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Author Topic: The Legion Immortalis: The Bulwark of Heaven (Part 5)  (Read 55489 times)

Offline Cameron

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Re: The Legion Immortalis: The Bulwark of Heaven (Part 5)
« Reply #60 on: April 27, 2014, 11:49:05 PM »
Sig is about to protest that yes, the matter is very much up for debate. But then Blood renders all possible debates moot by producing an Arkenstone from the downed construct.

Feelings of horror give way to a righteous fury. Sig's hands tremble as he takes the coveted artifact from Blood. The warmth of the All-father's light flows through him as he gazes into the glowing stone.

"Someone's gonna have to answer for this. The All-father will not stand for it."

Sig bristles a bit at being instructed to take the Arkenstone to Fury. By all rights, it should be taken directly back to the Halls under the MMountain and the safety of his people. But then again, if it was safe there, how did ot come to be found here in the first place? Who could possibly be responsible for this treachery? Sig can already hear angry voices in his head demanding answers. It will be difficult for any sort of relationship between the Ageless and the Chosen to continue if this crime goes unpunished. But for now, what place could possibly be safe?

Sig's maddening thoughts are interrupted by Blood's hand on his shoulder. Her words calm his thoughts. She is right, of course. Allowing the General to handle this will go a long way towards salvaging an otherwise tense diplomatic situation. Blood's personal assurance that the General is up for the task seals the deal. Sig will take the stone directly to the General and hopefully gain her assistance in uncovering the root of this betrayal.

Sig's thoughts turn away from the Arkenstone as Blood kisses his forehead. He grins at her parting directive.

"Take care, lass. Make it back to Avalon in one piece. Don't make me have to come find you."

Sig cradles the Arkenstone close to him as they step through the portal. Upon their arrival, Sig cocks an eyebrow at the state of the place, and of the Seer.

"It looks like my brothers went on a 12 day bender in this place and invited her along for the ride."

All humor fades from Sig as Cleo speaks to him. He narrows his eyes and hugs the Arkenstone closer to him. How could she possibly know all of this? Her mention of Alvis and his righteous fury at the situation sends him deep into contemplation again. He barely notices when the Seer returns to normal, and does not speak again as the group heads towards the gates.

Offline Archdemon Stu

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Re: The Legion Immortalis: The Bulwark of Heaven (Part 5)
« Reply #61 on: April 28, 2014, 05:36:23 PM »
There is much to contemplate.  As the group gathers, Fjorin overhears Captain Blood's warnings of an unspeakably dangerous horror that lurks in the Marrow.  Shortly after, he sees the normally jovial Sig brimming with rage as he scans the stone placed in his hands.  And now, Fjorin wondered if the witch that stopped him dead in his tracks before he could even twist his blade... would she return to the Marrow to face them once more?  Would she bring others?

It was time to sort his thoughts.

"As we travel, let us share what we have learned here.  We will need it, should the Forsaken return to face us in the Marrow."

Offline Radobe

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Re: The Legion Immortalis: The Bulwark of Heaven (Part 5)
« Reply #62 on: May 09, 2014, 08:28:24 AM »
Siron observes as Blood uses an ancient language to invoke a portal for them to return to Avalon.

“Siron, hold fast to Cyan,”

The knight nods and spreads his arms, letting the cat-pauh jump in. “No harm will come to him,” his voice is lower and quieter, lacking its usual eagerness and energy. His face, usually a clear representation of what he was feeling, was now void of emotion. There was something he needed to do in Avalon, so he did not voice any objections to the captain’s orders.

“Seriously, don’t let go of me. I don’t want to be ripped apart by the portal. It wouldn’t be a good look for me,”

“You wouldn't know until you try it...” he quickly moves into the portal, not giving Cyan any time to respond. The knight has went through portals a few times already so it isn’t as bad as the first time and he quickly goes through and emerges on the other side.

Siron is taken aback from the sight that meets him. The place looked like a storm tore through it. In the midst of that mess of a cabin sat the seer. He puts Cyan down and gestures for the rest of the party to stay where they are. During his first visit here, this woman displayed a frightening level of power and in her current state... he was afraid she might be a bit dangerous. Approaching her slowly he only mange’s to take a few steps before the seer starts speaking.

“You’re here for the gates,”...I promise to send you relief as soon as we return to Avalon.”

Vartan steps forward and tries to comfort the obviously distressed seer, but instead his actions make her speak ominously about things of the past, present and the future.

She starts with Vartan but then moves on to the knight.

Her words, though true, sting deeply. He knows the cause of this is Fenwicks disappearance, but still something inside him boils. Despite that he keeps his calm and does not do anything foolish. The truth of the matter was that all she said was painfully true. Honor's blood was on his hands, his foolish actions had lead to the lieutenant’s demise.

The seer's madness seems to disappear as unexpectedly as it appeared. When her eyes return to normal she seems to be the rational person who zapped and killed Siron to check if he is immortal. Soon she opens the portal and the party reaches Avalon's gates in one peace, including Cyan who hitches another ride on the knight.

As soon as they go through the young man leaves the cat-pauh and approaches the keeper. “Greetings. I am Siron and we are a small part of the force sent to the marrows, we have returned and bring with us Miss Aelina and the Crimson Wolfs.” The knight moves close enough for only the two of them to hear their conversation and explain the situation with the seer.

