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Board Battles / Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
« Last post by Shadow Chorus on October 28, 2024, 09:07:53 AM »
It was a shame that anyone else wanted any kind of answers. There would be little chance for talk once Gulgrim arrived anywhere an enemy was present at the moment, suffused as he was with the fury of the Orks' twin gods. As if knowing this, Gulgrim would chance to be the last one through the gate of the companions, granting the others what little time the delay in his arrival allowed to converse before all hell would break loose upon his entrance. Green lightning and emerald flames crackle and roar in the Avatar's vicinity, and it seems as if his denied bloodshed has only heightened his battle-lust, the fury rolling beneath his unnaturally silent visage reaching a boiling point that would only be satisfied with carnage and destruction.

To put it plain, Gulgrim was becoming dangerous to everything around him, the longer he was teased and yet denied a proper fight. This lord of darkness had better deliver, or this dimension may never recover from the wanton slaughter that was barely holding onto a focus of direction.
Board Battle OOC Threads / Re: The Three-Edged Sword: OOC Thread
« Last post by Soul Reaver on October 23, 2024, 10:09:58 PM »
This took me a while - I was quite stumped in how to approach the latest post, as I wasn't expecting things to develop quite so fast.
Soul Reaver's been fishing for answers so he's quite frustrated at Nethalika's disappearance, and he doesn't entirely trust Vee either, but he doesn't see much of an option other than to join her.
Board Battles / Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
« Last post by Soul Reaver on October 23, 2024, 10:06:48 PM »
The flames clear and Soul Reaver swings Blooddrinker, only for the blade to cut through nothing but dark mist.

Whirling around, Soul Reaver frowns as he listens to the booming voice.

As Jharm is seized and pulled through the portal, Soul Reaver dives forward to try and pull him back, but he is too far away and too late - by the time he gets there, Jharm has already been drawn through.

Then Vee follows him in, much to Soul Reaver's consternation.  Her message does little to allay his worries.

Soul Reaver finds himself frustrated by Nethalika's disappearance.  He had hoped to get his answers through her.  Though he trusts Jharm, he also feels like there are a number of pieces missing here.  There is more to this conflict than he has been told, and he feels there may be a lot more at stake.

Grudgingly, Soul Reaver cast a protective Shielding spell around himself.  Then he dives through the portal to join Vee with sword at the ready, his daemonic troops not far behind.
Board Battles / Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
« Last post by Veldanya Venalla on September 25, 2024, 06:47:06 PM »
The veritable onslaught from the Companions proves too much.  The crystals shatter and explode, Nethalikas shield on the verge of shattering as well.  A moment later however a massive surge of power can be sensed by all far in the distance, followed by Nethalika vanishing in a cloud of Darkness.  A split second later a booming voice resonates within the minds of all the Companions.

"Ah yes....I....have returned!"

The Seraphim glances around, a faint hint of shock in his voice.

"It can't's Him."

" has been a long time has it not?"

Jharm clenches his fists tightly, the Companions almost feeling the scowl spreading across his face.  A boming laugh resonates within their minds

"I see though that She hasn't returned...........yet. is obvious what your next intended target is.  I see little reason to further delay the inevitable grand battle longer then necessary.  Come...the final crystal awaits"

A large dark portal manifests in the middle of the room.  Jharm gazes at the portal and then around the room as if expecting something else to happen.

"I have no idea what you are planning...but thinking I would enter a portal of yours is insane."

The Companions can almost hear the sound of a sigh in their heads before the voice returns.

"Very well then..."

A giant shadowy hand suddenly comes out of the portal, swiftly moving towards the Seraphim and wrapping him in its grip before retreating back through the portal.

"Come along need to delay things further."

As the "conversation" was going on, Vee gazed at the portal almost with a look of intrigue.  As the "hand" dashes out, seizes Jharm and withdraws just as quickly she looks to the other Companions.

"Well, I don't know about ya'll but I find myself agreeing with "him" if it means getting some answers."

She moves up to the portal and pauses for a moment before stepping through. A moment passes before the rest of the Companions hear her mentally.

"Huh...well doesn't seem to be a trap but everybody important seems to be here.  Jharm seems to be a bit...indisposed though at the moment."
Board Battle OOC Threads / Re: The Three-Edged Sword: OOC Thread
« Last post by Veldanya Venalla on September 24, 2024, 10:42:19 PM »
Well I had fully intended to get a post up tonight after work but 2nd day of working OT (on top of the regular part of the work day just being rather hectic/stressful) my brain is mush.  My intent is to try tomorrow after work (though in full honesty, likely will be doing at least some OT then too but depends on how some things go at work) and if the neurons arent firing afterwards then might get pushed to thursday (cant do OT that day for RL reasons). 
Board Battle OOC Threads / Re: The Three-Edged Sword: OOC Thread
« Last post by Shadow Chorus on September 01, 2024, 04:13:09 AM »
Gulgrim spent the last round doing nothing but charge up, and now he's ready to unleash his Super-Orky wrath.

The vision sent to Nethalika is mostly just meant to spook her, it's not dangerous to her other than being terrifying. The real threat is the Right Hand of Gork trying to squeeze her shield and, if it breaks it, her underneath, and the Left Hand of Mork trying to smash the crystals.
Board Battles / Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
« Last post by Shadow Chorus on September 01, 2024, 04:12:28 AM »
'and then we can do what needs done to protect this universe.'

Unfortunate. Whether Nethalika truly believed she was protecting this universe or not, there was one particularly fatal flaw in that plan.

