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Please welcome Fallen Templar, our newest member.

Author Topic: The end of the Eye of Terror, Epic Battle Master needed, Inquisitorial change.  (Read 5155 times)

Offline Cameron

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Hello. I hope everyone is doing well.

This announcement is to inform you of two major changes taking place, and a new opportunity for one of you to step forward and make a difference.

Due to reasons beyond my control, I will be unable to continue running the Eye of Terror campaign. It has officially ended. I will endeavor to post a thread later this week that will wrap up the campaign and give it a solid conclusion. The next Epic Battle will take place canonically following the Eye of Terror campaign, though it is up to the next Battle Master to determine how much time passes between the two. I apologize for failing you. It will not happen again. I have run my last Battle. Rest assured that I will continue to serve you in my capacity as the Administrator for as long as this site stays operational.

This brings me to my next point. I have opened a thread in the battle Suggestions forum so that you may elect a new Battle Master to replace me. All aspiring applicants should post their ideas in the thread so that they can be voted upon. The sooner a new Battle Master is elected, the sooner the Epic Battle can resume, so please post any ideas you have there ASAP.

My final piece of news is that I am making a change to our current Ordos Administratum staff. As of today, Soul Reaver has been relieved of his Inquisitorial duties. Faidth will continue on as an Inquisitor, so be sure to let her or I know if you have any problems. A replacement Inquisitor will be hired if necessary  at a later date which has yet to be determined.

Thank you for your time.