An eye for two, a tooth for a jaw, a hair for a head! Fight to be respected!

Offline Faidth

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Re: The Legion Immortalis: The Bulwark of Heaven (Part 5)
« Reply #63 on: May 28, 2014, 10:59:49 PM »
@The Marrow Party:

Blood nods in agreement of Fjorin’s statement. “That may be wise.”

The group listens intently as the Ebonmane warrior shares what he has learned.

"Catujel is a twit. He's just a child playing grown-up. Thinks he knows everything, well it's sure to bite him in the ass, and when it does.... haha! I'll be there to laugh in his prettyboy face!" states Coward.

Punisher wears an impatient look upon his face. It is evident he is in a hurry to get moving. “So what now?” asks Punisher, his eyes locked firmly upon Blood.

The Captain is silent. It is apparent that, despite his good deeds, Blood is still wary of the recently reprieved Forsaken.

“We continue in our mission,” comes Dennan’s rumbling reply.

“And what, praytell, would that be exactly?” inquires Coward.

Blood’s stubbornly crosses her arms over her chest. “That… is none of your damn business.” It seems, despite her agreeing with Fjorin, Blood is not very willing to share information.

Coward throws his hands up in exasperation, and as an immediate reaction to this sudden movement, Blood’s hand is upon her sword in the blink of an eye.

“Hey! Whoa! Calm down! Sheesh! How are we to have any kind of working relationship when you’re ready to run me through in response to every move I make?” reasons Coward. “I am merely frustrated because if Punisher and I are to be tromping about through the Marrow, it would make sense to know why.”

“Captain…” Dennan gives Blood a meaningful look.

Blood sighs and explains the goal of the mission to the Marrow. However, the Immortalis in the party note that she specifically avoids any mention of who holds the artifact that will release the wards which confine the souls of the Marrow. You get the sense that any powerful artifact could be corrupted in the hands of a Forsaken, and while Blood is allowing your new companions some information, she isn’t about to let her guard down yet.

Behind you, the entirety of the Forsaken’s base of operations is little more than a smoldering pile of ash. Evening approaches and you are left with the difficult question of whether to venture on, or stay within the wards.

“Well, on one hand, this is really the safest place to be. The wards will keep any creatures of the Marrow at bay,” offers Lai. “However, who is to say Fortuna won’t come back with more Forsaken.”

“She won’t,” responds Punisher quietly. “Fortuna is calculating, and as much as she will want revenge, she won’t dare to cross Captain Blood again. With the beating we gave Fortuna today, she will need time to regroup, but when she does, I guarantee she will be back with a vengeance.”

Coward snorts. “Lord Victor is probably fit to be tied; he must be furious his toys are broken.”

Sembas raises an eyebrow. “Lord Victor?”

“Ah… Right… You lot know him as Severan Deceit. But to the Forsaken, he is Severan Victor on account of the fact that he defeated the Archon,” explains Coward.

Dennan’s face reddens and he begins to take a step forward, but Blood places a hand upon his chest. Dennan’s eyes are wild with anger and his chest heaves.

“He DID NOT defeat the Archon!” roars Dennan.

Coward shifts uncomfortably, his gaze downcast. “Sorry, sorry. Perhaps defeat was the wrong word to use.”

“Look. It’s been a long day, and we’re all rather tightly wound,” speaks Lai quietly.

After careful consideration, it is decided the party will remain within the wards. Blood searches some storage buildings within the perimeter of the wards. She finds many basic supplies, but thankfully, there do not appear to be any more constructs. Unfortunately, her search did yield a few surprises.

Blood’s face is grim as she returns to the rest of the party, in her hand, she holds what appears to be a heavy, burlap sack. Punisher’s eyes flash in recognition at what he knows to be the contents, and Coward makes it a point to stare into the distance to avoid any eye contact with the Captain. All who have come to know Blood are aware that a yelling, screaming, swearing Captain Blood is dangerous, indeed, but a silent one is far worse to fear, and Blood speaks not a single word as she joins the rest of you near the fire. As Blood gently places the bag upon the ground, the contents shift and its sounds like thousands of pieces of shattered glass.
“What… what is that?” asks Lai.

Blood stares at the two former Forsaken, her eyes betraying the fact she is barely managing to maintain control of her anger. She speaks slowly and deliberately as she utters a single word. “Arkenstones.”

She opens the top of the bag so that the rest of you may see within. “We can’t leave these here. Sig’s people will want them back.”

“We can’t carry them with us, either,” says Lai.

Dennan nods. “True. We’ll store them in the tunnels for now. We’ll be sure to come back for them.”

Dennan’s impressive command of earth allow him to descend into the tunnels, and using the same earthen platform, he again brings himself to the surface.

“There. They should be fine for now. I took pains to obscure them, just in case.”

As the night continues on, you are all thankful to be within the invisible embrace of the wards. Outside, there are bloodcurdling screams and deafening noises emitted from creatures who hide in the shadows. A few times, you see large, ominous shapes pass at the far edge of your camp, but take comfort in the fact they are unable to gain entry.

“Leeches,” says Coward, noting Lai’s fearful expression. “Big ones. They can suck every drop of blood out of a full grown man in seconds. See that shape over there? Blood wolves. Pretty sure I heard a banshee to the east. Now banshees… those are the things you need to stay clear of more than anything. They are spirits that could not be contained in the Marrow. They are beings so twisted, and so far removed from the humanity they once possessed that no magic can affect them.”

