must say."

He slips the shades back on and leans against the nearby wall.

"As I said, I come from a different place, a different universe.  This is not my normal appearance, I felt it much more..."appropriate" to don a disguise given the colorful surroundings and how my normal appearance would undoubtedly draw quite a lot of attention."

"Well with peepers like that I have little doubt that you wouldnt draw the attention of everyone around here in a split second."

"Yes, but as I was saying before, I have been searching for you for quite some time.  It is difficult to fully explain and I fear I do not have the time to explain it in detail but suffice to say, my universe is in danger of being overwhelmed by great evil and I believe you are some how involved in regards to defeating it."

"A "great evil" you say?  Care to explain that a bit further at least?"

"I serve the Light, we fight against the Darkness and His forces."

"Well...that is certainly very...simple."

The man shrugs and continues.

"Long ago Darkness was defeated, but not destroyed.  It has become evident that He is finally returning.  Unfortunately the one I serve has not returned to us, her sacrifice being how we defeated the Darkness previously.  I seek to reunite some that I have fought alongside elsewhere, and enlist your help as well."

"And how exactly do I enter into all of this?  You say I am important somehow?"

"In truth, I do not know.  One of my people, a Seraph renowned for wisdom had a vision showing you fighting alongside myself and my friends and also showed this place.  That is how I found you.  If I knew more I would tell you but alas I do not.  Perhaps in time it will make more sense , but as I said, presently I fear we do not have much time available before the forces of Darkness begin to move once more.  Please, will you join with me and my people?"

She crosses her arms over her chest.

"You seem awfully trusting of someone you don't know.  That tells me you are either foolish, or desperate...or both."

She looks off to the side for a moment.

"That being said...I must say I am....intrigued.  Fine, I'll at least go with you for now.  We gotta head to the spaceport though, I'm not leaving my ship behind."

She turns and starts to head out of the alley and down the street, following some signs directing to the spaceport.  The stranger follows after briskly, moving in beside her.

"So...I suppose it would be appropriate for you to tell me your name, given you are so keen on me accompanying you."

" apologies.  I go by the name Jharm, and you are?"

"Oh, your seer only got my face and not my name I take it.  Very well, you can call me Velgeim...or more appropriately simply "Vee"."

"Vee it is then.  Is your vessel a large one?  Heavily armed or anything?"

"She is a very capable ship, has some guns on her but is not one might call a "warship" or anything like that."

Soon after they arrive at their destination, Vee gesturing at the ship in front of them with a hand.

"There she is, the Aisgeim, or "Frostgem."

The surface of the ship is a dark black, faint runes seem to be etched in various areas that seem to pulse a very soft blue.  As the woman approaches a ramp suddenly lowers from underneath the ship as if welcoming her onboard.  Her and Jharm head up the ramp and a few moments later the ship takes to the sky and flies off.
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Veldanya Venalla on October 01, 2022, 06:50:22 PM
All of the Companions (except for Gulgrim) receive the following telepathic message, the voice of Jharm entering each of their minds.

My friends, I have need of your assistance at once.  Darkness is returning and my people can not face it fully on their own.  Time is of the essence and there is much I must see to.  I can explain everything in full once you arrive if you so choose.  My people are prepared to open entryways for you should you choose to accept.

Meanwhile, a different message reaches Gulgrim, though the voice is still that of Jharm

Warboss Gulgrim.  I have need of you and your forces.  I know you have little interest in helping others, but I can offer the....opportunity for violence and bloodshed.  A "right and proper Waagh" as you might call it I believe.  My people can open a portal for you to join us at once where I can explain in more detail.  Then should you choose to continue, Im sure your "boyz" can be brought in afterwards.
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Soul Reaver on October 06, 2022, 06:16:23 PM
Hot, black blood spatters up Soul Reaver's arms as his sword falls yet again, cleaving another heavily-muscled form almost in half.  His entire body, from head toe, is utterly covered in it.

Over three days and nights he, Kitharsis and Phaerys have held the bridge.  Most of the bodies had fallen into the fast-moving river below, but those that remained were piled so high it was impossible for the maddened brutes to get anywhere near the defenders without first clawing their way over a veritable mountain of slick corpses.  Not that that stopped them from trying.

The king's army would have evacuated all the villages by this point and be prepared for their counterattack.  Soul Reaver has vowed they would have their three days, and as twilight began to fall, he was satisfied in the knowledge that he'd given them more than that.

As Blooddrinker continues its rhythmic, deadly work, Soul Reaver casts his mind back to the last few years.

After the Eye of Terror campaign, he had taken Phaerys and Kitharsis with him to the markets on Dinlete.  The bustling bazaars were a riot of colour, sight and sound.  Peddlars crouched on rugs or standing behind rickety wooden stalls sold everything imaginable under the innumerable suns.  It was a place where hulking reptilian humanoids rubbed shoulder-equivalents with environment suit-wearing masses of sentient tentacles.  Even warp travellers from distant dimensions would seek out this place.  Soul Reaver knew Kitharsis would find anything he wanted, and he hoped it would serve as both and education and a source of valuable information for Phaerys on the nature of the multiverse.

Once their business had concluded, Soul Reaver spent a brief time recuperating from the strains of his recent campaign, but he could not afford to rest too long.  The multiverse was infinite, and he was always needed somewhere.  From within the sanctuary of his Obsidian Island he consulted the Eye of Justice, and soon Soul Reaver and his entourage were travelling throughout the Planes once more.

Warlords and evil sorcerers fell.  Plagues were stopped.  Tyrants toppled and freedom was granted.  A world in its death-throes against an incursion from Inferno saw an unlikely saviour in a raven-haired, black-armoured warrior who forced the invading daemons to their knees with words alone, then cut them down with mechanical efficiency.

He had done good, he knew.  He had made a difference to the people he had saved.  As always, he tried hard not to think of all the suffering happening elsewhere, that he could have stopped, if he were there instead of here.

During these years, Kitharsis would have had an opportunity to test the new limits of his powers and adapt to his new way of being.  It must not have been easy for him to learn to live anew.

And Phaerys - he was an interesting one.  Though Soul Reaver had brought him along to help Phaerys learn about the multiverse and assist him on his quest to find his coven, it had also been an opportunity of Soul Reaver to study him in turn.  He was clearly an energy being of some kind, driven by logic and curiosity.  His desire to locate his coven was his current fundamental directive - morality, it seemed, did not feature largely within that equation, but at the same time he had no desire to cause harm or destruction for its own sake.  Soul Reaver couldn't help wondering how easily he might have been led astray had he met a less scrupulous band of warp travellers.

The sword falls, blood sprays, another brute gurgles its last.  The last rays of sunlight glint off Soul Reaver's brow as a sudden message reaches him.

My friends, I have need of your assistance at once.  Darkness is returning and my people can not face it fully on their own.  Time is of the essence and there is much I must see to.  I can explain everything in full once you arrive if you so choose.  My people are prepared to open entryways for you should you choose to accept.

Soul Reaver glances over to Phaerys and Kitharsis - from what he could tell, they had heard the message as well.

Jharm would not ask for help unless he needed it, and this was one companion he trusted to act in ways both honourable and just.

He had done enough here, the king's armies would be strong enough to finish things on their own.  He nods toward his two allies, and ensures they can hear the message he sends back to Jharm.

I will stand with you.
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Fallen Templar on October 11, 2022, 06:38:10 PM
As Soul Reaver battled amid the front lines, a sphere of plasma arced overhead, landing amidst the next wave who were hoping to flank him. The projectile burst on impact and showered those unfortunate enough to be nearby. The luminant, superheated substance clung to its victims like tar as it melted flesh and steel alike.

Their incessant attempts to cross this bridge had left Phaerys somewhat bemused at this point. Thanks in part to the fortifications he had constructed, the oncoming hordes found little hope of breaching the defensive line, further compounded by how many had already died trying. Those who weren't hacked apart by Soul Reaver and Kitharsis were disintegrated from afar with the power of a blazing sun. Phaerys idly pondered who or what was directing these creatures' efforts, for them to willingly charge into certain doom. Even as he continued to eradicate them with silent, unnatural efficiency.

It had been a curious time indeed these past few years...

Soul Reaver had been quick to make good on his promise when he, Kitharsis and Phaerys departed through the portal together. Indeed, Dinlete turned out to be something of a godsend. So much to see, discover, understand. While Soul Reaver and Kitharsis rested from the ordeal they had endured, the tireless Ataran busied himself with furthering his research. Not a day went by without Phaerys leaving their accommodation in search for a new contact, anything that might turn up a new lead on his old compatriots.

He even proved to be a surprisingly adept haggler when bartering off unwanted fragments of exotic matter in exchange for arcane devices and lore on the metaphysical. In that time, Phaerys had greatly improved his understanding of Warp navigation, and through information gleaned from a number of other plane travellers, he finally had an idea of where to search for one of his fellow coven members. It was by no means an exact location – more like a sizeable list of probable dimensions – but it was a start.

The duo Phaerys had been travelling with were most intriguing specimens in and of themselves. Occasionally he probed them with questions but for the most part he was content to observe, as he did with many things. He had his suspicions of them at first. A fateful alliance of convenience in mid-battle was what saw their paths meet, after all. But as time passed, and their behavioural patterns had proven consistent enough to be trustworthy, Phaerys reconsidered the emergency escape protocol he had on standby and began to accept his position as the newest of the Companions.

Soul Reaver was something of an imposing presence in person, at first - the man wielded weapons and powers commonly found in the hands of far more inimical entities. But what caught the Ataran's attention was how he was so duty-bound to helping the helpless. In its importance, it was not unlike Phaerys' service to Xel-Atar. In the end, Phaerys concluded that the two of them were in some way not so different than appearances might indicate.

Kitharsis seemed to have been the more approachable of the two by comparison. His current condition had been yet another phenomenon Phaerys expressed interest in studying, even volunteering to run tests as he got used to his new state of being. And that was not all...

During their time in Dinlete, Kitharsis also took Phaerys up on that offer of personally fashioning some new equipment. Kitharsis' request was a modest one. A sword, and a set of armour that allowed for freedom of movement. Simple armaments for a humble warrior. Phaerys readily took to the task, and what he produced would have been considered quite remarkable even on the streets of Dinlete.

The armour appeared to be a fine mesh of carbon-black scales, over which larger metal plates of bronze-coloured alloy had been fitted to cover the vital areas. This alloy seemed to be the same material Phaerys' own armour was composed of, for the whole thing was lightweight, durable... and capable of surviving extreme heat that would see its wearer turned to ash. Fairly typical materials by Ataran standards, so it seemed.

As for the sword, this too was made of that same alloy. It was proportioned so that Kitharsis could comfortably wield it with one hand or two, and finely balanced with a degree of precision that only molecular manipulation might muster. For the most part, it was a fairly normal sword, but Phaerys had integrated a mechanism into the blade's edge so that it would flare up with molten heat... but only during the moment it was actually swung. The Ataran artificer neglected to say whether this was a safety feature or an issue with whatever power supply was contained within, but the end result was remarkable nonetheless – a reliable weapon that could cauterise flesh as easily as it sliced through armour. All in all, Phaerys had been quite satisfied with his work. Moreover, it enkindled a sense of pride within him to see Kitharsis treasure both armour and blade so.

Alas, the trio could not stay in Dinlete for too long. They each had their duties elsewhere to fulfill. Beyond the Spans Between, as Phaerys kept referring to it. And so his adventures with the Companions truly began. Just as his studies continued, in a sense. Sorcerous artefacts were obtained for later analysis. Techniques and manoeuvres were devised for combat conditions. A rare few enemies had the dubious honour of being dissected at the molecular level for rare compounds, all while still in the midst of battle.

Such was Phaerys' devotion to the purpose he was given by Xel-Atar.

As their current battle drew to a close, Phaerys felt a faint buzzing of psychic interference that resolved itself into a signal. A message. More specifically a call for aid from another companion. Looking to the others, Phaerys surmised from their reactions that both Soul Reaver and Kitharsis had also received this transmission. There was no questioning how they would answer it. Phaerys sent his own reply in short order:

Open the way.
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Kitharsis on October 11, 2022, 11:06:39 PM
The markets of Dinlete were a wonder.  He was already feeling like a babe in the woods after The Separation.  Add in the coalescence of the multiverse in one marketplace, and the result was a nearly overwhelmed Kitharsis.  But it wasn't before long that he found a well fitting belt adorned with as many pouches as he could ever want. 

Another merchant was selling blank rune stones near identical to the ones he fashioned on his home world.  Trinkets, artifacts, even jelly candy soon lined the many pouches at his belt.

Last but not least, a tailor was able to fashion a sturdy cloak that actually fit.  He was in debt to Soul Reaver's coin.  A debt he was able to pay off quite rapidly.

On top of Soul Reaver's generosity, Phaerys followed through with his offer to construct him some equipment.  Kitharsis humbly requested a sword, and a set of light armor.  Phaerys responded by creating two marvels far surpassing anything Kitharsis was expecting. 

The sword was constructed from a bronze colored alloy, impeccably balanced.  It wasn't embellished, like a gaudy show piece.  But built like a proper weapon.  Its appearance hid a mechanism that heated to blade to molten temperatures, cauterizing and searing whatever it sliced through.  But only during a swing.

The armor was light, durable, and extremely heat resistant, mimicking Phaerys's own equipment.  Lightweight plates of bronze allow sit atop a black mesh underneath.  The combination of the two materials gave the perfect amount of protection, while still allowing freedom of movement.  Kitharsis dons it with pride, and is quite careful to not damage it.  If he can avoid it.

It may have been a simple gesture for Phaerys but it meant a great deal to Kitharsis, and he hopes to repay his new friend in kind some day.

The markets were but a prelude to the journey that Soul Reaver would soon take them on.  He was tested and tried, learning to cope without being attached to The Source, evil as it was.  He leaned heavily on the equipment he was able to procure at the markets.  Combined with his desert elemental powers, he was able to keep up with the others.  But not quite at his previous level.

His particular favorite destination was a lucky stop on an entire desert world, dotted with oasis's supporting the peoples living on it.  The entire planet would have heeded his call.  The conflict was resolved rather quickly, considering Kitharsis's involvement.

Oh but he could have stayed there and sunk into the sands and never returned.  It was invigorating, and he felt no guilt when he stalled their departure for a number of days while he communed with the desert.  Bolstering his strength and peace of mind. 

It was there that he discovered the power still within him.  Meters below the ground, enveloped in sand, Kitharsis found himself resonating with the desert like never before.  He felt invigorated, as a power flowed through his body.  Initially he believed it was the desert itself lending him its power.  But he found it radiating from within himself.  Indeed, the "spark" that he used to purify the darkness within him as a Tirthandara was still present.  Yet it was clearly no mere spark, but a mighty power of his own.  Having strained against the darkness for so long, it had grown into a substantial force in its own right. 

It was a welcome reunion.  He regained his full strength quickly, and was soon wading through battle akin to his old self.

More travels, battles, negotiations, and diversions.  Soul Reaver was relentless in his search for those in need.  More than once, Kitharsis thought to travel home to consult with The Shaman.  If nothing else but for an excuse to rest for a moment.  Yet each new destination was pressing.  Always a need for assistance, or a wrong that needed corrected.  He could hardly turn his back on those in need.

This constant stream of needs lead them here, holding position on a strategic bridge.  Kitharsis's chest heaved as he caught his breath for a moment.  Three days and nights they have held fast, deflecting a relentless horde of heavily muscled brutes.  Each of the three defenders was stained with sticky, black blood from the creatures.

Kitharsis swipes upward with his sword, and three amplified sandstone blades swipe upwards along with it.  The brute is sliced into pieces with body parts falling on either side of Kitharsis.  Summoning the sandstone blades was the most strenuous part, if he could even consider it strenuous anymore.  Maintaining and manipulating them was as easy as thought.

He returns his sword to neutral guard, preparing for the next brute to throw itself at him.  The sandstone blades hover at either side of him.  Specks of sand sprinkle the ground below where Kitharsis stands, a constant signature of his powers.

A sudden message from a familiar voice in his head.

My friends, I have need of your assistance at once.  Darkness is returning and my people can not face it fully on their own.  Time is of the essence and there is much I must see to.  I can explain everything in full once you arrive if you so choose.  My people are prepared to open entryways for you should you choose to accept.

A quick glance to Soul Reaver and Phaerys reveals they too have received the message from Jharm.  Indeed, Soul Reaver replies for all of them to hear.

I will stand with you.

Kitharsis shares the sentiment.  Their promise to the kingdom fulfilled, nothing held them from leaving to assist Jharm.

I may need a bath first, but you have my aid as well.

He responds, for the others to hear as well.
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Shadow Chorus on October 27, 2022, 12:33:31 AM
Gulgrim was pulling the head off a Zoanthrope when he received Jharm's message. He stopped what he was doing and looked around to take in the sights, observing the carnage surrounding him as the angel made his request of the Warboss. Letting the Tyranid in his other hand flop limply to the ground, Gulgrim tossed the severed head of the creature over his shoulder as he turned around to face the Inquisitor Furael Faust and his Deathwatch retinue. He pulled Mork's Teef off his back and fired it blindly behind him into the horde of Tyranids as he spoke.

"Sorry ladz. I'd love ta stay an' keep krumpin' dese bugz wiv ya, but somefin' came up. Wot's dat fing you lot always sayin'? Duty calls? Somefin' like dat. Me boyz'll stick around a bit longer ta finish up dis scrap an' probly be along aftah me latah."

The Inquisitor raised an eyebrow at the Ork as he leveled his bolt pistol at a Tyranid warrior and laid it low with a hellfire round. "Really, Captain? Taking off before you've received your payment?" The Deathwatch space marines around him muttered something about not seeing the xenos filth off fast enough, but kept their focus on the Tyranid swarms around them.

"Yeah, sorry bout dat. Was really lookin' forward to da chance ta scrap wif yer best, too. But I'z been waitin' fer dis call fer a bit now. 'Sides, we'z both know ya didn' really wanna 'ave a go at me; ye'd just lose some o' yer boyz, an you 'umies can't afford ta spare 'em like we Orkz can." The warboss offered a sly grin and a wink with his biological eye, before he turned and shouted into the air "Alright ya sparkly git, open da way!"

Even while he waited for the angel to open his portal, he took a few last pot shots at oncoming swarms of creatures while his boys continued their mercenary action, reinforcing an Imperial Guard front against a Tyranid Hive Fleet at the employ of this Inquisitor who Gulgrim had worked with previously.
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Veldanya Venalla on October 30, 2022, 10:40:24 PM
The Seraphim stands firm in the large circular room, a handful of Seraphs positioned around the area in a circular pattern.  One after the other he received the responses from the Companions, each indicating that they would honor his call for assistance.  Extending his arms to the side his voice rings out loudly

"You each know your focus.  Let us bring them forth at once!"

The seraphs around the room nod and begin to channel spells.  A few moments later portals manifest in front of each of them.

Each Companion finds a portal manifest in front of them moments after expressing confirmation to the Seraphims request.  Upon entering the portal they would find themselves in a large circular room, occupied by a handful of angelic beings as well as Jharm.  He extends his arms out in a welcoming gesture briefly.

"Greetings my good friends.  I thank each of you for accepting my request for assistance.  That said, there is little time to waste."

That fast his demeanor changes from a jovial welcoming one to almost dour and concerned.  He gestures with his hands and from the center of the room the floor seems to separate and a rectangular pedestal rises up to about waist height.  Approaching the pedestal he beckons for his friends to approach.

"Greetings aside, there is little time to waste.  I have called for your aid to help and save not only my people but the entirety of this plane and perhaps universes beyond.  Should we fail here, I fear that the forces of Darkness will succeed in all of that."

He waves a gauntleted hand over the simple looking pedestal and suddenly a glowing image manifests.  It seems to show a large area of rolling hills, mountains and valleys in shimmering light.  Dotted amongst the terrain are large squares with two even larger squares located at either end of the display.

"Before you lays the general layout of the battlefield.  On one side the forces of Darkness reign supreme, and on the other we, the Seraphs, reside."

His hand shifts between pointing to the one side of the display and then over to the far end.

"To try and put everything very simply, the Darkness himself, the one responsible for creating the armies my people are right now fighting against, is returning.  A long time ago he was defeated by our Lady of Light but it cost her greatly and she vanished at the same time, seeming to escape from this plane with the intentino to return rejuvenated and ready.  That...has still not occured.  I had hoped while traveling with you all that I might happen upon where she had fled to but with no success.  As I mentioned before though, Darkness himself has managed to return.  This is a dangerous and concerning event.  Without the Lady of Light to strengthen and protect us, we alone would struggle to try and hold back Darkness and his armies.  Should he reach the Lightwell and corrupt it, we believe this entire plane would be lost and then nothing would be stopping Him from expanding beyond to other planes and universes, destroying all in His path.  Thus, I have called upon all of you to help us.  I believe with your might we can stand against Him and push him back for the time being."

