As she opens the door to the hut, she sees that the others are already assembled inside. They are standing in a semi-circle on one side of the room. The Shaman leans on an old twisted root facing the group of hunters on the other. Deep furrows crease his brow with worry. He opens his previously closed eyes and looks in Lewellen's direction. With a nod he greets her, then turns his attention back to the others.
The Shaman was old, ancient if you will. When not heavy with worry, his skin was still wrinkled and creased. Skin covered in scales, that is. Scales cover from head to toe. The shaman, being so old, is missing a few patches here and there - scars from battles past and the debt of old age.
His face is that of a human's, save for a nose. Gill-like slits line his neck instead. A simple, coarse brown robe drapes from his shoulders to his feet, covering his dark brown skin. The group of Jataka across from him are much younger. Lean, tough, and proud. They are all stone faced and at attention, as these meetings rarely ever bring good news.
The Shaman shifts his weight and leans further onto the root as he opens his eyes. Staring intently at Kitharsis, he speaks.
"Go on, young one, inform the others of what you heard."
Kitharsis steps out from the group and stands alongside the Shaman, facing the others. He steals a quick glace at Lewellen, and she can see the quickest hint of a smile flash across his lips. Just as quick his face turns to steel as he addresses the group.
"I heard machinery while in the swamp just a few moments ago. I was out past the Two Twins and well into the wetlands at the time. I climbed to the canopy to get a better look but -"
Kitharsis cuts himself short, with a cough he continues.
"But I thought better of exposing myself to the outlanders, and quickly ran back to the village to report..."
Lewellen relaxes. She hadn't notice that she had tensed up while Kitharsis was speaking. It is a well known fact that hunters were not allowed to be engaging in relationships. If it was discovered that the two of them were involved one of them would have to step down from hunting. It was this way was because the hunters were also the guardians of the village. There were a breadth of dangers in the swamps. If a couple were killed while out on a hunt their children would be left orphans. For the sake of the children and to not burden the rest of the village one parent must stay behind and perform a less dangerous task. To Lewellen and Kitharsis, such a fate would be worse than death.
"Proposterous! There hasn't been any warnings from the other villages. We're not close to any resources that outlanders would want! Why would they come here first?" Sade steps forwards, challenging Kitharsis's claims. A few others grumble under their breaths, not willing to believe his claims either.
"Enough, Sade..." The Shaman waves him off dismissively. "This is not open to discussion. A team will be sent out to investigate Kitharsis's claims immediately. Sade, Kitharsis, and Teal, you three will do this. The others will stand ready in the village. That is all. Make preparations and leave at once."
The Shaman exits the tent, leaving the hunters alone inside. Sade crosses his arms in front of him with and shakes his head.
"Lets hope you're wrong about this, Kitharsis..." He mutters.
"Hope won't get this done any faster. Make any preparations you need and meet at the west end of the village. Be quick about it." Teal was one of the older hunters and one of the less lenient. Kitharsis was glad he was coming.