“What… what… can they do to a person?” stammers Lai, her voice shaking.

Coward smirks. “Pray you don’t get close enough to find out.”

At first light, the party prepares to move out.

“Remember what I said, Sembas… He’s your responsibility.” Blood gestures to Coward.

Coward smiles and waves at Sembas. “Hello, best friend. Seems we are just going to be absolutely inseparable.”

“Inseparable. More like you’re insufferable,” mutters Sembas. “Why did I tell Blood to spare you again?”

Coward grins. “Ah… the kitten has teeth after all.”

Though nothing can make its way in, leaving the wards is exceedingly simple. Other than a strange sensation that causes your flesh to erupt in goosebumps, there is no effect from departing through the wards.

“Huh… What would have happened if we had tried to go in this way?” asks Lai.

Blood frowns and picks up a stick from the ground. To illustrate the answer to Lai’s question, she tosses it towards the invisible barrier. There is an earsplitting crack as electricity erupts through the stick, catching it on fire, and violently expelling it into the air. You gaze upward, but after several hundred yards, the stick disappears into the trees, never to be seen again.

“Fjorin.” Blood beckons for the Ebonmane warrior. She leans her lips close to his ear. “Dennan will remain at the front with me. I am trusting you to serve as our rear guard. Be sure to keep an eye on the Forsaken. Despite Lady Aeliana’s vouching for Punisher, we still can’t completely trust him, and as for Coward…” Blood shakes her head. “I’d sooner trust an asp to watch over a sleeping baby than I would trust Coward to keep his word.”
« Last Edit: May 28, 2014, 11:02:57 PM by Faidth »

Offline Archdemon Stu

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Re: The Legion Immortalis: The Bulwark of Heaven (Part 5)
« Reply #64 on: June 09, 2014, 11:56:58 PM »
Fjorin nods in acknowledgement to Captain Blood's request, and fixes his eyes on the newcomers.  He responds with a low rumble, "Let them give me but one excuse, Captain."

The Ebonmane warrior was true to his task, and watched the newcomers carefully.  Luckily, he had rested well in Avalon, and his new-found immortality asked little of him in the way of rest.

As time moved on, his mind continuously replayed the battle in his head.  "So... that was Ravana." he thought.  The last time Fjorin had been so helpless in battle was against the Thunder Caller when lightning rendered his limbs useless.  If Catujel was not the vengeful sort, the last of the Ebonmane would likely have fallen.

Suddenly, another image flashed in his head:  the wrath of Bayard Cael.  Too swift, too clever, and too powerful for even the strongest of the Ageless to defend their ally from a single, precise stroke.  A battle against Bayard Cael now would be no battle.  It would be a slaughter.  And yet...

"You are far stronger than you know... you will be the one to restore the balance." Lai's words from Avalon seemed to lay a mountain before him - it was of such size that it gave even the Ebonmane warrior pause.  And once he reaches the peak, what then?

Fjorin grit his teeth, breathed in, and let out a sigh as he let go of the thought.  No man leaps to the top of any mountain, and he was no different.  He would climb it one stone at a time... and the Marrow would be the first.

« Last Edit: June 10, 2014, 12:45:22 AM by Archdemon Stu »

Offline Faidth

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Re: The Legion Immortalis: The Bulwark of Heaven (Part 5)
« Reply #65 on: June 16, 2014, 12:45:39 PM »
@The Avalon Party:

Aghast at the bedraggled state of Aeliana, Keeper is quick to hurry you all into the main gates of Avalon. As you approach the plaza you see several people have gathered to meet you. General Fury stands at the edge of the fountain. Her features are grim and taut, and her arms are crossed over her chest. Next to her, seated on the edge of the elaborate fountain is Muse, her face buried in her hands. Her bright, red hair falls over her hands, obscuring her face from view, but her shoulders shake and her form trembles. Corvus Virtue has an arm wrapped around her as she leans against him. He whispers softly into her ear, attempting to comfort her, but to no avail. It is obvious Muse is consumed by grief, and it can be readily assumed that news of Honor’s death has already reached Avalon.

For Aeliana, every inch of Avalon is a sight to behold, but the plaza is absolutely exquisite. Here, many of Avalon's roads come together. The plaza is dominated by a graceful fountain, and water gushes out of the highest pool near the northern end of the plaza. From there the water flows and spills into lower and progressively wider pools. The lowest and widest pool dominates the plaza with less than half a foot of water. Stones are placed at even intervals and in different pathways providing walking access across the pool. Aeliana fights the urge to leap into the water and cleanse the blood, dirt, and sweat from her form.

Fury’s eyes fall upon Aeliana and she beckons for Vartan. She embraces the grizzled warrior and he grins widely. She places a kiss upon his forehead, much like a doting aunt might do so for a beloved nephew.

“I am glad to see you well, Vartan.” She glances towards the other Crimson Wolves and offers a nod of acknowledgment. “Get Aeliana to Hestia. It appears Askall might benefit from her wisdom as well.”

As Sig approaches, Fury’s body tenses and her gaze locks on the large, glowing, red stone in the hands of the Chosen of Alviss. Her eyes widen slightly, registering her shock.