As Jharm nears the end of his speech, from an area of shadow at the edge of the room, a tall slender woman seems to almost appear out of the darkness.  Her heels click softly over the stone flooring as she walks, her long dark coat rustling around her.  Her skin is almost a pure white color, at first glance one could almost think she was a Seraph if not for the fact that her eyes were normal looking, a deep blue color compared ot the glowing orbs of light that the Seraphs posses.  Her hair is pitch black and cut short and swept backwards.  Over her chest seems to be a metallic chestplate of sorts, much of it concealed by her long black leather coat.  Her legs clad in a simple pair of leather pants while a pair of thigh-high metallic boots cover her feet.  On her hips rest a pair of holsters, the butts of two guns visible within them though the coat hides much else beyond that.  Drawing closer to the table she smirks slightly, her gaze drifting over each of the Companions in turn.  Her lips, painted a dark shiny black color part after a moment.

"Well, so these are the Companions you spoke of then eh?"

She crosses her arms over her chest.

"Certainly an eccentric sort for sure, that greenskin one especially."

Jharm looks over his shoulder at the woman and gives a slight nod.

"Yes, these are them."

He turns his attention back to the others

"My friends, this is Velgeim Nachtwyrwyn.  I encountered her during our time apart and, like the rest of you, have found her abilities to be quite formidable and have thus called upon her assistance."

The woman smiles and gives a small curtsy.

"I suppose that is certainly one way to put it.

The Seraphim looks at the woman and seems to scowl slightly before turning his attention back to the glowing display on the pedestal.

"Anyways, back to the matter at hand.  What we are needing to do, and what I am needing all of your assistance with, is that we get from where we are now, to the, for lack of any other real designation, the Citadel of Darkness."

As he speaks he gestures at the one large square at the one end of the map and then at the second large square at the other end.

"This almost certainly sounds incredibly easy at first but trust me when I say it is far from it.  The entire area in between is a series of forts and defenses almost constantly fought over between the forces of Light and Darkness.  Then to actually gain access into th Citadel will almost certainly require the full force of Light to be present.  That means all of these forts in between must be claimed."

He gestures at 3 slightly smaller squares positioned throughout the middle of the shining landscape.

"While any sort of recon has been almost impossible for any beyond the first fort, we can almost certainly anticipate one of the leaders of Darkness' forces to be present either in or near it." 

He stands up, his expression dour.

"Basically we will be looking at a veritable slog as we must fight through enemy forces to each battlement, take them in turn before reaching the Citadel and then finally defeating Darkness itself.   This will give my people renewed time to either find our Lady of Light or for her to return on her own."

His gaze shifts between each of the companions as he speaks.

"I know this isnt quite the same as many of the situations we have involved ourselves in previously.  Trying to help save an oppressed people or defeat a clearly evil, malevolent force that we all know.  Darkness though IS such a force I promise you.  For ages now we have fought against it, and for the first time now I truly am unsure if we can succeed against it without your assistance.   I know I already basically asked it before, but now that you are more aware of what is at stake and is required, I ask again.  Will you stand with us?"

He then turns his gaze to Gulgrim before speaking further.

"Can I expect your...."boyz" to reliably fight alongside my people without gunning them down in the process?  Your peoples penchant for bloodshed can certainly be useful against the Darkness but I need your assurance it wont lead to slaughter of my own people when your troops get out of control.  If you can truly offer such guarantees then I ask that you call them in at once and...."

He hesitates for a moment as if he ponders about his following words.

"I give you full authorization to unleash your "Waagh", as you call it, upon our enemies."
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Soul Reaver on November 01, 2022, 01:17:05 AM
Soul Reaver steps from the portal.  He inclines his head and gives a thin smile to acknowledge Jharm's welcome, then listens carefully as Jharm outlines the situation and introduces Veldanya.

Responding to her curtsy, he gives a half-bow, keeping his eyes on her as he does so, his expression unreadable.

"Pleased to make your acquaintance, my lady."

He then continues to listen in attentive silence as Jharm covers the rest of the situation.  When Jharm is finished, he crosses his arms and chews his lower lip thoughtfully for a moment before asking some questions.

"Forgive me, but I feel there is much as-yet unexplained.

Firstly, what of the enemies we face?  Who is Darkness and why does he seek to conquer your people?  And what manner of armies does he command?
And this Lady of Light... is there no clue that could help us locate her?  You sounded pretty certain that she was due to return - why?

Lastly, assuming we must defeat this Darkness to end the war... perhaps a stealthy assassination would work better than a frontal assault and would remove the head from the snake without the damage and loss of life that a frontal assault would cause.

Maybe your people have already considered or attempted this, but then again..."

He hesitates for a moment before giving a slight sigh and continuing, "...there are times where your people have shown a lack of flexibility in their choice of means."

He glances over at Gulgrim, then finishes speaking with Jharm.

"I suspect that you at least are currently ready to consider all options."
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Shadow Chorus on November 01, 2022, 09:39:00 AM
Gulgrim rolls his shoulders and leans back as he is addressed, rising from his typical hunched stature to his full, terrifying height, though anyone who witnessed him in the battle against chaos would know that even this was a kunnin' deception compared to his potential true scale. When Gulgrim spoke, he did so in an articulate manner, his words clearly yet another display of his capacity for deceptively keen thought, though the shape of his maw and the sheer size of his teeth prevented the words from being completely free of the standard orkish mangling.

"Hehehe. It strikes me that you'z, along wiv just about every uvver fool 'oo's come across us, 'ave severely underestimated an' misunderstood wot exactly we orkz are."

Gulgrim strode over to the war table, his gargantuan steps even and well-spaced, as if the Ork was seemingly parading his physique for all present to take in, a paragon of strength and violence. Was this him simply showing off again, a side-effect of the space he found himself in and the Orks' unique capacity for adaptation, or something else? Hard to tell to any outsider.

"Orks are made for fightin', and for winnin'. We'z 'ave everyfin' we could need fer those goals built into our very essence." He holds up his massive green hand and emerald lightning crackles along his fingertips. "But da rules for wot is fightin', and wot is winnin', are set by da Boss in charge of da WAAAGH!!!" The Warboss clenched his fist, looking at the Seraphim with a toothy grin.

"An I'z the Avatar o' Gork and Mork, the great Green Godz o' Brutal Kunnin' an' Kunnin' Brutality. Dere ain't nobody who could challenge my status as da Boss save da prophet of da WAAAGH!!!, an' ol Ghazzy ain't nowhere near dis fight, so I've got no need ta krump his face ta prove I'z da one in charge."

Gulgrim seemed to be in his flow at this point, a big green preacher at the pulpit. "So When I'z say who we're fightin' an' who stands wiv us, da rules for what is Fightin' and what is Winnin' are set, an enforced down from me ta me Nobz ta me Boyz. An' you ladz look to 'ave made it real easy ta tell who's who in dis fight. So long as yer own gits stay outta the line of fire an' don't puff up their chests at me Boyz like they's lookin' to prove somefin', dey'll be fine. But when you'z question an Ork's prowess at da fight, it's a matter of somefin like your Honour bein' insulted, only fer us, it's da very core of who we are. So keep yer disparagin' o me Boyz to a minimum, else you'll 'ave a few border scraps ta contend wif. We'z violence made manifest, an' I fink all of you'z here can understand dat whether ya can call Violence good or bad in yer own non-orky estimashun is all about 'ow it's directed."

The Ork crosses his arms and glares down at the war table. "So. In the interest o' not disparagin' me boyz wiv a weak fight, tell me why it is dis fortress is too tough or too important for me Krooza ta flatten it from orbit. Like Spikey Boy Soul Reaver 'ere, I'z want ta know everyfin."
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Kitharsis on November 03, 2022, 09:36:28 AM
Kitharsis dispels the floating swords as he sheathes his real one.  The sandstone crumbles and is whisked away by a warm gust of wind.  He steps through the portal, and is greeted by Jharm and his people.  Kitharsis replies to his greeting with a quick nod.

Jharm goes on to explain the reason for calling the Companions together.  At the mention of the Lightwell and the Darkness's intent to corrupt it, Kitharsis frowns.  It would not be difficult to draw a parallel between the Lightwell and the Tirthandara's source of power.  Having been on the receiving end of corruption, he cannot allow a similar fate to happen to Jharm's people.

A woman walks toward them from a shadowed section of the room.  Jharm introduces her, and after a brief exchange Veldanya offers a small curtsy.  Kitharsis bows his head and offers a small wave in response.

Their host goes on to explain why they were called here, and the odds his forces face without their help.  Soul Reaver returns with questions, and the offer of a stealth mission, while Gulgrim puffs up his chest and assures Jharm that his Orkz won't be an issue.  Unless Jharm wants them to be.  The Ork is so aggressive, its hard to tell his threats of violence from his offers to help.  Of course, as Orks go, they are most likely one in the same.

Kitharsis speaks up, "Given the Orkz involvement in The Eye, I think they've proven their ability for restraint when necessary.  I do wonder if there are any stealthy... gitz?"

He continues, "I also question if stealth is even an option at this point.  Given how formidable this Darkness is, they must have surveillance capabilities.  There are cloaking spells and devices, but we don't know what tricks they may have up their sleeves."
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Fallen Templar on November 07, 2022, 07:14:39 PM
Phaerys calmly stepped through the portal, particularly intrigued by the feat of opening one right by where they stood, from across dimensions. On the other side, Jharm was there to greet them. The Ataran felt little about this man as they had only met very briefly once before, but Soul Reaver and Kitharsis held respect for him. That was enough for Phaerys to have some grasp of his character, and so he returned the greeting with a slight bow.

Of course, it was not for nothing that they were all gathered here. Jharm wasted no time in elaborating further on that, as well as explaining what they were up against. A matter of ensuring that this Darkness entity did not escape this dimension.

Soul Reaver still had a few further questions for Jharm, many of which had likewise crossed Phaerys' mind. And Gulgrim – whom Phaerys had also last seen on that ramshackle starship of his – proved to be more than the brash, brutish creature he appeared to be. The Ork's own forces would no doubt be a useful asset, too. The only question was whether they would be enough in the battles ahead of them.

When Phaerys found a moment to get a word in himself, he stepped forward to speak his piece. "I concur with Soul Reaver. A war of attrition would likely result in defeat, given the current disadvantage," he addressed Jharm. "Permit that I ask one additional question: what weapons and tactics have proven effective in the last engagement? If a diversionary attack is viable, perhaps it would allow for a separate assault behind enemy lines."
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Veldanya Venalla on November 20, 2022, 06:17:49 PM
The Seraphim listens as each of the Companions speaks up in turn, a scowl briefly appearing on his face as Soul Reaver finishes speaking and then Gulgrim steps in.  Jharm watchs the massive Ork stomp over to the war table and gesture about before finishing and then Kitharsis and finally the strange newcomer who goes by the name Phaerys speak.  Jharm is about to respond to all of them when he is interrupted by a chuckle from Vee.  The woman smirks as she slips a hand into the inside of her coat and pulls out a small packet, producing a thin small cylinder and slips it in between her dark lips. Then with a flick of her fingers a tiny flame appears on the tip of her index finger and she uses it to light the end of cylinder and with a slight wave of her hand the flame goes out before she takes a drag on what is revealed to be a cigarette.

"Well I must say, certainly an interesting bunch."

Her dark blue eyes turn towards Gulgrim.

"Especially you."

She then seems to pause for a moment as if thinking before Jharm steps in once more.

"Interesting indeed. That aside..."

He turns to look at Soul Reaver first.

"What is Darkness?  Simple, He is the anathema of everything the Light is, the same can be said for his people, the Shaitan.  They seek to eliminate the Light, escape from this plane and conquer and destroy all they encounter. As for the Lady of Light, no there is no way to find her, certainly not at this time.  The last great battle between Light and Dark ended in the Lady destroying the form of Darkness but she sacrificed almost her entire self to do so.  We could sense a sliver of Her escape from the plane with a final message telling us she "would return to us when the time was right."  Then with Darkness defeated for the time, we withdrew back to here to defend against the forces of Darkness until her return.  It was some time after that that we discovered that somehow the barriers that seem to keep either side from leaving this plane seemed to have weakened slightly allowing small portals to the Warp.  It was with that knowledge that I departed to try and seek Her out while the others maintained vigilance against any attacks from the Shaitan or indications that He was returning.  Clearly my efforts failed as I soon realized just how limitless the Multiverse is but in that time I others, such as yourself Soul Reaver, and decided that unless the situation here changed I would join with the Companions."

He then turns and begins to gesture at the shimmering landscape on the table as he continues to speak.

"As far as any sort of stealthy attack or assassination.  That was one of the first suggestions I made when we realized the truth that He was once more growing in power and drawing closer to coming back.  To put it simply, its impossible.  My decision to offer the support of the Seraphs to Camerons attack in the Eye of Terror turned out to be a poor decision.  It cost us many Seraphs, leaving our defenses here greatly weakened.  It was soon after this that the Shaitan began to move upon our defenses.  This was our first indication that He must be returning for there would be little other reason to attack otherwise.  Unfortunately due to our greatly diminished ranks, the Shaitan claimed victory after victory until we found ourselves where we are now.  With them in possession of the forts I mentioned earlier, it is all we can do to hold them where we are, let alone try to advance and retake lost ground.  That leaves everything from this first fort and beyond firmly in the hands of the forces of Darkness, and crystals erected within prevent my people from creating portals past their location, this basically prevents any sort of surprise attack to their rear while a nearby crystal remains active. "

He then turns back to Soul Reaver and that scowl flashes across his face once more briefly.

"So yes Soul Reaver, we thought about much of that.  I am unaware as to where your view of my people being...inflexible comes from given that outside of their arrival in the Eye of Terror, they have never encountered any races beyond the Shaitan, and you all are the first beings to ever set foot in this plane."

He turns back to the map as he moves on to respond to Gulgrims inquiries.

"In truth Gulgrim, I couldn't really say.  In case it is not evident, outside of winged Seraphs, there are no sort of aerial craft or creatures we possess, the Shaitan are similar in that regard to us and so at first glance I would say nothing is stopping you.  However, both sides utilize large crystals to cut down any winged attackers should they get too close and there are many of them situated on the walls of His fortress.  I am certain they would target your vessel should  you attempt to approach.  Can your krooza survive the attacks?  I cant truthfully give an answer to that either way but given that He is returning I have little doubt that he would direct his own powers through the crystals, making them far more powerful and deadly then they normal might be, as well as protect the walls against projectiles.  In truth i believe your air power would be of much better use at the front lines.  With its destructive might from above, as well as your Boyz fighting alongside my people we can push back the Shaitan, retake the forts and with the combined forces keeping the Shaitan occupied, we can directly invade the fortress and destroy the physical form of Darkness, preventing His return."

Jharm looks over to Phaerys.

"As for what weapons and tactics worked against them.  First and foremost keep in mind the last time He was defeated, our Lady was present.  The battles, and the war itself was far more...equal I suppose you could say.  Steel and magic back and forth, after many years I would say it came down to there were more Seraphs then Shaitan present, leading to basically the opposite of what we are in now.  It was soon after that that Light and Darkness faced off against each other and well, I already explained what happened there.  The presence of the Companions, and Gulgrims Orkish hordes I believe will give us the strength needed to directly assault the forts, replace the crystals with our own and subsequently assist with pushing the front line back and closer to Him."

The Seraphims eyes suddenly seem to glow a bit brighter before he quickly turns back to look at the war table.

"Wait a minute.  That could work perhaps."

He looks up and his gaze shifts between each of the Companions.

"A surgical strike on each fort.  Gulgrims forces providing air and ground support while Vee flies us in on her ship.  We gain access to the fort, fight our way through and destroy the Crystal.  Then I can create a portal to start bringing forces through to defend the fort, not only cutting off the Shaiton in the area from receiving any close reinforcements, but allow my own people to potentially attack from relatively behind.  There is risk involved though.  Basically being dropped into the middle of the Shaiton forces, taking and holding the fort until enough of my own people can arrive to defend it, and then move to the next one.  As I said before, I have little doubt that we will only face the regular forces of the Shaiton within those walls.  They most assuredly will have elite troops within and perhaps even one of their leaders, especially after we take the first fort."

Vee perks up at this suggestion, taking a a long drag on her cigarette and exhaling.

"Wait a minute, you want me to fly us in that close?  Didn't you say earlier that those places have crystals designed to take down winged attackers and likely would be used to target any ships?"

"Yes, but Gulgrims aerial forces can provide cover as well as much more dangerous targets as they can not only likely destroy those same crystals, but also will most certainly be raining death down on the Shaiton forces below.  I cant exactly say how durable those crystals are when matched against starship weaponry.  Both sides utilize siege weaponry and can eventually destroy the crystals but it was never a quick or easy thing to do while they were also returning fire.  I can't say how the strength of starship weaponry will fare against them."

The woman takes another pull on her cig.

"Well I suppose you are right, certainly sounds risky...but I'll be damned if I let some stupid crystals compete with my piloting skills or the prowess of the Aisgeim.  Besides, given the appearance and rousing speech of our green chum here, something tells me these um...."Kroozas" can not only take a punch but give 'em in return."

Jharm nods and turns his attention back to the others.

"There we have it, Gulgrims Orkz can join with my people on the frontline and do what they do best, while we all, alongside the Orkish armada and the Aisgeim, strike and take possession of each fort, holding it until reinforcements arrive and then we move on."

He looks around, waiting for the Companions responses to not only the answers he provided but the plan now submitted before them.
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Kitharsis on November 27, 2022, 03:20:12 PM
Kitharsis rubs his chin as Jharm considers everyone’s questions. It appears that numbers are the problem. Combined with a large amount of the Seraphs leaving to assist with The Eye, they’ve now found themselves at a serious disadvantage.

Thoughts of The Eye still bring bitter memories. Kirtharsis knows it wasn’t fully his doing, the attack on the Companions and the Orkz, but he still felt guilty for it occurring.

Their numbers have dwindled since then also. Danyael has departed. And he hasn’t head of whatever happened to Cameron.

Anxious, he adjusts one of the many belts on his hips as Jharm continues his briefing. It seems that with the addition of Gulgrim and his Orkz, plus the Companions, there may be a plan of attack in their favor.

Veldanya would be ferrying them across the battlefield directly to one of these forts. She seems capable enough, but unproven. His own ship is sitting idly in orbit outside his home world. But the trip there and back would spend precious time. Let alone the effort it would take to summon enough crew mates to properly pilot the craft.

He clears his throat before speaking. “Jharm, what sort of environment are these forts located in? Forest? Plains? Perhaps, a desert?” He says the last hopefully.

“Either way, this is a solid plan. If Veldanya can fly as well as she puts on, we should be able to pierce through the Darkness’ defenses while Gulgrim and his boyz cause a ruckus.”

“The only other question I have is when do we get started?” 
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Soul Reaver on December 05, 2022, 07:10:06 PM
Soul Reaver listens carefully to Jharm's response.

He does not reply to Jharm's visible irritation at his assumption on the Seraph's nature.  Soul Reaver's assessment had not been made in a vaccuum of course - what he had seen of their combat tactics had suggested to him a rigid, orderly martial code, and from what he knew of similar beings he believed that they might have been reluctant to use or possibly even consider more 'underhanded' methods like assassination.

Nor was he surprised that Jharm may have recommended such a course of action, as he knew Jharm had travelled and seen enough of the multiverse to see the necessity of such actions for the greater good.  He also would not have been surprised if Jharm's higher-ranking but less wordly peers had vetoeed his idea, which might explain why Jharm now seemed to so strongly yet without elaboration insist that such an approach was 'impossible'.  But he keeps these thoughts to himself.  Whether he was right or wrong, he would only upset his companion if he presses the matter, without doing any good.

He does, however, take the declaration that Jharm's people are not inflexible at face value enough to make his next suggestion.

"If numbers are an issue... how would you feel if I summoned support from Inferno?  Their number will necessarily remain limited and they could not operate too far from me, but they could lend further support for breaking into the Citadels.

I assure you that they will be under my control."
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Fallen Templar on December 12, 2022, 08:23:57 PM
Like the other Companions, Phaerys intently listened to Jharm's responses to the panoply of questions that were thrown at him. There were no shortage of insights to be gleaned, though Phaerys had further questions on certain matters, most prominently the nature of both the Darkness and the Light within this dimension.

Jharm's summary of the last war against this Darkness presented to Phaerys a picture of symmetrical warfare. Only weight of numbers had been the deciding factor. And while the Ataran made no claims to being an expert in strategic warfare, the fact that the Companions were the first extradimensional visitors here gave them an edge. These... Shaitan would have no knowledge of their capabilities. Combined with the use of rapid assault and air superiority... perhaps it could make up for the thinned ranks among the Seraphs.

After Kitharsis and Soul Reaver had each spoken, Phaerys added, "I would also request additional information on the enemy. What manner of creatures are the Shaitan? What vulnerabilities do your people know of that we may exploit?" Inwardly, he considered what effect his elemental sorcery might have against these beings. How susceptible might they be to intense heat and plasma?

"The element of surprise will also serve to our advantage. We are unknown variables in this conflict, and must be prepared to keep the enemy off guard for as long as possible. For my part, with sufficient time and raw matter I could create fortifications or other constructs to bolster our attack once we are inside."
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Shadow Chorus on December 16, 2022, 12:45:24 AM
Gulgrim scratches his chin during the back and forth, observing the war table analytically while others ask for information or offer suggestions. He almost appears to be doing calculations, judging how many of his own boyz he will need and how quickly he can get them. Then, seemingly having decided he doesn't have enough time to waste, Gulgrim steps away from the table a few paces, turning his back to the proceedings, and raises his Cybork arm to the sky. The surface above the wrist of the arm began to open, a copper rod extending upward and crackling with green lightning as his Cybork eye began to glow brighter.

