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Author Topic: Factions in Westward - Gentiles  (Read 5345 times)

Offline Veldanya Venalla

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Factions in Westward - Gentiles
« on: October 03, 2013, 08:30:57 PM »
Gentiles are the main inhabitants of Capital City and the surrounding region. Most Gentiles will not venture
far from the city unless compelled by force. Gentiles tend to avoid the dangers outside the city, the uncivilized
world, including the people. The Capital City has a massive population; of that, slightly over two thirds are
natives, while the remaining third are naturalized residents. To reside within the Capital City as a Gentile
requires not only the standard Identicard, but also family genealogy documents. Most Gentiles enjoy a casual
life, wanting for little and holding positions within the city. Many of these positions are Trades such as Capital
City Guard, Doctors and Scientists, Evangelists, and Silks.

Capital City Guards

Only Gentiles hold eligibility to become Capital City Guards, therefore their
allegiance to the city and residents is unquestioned. Gentiles receive better
equipment and augmentation training to improve the training they get while they
share basic training with Conscripts. Capital City Guard live on a weekly stipend,
and rotate in specialized shifts to do tours outside the Capital City walls to help
maintain law and order. There are two elite groups of Capital City Guards. One
group is the Praetorians, selected to provide personal protection to the Capital City
Chancellor. The other group is the November Squad, who work to patrol and scour
the badlands, with a mission of eliminating any bandits and ferals they encounter.

Doctors and Scientists

There is a medical and research school in the Capital City called Chrysalis
College. Most of the college lies within the heart of the Chrysalis, where
doctors and scientists learn their trades via the training facilities still operational
with the heart of the crashed ship. Medical students work only on projected
hologram patients until certified as doctors. Scientists and researchers must train
in specific fields, relevant only to continuing survival on Westward. Trying to
research technologies that do not pertain directly to the benefit of the people
of Westward, or the Capital City inhabitants places a demerit on a student. If
a student receives too many demerits, the result is invalidating resident status
and immediate extradition from the Capital City. Few students cross these
lines. Once the students become doctors and scientists, they live out their
remaining existences as they choose, moving about as they please, with the
only expectation that they help people and solve problems as encountered.

A special academy in the center of Capital City provides training to students
who wish to become Evangelists. Evangelists provide diplomatic support to the
prefects and forts, more importantly they help to provide the presence of Capital
City political support wherever needed. Evangelists can commit limited financial
resources to help prefect citizens, as well as request Conscript and Capital City
Guard help to deal with complicated problems. Evangelist students receive
training in judicial arbitration, hostage negotiation, diplomacy, and mediation.
Evangelists can place judgment on criminals, including trying, sentencing, and
conviction. Evangelists also hold a great deal of political sway resolve property and
resource disputes, with a special emphasis on avoiding bloodshed where possible.

The noble-born citizens of the Capital City can directly link their lineage
to original Chrysalis bridge officers. Less than one thousand Capital
City residents directly claim this lineage. These people live in an elevated
status, as if nobility. Silks do little conventional work, as all of them live
on trusts inherited from family. For official work, a number of Silks sit on
the Capital City Council, while a handful of others work as Evangelists.
Most Silks receive exemplary educations, including specialized training
in the operation of the Chrysalis bridge systems. Silks look at one
another in disregard if one of them leaves the city, aside from Evangelist
duties. It is distasteful to go beyond the wall, and any Silk who does
so voluntarily finds the reason quickly. People dislike Silks within the
Capital City, while outside of it, people consider Silks criminals.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2013, 08:47:05 PM by Jharm »
Religion and greed, cause millions to bleed.