While Sig and Siron are left to speak with Fury and Muse, respectively, Aeliana is ushered off by Vartan towards a massive home that appears to have been fashioned from pure ivory. There are fine gold engravings along the walkways that depict all manner of flora. Flanking this walkway are plants and flowers of varying shapes and sizes. There are several tall trees, vibrantly colored flowers, some of which you’ve never seen before, and all manner of shrubberies, grasses and growths. Despite the variegated, motley arrangement before you, there is a certain sense of order to this place. There is not a root, pebble or petal out of place and this tidiness gives the area an unsurpassed sense of beauty.

An older woman awaits in the doorway, as if she had been expecting all of you. Her spider’s silk, gray hair is tied into a neat ponytail and her violet eyes radiate kindness and generosity. Her voice is soothing as she calls out to you all.

“Come, come! Come in at once. Let me have a look at you dear.” Hestia takes Aeliana’s other arm in hers, and she and Vartan lead the young woman to a comfortable-looking room to the left of the entrance.

Aeliana is seated upon the softest bed she has ever had the luxury of reclining in. It feels as if it was created of the clouds themselves. After a quick examination, Aeliana is taken into an adjoining room. As she enters, her eyes widen at the enormous bath that has been drawn for her. To call it a bath is an understatement as it is nearly a pool. Vartan, ever the gentleman averts his eyes as Hestia aids Aeliana in disrobing. As soon as her body touches the cool, crystalline waters of the pool, she feels any residual pain from her torturous experience flow out of her body. Hestia calls out to Vartan to hand her several items, and the old woman helps Aeliana to wash her hair and her body. When it is time to dry off, Aeliana is reluctant to leave the pool.

Aeliana is taken back to the examination room where Hestia further tends to her wounds. With all the dirt and grime gone, Aeliana is taken aback at the site of her battered body in the full length mirror nearby. There are enormous, blackened bruises, cuts and wounds that were far too long neglected and appear to have been affected by infection, and several other areas that likely needed stitches over a week ago.  Hestia has Aeliana recline on the bed again and she sets to work with her plethora of salves, ointments, and bandages. Hestia is particularly careful around Aeliana’s wrists.

After some time, Hestia smiles broadly. “There you go, dearie. Good as new.”

Aeliana looks again in the mirror and finds that her marred body truly does look almost new! There is not a single trace of bruises nor wounds, safe for the marks upon her wrists, which Hestia regrettably explains will never go away.

“Hmm… Let me see what we can do about that.” Hestia scurries out and returns just as quickly as she left. When she returns, she offers Aeliana two golden bracers, each one set with a large, glittering, green jewel. “Around Avalon, I am sure your wounds will not be a problem, but should you find yourself out and about again, these will do the trick in keeping you safe. They’re not indestructible, mind you, but anyone fool enough to attempt to strike you in your wounds will be violently repelled.”

 Hestia takes a satchel out of a drawer and places the bracers and a few vials within. “The potion is for… well… just in case. Given your recent trauma, I do not doubt when you sleep you may be… restless. The contents of the vials will assist you in resting.”

Lene stands in the doorway holding a pile of new garments and a pair of shoes. “Here, miss. It’s the best I could find in such a hurry.”

Aeliana’s eyes feast upon what passes as a meager offering in Avalon. There is a long, flowing green gown made of fine silk and embroidered with gold thread. The shoes were obviously made to match, and despite their delightful appearance, they are as comfortable as if Aeliana was walking about barefoot.


Offline Faidth

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Re: The Legion Immortalis: The Bulwark of Heaven (Part 5)
« Reply #66 on: June 18, 2014, 09:09:12 AM »
@The Marrow Party (a.k.a. Fjorin)

The group of companions and recently reprieved Forsaken trudge back into the Blood Woods. There are several times when Dennan, at the point position, abruptly motions for the party to stop and stand completely still. Even during what passes for day in this place, the creatures of the Marrow are lurking, and at times, you feel their predatory gazes fall upon you in the dim light that penetrates the dark, blackened limbs of the trees that surround you.

“I hate this place,” mutters Lai. “Darastae was no picnic, but this place is beyond comprehension.”

At the mention of Darastae, you see Coward’s head tilt slightly, indicating his attention has been peaked. “Darastae? And when have you, fair lady, been in Darastae. I guarantee I’ve never seen you there. I’d remember a pretty face like yours.”

Lai shudders in disgust. “Oh, you’ve seen me Navar Coward! You’ve-”

Blood glances back at Lai. “You’ve given him enough information, Lai. Best if he doesn’t know who you are.”

Lai nods in agreement.

“Ah, the plot thickens!” exclaims Coward. “A secret identity. I hear the disdain in your voice. Had we a run-in in Darastae? Perhaps of the intimate type? I must admit there’s so many that I often forget the faces of the women I’ve-”

A hand grabs Navar roughly by the shoulder, nearly crippling him under the pressure of its fingers. Coward’s rudeness has not gone unnoticed by Punisher, who despite his previous deeds, seems far more a gentleman than his companion. The intensity of Punisher’s gaze and the force of his grip cause Coward to fight to maintain his footing.

“You will not regard a lady in such a crude manner, Navar, and if your tongue wags so loosely again, I will be more than happy to remove it from your head,” threatens Punishers. You get the feeling that he means it.

“Alright, alright! I was just joking!” Coward raises his hands in protest, or perhaps defensively. While he has immense speed and dexterity, he lacks Punisher’s strength and intimidation.