"If you'z could 'elp me out wif some coordinates, dis'll be a lot easier." The Warboss calls over his shoulder at Jharm as the lightning begins to dance across his body, becoming somewhat more active as time went on. "I've gotta triangulate no less den three krooza-scale ships, includin' the Infinite WAAAGH!!!, as well as a 'ole host uv smaller escorts, an' me big battleship, da Overkrump. Dat's my standard small planet-krumpin fleet, an' it ain't easy ta bring it all in 'cross dimensional lines when I'z don't know where da Zog I am."

It was clear he was trying anyway, as the copper rod extending from his arm began to spin, and the lightning began to emit in regular pulses, as if probing the dimensional topography.
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Veldanya Venalla on January 01, 2023, 01:27:45 PM
Once more the Seraphims gaze shifts between each Companion as they respond in turn, with Gulgrim being the final one, the Ork wasting no time as he appears to begin summoning in his forces.  Gazing over at the Seraphs around the room he nods and gestures toward Gulgrim with his hand as he turns his attention back to the others.  The Seraphs close their eyes and begin to focus, each glowing softly as they extend a hand towards the Warboss, aiding him in his efforts.

"While I am loathe to rely on even darker forces for assistance, my previous decisions have left little alternative.  You can bring some of them in Lord Reaver."

He turns to Phaerys.

"The Shaitan are similar to my people, in a way.  While my people are composed of Light and wield it effortlessly, the Shaitan are composed of Darkness and wield it as such.  Some of their number, especially the leaders, are capable of unleashing horrible attack composing of poisonous blasts.  As for weaknesses well, in truth I could not really say.  My people do not wield fire, or lightning or anything such as that and so up til now there has been no way to know.  That said I have little doubt that any sort of shadow, or darkness offense and perhaps poisonous will have little effect on them.  As for your offer of building fortifications, that will be appreciated and will likely be useful once we take each of the forts to help in protecting it afterwards."

His gaze then shifts over to Kitharsis.

"As for environment, the best description I feel I could give is "wasteland".  An eternity of war has taken its toll on the land between where each side dwells. Then to answer your question of "when" well, as soon as Gulgrim and Soul are finished bringing in their forces, and if no one has any other questions, then I would say immediately after that.  While my people are holding the line so far, every moment we waste means more time for Darkness himself to grow in power and should he fully return the fight will be even more dire."
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Soul Reaver on January 10, 2023, 05:55:46 AM
Soul Reaver nods at Jharm and pays close attention to the description of his foes-to-be.

"Summoning the forces of Inferno is best done as close to the battlefield as possible to minimize the chances of... unsanctioned activity.  Doing so will necessitate opening a large Warp Gate for a time, which I understand is impossible once we are too close to the crystals.

I will bring in Infero's forces once we are as close as we can get either to the front lines or to the crystal's maximum effective range, whichever comes first - as a Warp Traveller, I assume I will be able to sense the latter?"

He shifts one of his pauldrons slightly.

"In any case, I stand ready."
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Fallen Templar on January 20, 2023, 11:47:04 AM
Jharm's description of the Shaitan was most appreciated. That they had not experienced many incendiary attacks from the Seraphs was another point in Phaerys' favour. Likewise, this poison some of them were capable of using seemed unlikely to affect his complete lack of an organic physiology. For his part, the Ataran felt confident that he would hold his own in the coming war.

With the expectation that the Companions would be up against heavy fortifications, Phaerys felt the need to prepare accordingly. Disassembling matter at will was all well and good, but sometimes the situation called for something more... expedient. And more likely to take down a few enemy troops along with it.

Satisfied that he had enough spare matter on hand for the moment, Phaerys began to create a small seismic bomb, intended for use as a breaching charge. His hands spun glowing metallic threads into being like a spider weaving a web. The process would only take a couple of minutes or so to complete, after which he would stow the silvery, disc-shaped explosive into a dimensional compartment and start work on a second.

"If we are to depart immediately, then these will have to suffice for the moment," he stated. "Otherwise, I am also prepared."
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Kitharsis on January 25, 2023, 09:16:35 AM
"A wasteland," Kitharsis says solemnly.  He looks at his friend the Seraphim.  Kitharsis always considered Jharm so devout and disciplined, having no idea his home was constantly battered by an endless war.  Such circumstances would make a hardened man, or crush him.  He wonders if anyone remembers what this land was like before the forces of Darkness and Light went to war.  He mourns for the life that Jharm may have had under different circumstances. 

"I hope, once this is resolved, that your world can thrive once again."

With renewed vigor, Kitharsis begins digging into the many pouches at his belt.  He retrieves some blank rune stones with nothing carved on their rough surfaces.  Holding the pile of stones in one hand, he delicately picks one up in the other.

"It would do no good to crowd Veldanya's ship.  I will prepare for some of my friends to join us with these rune stones."

The blank rune stone in his hand begins to glow as Kitharsis imparts some of his power into it.  A symbol traces itself onto the surface of the stone.  Satisfied, Kitharsis drops it into an empty pouch at his hip then plucks another rune stone from the pile in his other hand.

"I can do this as we travel.  I am ready to depart."
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Shadow Chorus on January 25, 2023, 01:18:18 PM
A crack of Green lightning blasts its way from Gulgrim's outstretched arm and Copper rod, vanishing through any material in its way as it shoots into the sky. A moment later, nothing much appeared to have changed, with the majority of the ships conjured existing too far away from the ground to be easily visible. Another moment later, and the sound of jet engines burning through the sky could be heard as the ramshackle shape of a massive Blitza-Bomma began to descend. As it circled overhead, a second Jet sound could be heard, growing louder as if careening directly towards the companions.

"Zoggin' idiot's gonna run 'imself inta da roof." Gulgrim muttered to himself, pointing his Copper rod toward the noise and unleashing another bolt of green lightning. A moment later, a flash blinks out as an Ork with a rokkit pack strapped to his back appeared through the roof, still keeping his crashing momentum as he sped toward the ground. In a smooth movement, the copper rod retreated into Gulgrim's Cybork arm and the same arm swept up, grasping the descending Ork by the throat. The Stormboy's pack guttered and faltered as it tried to fight against the Avatar of Gork and Mork's iron grip, and the Ork in question gagged as his windwipe was compressed by unfeeling metal fingers. Slamming the Ork into the ground with a bellow of "Report ya Zogwit!" the rokkit pack finally cut out, the planted Ork coughing and sputtering as his neck is released, but a moment later, still supine on the ground, he brought a hand up to his head in a sketchy salute.

"Stormboy Naff Gitkrumpa reportin' sir!" The Stormboy spat out a toof, catching it in his free hand as it fell, and scrambled his way to his feet. "WAAAGH!!! Gulgrim's Battlefleet Goff-ic arrived like you wanted. All ships operashunal, we'z ready fer da fight!"

The Warboss crossed his arms and looked over his shoulder at the rest of the Companions. "Well, me boyz are prepped fer combat. Not dat dat's 'ard, considerin' we'z Orkz. Show me da battle-lines, an' I'll get 'em deployed."
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Veldanya Venalla on February 25, 2023, 12:18:49 PM
The Seraphim watches as the Ork Warboss starts shooting green lightning about and then another Ork manifests and gets choke slammed by Gulgrim.  The Seraphs around the room look between the scene and their leader with a mixture of confusion and concern, a few reaching towards their weapons before Jharm gives a slight shake of his head.  Turning to Soul Reaver he nods.

"Unfortunately as you can see as was the case with Gulgrim, those crystals have far reaching effect, and the closer we get the stronger the effect.  Best option would be having Vee land us a few miles outside of the city and some of my people and myself can provide assistance to temporarily pierce the barrier."

Turning back to the table he gestures a short distance away from the first fort.

"At present this is the rough position of the front lines.  Your people will have little trouble in spotting it Gulgrim, especially from their ships.  As for us, there is a large enough platform just down the hall that Vee can land her vessel on and we can depart from there, stop off to summon in your forces Soul, and then make for the front lines and the fort while my people and Gulgrims Orks can push forward."

Once everyone is prepared he leads them out of the room.  Two armored Seraphs stand at attention outside the door and salute the Seraphim as he passes, their gaze following each of the Companions as they pass.  Further down the hallway Jharm walks through a set of double doors that lead out onto a large square platform, giving the Companions a clear view of the city.  Sunlight shimmers off pure white walls seemingly made of some sort of stone, tall spires reaching up high into the heavens.  Should anyone approach the far edge they would see what looks like a large circular pool that seems to be filled with what could loosely be described as bright glowing water, massive power radiating from the pool.  As Vee arrives on the platform her eyes seem to glow slightly for a moment as she seems to tap at the air in front of her before her eyes return to normal.  A few moments later the roar of twin engines can be heard from above as a ship descends and settles onto the platform, a ramp lowering from the belly of the vessel.  She looks to the Companions and gestures at the ship.

"I present the Aisgeim, she was once one of the crowning achievements for my people."

Without waiting further, she makes for the ramp and heads up inside.  Upon entering the Companions see a large cargo hold, stairs leading up to parts of the ship.

"The bridge is up this way, follow me, mind your heads and shoulders though, she naturally wasn't designed for some larger figures present."

She chuckles and heads up the one set of stairs, taking a final puff of her cigarette and letting it drop to the floor.  Passing various doors she eventually passes through one at the end of a hallway as they reach the bridge.  The viewport giving another impressive view of the city.  Numerous screens and consoles are situated on the walls aroudn the room, with two large consoles set up so those seated at them are facing out the viewport, clearly pilot stations.  Slipping into one the chairs a soft hum can be heard from speakers somewhere in the room

"Welcome back my....Vee.  The Aisgeim is fully prepared to depart, the crystal is at full charge and wards are in place.  New occupants have been added to approved passanger list."

Vee seems to ever so briefly glance up towards the ceiling before she gestures as some of the chairs situated around the room in front of other consoles, their size clearly intended for a more regular sized humanoid shape.

"Feel free to have a seat, though I believe some may be a bit out of luck.  Should you wish to stand, there are some hand holds in the ceiling you can make use of if and when things get bumpy."

Once she is certain all the Companions are on board and situated she starts to press some buttons and flips a few switches.

"Entry ramp retracted and cargo bay sealed."

The slightly muffled roar of the twin engines spinning up can be heard before a moment later the Aisgeim starts to ascend and spins around before the engines roar loudly and the ship takes off, the Seraph city turning to a blur beneath it.  A few minutes later the Aisgeim starts to slow and descend before it lands.  Jharm gestures out the viewport.

"This is as close as we can get and still have a reasonable chance to manifest that portal you will need Soul Reaver.  Lower the ramp Vee, this shouldn't take long I hope."

He heads back downstairs and down the ramp.  Those who follow will see land of mixtures white rocks and dirt and golden grass, a forest nearby of thick white trees with golden leaves.  A group of Seraphs approach, their attire similar to the ones who assisted Gulgrim with bringing his forces in.  He gestures at them as he looks at Soul Reaver. 

"Here they are, we are ready when you are Soul."

Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Soul Reaver on March 01, 2023, 04:05:03 PM
Soul Reaver nods, then proceeds down the ramp.  Even here, he can sense the influence of the Warp Seal generated by the distant crystals.

He had spent the journey thinking about what forces might be most effective in the coming battle.  Creatures that wielded shadow, darkness and poison would not be the best choices - he would instead rely on flexibility and raw physical power.

Standing amongst the white and gold landscape, he closes his eyes, takes a deep breath and exhales slowly.  Focused, he begins to gesture and speak the words of the spell that will call upon his chosen forces.

Space distorts inward and then tears open, red wisps of Warp energy licking around the edges of the newly-born Warp Gate.  A few moments pass before three hulking figures step from the opening.  To the left, the blazing form of a Fire Daemon, its massive axe wreathed in flames.  To the right, reflecting the flickering inferno, the metallic form of a Steelheart, wielding a two-handed mace the size of a full-grown human.  And at the forefront, his ashen brow framed with twin pairs of horns, a darkly majestic Shadowlord: a Daemon Prince.

Behind the three Greater Daemons, a small entourage of spiked Cruelbeasts and a couple of fat, waddling Daemonspawn emerge.

With a forced, fang-filled grin and glowing red eyes burning with barely-restrained malice, the towering Shadowlord gives a small bow toward Soul Reaver.

"We have come, as summoned, ready to serve."

The Warp Gate snaps shut and Soul Reaver looks over the squad.  On the journey here Soul Reaver had formulated a plan that would allow him to keep these troops close right up until they were in the midst of the enemy territory, where they could be more safely unleashed.

"Follow my lead, Blightwing."

Soul Reaver performs a different set of gestures, and the Shadowlord, Blightwing, contributes with casting of his own.  Suddenly, the entire group of Daemons dissolves into huge plumes of black smoke.

Soul Reaver strides back onto the Aisgeim.

"Vee, you will need to register several more passengers.  It would be safest if they stay here with me for now.  When we are ready to begin the battle, they can be released - air-dropped or otherwise."

Behind Soul Reaver, the qualms of smoke move with a will of their own, organically pulsing, writhing and flowing through the air until they form a roiling black cloud at the back of the ship.

Soul Reaver seats himself once more, staring straight forward and with jaw clenched.  Small beads of sweat can be seen on his forehead.

He did not summon Blightwing lightly - keeping it close would make it easier to maintain his grip over the creature.  But even so, summoning and controlling so many powerful Daemons as well as maintaining a mass Discorporate spell was proving taxing.  It would get easier once the Daemons' natural desire for destruction could be given more free reign.
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Kitharsis on March 10, 2023, 11:06:58 AM
The Ork always did things unconventionally, and summoning his troops is no exception.  The Stormboy makes quite the entrance, alerting the Seraphs into an apprehensive reach for their weapons.  After a display of Orky decorum it appears that Gulgrim and his troops are ready for battle.

Kitharsis drops another charged rune in the pouch at his waist.

Vee's ship is impressive, and larger than Kitharsis first expected.  Although, ceilings are always too short, and Kitharsis ducks his way through on the way to the bridge.  He grabs onto one of the hand holds in the ceiling as the ship takes off.

Soul Reaver summons his Daemons, impressive as they are.  He is glad they are under Soul Reaver's control.  And yet he can see as they chafe at their bonds. 

The next runestone Kitharsis infuses is given some extra attention as he glances up at the black smoke collecting at the ceiling.
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Fallen Templar on March 24, 2023, 06:23:25 PM
Much like the Seraphs, Phaerys was briefly caught off guard when Gulgrim's subordinate materialised out of thin air in a remarkably ungainly fashion. What information on the Warboss that Soul Reaver and Kitharsis had provided the Ataran during their travels together had made for an... interesting picture.

With everyone about as ready as they could be, it was time for them to depart. The Aisgeim looked to be a worthy craft for carrying them into battle intact. Had it not been such an improper time, Phaerys would have had more than a few questions for Veldanya about her ship. Of course, he knew better than to distract their pilot mid-flight.

Along the way, the Aisgeim would touch down to allow Soul Reaver to summon reinforcements from Inferno. Cruel, cunning, and utterly terrifying to the eyes of mortals. They were certainly powerful, the Ataran had no concerns about that. Rather, could they be expected to enact their part of the plan without slipping the leash?

Once Soul Reaver returned inside the ship to speak with its pilot, Phaerys followed close behind, with the intention to also offer a suggestion of his own for when the battle would be joined.

"Veldanya, if this vessel has a suitable vantage, I may be able to assist in surface bombardment prior to the assault. I believe it would increase our odds of successfully securing a foothold."
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Shadow Chorus on April 02, 2023, 01:19:55 AM
Gulgrim followed along behind the rest of the Companions and boarded the Aisgeim with the rest, but the entire time he seemed to be communicating with his ships in Orbit via a mechanical screen that seemed to emerge from the side of his Cybork arm, establishing some form of hololith connection with his vessels far above. As the others made their plans and preparations, Gulgrim commanded his battleforce with the care of an experienced general; though his orders, barked shortly in Ork jargon to various Nobs and sub-bosses under his command, largely amounted individually to 'Go dere an' krump it' or 'hold 'ere an' kill anyfin' dat shows up.', taken in aggregate the Warlord was marshaling his forces at an incredibly fine level, commanding groups of Orks as broad as whole warbands or as narrowly as individual mobs of boyz depending on the situation's needs.

Overhead, the screeching engines of Ork ships could be heard descending into the atmosphere, tailed by the roaring blaze of several Roks careening straight for the front lines to crash cataclysmically to the earth, disgorging hordes of Boyz to prep for the coming engagement.

After the bulk of commands had been issued, Gulgrim brought up one final hololith, and the face of a particularly veteran Ork, his face covered in scars and with a massive, wild-looking hair squig tied back into a great orange tail adorning his head, appeared before him. This boss was decked in furs and bones, skull-shaped pauldrons jutting with massive beast horns, a targeting squig standing on his shoulder linked into a big shoota, allowing the Ork to wield a massive choppa in one hand and an enormous klaw built from the skull of a massive feline beast on his other fist. This Beastboss looked to be of impressive size, though perhaps not as large as Gulgrim typically presented himself. "Varoz da Squiggoff 'ere ta krump for ya Boss." the Ork greeted, saluting with his beast klaw.

"Varog, you'z an' yer Beast Snaggas got da important job dis fight. Load up on yer' Squighogs; you'z runnin' interference fer our attack. When da rest o' da boyz get stuck in on da front lines, you an yer' ladz are gonna punch on through ta hold up an' 'arass anyone 'round da fortress we'z gonna be smashin'. Plenty o' trophies ta take, so get yer ladz gud and ready fer krumpin'."

The Beastboss grinned viciously, the targeting squig on his shoulder hopping about in excitement. "You'z got it boss. Me boyz'll be 'dere ta smash up da uvver lads reel gud."

Gulgrim nodded and cut the connection, looking up at the rest finally. "Everyfin's in order. Got some o' me best ladz ready ta run interference on our target ta help ease up our assault. Ded tuff dey are. Dey'll hold up da enemy just right."
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Veldanya Venalla on April 06, 2023, 03:21:56 PM
Jharm simply watches from a short distance away as the three large demonic figures emerge from the Warp Gate and acknowledge Soul Reaver, before they disappear into plumes of smoke.  It was not a decision he was fond of making, but his past choices and left few options for being picky about assistance.  He followed the other back onto the Aisgeim, watching the smoke plumes warily before turning his attention away and focusing elsewhere.

"General Drayvon, myself and the others will be en-route momentarily.  Are you managing to hold the front line still?

After a few moments he finally gets a response

"We managed to hold and have begun to finally push the Shaiton back closer to the fort with the assistance of the ones you call "Orks".  I must say though, their method of deployment is...haphazard to say the least.  Some of their landings have almost "landed" right amidst our forces, but one can not deny their motivation."

Jharm nods and then once more shifts his focus elsewhere.

"Lady Nethanya, how goes your forces?"

"All things considered we are doing better then anticipated.  Those Orks are proving to be ample distraction and helping to alleviate the pressure on my troops to protect against the forts bombardments.  I was unsure at first of the new devices you suggested but they are working quite well."

Vee on the other hand has already returned to the command deck and slipped back into the pilots chair.  She doesn't seem to pay much mind to Soul Reavers suggestion, though the warrior can almost feel like a presence somewhere around him is watching, almost monitoring the plumes.  Once all have boarded again, the ramp recedes and the hatch closes as the Aisgeims engines roar to life once more and the vessel rockets into the air and heads for the front lines.  It isnt long before they are flying over the battlefield, display monitors scattered around the ship seeming to show the outside view.  The surrounding land is in sharp contrast to the almost idealic terrain they were standing on but a short while ago.  The land itself looks almost lifeless, various shades of brown, grey, and black as opposed to the brilliant whites and golds.  What few trees can be seen are also just as lifeless, withered husks or shattered stumps.  Far below can be seen the two main armies with a sizable building, most certainly the target of current assault.  As the Aisgeim slowly starts to descend in altitude the battlefield becomes clearer. 

Battalions of Seraphs march towards the fort, clad in arrays of silver and gold.  Large devices looking to be crafted of seemingly a mixture of stone and steel reside on hills closer to the rear, occasionally the rear parts brightening quickly before the front end erupts in an explosion of light as an orb is launched far into the distance to come crashing down on the opposing forces while at the same time a multide of flashes and streaks of light can be seen as shields manifest seeming to block similar projectiles bearing a blackish purple color.  Further forward the front line can be seen, silver and gold crashing against a tidal wave of blacks and purples, blotches of green visible as Orkish Rokks crash into the ground and divulge their occupants.  Upon the top of the fort are large glowing crystals, flashing almost constantly as large beams of more blackish purple light blasts out, targeting the Orkish Armada in the air.  The Aisgeim slows significantly as Vee watches the battle unfold.

"Other then the colors, almost reminds me of home."

She then clears her throat and continues.

"While it looks like your fleet is certainly keeping their attention Gulgrim, I'll be damned if I'm going to risk flying the Aisgeim in close for any extended period.  Thus I recommend ya'll make your way down to the front of the hold.  There's a smaller hatch there that should make a rapid drop much easier, cause I'm sure once I fly in closer, those crystals wont hesitate to lock-on, or whatever it is they do, and start blasting out that purple light in our direction, say nothing of the forces on the ground potentially.  Thus, im not thinking your offer of artillery support will be very possible Phaerys."

