I have to finish the setting info first as that will correlate with Character creation. I originally planned to post both yesterday, but haven't had the available time that I wanted to put into it. I want to make an engrossing world that has it's own feel and history. It's not really as easy as I thought it would be. I am gonna probably post the map of the area and then a description of each of the areas presented on the map. If a character would like to come from a different area that is altogether fine as long as the area is approved and it's location can be added to the setting description. The character Creation guidelines should contain enough about all the races that will be playable for characters. There won't be too many, as I don't want to allow a bunch of magical beings and strange races of modern D&D types, just yet. I think the following list will be the final approved:
Dwarves(Classical Cave Dwelling)
Neo Dwarves(New Tech oriented live above ground)
Elves(Disappearing race most leaving the world do not believe in modern tech believe it will lead to the downfall of all species.)
Half Elves(A race of semi long lasting, sharing qualities of both elves and humans, not liked by Dark Elves and some resentment from Humans.)
Humans(Too many types to list, Tech, Barbarians, Imperial Humans(sorta like Romans), Pirates(not exactly your ARG variety)
Halflings(not all that common but a resiliant people, perfect pilots because of their light weight and size )
If anything else changes I'll let you guys know. This will give everyone hopefully a little basis for thinking up a character. Expect something soon in both the Setting and Character Guidelines boards.
NOTE: I have removed Dark Elves as a playable character option. Dark Elves are pretty dark they are sadistic and cruel and refuse to work with any race besides there own. Characters may encounter them in not so plesant terms. I have removed them because I don't mind some minor hostility in a character group but I believe having a Dark Elve will make a group trying to work as a team not function. I want characters to work together to solve problems not fight amongst themselves no matter how much that would make an interesting plot arch.