“Now apologize. And you had better mean it!” growls Punisher.

“I’m-I’m sorry, milady! My sincerest apologies! It won’t happen again!” promises Coward.

Punisher waits for Lai to accept the apology before releasing his grip on Coward, who sneers at Punisher’s back once he turns away.

Meanwhile, there’s a hint of amusement in the corners of Blood’s lips. She gives a nod of approval towards Punisher who follows silently behind her.

At the head of the party, Dennan appears annoyed. “We have to cut through the marshes. There’s no way around it. It goes on for miles.”

“Ugh, the marshes!” complains Coward. “My boots are going to get soaked.”

The marshes are a wholly unpleasant experience. The entire area is waterlogged, at least that is your assumption. It is not until you stand on the banks of the marshes that you realize it isn’t water, but blood that fill these pools. The entire area wreaks of death, and in the shallow waters you wade through, your boot occasionally knocks against a skull or skeletal ribcage from some unlucky traveler who fell victim to the marshes.

 You continue on for an hour or so until you see Dennan’s body suddenly tense. He raises a hand to signal for the party to halt. 

“Draw your weapons,” whispers Blood urgently.

That’s when you see it. Ahead of the party, in the middle of the path, is a leech of enormous proportions. As it rears back its head to descend upon the party, you hear something close by, something large and slithering. A glance behind you reveals a second leech.

“Blood leeches!” growls Punisher.

“Fjorin!” Lai’s shout alerts your senses and your instincts tell you to glance upward as a third leech begins to drop from a tree, aiming to land heavily upon your body.

Offline Archdemon Stu

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Re: The Legion Immortalis: The Bulwark of Heaven (Part 5)
« Reply #67 on: June 19, 2014, 01:41:13 AM »
Fjorin couldn't be certain what transpired between Lai and Coward, but somehow he knew that if Lai or the Forsaken had been allowed to finish speaking, there would be a dead Immortalis in their midst.  As he loosened his grip on his sword, and averted his eyes from Coward's death wound, he wondered why his blood boiled as it did.  Perhaps the Marrow was running his temper thin, or-

There was little time to ponder, however.  Soon after Dennan's signal, creatures the likes of which Fjorin had never seen threaten the party.  While one postures nearest Dennan and Captain Blood, another appears near Fjorin.  He draws his blade swiftly in order to dispatch this new foe, but...


Lai's shout is enough to tell the warrior that he ought not be where he is, and a strange shadow from above tells him the same.  He leaps backward swiftly, hoping to DODGE the above threat, and safeguard Lai's position.  Should he be successful, he would unleash a powerful swing in an attempt to cleave the beast in two, taking advantage of its missed opportunity.

The current scenario didn't bode well.  The leeches could surprise them from just about any angle, and perhaps only Dennan had the senses to detect them at all.  What's more, is they had two Forsaken in their midst.  What they needed more than anything right now was awareness...  of both friends and foes.   Fjorin makes a judgement call, and readies his weapon.  "Back to back!  Guard eachother's flanks!"

Offline Radobe

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Re: The Legion Immortalis: The Bulwark of Heaven (Part 5)
« Reply #68 on: June 20, 2014, 10:42:41 AM »
Siron walks silently towards Muse. It is clear that news of Honor's death have reached Avalon. It is good that Corvus is with her, he knows what she is going through and can be of help to her. The knight is aware that there is nothing he can say to comfort the woman, he is only hoping that the lieutenant’s gift can give her comfort. As he closes in, he feels guilt and shame from what has happened, the knight’s careless actions led to Honnor's demise, had he not shown weakness and spared his brother, his friend would not have died.

He stops for a few seconds. Now is not the time to be weak again. He violently bites the inside of his cheek, the taste of blood quickly spreads in his mouth and the self inflicted pain helps him focus at the task at hand and forget his own incompetence for the moment.

Reaching them both, Siron first gives Corvus and approving nod, the man's presence and aide are most welcome.

“I am deeply sorry for what has happened... “He grabs firmly the grip of the sword Honor left him, which was strapped to his waist. “I was there until the end. His last thoughts were of you and he wanted you to have this.” He takes out the box and hands it to her.

It is not his place to comfort the woman, nor does he have the right to. Right now The Marrow seemed like a better alternative to being here and feeling guilty.
An eye for two, a tooth for a jaw, a hair for a head! Fight to be respected!

Offline Daccio

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Re: The Legion Immortalis: The Bulwark of Heaven (Part 5)
« Reply #69 on: June 20, 2014, 01:04:38 PM »
   They are quickly herded through the main gate of Avalon, keeper hurrying after seeing the state Aeliana is in. Dried blood caked on her torn dress, bruises and grime covering her, her hair knotted and a mess. While she did not stare like a country bumpkin upon entering avalon, the sight of the city did take her breath away. It was so beautiful here. That instantly made her feel a little guilty inside. The others were going to the marrow and here she was, taken to the most beautiful place she could imagine. Her eyes follow the trail of the fountain, watching the cool water tumble until her gaze crossed Fury.

   Fury would see a spark behind Aeliana's eyes. A knowledge, an intelligence and resoluteness that would not befit someone who appeared to be in the state she was. The corners of her mouth quirked into a small smile as Fury embraced vartan. The warrior returned to her, and moved to lead her off. She nodded to Fury before moving with Vartan to visit one person she had always hoped to meet: Hestia Hearth.