Jharm nods and makes his way down into the hold, finding the hatch that Vee referenced on the opposite side.  Finding it leads to much smaller airlock its clear that should the lock be cycled that any within would either be able to jump (or perhaps depending on other factors, be sucked) out behind the Aisgeim as its flying.  Vee looks around for a moment to verify that any others on the command deck have also headed downwards.  Shifting in her chair she takes a few breaths and flexes her fingers.

"Alright, lets show them how we can truly fly."

Her eyes seem to glow for a moment as a few beeps can be heard from the console in front of her before she places her hands down on the armrests of the chair.  A moment later the temperature of the command deck starts to drastically plummet, ice forming around both Vee and the chair until it almost looks like she is frozen over.  From a speaker within the airlock Vee can be heard.

"Right then, I'll take us down, give ya'll a warning and then off you go to cause whatever sort of ruckus you can so we can try to get into that fort.  Don't worry about me, I'll be able to join you once ya'll are safely off and the Aisgeim is out of harms way.  Oh, I would recommend trying to hold on to something perhaps, since we are going in close, things could get quite bumpy."

After waiting for a few moments for everyone to make whatever last second preparations necessary, the Aisgeim suddenly surges forward and down, the engines rumbling loudly as the room seems to rock and shake about as the ship clearly seems to turning and rolling at incredible speeds.  A second later Vees voice is heard once more.

"Yep, those things are quite quick but we're holding our own for sure.  Gunna try to drop you as close to the gate as I can get, here we go!"

Then with a single emergency klaxon the outer hatch hisses open and all the occupants are likely either forced out by pressure/inertia or jump out to find themselves about 10-15 feet above the ground nad landing in an area awash in blood as its clear the Aisgeim blasted the area a moment ago to give the Companions a moment before battle occurs.  All around them are scored of heavily armored Shaiton, pitch black armor, lined with purple accents.  The enemy forces show no hesitation as they turn their assorted melee weapons against the sudden arriving group of attackers.

Jharm wastes no time as the hatch slips open, taking to the air before descending down to almost collide into the enemy forces.  His sledgehammer crushing the nearest Shaiton as if the armor was nothing, a shield of light shimmering on his other arm to block an incoming sword as a brilliant beam of light erupts around him, burning the surrounding Shaiton as he begins to work his way closer to the front of the fort, roughly 20-30 feet away or so.

"For the Light!"

Meanwhile the moment the Companions "disembarked" the Aisgeim rocketed upwards and out of range of the large crystals.  Back on the command deck the temperature rises once more as Vee seems to "thaw" out and lets out a heavy breath.

"Well now, time for me to join them."

She looks up affectionately towards the ceiling.

"You keep yourself out of harms way now, Who knows how accurate those Ork weapons are, not sure I'd trust them not to accidentally hit you or something."

The voice from earlier resonates from the speakers.

"Very well, do be safe down there."

She simply smiles and makes her way down to the cargo hold and to the back airlock where the others were a few moments ago.  Stepping inside, her eyes glow for a moment before metal plates start to slide up from her chest armor under her coat, moving upwards and covering her head.  A few seconds later another single klaxon sounds and the outer hatch hisses open.  Moving to the edge she gazes down at the battlefield a distance down as she slips the two revolvers from their holsters.

"And here we go...I swear this is reminding more of home then I'd like..."

She then swan dives out of the Aisgeim and starts rapidly descending downwards.  Gesture with her one gun-wielding hand a large chunk of ice manifests under her feet and she shifts, looking almost as if she is riding the frozen projectile downwards.  As the ground draws closer and closer she suddenly leaps off the ice and disappears into a shadowy portal, a similar portal appearing closer to the ground, only a few feet above the Shaiton forces and in close proximity to the other Companions.  She effortlessly seems to land on a Shaitons helmet, balancing perfectly before kicking off into a backflip as both the ice projectile crashes into the ground, instantly freezing those directly under it and piercing the surrounding area with razor sharp shards of ice.  As she is flipping through the air her revolvers bellow to life, the booms one could almost mistake for the sound of an Orkish weapon.  The woman begins to shift and move about, her arms twisting and turning so that any motion leads to one or both of her gun barrels blasting into an enemy in what could almost be described as a dance of death.

Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Soul Reaver on April 27, 2023, 06:29:27 PM
As the klaxon sounds and the hatch opens, the black pulsing mist at the back of the Aisgeim is forcibly sucked out by the air pressure difference.  Soul Reaver takes that as his cue and rushes to the hatch, hurling himself out feet-first.

He chants as he falls, and a white sphere of energy pulses into life around him before fading from view.  The black mists reform around him as he falls, swirling like a vortex with Soul Reaver at its epicentre.

One bolt of energy from the Shaitan forces glances off Soul Reaver's magical shield before he can reach the ground, but it fails to do any damage.

Controlling his fall, Soul Reaver lands in the midst of a cluster of the enemy, Blooddrinker already in his hands.  He lands directly atop one of the creatures, bearing it to the ground and simultaneously driving his crimson blade straight through it in a reversed two-handed grip.

The nearby Shaitan take a step back as he lands, and this gives just the room needed for the black mists to reach the ground around Soul Reaver's landing spot.  The mists coalesce back into physical form, and a troop of Cruelbeasts appear in a perfect circle around Soul Reaver.  In a single, coordinated movement, the muscled, spiked abominations each step forward and swing their weapons, cutting or bludgeoning down a Shaitan to consolidate their position.

Soul Reaver stands, spattered with Shaitan blood.  Out of the corner of his eye he can see Vee's dramatic arrival - it seemed she would more than hold her own in this battle.  Taking on a battle stance, Soul Reaver prepares to lead his Daemonic forces forward.
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Fallen Templar on May 21, 2023, 10:17:45 PM
Phaerys leapt from the hatch along with the others, his own descent was a more gentle one as a controlled gravitic distortion adjusted his velocity. On the way down he hurled an explosive orb of plasma into the amassed ranks of Shaitan. The blast would help break up their formation and leave them more susceptible to the Companions' oncoming charge.

When he landed, the Ataran strode forward with hands held out beside him, his palms already emanating a golden light. A shard of metal the size of a spear quickly materialised in each hand, made from a dense, silvery alloy. They remained in mid-air when he let go, drifting together and hovering beside him as though they were carried in an invisible quiver.

The Companions were making good headway thus far. A foothold was quickly being carved out, but they also needed the impetus to clear a path through this onslaught and proceed to their objective.

Phaerys brought one of the spears forward, pointed towards the Shaitan horde. With immense gravitic force he launched it into the enemy's midst, passing cleanly through several of their ranks like a ballista bolt, penetrating flesh and armour alike as though it were tissue paper. Any Shaitan who weren't killed outright by the attack were left grievously wounded.

The Ataran remained a short distance behind the front-line fighters, using Soul Reaver's own summoned daemons as a defensive screen. From his position, he prepared to lay down additional fire support and cover their advance.
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Shadow Chorus on May 22, 2023, 12:16:24 AM
As the hatch opened, Gulgrim flung himself out of it, the earth buckling under his weight as he landed, stone and earth flinging outward from the force of falling Ork mass. In the split-second that these small bits of debris are rising, just before they fall, a green spark arcs from Gulgrim's form and dances and darts between the scattering detritus, imparting each bit of upturned terrain with an iota of Orky violence. Instead of falling as gravity bid, each flung speck of earth suddenly shot out in all directions as if fired from a gun, impacting violently against nearby shaitan and exploding in crackling green flame, a hail of meteoric WAAAGH!!! Grenades creating a cascading ring of popping detonations around the Warboss's impact site.

As Gulgrim rose from his crouched position, both his hands rose up holding one of his twin Big Shootas, Mork's Teef and Gork's Teef, and as they came up, they came alive, spitting death at rapid pace at any enemy unlucky enough to find themselves traced in the line of fire, the incessant DAKKA DAKKA DAKKA of Orky firepower playing counterpoint to the battle around.

From just outside the visible radius of the fight came a loud thumping boom and a crashing sound as thumpa grenades from Orky grenade launchers detonated in the distance, scattering Shaitan as Varog and his Beast Snaggas came charging onto the field, riding astride massive squighogs, enormous beasts made of sharp teeth and bad tempers, grenade launchers and sluggas blaring, choppas and klaws slashing, bashing, and snapping wildly in all directions, the hollering of Orks on the warpath ever-present. Varog himself, the largest and most heavily scarred ork in the mob, seemed to be plowing a path of destruction to try and clear the way for his Warboss, acting as the tip of the Ork assault's spear.

Far in the distance, the sounds of Orky firepower could yet be heard as the rest of the Orks touched down on the front lines, falling in Roks and descending on ships to greet the main bulk of the enemy army while the Companions and Varog's vanguard punched further in.

"Yeah, dis is what we like best!" Gulgrim howls, cackling madly as he unleashes hell on the Shaitan forces arrayed against him, bullets, blades, and Orky WAAAGH!!! energy thirsting for the escalation of violence that only a being so primordially designed for it could crave.
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Kitharsis on May 22, 2023, 03:05:34 PM
Kitharsis wastes no time in leaping from the hold.  A whirling mass of sand appears, swirling around him as he falls.  He lands with a roll, springing to his feet and unsheathing his sword.  As it swings through the air the flame mechanism activates and throws out a flourish of flame.

The Shaiton waste no time in advancing on the drop team.  Before getting surrounded, Kitharsis tosses out a handful of his prepared runes.  As they hit the ground they activate with a burst of light.  Two sandstone elementals materialize, one on each side of him.  To his rear, a giant armored scorpion phases into existence after a sequence of runes paint themselves on the ground.  It's pincers are the size of boulders, and its massive tail ends it a vicous spear like barb.

Kitharsis charges into the Shaiton forces before him.  He blocks a blow with his sword, as his now typical sandstone swords skewer the Shaiton before him.  His molten blades finishes the enemy soldier as he leaps over its body.  He catches the next with an upward swing, his swords searing through the Shaiton's shield and severing its arm.  The three floating swords slash and pierce, always returning to a neutral position at his side.  Kitharsis dances through the Shaiton, his molten blade igniting with each swing, punctuating his attacks.

The sandstone elementals wreak havoc to either side of him, dealing heavy blows and shrugging off any hits they receive.  Their bulky forms bend and break the armor of the Shaiton forces.  The blunt force of their blows dealing massive damage.  The three of them advance toward the fort in front of them. 

The giant scorpion guards their rear.  It's heavy claws severing any unfortunate Shaiton in half if they get too close.  Its lightening fast tail pierces through Shaiton armor like a hot needle.

Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Veldanya Venalla on June 23, 2023, 08:28:14 PM
The arrival of the Companions leads to almost instant chaos amongst the Shaiton lines.  The demonic forces and sand creatures manifesting in their midst shatters the resolute bulwarks that were once holding fast even as waves of bullets and blades slice down scores of defenders.  It isn't long before the forces of Light have pushed to the gate of the keep.  Jharm raises a hand, a single flash of light shooting upwards before a series of booms can be heard from the rear as the Lightcannons unleash a barrage centered on the entrance.  The orbs of light crash into the door, shattering the hinges and causing the large fixtures to collapse to the ground.

"Onwards!  No doubt one of their Generals awaits us within, protecting the Crystal Ward.  We destroy that and my people can better assist with reinforcements!"

Without any hesitation the Seraphim rushes past the broken gates as the Seraph forces work to form a perimeter around the breeched entrance.

Vee on the other hand seems to be rather enjoying herself as she continues to spin and twirl about, leaving either corpses either riddled with bullets or perforated with razer-sharp spikes of glistening ice.  Hearing the Seraphims words she lets out a slight sigh

"Bugger...and just when I was starting to finally have some fun.  Course, that sounds like these "Generals" should certainly put up more of a challenge then their troops seem to be."

With a flourish of her hand she sends out a wave of ice, spearing the nearest rank of Shaiton as her form once more disappears into a shadowy portal behind her to reappear a few feet back, right at the now broken gateway.  Turning she takes off after the charging Seraphim, her long coat trailing behind her as she cant help but grin as she wonders what awaits them inside.

Jharm continues down the entryway, not even seeming to wait to confirm that the rest of the Companions are behind him or not.  Turning a few corners he quickly arrives at a set of large doors currently closed.  Without even breaking his stride he brings his hammer and and slams it against the doors, sending them flying into the room they are securing.  Said room is large, seemingly something akin to an entrance hall of some kind.  There is little in the room beside a large ebony crystal floating above a pedestal, power radiating from it marking it almost certainly the ward preventing the opening of non-Shaiton gates in the area.  Standing in front of the crystal is a large armored figure.  The armor looks to be forged of a pure black metal, the edges adorned with runes pulsing in purple.  Strapped to the figures back is two large greatsword, his arms crossed in front of him as he simply stands and watches the Seraphim and the Companions enter.  A masculine voice rings out from under the helm, deep and resonating with a hint of almost sarcasm at the edges.

"Ahh...well done Seraphim.  I've been expecting you.  He said you would almost certainly be arriving with others unknown to us.  What a rather odd sort they are I must say.   We've got "big green and angry", "tall dark and brooding with a dash of demon", well these two at least seem interesting, "lots of tattoos and sand creatures" and "Metallic automaton being" and then we have.."

His gaze falls on Vee and he seems to pause for a moment, his armored head tilting slightly before he continues.

"Strange...a strange one it seems.  Let's face it though, we both know why you are here.  I see little reason to waste further time on idle banter.  Come then Seraphim, lets see if you're time away and your compatriots are up to the task."

The armored figure uncrosses his arms, reaching up behind him to grab at the twin swords and draws them.  The blades seem to be crafted of a similar dark metal as his armor and begin to glow with a purple aura as he slams the tips down into the ground, the glow spreading to encompass his entire form.

"Tis only fair that you get first strike I think."
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Soul Reaver on June 29, 2023, 09:44:05 PM
The Cruelbeasts move in careful formation, displaying coordination and skill at arms belying their feral appearance, the Daemonspawn lending their strength and flabby bulk wherever it may be needed to shore up the advancing line.

Once enough space has cleared, the Fire Daemon, Steelheard, and Blightwing the Shadowlord coalesce just in front of Soul Reaver.  Blightwing points a regal, taloned finger and shouts a guttural order.  Without hesitation, the line of Cruelbeasts part while the Fire Daemon purses his lips and spews forth a roaring blast of fire through the gap, igniting several of the Shaitan and forcing the rest to fall back further.  The Steelheart then charges forward, the few Shaitan counterattacks ricocheting harmlessly off its metallic flesh, swinging its enormous mace in huge sweeping arcs.  Bones crunch and ragdoll bodies fly metres through the air, lifelessly hitting the ground with a thump several second later.

The Daemonic forces surge forward through the gap, sinister balefires of Daemon magic flickering from Blightwing's fingers to sow bladed agony amidst his enemy.  They move swiftly and efficiently, Soul Reaver responding with blade and magic wherever the foe tries to rally.  He knew that speed was of the essence - the enemy had to be kept off-balance, or the small, elite force might find themselves overwhelmed.  He trusted that Phaerys would have no trouble keeping up.

Fortunately the Shaitan seemed unprepared for the sheer power that was being arrayed against them: from the corner of his eye Soul Reaver could see Kitharsis' sandstone creations pounding enemies into paste, while Ork Roks screamed down from the skies, belching forth hordes of green-skinned warriors who made up for their lack of discipline and marksmanship with noise, numbers and bloodthirsty enthusiasm.

With all the chaos around them, it is not long before Soul Reaver's forces reach the keep just behind Jharm.  In a flash of light, the seraphim blasts the doors open.

Soul Reaver issues orders to Blightwing - the Daemons were to prevent any Shaitan from attacking their rear.  They would continue to do as much damage and sow as much chaos among the enemy as possible, but if necessary, would ensure they could fall back to the more defensible keep entryway and hold it for as long as needed.  With his commands issued, Soul Reaver runs after Jharm into the heart of the keep.

He halts a few steps behind the seraphim.  He takes in the room, the crystal, and its Shaitan defender.  The creature was clearly powerful and seemed confident in its abilities.  Arrogantly, it invites Jharm strike first.

Soul Reaver would not waste free time if it was given.  He steps behind Jharm, where he begins to chant, mana surging through his veins.  His eyes fixed forward, he holds one hand facing up and partially open.  His fingers tremble with effort as motes of white light begin to gather and arc above his palm...
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Fallen Templar on July 27, 2023, 09:02:32 PM
Phaerys steadily advanced with the rest of the Companions as they gained further ground in the assault. He darted here and there, providing support where it was needed most. One moment, two more of his alloy spears shot through a gap between Soul Reaver's Cruelbeasts to impale several more Shaitan. Soon after, the ones in front of Kitharsis' sandstone elementals began to stumble under the now unbearable weight of their armour, making them easy prey for crushing fists.

As the battle raged on, the group's smaller numbers in the face of the enemy meant that Phaerys couldn't afford to stay in the back lines forever. The Ataran surged forward, his last remaining spear brandished in his grip. Tendrils of fiery plasma extended from his form, pouring into any gaps in the armour of any Shaitan unfortunate enough to be close by, melting them from the inside out.

It had been a bloody fight, but in the end they had reached the walls. The main Seraphim forces were now providing support, even as the green tide of Orks continued to crash against the Shaitan army. Artillery fire rained down like the hammer of a vengeful god, splitting the gates asunder and allowing the Companions entry. Thus began the next phase of their assault.

Now within the enemy's stronghold, Phaerys kept pace as Jharm led the way. Soul Reaver had sent his own minions back to deter any would-be pursuers. Had it not been their only escape route, Phaerys would have blocked off the passage behind them as well for good measure.

They went further deeper into the fortress, eventually coming into some kind of large hall once Jharm had breached the doors. Inside was their objective... and a guardian assigned to defend it. The armoured figure's offer of allowing the Companions to make preparations before the fight came as a surprise to the "metallic automaton being" in question. Was this mere bravado, or did it truly have the power to back up its confidence? The Ataran was not about to let the advantage go to waste.

Phaerys broke down his last spear into so many tiny, razor-thin shards, drifting together into a clump in the palm of his hand. Next he imbued them with great heat, causing the shards to glow a bright orange and the surrounding air to shimmer. All the while, he studied their new opponent in detail, performing cursory scans of the entity's armour and comparing observable data with his own knowledge. Perhaps there was a weakness in the material, or a means to disrupt its magical nature...?
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Shadow Chorus on July 31, 2023, 12:46:49 AM
Gulgrim left the carnage of the exterior battlefield behind almost reluctantly as he followed the companions deeper into the fortress, eventually standing before some cocky git in not-quite-spikey-enough armor who thought he was 'ard enough to let someone else get the first blow. Well, the Warboss would be zogged if he was going to give up the opportunity to take him up on that.

"Don' mind if I do." Gulgrim chuckled, swaggering forward as if the general's boast had been to himself rather than to Jharm. As he stepped up next to the Seraphim, not waiting to see if the Angel wished to strike first, Gulgrim began to wind up his Cybork right arm theatrically. "You know wot dey say. Mork 'its ya hard when you'z not lookin.'" the arm came back as if prepped like a bullet, fist just shy of his toothy grin.

"AN GORK 'ITS YA HARDER WHEN YA ARE!" The Avatar of Gork and Mork bellowed, swinging out with a vicious haymaker that was still definitely far too distant to actually connect with the general, standing as he was still across the room with Jharm. However, in the wake of the swing a spectral fist the size of a bus appeared in the air, following the arc of the punch to launch itself directly to the center of mass of this armored figure.

And of course, as is the sneaky way of Mork, a second spectral fist rose up from the ground behind the target, arcing upward in a mirror of the first, aimed like a kidney shot to reflect the haymaker coming from the front. Kidney shot might have been a bit of a misnomer however, seeing as the second appendage was no smaller than the first, the balled knuckles being larger than their target.
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Kitharsis on August 14, 2023, 09:32:10 AM
Loud booms echo from behind, as Lightcannons blast through the keep doors.  Kitharsis takes this as the signal to charge forward.  It would do no good to run into the keep only to sandwiched between whatever is inside the keep, and the Shaiton following after them. 

He fishes through a pouch on his belt and produces three more rune stones.  With a quick flash of power to ignite them, he tosses them to the side as he approaches the destroyed keep doors.

A sandstone elemental, larger than the other two, bursts forth from the ground.  This one is equipped with a massive spear, giving it even more reach and destructive force.

The other two runes each summon another armored scorpion.  These two are smaller than the giant one already wrecking the Shaiton forces, more the size of a man than a school bus.  But the two new scorpions were quicker, agile, and worked as a team in taking down any approaching enemies.

It appears that Soul Reaver's forces were given the same order, and Kitharsis's desert force accompanies the daemons in defending the rear of the Companions as they enter the keep.

Inside the keep, Kitharsis follows Jharm and the others until they come face to face with the guardian of this ebony crystal.  The figure taunts them, egging them on by seeming to allow them the first strike.  Cautious, Kitharsis can't help but assume a trap.

He extends his palm toward the armored guardian, who was now glowing an eerie purple.  From below, sand begins to rise from the floor.  It quickly rises and covers the figures feet in a blink.  The sand grips his armored boots like a vice, making it near impossible to move without considerable effort. 