She had picked a fight with Gulgrim Bonecruncha. There was no protecting something from the Avatar of Gork and Mork once he set himself against it. There was only destruction, because Gork and Mork were the essence of destruction; raw, brutal violence, aggression, and devastation. And while destruction in itself was neither good nor evil, it was anathema to the concept of stasis and preservation of status quo.

And the Avatar of Gork and Mork had been steeping in the energy of those gods since he stopped responding to the world outside, communing with the gods that had chosen him as their hand in the material plane. And now, he would enact their will.

Inside the shield protecting Nethalika, a faint green wisp of light appeared out of thin air, and it carried with it a single sound.


Then the light unfolded, blossoming into a vision of Gorkamorka, a horrifying divination projected to the dark sorceress, the image of massive, terrifying jaws, the enormous shape of an Orky skull, teeth poised to clamp down on the world, the sky, the stars themselves.

Aside from this vision of terror, Gulgrim began his attack. Suffused with the energies of his gods, his motions carried their weight. As he raised his right arm, an enormous burning hand rose from beneath the shield protecting Nethalika, taloned fingers clasping the shield and beginning to apply unimaginable pressure, seeking to crack the barrier and smash down on the spellcaster inside.

While the right hand of Gork attacked the caster directly, the left hand of Mork struck at the greater objective. With a sweep of Gulgrim's left arm, a fist of crackling energy began to sweep in an arcing pattern across the small crystals shielding the larger one, seeking to smash through as many as it could before turning its attention to the greater crystal.

The Warboss directing these manifestations of the twin gods' power stood as silent as before, but the sourceless chorus was shouting at full roar now. Echoing about his vicinity like the drums of doom were the thunderous cries of

Board Battles / Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
« Last post by Kitharsis on August 28, 2024, 10:27:45 AM »
Kitharsis braces himself against the explosions from the crystals.  While not enough to destroy the larger one, they certainly did some damage.  It seems his hunch about the smaller crystals was correct.

Nethalika's speech makes him wonder who and where this mysterious "She" is.  Apparently someone pivotal to this whole conflict.  Whoever this entity is, it wouldn't help their current situation.

Four siege golems step out of portals on either side of the room.  The golem closest to Kitharsis advances, spewing clouds of toxin and firing off bolts of Darkness.

The sand surrounding Kitharsis spins in a whirlwind in an effort to disperse the toxic clouds.  The entirety of his palm glows with his amber energy as he points it at the approaching golem.  He lets loose a thick blast of energy aimed directly for the golem.

Aware of the buildup of power from Nethalika, Kitharsis begins planning a quick defense, for whatever she might be planning.
Board Battle OOC Threads / Re: The Three-Edged Sword: OOC Thread
« Last post by Soul Reaver on August 26, 2024, 10:55:16 PM »
Apologies for the late reply!

A lot of stuff happened in my post, so let me try to break it down:
- Daemonspawn (fat man-sized Daemons) are regenerating right now
- Blightwing (flying Daemon Prince) is trying to shatter the 5 smaller crystals one by one
- The Steelheart (big metal-covered Daemon with a mace) is attacking a golem
- Several Cruelbeasts (roughly man-sized muscly Daemons) are attacking golems with maces/hammers
- The rest of the Cruelbeasts are closing in on Nethalika's flanks
- The Fire Daemon (huge winged red devil type thing) has breathed fire on Nethalika
- Soul Reaver is charging straight at Nethalika, psychically asking her what exactly she meant by saying she was planning to 'protect' this plane (he'd chat more leisurely but she's charging up a spell)
Board Battles / Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
« Last post by Soul Reaver on August 26, 2024, 10:33:31 PM »
Soul Reaver notes that the smaller crystals don't seem to be particularly well defended as Blightwing's attack shatters it into pieces.  He had expected them to be tougher.  Again, he is prepared for the pulse of dark energy they unleash and manages to retain control.

The Daemon Spawn, shields raised, take a pummeling from Nethalika's energy blasts, chunks of flesh and black ichor spattering around them and sending them reeling.  But the moment the barrage ends the creatures right themselves, their gaping wounds closing, a lost arm swiftly beginning to regrow.  Meanwhile, Soul Reaver's shockwave had cancelled out Nethalika's mirror images, and his Cruelbeasts and Greater Daemons has reached a flanking position.

But before they can close in, Nethalika speaks.  Something in her words gives Soul Reaver pause, enough to make him scowl.

Yet he is not given a chance to contemplate - four portals open and more Siege Golems step forth.  The Cruelbeasts are forced to scatter their formation to avoid being crushed by the hulking things.  The Steelheart however takes command of the Cruelbeast ranks, relaying orders to them via an unintelligible metallic screech.  It then hefts its enormous two-handed mace and lays into the nearest golem with ferocious, almost gleeful overhead swings.

Blightwing laughs manically and decides to continue attacking the new set of smaller crystals, diving at the nearest one and swinging his massive sword at it, then start streaking toward the next.

The Cruelbeasts rally - any that have bludgeoning weapons proceed to try and smash apart the knees and ankles of the golem nearest to them, while those with bladed weapons close in on Nethalika from the flanks in a defensive posture.

The Fire Daemon pushes off the ground with its cloven hooves and takes to the air, wings spread wide, to avoid the beams from one of the golems.

Soul Reaver, sensing the buildup of energy from Nethalika, sprints toward her with Blooddrinker drawn.  But as he runs, he sends a mental message her way, ensuring she can hear him over the din.

Why do you believe corrupting the Lightwell will "protect this universe"? What are you protecting it from?

To cover Soul Reaver's approach and hopefully disrupt Nethalika's casting, the Fire Daemon breathes a gout of orange flame from its mouth and nostrils, enveloping her position in roaring fire.
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