   As they near what can only be Hestia's home, Aeliana could not help but smile at the beauty of this place. It had a tidy neatness that added something to the Ivory building. She felt a sense of comfort as they approached an older woman and Aeliana meets her violet eyes with emerald of her own.

   “Come, come! Come in at once. Let me have a look at you dear.” Hestia speaks, taking her other arm. She is led by both Vartan and Hestia to a room to the left and is seated on the softest bed she has ever felt. She is given a quick examination before being led to yet another room. Aeliana remains silent for now, but her eyes widened at the sight of the bath. She wanted to much to get clean and remove the evidence of her captivity. Vartan politely averts his eyes as Hestia helps her remove her clothing,

   She gasped as the pain seems to lift from her battered body upon entering the cooling waters of the pool and hestia helped her clean and remove the knots from her hair. She was reluctant to leave the pool, such was its comfort, but guilt slowly crept up in the back of her mind. Leaving the poolk, she towls off and returns to the room where she had been before.

   Seeing the state that her body is in, tears almost leak from the corner of her eyes. Her resolve hardens and a fist clenches as she remembers who was the cause of this. As she stared at herself in the mirror, her eyes narriwed she growled quietly under her breath
   "I will kill her" It was almost too quiet to hear. She knew that despite what was done to her, Fortuna had also killed and tortured many others including magnus. She would make sure that Fortuna received her own in kind.
   With a deep breath, she laid back on the bed and let Hestia do her work, salves ointments and bandages being used in spades. She notes how careful hestia is around her wrists. Hestia finally smiled at her and spoke

   “There you go, dearie. Good as new.”

   She was shocked as she looked back into the mirror and gasped loudly at the transfermation she had become. Almost no evidence of her wounds remained save around her wrists. She gently ran the fingers of her left hand, over her right wrist as hestia explained that those would never go away.

    “Hmm… Let me see what we can do about that.” Hestia scurries out and returns just as quickly as she left. When she returns, she offers Aeliana two golden bracers, each one set with a large, glittering, green jewel. “Around Avalon, I am sure your wounds will not be a problem, but should you find yourself out and about again, these will do the trick in keeping you safe. They’re not indestructible, mind you, but anyone fool enough to attempt to strike you in your wounds will be violently repelled.”

   Hestia retrieve a satchel and placed some vial in it that she explained would help with sleep and the bracers as well. Aeliana looked to Hestia, on the verge of tears. This woman had done so much for her. Again, she thought to herself, she had hardly cried before in all her life now she feels like it could happen at any time. She put her arms around hestia and whispered to her.

   "Thank you"

   She pulled back with a smile and was surprised to fine Lene offering her new garments and shoes. She offered that this was the best she could find in such a hurry. Upon taking the garments with a thanks, she realized that these garments were made of fine green silk embroidered with golden thread. She pulled on the garments quickly, eager to be back in something, and was astounded at what was considered meager offerings. She turned to hestia then.

   "I don't know how I can ever repay you Hestia. I've heard of you, and your miraculous healing talents. I've always wished to meet you, favoring the art myself, but I find myself in your debt. If there is anything I can ever do for you, name it, and I will make it happen" She smiled and gave the woman another hug. Having washed and freshened herself, Aeliana seemed to have much more of a presence than she did when she was in the prison.

Offline Faidth

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Re: The Legion Immortalis: The Bulwark of Heaven (Part 5)
« Reply #70 on: June 24, 2014, 09:37:20 AM »
@The Avalon Party:


As you mention being there at the end, perhaps it is a catch in your voice or a look of guilt in your expression that suddenly catches her attention. Her eyes narrow and her features harden. “There’s something you’re not telling me, Siron.”

Corvus takes Muse’s hand in his. “I’m sure all Siron has said has been in earnest. Why do you look at him with accusation in your eyes? Do you not think if there was some way Honor could have been spared that Siron and the others would have done so?” speaks Corvus soothingly.

Despite Muse’s cold gaze, after several moments, and Corvus’s urging, she accepts the box from your outstretched hand. She stares at it for some time, her hand moving to the lid to open it, put pausing with much reluctant. She does this many times, unable to bring herself to open it.

“You don’t have to open this right now,” says Corvus. “You can wait.”

“No… If he wanted me to have it, it must have been very important to him,” relents Muse.

Finally, Muse finds the strength to open the box, and her breath catches in her throat, forming as a gasp then evolving into the most gutwrenching wail you’ve ever heard in your life. She falls to her knees in front of the fountain, holding the ring in her hands. The craftsmanship is absolutely exquisite. It is a brilliant gold ring adorned with leaves of green gold. Upon the ring are three gems: a large diamond flanked by two radiant, purple amethysts.

“He- he was going to...” Muse cannot finish her thought aloud.

“It will be alright, my lady.” Corvus kneels beside her and lifts her chin with a touch of his fingers. “He loved you, so very very much, and were he to see you like this, I know his heart would break into a million pieces. You are not wrong to mourn him, but do not let your grief consume you.” Corvus helps her to her feet. Her knees are weak with grief and she leans heavily against him.

“Come, Muse. Let me help you home,” offers Corvus. He gives you a nod of acknowledgment before leading Muse away.

As they depart, you can hear her say in the softest of tones, her voice breaking with emotion, “I would have said yes… I would have said yes.”