While this is happening sandstone spears are forming in the air orbiting the armored guardian.  Once formed they will thrust forward and attempt to impale the figure. 
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Veldanya Venalla on September 27, 2023, 02:57:17 PM
"Strange....a strange one it seems."

The woman squints her eyes slightly at the statement from the armored form.  She then closes her eyes as if thinking but just then all hell breaks loose as the Companions take the proffered "first strike".  Scowling slightly she slips her guns into their holsters and holds her hands close together, palms facing each other.  An orb of ice begins to form between them before.  A moment later she smirks and spins in place, practically slinging the orb in the direction of her opponent.  The moment the orb leaves her hand shards of ice begin to rapidly fire from within it, the orb racing towards its target before sailing over and circling back around, continuing to speed around the room as ice shards continue to fly from within it.  The Seraphim seems to stand stoically even as his comrades charge in against the armored form.  His glowing eyes travel across the room as he grips his hammer tightly and crouches down slightly as if preparing to leap.

A deep chuckle comes from the armorerd figure even as the giant shimmering fists come at him.  In a flash his one of his greatswords is front while the other is behind, the Orkish assault crashing against the weapons with a resounding boom of force just as the sand spears come flying in at their target.  A faint purplish shield forms around him, the barrage of ice shards shattering against the barrier.  The large crystal at the center of the room suddenly flashes and thrums, seeming to pulse with a dark insidious power.  A moment later the figure seems to melt into the floor in a pool of shadows, the spears embedding themselves deep into the floor.  The figure reappears standing atop the crystal, the dark glow of the crystal seeming to flow up into him as he chuckles. 

"Ah very well done.  You may have even succeeded at one time, but my Lord is with me now.   Let us see, perhaps a....test of your reflexes."

The figure vanishes and it is at this point that Jharm finally reacts, launching himself forward, his hammer glowing brightly as he charges at the crystal itself.

"By the Light, your Lord shall fall....and you beside him!"

The hammer smashes into the crystal, a spiderweb of cracks radiating from the point of impact.  A pulse of shadowy energy erupts from the crystal before the cracks seemingly vanish.  There is no time to react though as a  portal appears and the armored figure springs forth.  At the last second the Seraphim manages to block one of the greatswords with his hammer but the other slips in and leaves a large gash across the warriors chest, silvery blood splashing from the wound and down onto the floor.

"Yes! Just so!  Hehe, I have always wanted to say that."

He then chuckles once more as similar portals manifest by each of the other Companions and a similar figure suddenly leaps from within, greatswords slicing through the air towards their respective targets.
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Kitharsis on October 04, 2023, 09:52:59 AM
The guardian of the keep disappears, resulting in the companions' attacks doing seemingly nothing.  He now stands atop the large glowing crystal.  The crystal appears to be flowing into the guardian, empowering him.  The guardian guards the crystal, and the crystal guards the guardian.

Kitharsis stands in a defensive guard with his main sword.  The floating sandstone swords dance around him covering his flank.  If this guardian can teleport so easily it would do well to be prepared.

Jharm launches forward, delivering a heavy blow to the ebony crystal itself.  It cracks, but they fade just as rapidly as they were created.  A sound plan, but more force is needed to break through whatever defenses this crystal has.

There is no time to approach the ebony crystal and aid in its destruction, as portals open near each of the Companions. 

A copy of the armored guardian leaps out, greatswords slicing at Kitharsis.  He meets one of them with his main sword, the molten edge activating as it swings through the air.  As the swords collide his molten edge threatens to melt through the guardian's greatsword.

Two of his flying sandstone swords meet the other greatsword, attempting to parry the blow.  The third flying sword surges forward directly at the armored guardian copy.  Kitharsis intends to skewer the figure while its two greatswords are occupied.

As the two of them meet swords, sand starts amassing at their feet.  This bolsters Kitharsis's footing, while creating an unstable surface for the armored guardian. 
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Soul Reaver on October 06, 2023, 09:44:49 AM
Soul Reaver watches with some trepidation as Jharm's hammer blow cracks the crystal, but fails to destroy it.  The attack had clearly caused some sort of temporary disruption however - it didn't seem to be completely impervious.  He would stay his original course.

However, Soul Reaver is forced onto the defensive when a portal opens before him and a greatsword-wielding Shaitan Lord springs forth.  Blooddrinker leaps up to intercept one blow after another with shrill metallic clangs.  Normally he would have taken a more aggressive stance, but he was absorbed in the casting of his spell and could not divert too much focus from its complex weaving.

But he would need a moment's breathing room for this final stage.  Lunging forward and twisting his red sword, Soul Reaver locks the enemy's blade into Blooddrinker's jagged crossguard, then forces their point downward with a circular motion.  With a final arcane word, Soul Reaver draws his arm back and completes his spell.

Closing his hand, he plucks a lance of blinding white light out of the air: a Spear of the Apocalypse.  With a grunt, he hurls the devastating projectile like a javelin at the heart of the crystal.
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Shadow Chorus on October 06, 2023, 10:12:29 AM
"Hahaha! This is what we like best!" The Warboss bellows as a new opponent launches themselves from a portal at him. As they approach, those spectral green arms form up around Gulgrim's form and brace themselves, catching the oncoming blades on their bulk and causing sparks to fly between the WAAAGH!!! Energy and the darkness of the greatswords. As the forces grind against each other in deadlock, Gulgrim leans forward, his massive, toothy maw getting mere inches from the armored face of his opponent, his grin growing even wider, if that were possible, before he uttered a single word, quietly, almost intimately, to his enemy.


At that, Gork's Teef and Mork's Teef sprang into Gulgrim's hands, and with a crackle of lightning, the Shoulder portions of Da Stompy Suit manifested on the Avatar's broad back, the paired deffguns and the twin Kustom Shootas roaring to life and unleashing a point blank fusillade into the Shaitan opponent while the spectral arms fended off the enemy's weapons. Bullets powerful enough to rip through ceramite sped blazingly across the devastatingly small gap between the two, and even as his fingers laid on the triggers, the Retractable bayonets on the paired shootas sprung forth, and Gulgrim lunged both of his physical arms forward, intending to impale his opponent even while torrenting fire directly into its body.

There would be no dancing around each other or fancy spellwork for the Avatar of Gork and Mork. There was fighting to be done, and it was time to get stuck in.
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Fallen Templar on October 08, 2023, 05:11:32 PM
The Companions' initial assault on the guardian proved to have little effect, it simply teleported away and started drawing power from the crystal. Jharm's follow-up attack on the crystal itself yielded some result, however brief. There, that must be the weak link in the chain that bound both crystal and guardian. But putting the theory into practice wasn't going to be such a simple matter...

Phaerys took a step back as one of several portals opened up beside him, with a copy of the guardian storming out almost immediately after. He had to give himself a sudden, sharp gravitic pull backwards to narrowly avoid getting cleaved in twain by the oncoming greatsword. As he did so, the Ataran flung his handful of superheated alloy shards toward the guardian's head.

If brute force from the others had been insufficient, he could at least try to slow it down, buy himself enough time to lend aid in destroying the crystal. Without a proper melee weapon of his own, Phaerys had little choice but to propel himself further away and give himself a precious moment or two to act.

Aiming at the guardian's legs, Phaerys launched a volley of focused plasma beams. The heat was more than enough to melt most metals. One good hit in the knee joint would likely weld it in place, unable to move.
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Veldanya Venalla on October 09, 2023, 11:00:18 PM
The Warbosses bullets strike true, the sound of the impressive firearms bellowing throughout the large chamber, echoing off the walls and creating what could only be considered a glorious "song" to the Warchief as his target is blasted full of gaping holes before being impaled by Gulgrims physical arms.  At the same time Kitharsis' swords clanging loudly against the incoming greatswords, the sound though covered up by the veritable cacophony of Gulgrims onslaught.  The third sword surges forward just as the figure loses his footing in the swirling sand beneath him, the weapon punching through his chest.  A spurt of dark shimmering ebony blow sprays out from behind him as the tip of the sword exits his body.  The greatswords of the figure attacking Phaerys swing downwards but the super-heated shards spray over his helmet, the heat transfering to the metal helm and while not doing an overly significant amount of damage, clearly succeeds in the intent as his weapons miss their mark and cleave down into the stone floor, leaving large gouges in the architecture.  The figure has little time to regain his bearing as beams of plasma slam into his legs.  The dark ebony metal of his armor begins to glow, almost turning into an orange-reddish hue as his head rolls back and a howl of pain echoes from within his helm.

It is roughly at this moment that Soul Reaver manages to briefly overpower his opponent and unleash the Spear of the Apocalypse.  The glowing spear whistles through the air, smashing into the pulsating crystal and light floods the area, blinding all present.  A few seconds later the light fades to reveal the crystal still standing but a significant chunk missing from the structure.  Then cracks begin to spread from the gouge and spread over the ebony crystal before it explodes, a wave of darkness now washing through the area.  As the wave hits each of the figures (or what is left of them) they seem to melt away, being sucked back towards the point of the explosion.  While each of the Companions can feel the Darkness wash over them it doesnt seem as if it impacts them much.  The same can not quite be said for Jharm or Veldanya. 

The Seraphim groans in pain as the wave washes over him, the usual glow of Light from within him fading away briefly.  Grunting he slams a hand down into the stone as pain washes over him.  On the other hand the opposite effect seems to happen with Veldanya.  As the wave washes over her, her figure seems to almost shimmer slightly, a faint outline of ebony darkness glowing around her before seeming to almost fade into her.  As the explosion of Darkness fades away it becomes clear that the crystal is gone, only the very base of hte structure remaining.  Floating above the destroyed base is the Shaiton warrior.  Raspy breaths of exertion slip out of his helm as drips of oily black fluid leak from gouges in his armor.

"Ahh...w....well done I must say.  It has been quite some time since I have witnessed such power and ferocity."

An ebony portal appears behind him as a large shadowy hand springs from within it and seizes the Shaiton and yanks him back in.  A deep voice seems to boom out from all around, piercing into each of the Companions minds, all can easily sense significant power as the voice invades their minds.

"Yes....well done "Companions".  You have managed to destroy a crystal, though this matters little in the end.  You can not hope to defeat the only true and proper answer, but please...keep trying.  She awaits you at the next one."

Then with that the voice vanishes and the room is left almost eeriely quiet in comparison to how it was a few moments ago.  Taking a few deep breaths Jharm gets back to his feet, looking around.  His glowing eyes settle on Veldanya as the ebony glow fades away.  Confusion flashes across his face before he refocuses. 

"Well done my friends, with this crystal destroyed my people can now more easily advance closer on our target."

His eyes close briefly before reopening and looking over each of the Companions. 

"The others will tend to what needs done here.  Our goal is to, in essence, repeat the process at the next fortress and crystal.  That said I doubt it will be as simple.  The fact that the Darkness stated "she" leaves little doubt to who we will face next.  The one we faced just now was Dervagon, the General of the Shaiton forces.  Our next opponent will undoubtedly be Nethalika, the Ebony Mistress.  As Nethanya is the leader of the priests of Light, Nethalika leads the priests of Darkness."

He turns back towards the door they entered through, once more glancing over at Veldanya for a moment before heading out of the room.

"Come, we have little time to waste.  Every moment we tary is another moment that He has to draw closer to fully returning.  Vee, call in the Aisgeim and let us be on our way."

--------------------------------------------------------------Vee's PoV------------------------------------------------------------
As the wave of Darkness washes over her she tenses, unsure of what to expect given that it clearly hurt Jharm but seemed to do little to the other Companions.  Instead, she feels not discomfort or pain but...a slight surge of power as if....she is taking the Darkness into her?  She looks over and sees the Seraphim gaze at her, a flicker of confusion on his face before he begins speaking.  Ignoring what he is saying she focuses inwards, scanning.

What is going on?  Why are you not answering?  None of this makes any sense.  Answer me damn it!

A single word flits through her mind.


She scowl slightly as she returns to listening to what Jharm was saying.

"Come, we have little time to waste.  Every moment we tary is another moment that He has to draw closer to fully returning.  Vee, call in the Aisgeim and let us be on our way."

She nods, focusing inwards as she moves to follow the Seraphim outside and to the waiting Aisgeim.  As the group make their way outside they see the vessel waiting, entry ramp open, engines idling as she sits ready to take off the moment all are aboard.
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Soul Reaver on October 12, 2023, 09:48:01 AM
There is a small sense of relief for Soul Reaver as his plan works, with cracks rapidly spreading over the crystal's structure.  Apparently there was a limit to the crystal's self-repairing powers, as he had hoped.

When the crystal erupts into a wave of darkness, that feeling is momentarily replaced with feelings of rage and hate - almost involuntarily, Soul Reaver lunges forward to skewer the opponent that, in that same instant, has melted away into little more than insubstantial vapour.

Though the feeling is only momentary for Soul Reaver, and he senses the spiritual effects as brief flickers for most of his companions, the same cannot be said for Jharm.  Even without his abilities, Soul Reaver would have been able to see Jharm fall to his knees from the effects and give a grunt that sounded like he was in physical pain.  Natural, perhaps, that Jharm would be so affected: after all, the energies released must have been the complete antithesis of his being.  More concerning perhaps however was how the wave seemed to impact upon Veldanya: not only did it do her no harm, but she almost seemed to absorb it, like a body of water might absorb a smaller drop.  Almost imperceptibly, Soul Reaver's brow draws into a frown.

When the wounded Shaiton general speaks, Soul Reaver's attention snaps to him.  The destruction of the crystal had not taken this foe with it.  But before Soul Reaver can act, their foe is spirited away by a dark hand.  Soul Reaver listens to the taunting voice, and his expression darkens: there was no doubt this was not the last they had seen of this particular enemy.  Even without his continued survival, the remaining crystals were likely to pose a larger challenge - the addition of a now vengeful and likely better-prepared Shaiton general would only serve to make things even harder.

As Jharm calls on the the companions to rejoin them on the Aesgim, Soul Reaver quietly walks up next to him and puts a hand on his shoulder.  He speaks quietly.

"Jharm, I saw the effect of the crystal's destruction on you.  We seemed to weather it without major effects but..."

He leave the thought hanging for a moment.

"As you said, this is a process that we will need to repeat.  Will you suffer similarly in the future?  Or worse?  Should you even be present when we destroy these crystals?"

Without speaking, Soul Reaver then communicates to him more subtly.

And I am sure that the effects of the dark energy wave upon Veldanya did not escape your attention either.  What do you make of that?

By then he has arrived at the Aesgim, where his Daemonic cohort already await him.  They seem to have weathered the assault rather well, with only moderate injuries amongst the Cruelbeasts - the Daemonspawn, with their regenerative abilities, held back the bulk of the assault under Blightwing's capable direction.  Thanks to the speed of their success, Soul Reaver felt he could keep the Daemons around for the next assault as well.  Once more he Discorporated them into black mist and with a wave of his hand had them take up their swirling position in the rear of the craft.

Meanwhile he looked over at Jharm, one eyebrow raised, silently prompting him for answers...
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Veldanya Venalla on October 13, 2023, 12:13:08 AM
The Seraphim pauses briefly as he feels the hand on his shoulder.

"Jharm, I saw the effect of the crystal's destruction on you.  We seemed to weather it without major effects but..."

He pauses for a moment before continuing.

"As you said, this is a process that we will need to repeat.  Will you suffer similarly in the future?  Or worse?  Should you even be present when we destroy these crystals?"

The Seraphim looks at his friend for a moment.

"I appreciate your concern Soul Reaver.  It uncomfortable experience and not entirely unexpected.  Such crystals generally consist of condensed Light or Darkness, of course dependent on the side creating it.  In truth, I am not concerned as much about the crystals themselves really.  Given how things are already seemingly progressing this has already gone beyond what we have before."

He moves as if to continue onto the Aisgeim when Soul Reavers mental message comes through.

And I am sure that the effects of the dark energy wave upon Veldanya did not escape your attention either.  What do you make of that?

His gaze shifts to the ground for a moment before an ever so subtle shrug can be felt by Soul Reaver before the Seraphim contiues towards the Aisgeim and boards even as his response can be heard.

In truth....I do not know.  When we started I thought I knew...but now...well...I am no longer certain.  It is clear though that something seems to be in motion that I had not initially expected.

His gaze briefly flicks over to the newcomer as she slips past him, heading up the ramp and into the ship.  As she passes by she raises her right hand, a cigarette manifesting betwen two of her fingers as she almost seamlessly brings it up to her lips and snaps her thumb and forefinger of her left hand together to produce a flame and light the end.  Pausing for a moment she takes a deep inhale and holds it for a moment as the flame at her fingertips fades before she rubs her forehead and exhales.  A thick plume of smoke slips free as she briefly gazes over at the two and then heads further into the ship.
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Kitharsis on October 13, 2023, 09:38:47 AM
As the wave of darkness passes through them Kitharsis feels an all too familiar feeling prickling his skin.  It passes just as quickly.  A fleeting reminder of his all too recent past, faint as it was. 

The copy of the armored guardian melts away in front of him, and Kitharsis lowers his weapons.  The floating swords return to his side, and the sand at his feet coalesces around him.

The guardian utters a remark, before being pulled into a portal behind him.  Another being mocks them, before vanishing also.  It appears they have caught the Shaiton's attention.

Jharm explains who these beings are after he recovers from the darkness.  It appears to have affected him more than the rest.  Except for Valdanya.  She appears to have had the reverse affect from the darkness.  An interesting development that will need to be watched.  After all, she was a newcomer with unknown origins.  A spy, perhaps?

He doesn't allude to any suspicion, as he follows Jharm back toward the Aisgeim.  Soul Reaver asks the questions on Kitharsis's mind.  He listens intently to their exchange.  As they switch from words to thoughts, he sighs and continues on his way.  He trusts their judgements, as always.

Outside of the base Kitharsis is met by the remnants of his summons.  The giant scorpion still stands proudly, its armored carapace having protected it assuredly.  The smaller golems did not fare as well, evidenced by two piles of sand scattered on the ground.  Only one of the pair of smaller scorpions has survived as well.  It stands guard of its twin even now.  The large golem was missing an arm, but still stands at the ready.

Kitharsis thanks each of them, and with a wave of his hand dismisses them all.  They return from where they were summoned.  They all will be returned whole, as is the nature of these summoning runes.

As he boards the Aesgim he digs through the rune pouch at his hip, selecting the next round of combatants.  The next base will likely be more fortified.

"Now that they know we're coming, the next base will most likely be more heavily guarded.  This Nethanya will surely see to that.  What is the plan for our approach this time?"
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Soul Reaver on October 21, 2023, 04:33:30 AM
Jharm's first reply elicits Soul Reaver to answer with an empathic hand on his shoulder.

"Let us know if the burden becomes too much.  We can carry it for you."

The reply to his second, mentally-asked question is more terse and strained.

I see.

It sounds like Soul Reaver has made up his mind about something.

As everyone files into their positions in the Aesgim, Soul Reaver addresses Veldanya directly.

"My lady, you have our thanks for your skillful assistance in this battle.  It is an honour to fight alongside you."

He gives a slight bow before straightening up again.

"However, I could not help noticing that when the Shaiton's crystal erupted, it released a surge of negative energy that washed over us, evoking momentary feelings of dark rage and hostility... except for Jharm, who the energy seemed to outright injure..."

Soul Reaver's gaze is unwavering but betrays no emotion.

"...and you, who seemed to absorb the energy into yourself.  I am sure you can understand my concerns in this regard.  Do you know - or suspect - why this might have been the case?"
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Shadow Chorus on October 28, 2023, 08:38:49 PM
Gulgrim is almost disappointed that his opponent didn't have more fight in him. Overall this skirmish had been disappointingly brief, and the Avatar of Gork and Mork grumbled to himself as he reboarded the Aisgeim. At least the next fight wouldn't be too long in the offing. Having figured out where he had dropped from last time, the Warboss took up position there again, tapping his foot impatiently as he waited for everything to get moving.

Idly, he began to check his weapons and tinker with his kit, pulling a spanner and welding torch seemingly from nowhere and beginning to make adjustments to his Cybork right arm. It was clear that the Warboss was right-handed in most of his mannerisms, but he seemed to have little trouble using his left hand to perform work on his right, nor did he seem to have need of eye protection as sparks flew from the work he was performing, tuning up the responsiveness and adjusting some of the finer details of his metallic limb.

Even in moments dreadfully lacking in combat, a true Warboss is never idle. Always preparing for the next fight.
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Fallen Templar on October 29, 2023, 05:08:31 PM
Phaerys braced himself for the wave of darkness to hit. To his surprise, it harmlessly passed through him, save for the brief flicker of frustration over a duty left undone. The guardian's copies - on the other hand - had seemingly shared the crystal's fate, and the guardian itself had been pulled away to who knows where. The Ataran suspected that they would face it again before long. Jharm's own knowledge of this and other figures in the Shaitan leadership would prove invaluable in taking the next fortress.

As for the Seraphim himself, both he and Veldanya had been noticeably affected by the wave of darkness, albeit in different ways. As a native of this dimension, it was only natural for Jharm to be the most susceptible to any ill effects. But what of the gunslinger? If anything, she appeared to have absorbed this energy.

The more of these crystals they had to destroy, the more likely this could become a major issue. But if Soul Reaver had faith in Jharm, Phaerys was content to trust his judgement, at least for now. There was time enough to devise a contingency for if the worst should come to pass.

