Working on some art for Soul's TTBE, and since you guys provided such helpful feedback on my last work, I decided to include you guys while I'm still working on it. Here's the first couple of steps I've taken toward Kitharsis's battle with Kherek.
Right now I'm just sort of laying in the tattoos to see what they'll look like before I apply their lighting effects (which will be among the last steps I take). Still need to get a better idea about what the rune on his shoulder actually looks like though, but I'll get around to that later. I also intend to lighten his skin a bit and add the giant boots of massiveness as well as trinkets and pouches.
As for Kherek, I'm still messing with his concept a lot, but I'm thinking of applying scraps of cloth to show movement, some nasty looking spikes, and maybe some gold ornaments or trinkets to make him pop a little in the dark lighting (the background will be mostly black with a few dungeony-bricky-pillars).
At this point, since it's not a finished product, please feel free to throw in ideas, feedback, or maybe you just noticed somebody's appendage is slightly disproportional... let me have it. After staring at one project for a couple hours, I can't see things that you guys will, and won't have ideas that you guys might.
Thank you much!