“No, no, child. You owe me nothing!” speaks Hestia with a smile. “I thank you for your praise and your interest in my arts. Since you are so keen to learn, I would be more than happy to show you some of what I have attained over the years, but bear in mind, dear child, these arts are not without cost. When you heal someone, you must take the energy, the spirit, from somewhere. Far too often, it is from ourselves. That is why healing Immortalis is far more difficult than healing mortals.”

“Now… Now that your body has been seen to, let’s get to that belly. I can hear it rumbling a mile away. I’ll be back in a moment.” Hestia scurries off and once you dress you find yourself rejoined by Vartan.
His eyes widen noticeably as he takes in your transformation. “I knew she could work miracles, but you looked as if you had been dragged through a moat! And now…” Vartan is rendered momentarily speechless as he takes in your long, red hair and the renewed spark in your green eyes. “Well… if I may say so, you look absolutely lovely, milady.”

“Ah! Vartan! Give an old woman a hand!” calls Hestia.

Vartan peeks his head out the door. “My, my. You’re in for a treat! Come on, Aeliana.” He gestures for you to follow him and he leads you into an exquisite dining room with a long, oak table adorned with a beautifully made, ivory table runner, inlaid with gold leaves, trees, and flowers.

Vartan moves to assist Hestia in unloading her arms. For such an elderly looking woman, she must be awfully strong to have carried all the items, then you must remind yourself, that despite her grandmotherly appearance, you are gazing upon a very seasoned veteran of the Ageless ranks.

Vartan assists Hestia in setting the table, then disappears for several moments to gather his companions. When he returns, Lene and Askall are with him, but Ciar is nowhere to be seen.

“Probably at the tavern,” comments Lene with a roll of her eyes.

Askall, too, looks much less worse for wear. His strapping, muscular form moves through the room gracefully and he seats himself at the table across from you.  He glances at you with his piercing green eyes as his flowing, black hair falls upon his shoulders in silky waves of ebony. “Milady, you look well.”

Everyone seats themselves and you find Hestia has offered quite the spread! There are warm, buttermilk biscuits, jars of all manner of jams and jellies, likely made from the fruits in Hestia’s own garden. There is a wooden bowl filled with freshly churned butter, frosty mugs of apple cider, heaps of still-sizzling bacon, mouth watering sausages, and huge wedges of cheese. In the center of the table are enormous sweetrolls that smell of cinnamon, cloves, and nutmeg. They are drizzled with ample amounts of vanilla icing and maple syrup.

The Crimson Wolves, who likely hadn’t seen such a spread in a long time, quickly dig into their food with gusto, leaving plenty of opportunity for you to converse with Hestia.

@The Fjorin Party

You manage to successfully DODGE out of the path of the airborne leech, and unleash a mighty swing upon the creature. Your sword slices into the flesh of the leech and your promptly hear a strange, sizzling sound emanating from the wound. You see that the edges of your blade have a thick, green, corrosive acid that threatens the integrity of your weapon. Yet, this is not a mortal blade; this is forged by the smiths of the Ageless, and despite the best efforts of the leech’s acid, you pull the untarnished blade free.

 Upon your rallying cry, you find yourself back to back with Punisher who has his ebony greataxe drawn. His gaze falls upon the other leech that approached from the rear of the party. He unleashes a fury of quick attacks, successfully managing to tear off a chunk of the leech’s abdomen with the bite of his blade.
Dennan and Blood have closed with the leech at the front of the party. Blood’s broadsword glints as she brings it down upon her foe while Dennan drives his silver greataxe into its back.

Two more leeches appear quite suddenly, emerging from the gurgling depths of the swamp. There is one to either side of Lai. You hear her mutter something under her breath and a wall of dirt and rock rises from the ground to either side of her, shielding her from their advance.

Coward had been previously disarmed of all his weapons, as he was not able to be trusted not to stab someone in the back. His eyes widen at the advance of another leech, and for a moment, he appears as if he may flee the party in fear. Instead, two enormous falcons sweep into action, both colliding into the leech with enough force to knock it to its side. One of the falcons is mounted by a cheering Chico, whose mousy hands cling to its feathers so he will not fall off.

Sembas and Anlaf must have just returned from scouting ahead and were quick to fly into action. It takes Sembas a few moments to shift back into his human form, but when he does, his hands immediately grasp his spear, and he plunges it into the side of the fallen leech. Yet, the leech is not willing to relinquish its hold on life. It curls forward, attempting to lock its mouth upon Sembas’s arm. These are certainly not average leeches. In addition to their enormous size, corrosive blood, and power to drain people of their lifeblood, they also have rows upon rows of jagged teeth. It is these teeth the creature is poised to bite into the falconer’s flesh with.

Offline Daccio

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Re: The Legion Immortalis: The Bulwark of Heaven (Part 5)
« Reply #71 on: June 25, 2014, 11:11:30 AM »
         As Hestia spoke about energies and the strength for healing, Aeliana spoke.

        "I had thought that my healing magic could cure most things, Until I tried to heal an Ageless. Something I have been working on is that my created spell tends to draw its energy from the wounded. They are often left tired and hungry. At worst they would require bedrest for some time, though I suspect that that is better than death" She frowns for am moment, thinking about how her spell had failed. "I am just having trouble pinpointing where the failing was when trying to cure ageless. I must admit, I've only tried once, so with more time I may be able to work it out, but it is good to be in such capable hands." She smiled at Hestia then.   