For now, they needed to press the advantage while they still could. Phaerys followed Jharm back to the Aisgeim and hurriedly ascended the ramp. Once inside, he began sorting through the combat data against the guardian in preparation for their next encounter. He looked up from his work when Kitharsis voiced his concerns in actually getting there.

"If our only goal is to destroy the next crystal, we may have to quickly bypass their defences and avoid a prolonged battle," replied Phaerys. From a dimensional compartment he retrieved one of the seismic charges he had created earlier and inspected the device. "I am able to assist in breaching the walls, however there is still the matter of holding off their ground troops. Can we still expect reinforcements of our own?"
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Veldanya Venalla on December 16, 2023, 07:32:54 PM
Veldanya pauses as Soul Reaver speaks to her.

"My lady, you have our thanks for your skillful assistance in this battle.  It is an honour to fight alongside you."

He bows slightly to her, her gaze settling on him as she takes a drag on her cig as she almost seems to expect the next part.

"However, I could not help noticing that when the Shaiton's crystal erupted, it released a surge of negative energy that washed over us, evoking momentary feelings of dark rage and hostility... except for Jharm, who the energy seemed to outright injure...and you, who seemed to absorb the energy into yourself.  I am sure you can understand my concerns in this regard.  Do you know - or suspect - why this might have been the case?"

She gazes down at her free hand, darkness faintly wafting off of it, looking akin to dark black smoke almost. Her lips part as if she is about to speak but then she seems to hesitate.

Why?  You are preventing me...and I demand to know...why?

She receives silence in respones.  To Soul Reaver she gives a slight shrug.

"I suspicions but nothing for certain."

She takes a final drag on her cigarette before letting it slip from her fingers, the butt crushed beneath the toe of one of her boots before she looks to Jharm.

"Im going to head up to the cockpit and get us to the next one as fast as possible."

She then turns and makes her way further into the ship.  Jharm turns back to the Companions, looking to Kitharsis and then Phaerys.

"Yes, undoubtedly Nethalika will be ready and waiting for us as our assault on the first fort has demonstrated our capabilities.  That said, there isnt much alternative open for us other then battle.  Phaerys, your offer of wall breaching is gladly accepted as we will undoubtedly be reaching the fort before the bulk of our forces arrive to assist like they did here."

Just then a voice enters Jharms mind, the voice belonging to General Drayvon.

Seraphim, we are advancing towards the second fort but something is not right here.  While we are still facing some resistance, it is clear that the bulk of the Shaiton forces have begun pulling back.  The advanced scouts are reporting that it seems like they are reforming at the second fort.  This is concerning...

I agree.  Advance the army with all possible speed, myself and the others will travel on the Aisgeim as before.  If the Shaiton are indeed pulling back as fully as you say, exploit the opening to create portals as close as possible so reinforcements from the city  can march in ahead of you.

It shall be done Seraphim!

Jharm looks between the Companions.

"It would seem my friends, that the Shaiton forces are rapidly withdrawing and reforming at the second fort.  While this does mean that my people are rapidly advanding and likely will reach the fort sooner then initially anticipated, it is also concerning.  Never before have we seen the enemy do such a thing. It's as if they WANT us to reach the fort?"

He looks around, verifying that all of the Companions are on board.

Vee, we are all on board, get us into the air and to the second fort with all possible haste.

The cargo doors raise up as the engines of the Aisgeim spin up and the vessel lifts into the air. it takes off, screaming through the sky.  Far below, the Seraph forces rapidly march, advancing onwards even as winged Seraphs fly overhead and land, creating portals almost within eyesight of the Shaiton forces.  The Aisgeim draws nearer to the fort, display monitors attached to the walls showing the Shaiton army lined up just in front of the fort, ranks going back tenfold, the frontline equipped with large tower shields, forming an almost solid wall of blackened metal as they seem to await the arrival of their opponents.  They do not have long to wait as Seraph forces pour from the portals and soon enough, white steel crashes against the blackened "wall".  As before, crystals erected on the roof of the fort glow brightly as they fire beams through the air, targetting the advancing Ork warships.  Strangely though, it seems like, unlike last time, the crystals are not targeting the Aisgeim as it approaches.  The gates of the fort are visible but standing in front are two gigantic figures that look almost humanoid in shape.  Their forms seem to almost be crafted out of the same black steel that the Shaiton arms and armor are, giant purple crystals where eyes would be (for a humans face) and dark green gems look to be embedded in the giants palms.

"Damn, those are Siege Golems.  Their strength almost matches my own, their steel forms reinforced both physically and magically.  Those eyes of their work similar to the crystals, emitting blistering beams of Darkness, while those green gems upon their palms can generate vile gases, causing those who breathe it to suffer an excruciating death as they struggle to breathe even as their body is melted away.  The troops around them are of little concern but we must disable the golems with all possible haste as they would almost certainly seek to follow us into the fort and facing them as well as whatever Nethalika likely has waiting for us within would be problematic to say the least.  It would seem best for us to drop in as before, focusing all that you have on those golems.  Phaerys, if able, do what you can to take the doors down so once the golems are felled we can immediately head in.  Vee, I am assuming you are listening in, same as before and join us as soon as you can."

From the speakers Vees voice is heard:

"Sounds good to me, with those crystals seemingly ignoring us, I should be able to drop you right on top of those things."

The Companions can feel the Aisgeim shift sharply as it screams towards the fort and then banks.  As at the last fort, the klaxon rings out sharply a few moments before the hatch slides open, allowing the Companions to depart and unleash their assaults upon the Golems and Shaiton below.
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Kitharsis on January 03, 2024, 09:28:14 AM
It appears that the Shation forces were pulling back, something they have not done in the past.  The Companions certainly have their attention.  Whatever waits for them at this fort will not be a pushover.

The hatch slides open with the sounding of the klaxon.  Tenfold rows of Shaiton stand before them, with two large siege golems standing guard at the gates to the fort.

Kitharsis charges forward, blazing sword in one hand.  The other grabs a handful of runes from one of his pouches.  As he nears the solid black metal shield wall he leaps into the air and whips his hand in an arc.  Runestones spray across a wide section of the Shaiton in front of him.  He lands and plants his feet, his floating swords deftly working to deflecting any projectiles coming his way.  This will take a moment of concentration.

The runestones bounce off metal Shaiton armor and shield, filtering down between the soldiers.  With a grunt Kitharsis clenches his fist, surging power through the many runestones.  Flashes of yellow energy ripple through the Shaiton ranks as massive amounts of sand explodes outwards from each of the runes.  This breaks apart the tight ranks of the Shaiton forces, ruining the solid protection of their shield wall, and allowing both the Seraph forces and the companions a chance to advance.

Kitharsis wastes no time and leaps into the sand covered battlefield, widening the gap in the Shaiton defense's.  He purposefully advances toward the fort, and the two siege golems.
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Soul Reaver on January 07, 2024, 05:59:40 AM
Soul Reaver watches intently, taking silent note of Vee's hesitation before answering.  After Vee leaves to go to the cockpit, Soul Reaver's brows furrow into a scowl and he turns to look over at Jharm, glancing at the others through the corner of his eyes as well.

"A rather evasive answer.  I would have liked to hear more of those 'suspicions'.  I suggest we remain vigilant."

Soul Reaver listens as Jharm outlines the coming conflict with Nethalika, then withdraws to his thoughts as the Aesgim launches and approaches the fort.

As soon as they arrive, Soul Reaver follows Kitharsis out of the hatch and lands behind him as he opens up a breach in the Shaiton shield wall.  He wastes no time charging forward into that breach before it can reform, Blooddrinker in one hand deflecting incoming projectibles and cleaving foes in two, while his other projects a blast of lightning that leaps through multiple shield-wielding opponents in a row, throwing the defenses into even greater disarray.

Following swiftly behind him are his Daemonic minions: the Steelheart, Fire Demon and Blightwing the Shadowlord acting as spearhead while the remaining Lesser Daemons act as a wedge, widening the path and maximizing the chaos left by Soul Reaver's brutal charge.
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Fallen Templar on January 16, 2024, 11:47:23 PM
Phaerys gave Jharm's suggestion due consideration. He gave a nod in response to the Seraphim, protectively cradling the seismic bomb in one arm and awaiting the signal to deploy.

"Understood. I shall do what I can."

When the klaxon sounded, Phaerys was hot on the heels of Kitharsis and Soul Reaver as they exited the Aisgeim. The siege golems' poison gas might not have concerned him, but the rays of darkness and their sheer bulk were still enough of a threat. He resolved to give them a wide berth if possible en route to the walls.

With a substantial breach already made in the Shaiton shield wall, Phaerys rushed in and lent his own aid to the assault. In ones and twos, several Shaiton soldiers parted company with the ground before being slammed back down to crush their fellows with amplified gravitic force. Phaerys carefully coordinated these impacts to help clear a path towards the fort itself.

The Ataran advanced along this path, mindful not to stray too far from his allies lest he get cut off from them. Any Shaiton who would have been near enough to lash out at his metallic form would find themselves also being used as improvised ammunition to break the blockade.
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Shadow Chorus on February 04, 2024, 12:12:18 PM
While the others may concern themselves with fortifications and the masses of the enemy, Gulgrim was as ever only concerned with one thing; krumpin' the biggest and baddest enemy on the field. Heedless of the lesser Shaiton forces as he launches himself from the Aisgeim's hold, Gulgrim flashes with green energy as he craters the ground on impact, sending lesser enemies flying as he emerges from the smoke of his impact adorned in the Stompy Suit, the bulky, tank-like warsuit the Warboss only wore when he -really- wanted to blast something apart.

Ignoring the attacks of lesser foes deflecting off the plates of his armor, Gulgrim turned the full firepower of the Stompy Suit on the first of the Siege Golems to meet his gaze. Devastating walls of fire, of every type the Orks can conceive, hurtle down range at the massive construct. Enormous bullets, hissing blasts of plasma and searing lasers split the air between Gulgrim and his prey, and as he stomps forward his scissoring Power Klaw, Da Rippa, cleaves through the ranks of any lesser Shaiton foolish enough to attempt to stand in his way as he charges. His building battle-lust manifests as well in the crackling energy field around him, iconic to the Warboss at this point, which sizzles and spears nearby enemies with energy of its own volition, turning the Warboss into a one-ork battering ram, cutting a swathe through the weaker foes as he advanced towards his chosen enemy.

"I iz da Avatar o' Gork an' Mork!" The Warboss bellowed, his voice carrying over even the din of his own warsuit."An' I iz made fer fightin' an' winnin'!"
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Veldanya Venalla on March 18, 2024, 06:27:56 PM
The wall of Shaiton defenses collapses under the barrage of sand and daemon, others being launched about by Phaerys' gravitational assault.  The siege golems are another thing though.  The two large figures lock their "gaze" on the Companions as they release something akin to a wailing screech.  The one focuses on Gulgrim before it is assailed by a veritable wall of various projectiles, its body shuddering as it endures the assault but not faltering.  Its eye gems pulse a briliant purple before thick purple beams blast out towards the Warboss, while at the same time the fingers of its hands spread out and plumes of thick green gas start to seemingly flow out of the green gems embedded in its palms.  The other golem turns towards Kitharsis and Soul Reaver.  One eye gem beam blasts out at Kitharsis while the other eye gem targets Soul Reaver as its palm gems also seep out the green gas.  The Shaiton around the golems seem unphased by the gas, but the few advancing Seraphs that it washes over clearly are not.  The angelic warriors scream out in pain as the toxic miasma seems to begin to burn their skin.  They drop their weapons, grasping at their throats and, those that arent immediately cut down by the Shaiton, collapsing to the ground spasming before going still.

The Seraphim growls at seeing this.  He extends a hand, a shield of light manifesting a few feet in front of him.  The gas flows against the shield, unable to pass through the shimmering surface, giving the Seraphs behind the shield time to retreat backwards.

"Seraphs, fall back!  Leave them to us!  My friends, do not let the toxin touch you!"

Vee meanwhile grimaces at the sight and shakes her head slightly.

"Gas warfare...I know the terror of it all too well."

Some text seems to briefly flash across her eyes before suddenly metal plates start to extend out from her chest armor, sliding upwards and over her head and downwards, under her boots, leaving her now fully encased in the suit, two dark blue glowing eye plates being the only discernible feature.  Her voice sounds altered, as if speaking through a mask or something.

"I suppose my lessons at home shall prove beneficial here."

She slips her hand cannons from their holsters as she seems to step backwards, vanishing into the shadows.  Appearing a moment later above the siege golem going after Kitharsis and Soul Reaver she lands on its head, both gun barrels pointing downwards as she unloads a barrage of rounds targetting its head and those eye gems.
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Soul Reaver on March 19, 2024, 05:57:14 AM
A lance of darkness spears toward Soul Reaver from one of the Siege Golem's eyes.  Unfortunately, Blooddrinker is currently caught half-way through a hulking Shaiton warrior, and Soul Reaver is unable to wrench the weapon out in time to deflect it.  He raises the palm of his gauntleted left hand instead and the beam strikes it full-on.

The Black Steel Gauntlets spark as the beam blazes into a dark corona from the point of impact.  Soul Reaver grits his teeth: even within the enchanted metal he can feel the skin on his hand blistering.  But he only needed that moment - Blooddrinker is pulled free with a wet sucking sound and the flat of the blade intersperses itself between Soul Reaver and the beam, its enchantments more than capable of withstanding the blast.

Over the screaming sound of the impact and the blazing darkness, Soul Reaver manages to see the green gases creeping toward him and hear Jharm's warning.  Even as Vee turns her attentions to the Golem attacking him, Soul Reaver closes his eyes and chants the words to a powerful Druidic spell.

The skies above fill with rolling black cloud... and a wall of air surges from behind Soul Reaver, whipping up debris and pebbles, carrying with it scattered drops of icy rain.  A magical storm blasts forward, whipping Soul Reaver's cape and hair in front of him, and, hopefully, driving the gas away from the Seraphim forces.

Then, there is a blinding flash and deafening boom as a bolt of lightning bridges earth and sky, spearing down onto one of the golem's outstretched hands!

Beneath his feet, the ground begins to tremble...
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Kitharsis on April 04, 2024, 09:11:44 AM
One of the siege golems focuses its attention on Soul Reaver and himself.  Apparently with its attention comes a thick purple beam blasting their way.  Kitharsis raises his right first in front of him.  A wave of sand rises before him, obstructing the purple beam of energy.  Knowing this wouldn't deflect the whole blast, Kitharsis quickly channels energy to the back of his right hand.  A pattern of a shield appears on his skin, which quickly materializes. 

As the beam pierces through the sand barrier Kitharsis deflects the rest of the blow with the glowing shield of energy.

But as soon as that threat was averted, the golem spews out thick clouds of green gas.  Realizing the threat, Kitharsis halts in his tracks.  Luckily Soul Reaver cast a spell with wind attempting to drive away the toxic gas.

The green gems appear to be the source of the gas.  Dealing with them should stop the toxins from being released.

Kitharsis braces his right arm with his left and focuses energy into his right palm.  The shield pattern is gone from the back of his hand, and instead a large circle appears on his palm.  With a grunt a thick beam of energy rivaling the golem's blasts toward the golem's hand.  Followed quickly by another targeting the other hand.
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Shadow Chorus on April 05, 2024, 09:08:15 PM
Gulgrim's grin only widens as the enemy returns fire at him. As the golem's eyes begin to glow, the massive Warboss slams a foot to the ground, force and bolts of Green energy ripping up a chunk of rock to intercept the incoming beam. Though the bulk of the stone would not deter the blast, it delayed it long enough that once it bore through the obstacle, Gulgrim was no longer standing in its path. The Warboss stood to the side, burning green flame beginning to swell around his frame in response to the spreading gas, a burning shield sheathing the Warboss, sparking and popping wherever the gas grew close to him, turning him into a blazing silhouette as he charged through the battlefield, rushing toward the Golem. As he surged forth, bits of metal and scrap seemed to drop out of the wreath of flames, the heavy pieces of Gulgrim's armor falling away to grant him speed and mobility, Deffguns and heavy plates falling away only to vanish into the ether behind the Avatar.

Building up speed, Gulgrim's charge eventually reached a crescendo as, with a bellowing roar, the Warboss kicked off the ground and launched himself, a blazing green meteor of destruction, towards the chest of his opponent Golem, a semi-physical, semi-energy comet blazing the distance, raw destructive energy aiming to punch a hole through Gulgrim's enemy, or failing that, drive them to the earth so that the Warboss could pummel them into submission. All the while, like a warning of doom, came the Warboss's bellowing cry.

Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Fallen Templar on April 06, 2024, 03:44:15 PM
As Phaerys continued to carve a path through the Shaiton, the vibrations of titanic footsteps alerted him that the Siege Golems were moving to directly engage the Companions in battle. The Ataran himself was beneath their attention for the moment, and so he advanced towards the wall, mindful of the collateral damage the Golems' weapons could inflict.

Completely lacking an organic physiology, Phaerys was unaffected by the toxic gas that had brought such an agonizing death to the Seraph troops in front. He glanced back to see that the rest had fallen back, under Jharm's protection. This was good, thought Phaerys. He did not wish to risk harming them if his hypothesis proved correct.

A pair of his arms outstretched, hands held up and palms aglow. From them erupted torrents of fire, cutting a deadly path the rest of the way to the foot of the wall. If the golems' gas proved to be combustible in nature, it wouldn't even break his stride.

As soon as he judged himself to be near enough to the wall, Phaerys armed the seismic charge cradled in his other set of hands. The disc-like object lit up around its edge, and he quickly flung it into the wall. Perhaps too quickly. The instant it collided with the brickwork, it detonated, sending powerful tremors through the wall and the very ground itself. Fissures were liable to open up in both. Phaerys broke into a run and fought his way back to the others, lest he fall into one of these fissures himself.
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Veldanya Venalla on April 14, 2024, 08:29:07 PM
The already chaotic battlefield somehow quickly descends into even further chaos.

The Companions almost synchronized efforts prove quite successful.  Gulgrims rampage flattens the one golem out on the ground as the Ork Warboss proceeds to pummel it wildly.  Meanwhile Kitharsis' attacks slam into the green gems embedded into the other golems palms, shattering the gems and causing the construct to reel as if in pain, the lightning bolt from the storm created by Soul Reaver screaming down towards the creation and veering from the palm to slam into one of the eye gems and shattering it.  A brief moment passes as both construct are severely damaged and almost disabled.  Then a thrumming can be heard, increasing in pitch.  At the same time that Phaerys' mine detonates, both golems self-destruct, the entire area awash in explosions.  Phaerys' mine blasts a massive hole in the wall, while both golems explode in an almost blinding flash of pure darkness.  Realizing what was happening, Jharm quickly raises up a large shield of light, nearby Seraphs quickly moving to form up behind it.  From each exploding golem a wave pulses outwards, washing over all of the Companions and any forces not behind the Seraphims defenses. 

The Shaiton seem completely unphased while any exposed Seraphs seem to have various effects.  Some howl in pain, shaking in pain and agony before collapsing to the ground awash in purple fire while others howl in rage and turn their weapons against their comrades and a brief onslaught occurs as Seraph battles Seraph.  Like the last time a wave of darkness washed over the party, Vee not only seems unphased but almost seems to absorb the darkness washing over her as she practically dances through the Shaiton forces, her guns booming with each shot.  She does pause however as the Shaiton forces start to fall back and she turns her attention to her newfound comrades, unsure of how the dual waves may have affected any of them.
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Soul Reaver on May 05, 2024, 07:14:26 AM
The golems blast themselves into fragments, unleashing waves of negative energy.  It took only a second to hit Soul Reaver, but he recognizes its signature from his earlier encounter with the Shaiton Lord.

Soul Reaver had long learned to channel his emotions to his own benefit, and knowing what he did now, he allowed the surge of anger to find expression and focus through him, lunging forward into the retreating Shaiton ranks, slashing and tearing through them with elevated ferocity.

His Daemonic allies, strangely, did not seem too affected by the wave - short of a subtle widening of Blightwing's fanged grin.  Perhaps their nature was such that increased hatred and anger was not even within the realm of possibility?

Soul Reaver's spell, meanwhile, shifts in its nature.  With a deafening crack the ground heaves upward, opening a web of deep fissures that swallow those Shaiton too slow to leap to safety.  The cold rain turns into freezing, razor sharp shards of ice the size of daggers, driven by the gale-force winds straight at the enemy, yet somehow missing Soul Reaver's allies by a hair.

Soul Reaver's rage subsides, and he slows his assault, leaving the ground behind him littered with bisected Shaiton corpses.  He turns his head - how did his companions fare?
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Shadow Chorus on May 16, 2024, 03:02:02 PM
The bellowing Warboss roared his triumph as the Golem crumbled underneath his blazing fists, the darkness of their deaths washing over him and his forces like a wave of spilled blood, relishing in the triumph of a glorious battle.

For Orks, rage, violence, exultation in carnage, and bloodshed are integral parts of their very being. The influence the darkness attempted to assert upon the Avatar of Gork and Mork was like throwing a bundle of kindling onto a roaring inferno. The Warboss hardly noticed the difference, and kept plowing his way through his enemies with the same single-minded glee he always did. A few of his boyz may have gotten a bit more rowdy than normal, and a few brawls may have broken out among his forces, but the Nobz, similarly used to being saturated in fury and violence, though perhaps not to the same extent of their Warboss, quickly got the ladz back in line, directing their fury and bloodlust back at the gits they were supposed to be krumpin'.

If anything the effects of the wave may have made the Orks more dangerous to the Shaiton than anything; a green wedge was driving its way into the enemy forces now, the Boyz even more eager to get stuck in than before. With the Seraphim all hiding behind shields or writhing on the ground like they'd already been snikked, the only fight worth having was dead ahead in the Shaiton lines. And the boyz took to it with gusto, bullets, axes, and flung Grots rending the air like a tidal wave as they hurled themselves heedlessly at their designated foes.

A right an' propa WAAAAAAAGH!!!, all things considered.
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Fallen Templar on May 16, 2024, 05:48:29 PM
As the golems detonated, Phaerys hastened to create a gout of flame that would fend off the oncoming waves of darkness. However such desperate measures did not afford the same degree of protection as Jharm's shield of light. The darkness swept over Phaerys and the Seraphs surrounding him, some of them engulfed by dark fire and others falling into a mindless rage. The Ataran's conjured fire guttered like a candle in a strong wind, and he felt that same irritation as before. This battle was a distraction from directives sorely neglected, and the berserk Seraphs were viable specimens for further study.

Phaerys fell upon the nearest one in a whirlwind of taloned limbs, catching them in mid-lunge. Armour and flesh alike were stripped away at the molecular level as he attempted to examine the full extent of the corruption. How did it spread? Could it be halted?

Of course, a warzone made for a poor laboratory environment. Phaerys' efforts were stymied when he was blindsided by an attack from a Shaiton amid the battle still raging around him. A blade bit deep into the Ataran's back, opening a small rent and causing the energy that made up his true body to vent out like a small solar flare. The Shaiton was caught right in the face by the intense light and heat, giving Phaerys an opening to swiftly turn around and cast a handful of alloy shards into its torso.

With a moment to spare, Phaerys quickly reached an arm back to repair the suit breach. That fleeting moment of peril was enough to have brought him back to his senses. It may not have been his duty, but their battle line had to hold firm. And Gulgrim's green tide was sure to swing the momentum back in their favour. Falling back to a suitable position near the Orks' destructive wake, Phaerys prepared to offer fire support once more. A volley of fireballs arced overhead and into the Shaiton around the backlines, softening them up for the inevitable advance of the main force.
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Kitharsis on May 20, 2024, 08:50:52 AM
The golems are felled more easily than Kitharsis wagered.  Their bodies explode into two more black waves of darkness.  Kitharsis grits his teeth as the wave washes over him.  There is no trace of the darkness of Tirthandaran power within him, thankfully.  He wonders what effect this would have had on him in the past.  It brings back sour memories, reflecting on when he turned on his friends.

He expels the darkness from his body, his eyes glowing a faint amber.  His own power within makes quick work of it.

Vee, once again, is energized by the darkness.  He takes another mental note.  She is working on the side of the Seraphs for now.  But her affinity for the opposing sides power is a growing concern.

Kitharsis is brought out of his dwelling thoughts as a Shaiton warrior lunges at him in a desperate attempt to catch him off guard.  One of his floating swords parries the blow, followed by the other two skewering the soldier through the chest.  Wasting no more time, Kitharsis continues his charge forward to the fort.  Whatever was waiting inside will be more to deal with than these golems were.  A growing mass of sand builds behind him as he prepares for the encounter. 
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Veldanya Venalla on June 02, 2024, 09:27:34 AM
The "invigorated" surge of Ork boyz overwhelms the surround section of the Shaiton lines, causing it to completely collapse, leaving the way clear to the hole blown in the wall by Phaerys. Confirming that his Seraph forces were close behind to fill the gap in the lines and tend to the fallen, Jharm hoists his hammer up and dashes for the makeshift entrance.

"With me my friends!  We have little time!"

Entering the fort he pauses for a moment to ensure the rest of the Companions are with him and then continues to move further in.  They find little resistance as they dash through the hallways, eventually arriving at a large door.  The moment they reach the door a chuckle can be heard within an a feminine voice rings out.

"Ahh welcome "Companions.  I've been expecting you.  Do come in..."

Jharm frowns and looks to his friends.

"That...would be Nethalika.  She wields the Darkness better then any of the other Shaiton.  Undoubtedly with the first crystal removed it wont be as easy this time."

With that he throws the door open and moves in.  The group enters what looks to be something akin to a throne room.  At the other end of the room sits a throne, seemingly crafted from some matter of pure black rock.  Sitting on the throne is a woman, her one leg draped over the other.  Form fitting ebony armor covers most of her body.  Her skin pale white, almost akin to a Seraph but her eyes are orbs of inky blackness and she as long dark hair flowing behind her.  As the companions enter she smiles and stands up, her wings unfurling to reveal that while the Seraphs have feathery wings, hers is more akin to a bat.  Behind the throne is another of the large crystals like the one from the first fort.  This time however there seems to a faint purple dome over the crystal and looking upwards one can see 5 smaller crystals floating in the air, faint tendrils seeming to flow down to the shield covering the large one, similar shields visible over the shards as well.

"Again, greetings.  I must say you all have certainly managed to cause quite a bit of trouble.  Dervagon was rather...miffed about the defeat you dealt him, though it seems he enjoyed the ferocity some of you displayed."

She smirks and looks in the direction of Gulgrim.  She then turns her gaze to Vee and pauses a moment, her eyes seeming to briefly flash before she turns her attention back to the group in general.

" does not need to guess as to why you are here, so idle banter I would say is...unnecessary."

She smiles again and reach behind her she lifts a ebony staff off the side of the throne before kissing her hand and blowing it in the direction of the Companions.  Dark purple smoke begins to flow off her hand, falling to the floor and rolling down the room, quickly filling the area behind it as it races towards Jharm and the others.  Her form then shimmers and seems to split, leaving 3 identical Nethalikas standing in front of the throne.  All 3 raise their staffs towards the ceiling, their voices ringing out in unison.

"Embrace Darkness!"

Dark orbs come screaming down from above, heading directly at the Companions.  Jharm takes to the air, floating above the Companions and creates a shield around himself, two of the dark orbs slamming into it and exploding.  Raising his hammer he shouts out in return

"For the Light!"

Shining orbs of Light now descend from above, barreling down towards the trio of Nethalikas.

Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Veldanya Venalla on June 02, 2024, 09:44:43 AM
As the Shaiton forces buckle and give way, Vee looks around, her helmet rescinding back down into her suit.

"I must say, those Orks certainly know how to cause destruction."

She gazes down at her hands and frowns slightly.

Once again though it not only washes over me but...I almost feel stronger from it.  And still no help from you I assume? [no answer seems to come] I grow tired of the silence, in addition to everything else.

"With me my friends!  We have little time!"

Vee comes back from her thoughts as she hears the Seraphim call out and dash for the makeshift entry of the fort.  Shaking her head as if to clear her thoughts she follows after, blasting away a few Shaiton that attempt to fill the gap.  Following behind Jharm she gazes around as they head through the hallways.

This seems...familiar in a way...but why?  I have never been to this place before.

Reaching the doors she hears a chuckle as someone speaks out

"Ahh welcome "Companions.  I've been expecting you.  Do come in..."

"That...would be Nethalika.  She wields the Darkness better then any of the other Shaiton.  Undoubtedly with the first crystal removed it wont be as easy this time."

Jharm throws the door wide and they head in.  Vee looks over the figure, noticing how similar but also polar opposite she looks compared to the Seraphs.  Her thoughts are interrupted though as the woman looks directly at her.

What are you hiding?  I sense something...

Vee tenses up, fighting against the mental invasion, feeling her own power bolstered by her seemingly silent companion.

Could it be?

But then Nethalikas eyes flash and Vee feels the invasion subside

" does not need to guess as to why you are here, so idle banter I would say is...unnecessary."

Nethalika then seems to blow a kiss in the groups direction as purplish smoke flows from her hand and down to the floor, rolling towards the party.  Without hesitation (and knowing if it will help) Vee once more activates the helmet of her suit, the metallic plates sliding up over her head and sealing. 

"Embrace Darkness!"

Dark orbs start falling towards Vee and the others.  Dashing towards the trio she disappears a moment later, reappearing behind the Nethalikas, perched on the top of the throne.  Pointing her guns downwards she unleashes a barrage of gunfire at the triple threat.
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Soul Reaver on June 24, 2024, 08:14:05 PM
The razor winds and tremors continue to wreak havoc amongst the remaining Shaiton forces as Soul Reaver and his retinue advance largely unopposed.  He hears Jharm yell:

"With me my friends!  We have little time!"

With nothing to stop him, Soul Reaver follows swiftly through the breach.  As he leaves the battlefield, his spell, too, gradually comes to an end.

Soul Reaver takes point, with the daemons following him in close formation.  He arrives just behind Jharm and Vee when they come to stop outside the doors to Nethalika's lair, her voice echoing through the air.  He nods silently in response to Jharm's warning.

The doors are thrown open and Soul Reaver springs into action.  He take stock of the battlefield and his opponent, noting the apparent shielding over the crystals.

Blightwing, test the defenses!

Blightwing rises from the ground, hovering even without using his wings, and points at one of the smaller crystals.  A shimmering, reddish distortion forms around his hand and a bolt of destructive, warping energy screams from his fingertip.  The results of the attack would inform Soul Reaver of the strength, and perhaps source, of the shielding.

Nethalika however was busy herself, sending a cloud of purple smoke rolling towards the companions and orbs of darkness hurtling from the air.

Soul Reaver leaves the defense against the orbs to the Daemonspawn, who, with surprising swiftness for their blubbery bulk, waddle into position to block the attacks, raising the round shields they are carrying in preparation.

Soul Reaver meanwhile focuses on a different problem.  There were three Nethalika images in front of him - were they illusions?

Blooddrinker, which one is real?

The Daemonic sword answers, sounding oddly muted.

They all are, at least to some degree.  There is no illusion here.

Frustrated, and with the purple mist rapidly approaching, Soul Reaver chants a spell to try and counter both problems at once.

Extending his palm toward Nethalika, there is a bright flash of white and blue as he weaves a mighty Shockwave spell.  A wave of pure energy blasts from his hand, extending outward in a cone-shaped arc.  The white blast drives the air before it and tears at the very rocks that it passes over.

Soul Reaver was hoping to blow the mist backwards with the kinetic force of the spell, while simultaneously catching all three instances of Nethalika in the blast.

The Cruelbeasts meanwhile fan out around both sides of the room with military precision, one team accompanied by the Steelheart, the other by the Fire Daemon.
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Shadow Chorus on July 07, 2024, 12:38:56 PM
Gulgrim almost seems to grow bored of the banter until it becomes clear that the fight is beginning. Even afterward, as orbs of darkness rain down, Gulgrim remains uncommonly still, especially for the hulking Warboss. But though Gulgrim seemed eerily restrained, writhing around him was the energy of the WAAAGH!!!, tasting of the darkness in the air and growing more agitated and excited for the fight. Whenever an orb of darkness would close on Gulgrim and detonate, he would seem not to be there, instead being somewhere just to the side of the blast radius, just as still, though the energies around him grow ever more violent.

The prospect of an Ork, even one as unique as Gulgrim, delaying the thrill of violence could only be a buildup for something greater. As the energies of raw Orky power begin to build, the air around the Avatar of Gork and Mork starts to crackle. Despite the unnatural silence from the greatest of all Orks, the surrounding environs begin to echo with distant war drums and bellowed war cries as if closing in from far away.

Something is coming. Whether anyone outside of Gulgrim knew just how dangerous that something would be was unclear, but such a buildup of raw violent energy could only be gathered for so long before being unleashed into something truly devastating.

On the edge of hearing, as if shouted from miles away, the distant chorus began to repeat.

waaagh!!!, waaagh!!!, waaagh!!!
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Kitharsis on July 08, 2024, 09:15:29 AM
Kitharsis follows quickly after Jharm as he rallies them behind him.  The Companions filter into the fort, finding no one to greet them until farther inside.

Someone beckons them further into the fort, whom Jharm confirms is Nethalika, a proficient wielder of the Darkness.  Kitharsis continues on, following Jharm deeper into the fort.  No doubt toward the room housing the crystal.

They are greeted by who he must presume is Nethalika, sitting on a throne.  Her fleshy wings unfurl as she stands.  She is perched in front of the Crystal, which is protected by a faint purple dome.  Kitharsis notes that the five floating crystals seem to power the dome. 

Dark purple smoke flows through the room and threatens to engulf them.  Meanwhile dark orbs scream down from above, targeting each of them.

The mass of sand building around him springs to life and raises above his head, shielding him from the orbs.

He sheathes his sword, while the three floating ones stay aloft.  Soul Reaver has released a shockwave to deflect the smoke, and Vee has begin firing a barrage at the backs of the three Nethalikas.

Kitharsis stretches out his arms to either side and summons long sandstone spears in the air around him.  Five in total.  They each glow a faint pulsing amber as they float in the air above him.  He pushes his palm forward, and the spears go streaking forward also.  Amber trails stream behind them as they pierce through the air.

Each one targets one of the five smaller floating crystals surrounding the larger one.  The spears are imbued with Kitharsis's pure energy, which should be quite effective against the Darkness.
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Fallen Templar on July 08, 2024, 08:14:45 PM
Phaerys rallied to Jharm's call to press onward and into the breach. He took up the position of a rearguard within the group, watchful for any foes who would attempt to ambush them from behind as they invaded the second fortress. But the lack of any real opposition suggested that the Shaiton had committed everything they could spare to repel the assault outside.

All save the master of this fortress, of course.

Phaerys regarded Nethalika with due caution. Her appearance bore curious similarities to the Seraphim the Companions were fighting alongside, and the crystal she guarded was wreathed in an energy barrier.

When the purple smoke began to fill the room, Phaerys planted all four hands on the floor. His palms were suffused with an amber glow, and he rearranged some of the matter in the floor to twist up and curl over him, acting as a shield against the raining orbs of darkness. Whatever purpose the smoke served, he felt no ill effects that would deter him from making a counterattack.

As he looked out from under the makeshift barrier, he noticed Kitharsis preparing to unleash a barrage of spears at the smaller crystals while the rest of the Companions battled Nethalika's duplicated selves. He recognised the daring ploy for what it was.

He held out one of his arms, the air around it shimmering from the build-up of heat. When Kitharsis' spears impacted the outlying crystals, Phaerys followed up with a narrow beam of superheated plasma aimed at the central crystal. Provided the barrier would be brought down in time, the beam was quite capable of melting through ordinary solid rock.
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Veldanya Venalla on July 23, 2024, 06:57:40 PM
The combined assaults of the Companions barrel towards their respective targets.  The beam from Blightwing collides with the targeted crystal, the dark object pulsing and exploding, unleashing a small shockwave of Darkness.  Kitharsis' spears slam into the remaining crystals, exploding brilliantly against the dark surfaces.  A moment later each of the crystals seem to flicker before exploding, unleashing a small pulse just like the first one.  At the same time Phaerys' plasma beam slams into the larger crystal.  As with the smaller ones it too seems to flicker slightly before unleashing a larger explosion of Darkness. However unlike the small ones it remains standing after the explosion, a shield once more surrounding it and 5 new crystals floating in the air.  Cracks are now visible however along the dark surface of the large crystal.

At the same time this is happening, the bullets unleashed by Vees guns scream through the air towards the Nethalikas even as Soul Reavers shockwave approaches from the other direction.  With all else going on the figures seem unable to properly defend themselves.  Knocked backwards by the shockwave they are practically propelled back into the spray of bullets.  Each figure cries out in pain, two of them seeming to almost liquify into a black shape before seeming to explode and flow back into the remaining Nethalika, the shockwave rolling through and obliterating the throne causing Vee to shift back to the other side of the room closer to the other Companions. 

The Shaiton seems a bit winded before she glances back at the crystal and scowls upon seeing the cracks.

"I must say Seraphim...your friends are certainly quite powerful.  We both know that were it just you and your ilk you could never have come this far.  She still has not returned.  Left you and yours to fend for yourselves like the vile betrayer that she is.  Accept the truth Seraphim.  He shall return momentarily and will embrace your kind and then we can do what needs done to protect this universe."

From under his helm, the Seraphims eyes flare up brightly as he flies through the air towards Nethalika.


His hammer comes swinging down, slamming against a shield of Darkness forming around Nethalika as she holds her staff in front of her.  The two figures seem to struggle for a moment before in a pulse of both Darkness and Light the two are launched backwards a few steps.  Nethalika scowls at the group once more.

"Very well..."

She then gestures down towards the doorway and behind her to where the obliterated throne once was.  Two portals at each area appear (that's 4 total) and a Siege golem steps out of each one.

"Face the full power of Darkness!"

She slams her staff down into the ground and kneels down as a shield of Darkness appears around her and all can sense significant power flowing into her as she seems to start charging an attack.  At the same time the golems let out a screech as they move to attack the nearest Companion to them, unleashing clouds of toxin and bolts of Darkness.
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Fallen Templar on August 22, 2024, 05:06:09 PM
Phaerys' carefully timed attack had yielded results - while not destroyed outright, the central crystal had taken a good hit for sure. Another ring of smaller crystals were summoned to shield it from further harm, and that wasn't all they had to contend with.

From beneath his shelter of reshaped flooring, Phaerys observed the golems' arrival. Two near the now-ruined throne, and another pair near the door that he was closer to. That Nethalika was only now summoning reinforcements seemed to indicate that she may have underestimated them at first.

The upper surface of the shield he'd made was holding strong for now, but a concentrated attack from one of the siege golems would have made short work of it. He broke cover when bolts of darkness hammered the area, preferring mobility over getting crushed underfoot.

The Ataran raised his hands and concentrated on the nearest golem, forming a random arrangement of gravitic distortions in the area around it, sharply pushing and pulling this way and that in an effort to throw off its balance. For all the golem's size and raw might, it wouldn't be worth much without proper coordination. But due to the chaotic nature of Phaerys' little ploy, he was in no position to control exactly which direction it would blunder in.
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Soul Reaver on August 26, 2024, 10:33:31 PM
Soul Reaver notes that the smaller crystals don't seem to be particularly well defended as Blightwing's attack shatters it into pieces.  He had expected them to be tougher.  Again, he is prepared for the pulse of dark energy they unleash and manages to retain control.

The Daemon Spawn, shields raised, take a pummeling from Nethalika's energy blasts, chunks of flesh and black ichor spattering around them and sending them reeling.  But the moment the barrage ends the creatures right themselves, their gaping wounds closing, a lost arm swiftly beginning to regrow.  Meanwhile, Soul Reaver's shockwave had cancelled out Nethalika's mirror images, and his Cruelbeasts and Greater Daemons has reached a flanking position.

But before they can close in, Nethalika speaks.  Something in her words gives Soul Reaver pause, enough to make him scowl.

Yet he is not given a chance to contemplate - four portals open and more Siege Golems step forth.  The Cruelbeasts are forced to scatter their formation to avoid being crushed by the hulking things.  The Steelheart however takes command of the Cruelbeast ranks, relaying orders to them via an unintelligible metallic screech.  It then hefts its enormous two-handed mace and lays into the nearest golem with ferocious, almost gleeful overhead swings.

Blightwing laughs manically and decides to continue attacking the new set of smaller crystals, diving at the nearest one and swinging his massive sword at it, then start streaking toward the next.

The Cruelbeasts rally - any that have bludgeoning weapons proceed to try and smash apart the knees and ankles of the golem nearest to them, while those with bladed weapons close in on Nethalika from the flanks in a defensive posture.

The Fire Daemon pushes off the ground with its cloven hooves and takes to the air, wings spread wide, to avoid the beams from one of the golems.

Soul Reaver, sensing the buildup of energy from Nethalika, sprints toward her with Blooddrinker drawn.  But as he runs, he sends a mental message her way, ensuring she can hear him over the din.

Why do you believe corrupting the Lightwell will "protect this universe"? What are you protecting it from?

To cover Soul Reaver's approach and hopefully disrupt Nethalika's casting, the Fire Daemon breathes a gout of orange flame from its mouth and nostrils, enveloping her position in roaring fire.
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Kitharsis on August 28, 2024, 10:27:45 AM
Kitharsis braces himself against the explosions from the crystals.  While not enough to destroy the larger one, they certainly did some damage.  It seems his hunch about the smaller crystals was correct.

Nethalika's speech makes him wonder who and where this mysterious "She" is.  Apparently someone pivotal to this whole conflict.  Whoever this entity is, it wouldn't help their current situation.

Four siege golems step out of portals on either side of the room.  The golem closest to Kitharsis advances, spewing clouds of toxin and firing off bolts of Darkness.

The sand surrounding Kitharsis spins in a whirlwind in an effort to disperse the toxic clouds.  The entirety of his palm glows with his amber energy as he points it at the approaching golem.  He lets loose a thick blast of energy aimed directly for the golem.

Aware of the buildup of power from Nethalika, Kitharsis begins planning a quick defense, for whatever she might be planning.
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Shadow Chorus on September 01, 2024, 04:12:28 AM
'and then we can do what needs done to protect this universe.'

Unfortunate. Whether Nethalika truly believed she was protecting this universe or not, there was one particularly fatal flaw in that plan.