    Hestia moved off to fix them something to eat while she was rejoined by vartan. She caught his eyes widening at the sight of her, she must have been really worse off then she realized.

     “Well… if I may say so, you look absolutely lovely, milady.” The comment caught her slightly off guard, but then she smiled.

   "Well thank you Vartan"Before he had a chance to respond though, vartan was called away by Hestia. After a moment Vartan pops back out and motions for Aeliana to follow him. She lets herself be led by the warrior and she is led into a very nice dining room. She smiled as she looked about, taking in the beauty of the place.
     As the others appear, she notes that Askall in particular looks much less worse for wear. She nods to him from her seat across the table,

     "Thank you Askall, you look well yourself"
       The spread that Hestia lays before them looks amazing, though to be honest she would have eaten anything considering how little she had eaten in the past two weeks. Her stomach gives an embarassing growl at the smell of the food. Seeing the others dig in, she would help herself to a biscuit, some butter, apple cider and cheese. She was both happy that she was not dead and enjoying this food with fine company, though she was also sad that agnus could not join them, or the others who were off in the marrow. This weight heavy on her mind. She tried to move her thoughts to her recovery then and after a moment and a few bites, she spoke, asking curiously.

   "Do you have any ideas as to why my spell might be failing?"

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Re: The Legion Immortalis: The Bulwark of Heaven (Part 5)
« Reply #72 on: June 30, 2014, 03:55:29 PM »
“There’s something you’re not telling me, Siron.”

Siron is standing in front of Muse. Eyes wide open, mouth tightly shut, just standing there and looking at her requires a tremendous effort. He had so much more to say, forgiveness to ask for, apologies to make, but now there was no the right time for this. The knight will have to face the consequences of his actions when everyone is safely in Avalon and there is no immediate need of him. Then he would seek her out and tell her, tell her all of it!

With a heavy heart he watches her reaction to her gift. This is it, this is what his careless actions have led to. Siron wants to avert his gaze badly, yet he knows he must not. He continues watching until Corvus and Muse are well out of sight. Letting Catujel go in those dim lit corridors was something Siron would not forgive himself for the rest of his life. His action has lead to the death of a great man and no amount of time would suffice for him to atone or forget. Now, however, was the time he headed head first into his next task and put his worries aside?

The knight takes a look around to locate Cyan and approaches him.

“Ahm... Cyan, can I ask you to take me to Dethys' tower? I am fairly knew to Avalon and not so well acquainted with the layout of the city, If it is not too much trouble for you of course.”
An eye for two, a tooth for a jaw, a hair for a head! Fight to be respected!

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Re: The Legion Immortalis: The Bulwark of Heaven (Part 5)
« Reply #73 on: July 02, 2014, 01:59:26 PM »
Sig responds to Fury's look of surprise with a grim look of his own. He waits until the others depart before speaking. His words are slow and deliberate, well measured and calm, but barely concealing his anger beneath them.

"General Fury... I have come here on good faith, representing my people, the Chosen of Alviss. I agree with our need to work together. I feel there is much we can learn from each other and much benefit to be gained from our collaboration. I have treated your people with kindness, and I have been treated kindly in return."

Sig flushes slightly as he thinks of Blood.

"I have been treated VERY kindly in return."

Sig has been looking at the floor all this time. Now he brings his eyes up to meet Fury's. Anger, pride, and defiance flash in his stern gaze. He grips the Arkenstone with one large hand and extends it towards her.

"But now I need an answer for THIS. Because it is only the kindness that I have been shown since my arrival that prevents me from returning to my Mountain with this straight away and order our gates sealed shut against your kind for a stone's eternity."

Sig's tone takes on a booming quality as he continues. The All-Father's presence fills the room and Sig almost appears to grow taller and stronger (CHARISMA: Intimidation). Gone is the care-free, laid back dwarven bard. In his place stands the earthly representation of Alviss himself.

"I, Sigurd Glorrack, Emissary of the Chosen of Alviss, the Lord Under the Mountain, Great Protector and All-Father, request an immediate investigation into this issue. On behalf of my people, we demand to know how the very hearts of our people have fallen into the hands of your Forsaken. And I speak for the All-Father himself when I request... nay, DEMAND to know what you intend to do about it."

Offline Archdemon Stu

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Re: The Legion Immortalis: The Bulwark of Heaven (Part 5)
« Reply #74 on: July 10, 2014, 12:10:47 PM »
With a brief assessment of his allies' dire situations, Fjorin slams his blade into the earth beneath the blood with such force the crimson pools cover him from head to toe.  "I will not underestimate you again, Gift of the Bloodwarden... crush them!" Sending his will through the blade as he did against Catujel's traps, he attempted to bring Lai's walls down on the creatures that threatened her.

Withdrawing his blade from the earth, he looks to Punisher.  Fjorin nods in acknowledgement of Punisher's assistance, and motions toward Sembas and Coward.  Without a word, he trudges toward Lai in order to finish the worms should the boulders have failed.  These beasts are clearly not slain easily - it was clear each group would need a powerful blade to accompany it.  Should the beasts be vanquished, Fjorin would position himself behind Lai and ensure she is not caught unaware by the encroaching predators.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2014, 12:35:36 PM by Archdemon Stu »