She had picked a fight with Gulgrim Bonecruncha. There was no protecting something from the Avatar of Gork and Mork once he set himself against it. There was only destruction, because Gork and Mork were the essence of destruction; raw, brutal violence, aggression, and devastation. And while destruction in itself was neither good nor evil, it was anathema to the concept of stasis and preservation of status quo.

And the Avatar of Gork and Mork had been steeping in the energy of those gods since he stopped responding to the world outside, communing with the gods that had chosen him as their hand in the material plane. And now, he would enact their will.

Inside the shield protecting Nethalika, a faint green wisp of light appeared out of thin air, and it carried with it a single sound.


Then the light unfolded, blossoming into a vision of Gorkamorka, a horrifying divination projected to the dark sorceress, the image of massive, terrifying jaws, the enormous shape of an Orky skull, teeth poised to clamp down on the world, the sky, the stars themselves.

Aside from this vision of terror, Gulgrim began his attack. Suffused with the energies of his gods, his motions carried their weight. As he raised his right arm, an enormous burning hand rose from beneath the shield protecting Nethalika, taloned fingers clasping the shield and beginning to apply unimaginable pressure, seeking to crack the barrier and smash down on the spellcaster inside.

While the right hand of Gork attacked the caster directly, the left hand of Mork struck at the greater objective. With a sweep of Gulgrim's left arm, a fist of crackling energy began to sweep in an arcing pattern across the small crystals shielding the larger one, seeking to smash through as many as it could before turning its attention to the greater crystal.

The Warboss directing these manifestations of the twin gods' power stood as silent as before, but the sourceless chorus was shouting at full roar now. Echoing about his vicinity like the drums of doom were the thunderous cries of

Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Veldanya Venalla on September 25, 2024, 06:47:06 PM
The veritable onslaught from the Companions proves too much.  The crystals shatter and explode, Nethalikas shield on the verge of shattering as well.  A moment later however a massive surge of power can be sensed by all far in the distance, followed by Nethalika vanishing in a cloud of Darkness.  A split second later a booming voice resonates within the minds of all the Companions.

"Ah yes....I....have returned!"

The Seraphim glances around, a faint hint of shock in his voice.

"It can't's Him."

" has been a long time has it not?"

Jharm clenches his fists tightly, the Companions almost feeling the scowl spreading across his face.  A boming laugh resonates within their minds

"I see though that She hasn't returned...........yet. is obvious what your next intended target is.  I see little reason to further delay the inevitable grand battle longer then necessary.  Come...the final crystal awaits"

A large dark portal manifests in the middle of the room.  Jharm gazes at the portal and then around the room as if expecting something else to happen.

"I have no idea what you are planning...but thinking I would enter a portal of yours is insane."

The Companions can almost hear the sound of a sigh in their heads before the voice returns.

"Very well then..."

A giant shadowy hand suddenly comes out of the portal, swiftly moving towards the Seraphim and wrapping him in its grip before retreating back through the portal.

"Come along need to delay things further."

As the "conversation" was going on, Vee gazed at the portal almost with a look of intrigue.  As the "hand" dashes out, seizes Jharm and withdraws just as quickly she looks to the other Companions.

"Well, I don't know about ya'll but I find myself agreeing with "him" if it means getting some answers."

She moves up to the portal and pauses for a moment before stepping through. A moment passes before the rest of the Companions hear her mentally.

"Huh...well doesn't seem to be a trap but everybody important seems to be here.  Jharm seems to be a bit...indisposed though at the moment."
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Soul Reaver on October 23, 2024, 10:06:48 PM
The flames clear and Soul Reaver swings Blooddrinker, only for the blade to cut through nothing but dark mist.

Whirling around, Soul Reaver frowns as he listens to the booming voice.

As Jharm is seized and pulled through the portal, Soul Reaver dives forward to try and pull him back, but he is too far away and too late - by the time he gets there, Jharm has already been drawn through.

Then Vee follows him in, much to Soul Reaver's consternation.  Her message does little to allay his worries.

Soul Reaver finds himself frustrated by Nethalika's disappearance.  He had hoped to get his answers through her.  Though he trusts Jharm, he also feels like there are a number of pieces missing here.  There is more to this conflict than he has been told, and he feels there may be a lot more at stake.

Grudgingly, Soul Reaver cast a protective Shielding spell around himself.  Then he dives through the portal to join Vee with sword at the ready, his daemonic troops not far behind.
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Shadow Chorus on October 28, 2024, 09:07:53 AM
It was a shame that anyone else wanted any kind of answers. There would be little chance for talk once Gulgrim arrived anywhere an enemy was present at the moment, suffused as he was with the fury of the Orks' twin gods. As if knowing this, Gulgrim would chance to be the last one through the gate of the companions, granting the others what little time the delay in his arrival allowed to converse before all hell would break loose upon his entrance. Green lightning and emerald flames crackle and roar in the Avatar's vicinity, and it seems as if his denied bloodshed has only heightened his battle-lust, the fury rolling beneath his unnaturally silent visage reaching a boiling point that would only be satisfied with carnage and destruction.

To put it plain, Gulgrim was becoming dangerous to everything around him, the longer he was teased and yet denied a proper fight. This lord of darkness had better deliver, or this dimension may never recover from the wanton slaughter that was barely holding onto a focus of direction.
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Kitharsis on October 28, 2024, 02:12:05 PM
Kitharsis is quite unsure of the quick chain of events that happens after then crystals are destroyed.

Jharm is snatched into His portal, whoever He is.  Vee quickly and without regard jumps in after him.  An irritated Soul Reaver, and an over eager Gulgrim follow suit.

With a sigh, Kitharsis sheathes his sword.  The need for an abundance of force might be necessary, and his skill with the sword is dwarfed by his other skills.  The sand summoned during the battle twists around him into a sphere as a pre-emptive attempt to defend against whatever might be waiting on the other side of the portal.

"This smells foul, but it is a long walk back."  He says, before hopping into the portal himself.

This being appears almost jovial about the situation.  After slaughtering so many of his forces, and defeating his commanders it is an odd juxtaposition.  Either He is incredibly foolish, or incredibly powerful.

Kitharsis would almost certainly bet on the latter.
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Fallen Templar on October 29, 2024, 09:25:51 PM
With the second crystal destroyed, Phaerys had half-expected the aftermath to unfold as it had the last time. Alas, things were far from over. Jharm had been captured and taken through the portal that had just appeared.

One by one, the other Companions prepared to go in after the abducted Seraph. The unknown entity within sounded quite confident of such an eventuality. Phaerys found himself wavering at the threshold, compulsory speculation arriving at the uncomfortable possibility that the prime leader of the Shaiton lay beyond that portal.

But to turn back now would have been foolish beyond measure. Their path had been set before them. The Ataran retrieved the second seismic bomb that he had fabricated and stowed away prior to their first foray into Shaiton territory. Now was as good a time as any to consider putting it to use.

Duly prepared, he silently followed the others through the portal...
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Veldanya Venalla on December 01, 2024, 01:17:40 PM
As the Companions step through the portal they find themselves in a large room, another of the large crystals sitting in the center as with the previous forts, making it quite clear where they likely are.  Also in the room are 4 figures.  One being Jharm who still seems wrapped in the dark shadowy hand, and also the familiar figures of Dervagon and Nethalika flanking the immobilized Seraphim though Dervagons large blades remain sheathed on his back.  The fourth figure looks striking similar to Jharm though with similar differences akin to Nethalika.  Dark black armor covers much of his figure though his head is uncovered and dark black orbs gaze at the Companions as they arrive.

"Ahh, welcome all of you.  I am so glad that you accepted His invite, though I suppose the abduction of Jharm here proved to be motivational as well."

Jharm struggles within the shadowy grip and growls.

"Enough of your banter Venagon!  My friends, do not worry about me, take him out at once!"

The Shaiton that was speaking, Venagon, raises a hand towards the Companions and shakes his head.

"Now now, I would not really recommend that.  His focus is on us right now and your attacks would prove meaningless.  Besides, one could say it would be rather rude to attack during negotiations.  He has been watching all of you has you have battled your way closer thus far, and with Him finally returning in full He decided now would be the best time to not only make an offer but also provide the truth of things.  Undoubtedly the Seraphim here has regaled you all with how we Shaiton and our Lord are evil, vile, a danger to not only our own universe but the Multiverse itself and whatnot.  In truth...thats utterly false.  We simply seek to bring strength to the universe while the Seraphs and their Lady desire conformity and servitude."

Jharm struggles some more.

"Do not listen to his demonic prattle.  It is nothing but lies!"

Venagon scowls and glares over at the Seraphim and gestures with his hand, one of the shadowy digits holding Jharm slides upwards to cover the Seraphims mouth.  It is at this exact moment, for a split second that the appearance of not only the 3 Shaiton but Jharm as well seem to...flicker.  They all seem to momentarily take on a more sinister and almost demonic appearance. Sharp ridges forming along their faces, horns sprouting from their heads, hands twisted into hideous claws.  Then just as quickly its gone and all of them look as they previously did, none showing any sort of reaction that anything had occured.  Venagon turns back towards the Companions.

"Should have known he would refuse to cooperate and stay quiet.  Anyways, as I was saying.  Conform and obey is what they desire, and should you not do as they wish...swift destruction awaits. We seek order not through blind servitude but through chaos.  War, combat, perseverance through suffering.  The strong survive and the weak fall.  He sensed similar feelings amongst some of you.  That is why He desired to make an offer to you all.  Join with us, we can deal with the Seraphs while their Lady is still missing, deal with the Light itself adn then strive ot bring peace through strength to the Multiverse.  What say you all?"
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Soul Reaver on December 17, 2024, 06:43:49 PM
Emerging from the portal, Soul Reaver pauses to assess his surroundings.  His body is tense, his weapon gripped ready to strike.  But he does not attack immediately - instead, he listens intently.  Behind him the daemonic troops swiftly enter the room, splitting into two groups and moving into flanking positions in response to an unspoken order.

Soul Reaver's eyes narrow as Venagon's conjured hand covers Jharm's mouth to prevent him from speaking, and his expression registers alarm as the strange flicker passes over those assembled before him, but he does not move until Venagon's speech is finished.

Once Venagon concludes, Soul Reaver lowers his weapon and takes a step forward.

"I have had my suspicions during this quest that not all was as it appeared.  Indeed, it has come to a point where I can see that this is the case with my very eyes.

One thing I do not doubt is your desire for chaos and conflict.  But where is there any shred of honour in the strong crushing the weak?  A simple farmer, living out their life to feed their family and community achieves far more of true merit than any so-called mighty warlord.

But I will cede this: strength is genuinely needed in this multiverse..."

Soul Reaver tightens his grip on Blooddrinker.

"For without it, those with goals like yours would have free reign.  That is something I will not allow."

Soul Reaver's iron-hard gaze locks onto Venagon.

"You spoke of negotiations, but I have yet to hear any demands or concessions.  So I will be the first to make a demand.  Tell me: How will corrupting the lightwell 'save the universe'?  If you can offer me the un-embellished truth - and allow my Seraphim companion to respond in kind - perhaps it will stay my blade.

On the other hand, if all you have to offer is war and conflict..."

Soul Reaver's brows come together and his eyes narrow dangerously.

"Well, those I can find well enough on my own."
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Kitharsis on December 31, 2024, 11:25:48 AM
The sphere of sand surrounding Kitharsis peels back from in front of him.  It still drapes over his back to protect from any surprise attacks. 

The flicker and change of appearance is jarring.  Was this a trick played by the enemy, or something else?  And why would Jharm take on such a demonic appearance along with the three Shaiton.

Soul Reaver offers poignant observations, similar to Kitharsis's own thoughts.  Strength is to protect and build, rather than destroy and conquer.

"We have travelled with Jharm for many journeys, and he has been a beacon of light and hope as long as we've known him.  I would trust his words over yours."

Kitharsis, concerned with the momentary change of appearance, looks toward Jharm.

"If that is actually Jharm...

Kitharsis reaches out with his senses to determine if he can sense anything off with the bound Jharm before them.  He can't quite place it, but there is something effecting all four 4 of them.

He stands on guard, waiting for the answer to Soul Reaver's questioning.
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Fallen Templar on December 31, 2024, 07:56:25 PM
Phaerys looked about the room that he and the others found themselves in. Another heart of another fortress, by all appearances. And yet the Shaiton awaiting them made no move to attack. Instead, they seemed to seek parley.

However, it was when Jharm attempted to speak out – and the forms of both he and the Shaiton appeared to flicker and writhe for a moment – that Phaerys suspected something was amiss. Were these figures an illusion? Did the same apply to the rest of the room they stood in?

Soul Reaver voiced his own counter-argument to the Shaiton, to their assertion of might makes right, and of the Seraphim’s ultimate plans. Compared to the other Companions, Phaerys had no real connection to Jharm or the Seraphim, and as such could not speak for their motives. But alongside Soul Reaver and Kitharsis, he had recorded plenty of data on creatures that wielded the powers of darkness.

“In our travels we have encountered beings of a similar nature to yourselves, many times before. Virtually all have harboured intentions of conquest and destruction. What evidence do you have that would make you exempt?”

Having said his piece, the Ataran continued to watch the scene unfold. He prepared himself to prime the disc-shaped seismic charge in his hand, while Soul Reaver had the attention of the Shaiton.
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Shadow Chorus on January 06, 2025, 07:44:31 PM
Barreling into the room behind the rest of the companions like an oncoming storm, the Avatar of Gork and Mork doesn't even wait. It would indeed be rude to attack during negotiations. Unfortunately, Gulgrim had left negotiations behind long ago, if he had ever truly been prepared to tolerate them in the first place. Green flame and crackling Emerald lightning trail Gulgrim like a destructive cloak as he crashes onto the scene, bellowing his challenge.

Appeals to Gulgrim's love of chaos had little hope of deterring him when in truth he had already chosen his opponent, and they had denied him the fight twice over now, only stoking his ire yet further. There was no hope of turning aside his rage at this point. His size was already getting away from him, his form swelling to loom over the backs of the rest of the Companions like a beast unleashed, framing them in green and jagged metal.


A roaring swathe of green flame spills from Gulgrim's maw, directed squarely at the enemy who was wasting so much valuable fight time flapping his jaws.

It truly was a shame that anyone else wanted any kind of answers. Whatever the enemy had managed to speak before the Warboss's arrival may have to suffice.
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Veldanya Venalla on January 19, 2025, 11:10:50 AM
The Tirthandrans probe seems to indicate that what he sees before him is the true appearance of the Seraph and Shaiton.  It was almost as if an illusion had manifested for a moment then vanished as far as he could tell.  The Shaiton leader shakes his head and chuckles slightly at the responses of Soul Reaver, Kitharsis, and Phaerys and after a moment he gestures with his hand and the shadowy finger uncovers Jharms mouth

"Clearly his time away from his Lady has had an effect on him.  You think we Shaiton are the only ones who value strength?  The Seraphs and their Lady value strength just as much, if not even more.  They use strength to force all to obey and bend the knee, for once all are made subservient then peace shall reign.  Those who disagree they destroy."

The Seraphim scowl and shakes his head.

"Wrong!  We do not seek to make all serve, we simply wish to protect the weak and..."

Jharm seems to hesitate for a moment, as if struggling to find the words.  Venagon is watching him as he speaks though as he hesitates, the Shaitons gaze seems to shift towards Velgeim as a flicker of confusion appears on his face.  It is at this moment though that Gulgrim arrives and unleashes the gout of brilliant green flame towards the Shaiton leaders.  A surge of power can be felt far in the distance, clearly from the Shaitons fortress.  Translucent orbs of purple surround the Shaiton as the flame reaches them.  The deadly flames wash over the orbs, the purple flickering and shimmering as it holds back the barrage.  A few moments later cracks can be seen spreading across the surface.

"Very well.  He has received your answer.  Come then and face him."

As before, the Shaitons then get pulled through portals and vanish.  At the same time the crystals in the room pulse and shatter, and Jharm drops to the ground as the purple hand vanishes. A second later another purple portal manifests in the center of the  room as a deep voice resonates throughout.

"Yes, come forward and face me.  It has been too long since I reveled in the chaos of combat against a powerful foe."

The Companions can sense the vast power they have felt previously emanating from beyond that portal.  Jharm gets to his feet and scowls and is about to speak when a voice enters the minds of all present, recognizable as Drayvon.

"Seraphim, Companions, I assume the final crystal has been toppled.  The entire Shaiton force is withdrawing back to their fortress, all of their leadership has been spotted amidst their ranks.  We will continue pushing and work to secure you entry to the fortress proper."

"I do not think that will be necessary General.  It would seem He is no longer interested in waiting, and seeing as how we cant afford to let him possibly grow any stronger I see no reason to delay either."

"Seraphim, do you think that is wise?  Could it not be a trap?"

The Seraphim seems to be about to respond when he hesitates for a moment as if pondering that likelyhood when a very faint flicker of power seems to emanate from within Vee, similar in fashion to the brief illusion flicker that occurred previously.  Jharm scowls and shakes his head.

"Perhaps, but we must risk it.  The longer he remains unchallenged the greater chance he decides to push forward. Without Her we can not afford to show hesitation."

"Make yourselves ready my friends, the final battle awaits us on the other side and I have little doubt that He will not hold back in the least.
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Soul Reaver on January 22, 2025, 05:48:31 PM
Soul Reaver grits his teeth in frustration as Gulgrim barrels in, spewing flames and bullets.  As Venagon had indicated, the attacks failed to harm the Shaiton.  But Soul Reaver also notes that the defensive orbs begin to crack under the onslaught - clearly "He" was not omnipotent, and there were limits to the power of His defences when put under enough strain.

With Jharm released, Soul Reaver sees an opportunity to, perhaps, get answers from a less hostile source.  But there was another issue to deal with first - he was in the same room as a massive Ork that was going berserk for lack of good fighting.  At this rate, who knows if he might direct his frustrations at more immediately-available sources of conflict?

He quickly assesses Gulgrim's trajectory...
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Shadow Chorus on January 23, 2025, 01:36:01 PM
How dare. For a third time Gulgrim's desires for combat have been denied by the enemy fleeing from him through portals, cowards running from the fight in the most un-orky way possible, not even bothering to toss a shot back his way as they fled.

"You lot call yerselvez strong!?" Gulgrim growled, his voice rumbling through the walls as his size continued to leak out of his control, fire and lightning flaring around him dangerously. "You'z can't even stand up fer a propa fight!! Get back 'ere ya panzee cowards!"

Gulgrim's barreling charge was heedless of anyone who might have been in his way, Companion or otherwise, as he launched himself toward the portal that was left open, intent on cannonballing directly into whatever foe awaited on the other side and -ensuring- that they would give him the fight he was looking for or that he would demolish them and everything they held dear otherwise. The Warboss was absolutely incensed at this point, and would not settle for anything less than complete annihilation of a foe who would pretend at strength while running from a proper fight.
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Soul Reaver on February 07, 2025, 03:48:00 AM
Soul Reaver watches with quiet relief, though not surprise, as Gulgrim continues to barrel forward and pursue his enemies.  They had denied him what he had wanted, so he sought to extract it from them.  Soul Reaver gestures faintly at his Daemon troops, and they prepare to bring up the furious ork's rear.

Before joining the pursuit, Soul Reaver turns to Jharm and speak to him quietly.

"We have been through much together, Jharm.  I have rarely seen your faith waver.  Yet somehow Venagon's words gave you pause."

He stands next to the Seraphim, hand on his shoulder and a rare softness in his eyes as their gazes meet.

"We are friends.  Is there something I must know?"
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Fallen Templar on February 22, 2025, 05:46:29 PM
Gulgrim's bellow of rage was enough warning for Phaerys to get clear of his thunderous charge in pursuit of the Shaiton once more. Again they had fled through another portal. Phaerys decided not to follow immediately in favour of some last-minute preparations for whatever lay in wait on the other side.

The Ataran knelt down to salvage some spare matter from the floor, quickly crafting a small number of dense, sword-like shards to use as projectiles in the battle ahead. These he sequestered in his dimensional compartment to keep them hidden from their opponents' eyes in the midst of battle.

His gaze lingered on Jharm for a moment as he stood up, approaching Kitharsis as discreetly as he could manage.

"You have known this one far longer than I," Phaerys spoke in a hushed voice. "How can we determine that this one has not been compromised?"
Title: Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
Post by: Kitharsis on March 07, 2025, 08:05:07 AM
Phaerys presents a chilling thought.  Jharm had been in the company of the Shaiton for a few moments unseen.  And whatever that flicker of an illusion was still lingers on Kitharsis's mind.

This is all progressing too quickly.  And with Gulgrim barreling forward in his rage, there is precious little time to evaluate.

Kitharsis glances at Jharm, as Soul Reaver speaks to him in hushed tones.

"In my heart I know Jharm would never turn willingly."  He says to Phaerys, lowering his voice.  "But it would be wise to be wary in this moment, considering this is literally a battle of Jharm's faith." 

He rubs his chin in thought. "And I wouldn't put it past the Shaiton to do something underhanded."

The curtain of sand at Kitharsis's back falls to the floor before gathering around his feet.  Two more enchanted sandstone swords rise from the pile and join the three others floating at his shoulders.

"For now lets prepare for the worst."  He nods toward Vee, who has been conspicuously silent for some time.