Journal Entry"Blood Lust"In my dreams I find myself trapped in a forest, searching for a sign I know is not there. A dense mist veils all that my senses would hope to uncover. As I stand there captive by my surroundings, a terrifying urge begins to build in my chest, throbbing and pounding until it creeps into my throat. My teeth reach out for a thirst that can never be quenched.
This is what my kin call Blood Lust, an uncontrollable appetite to consume that which would rob me of my remaining humanity. It stalks me, haunting the corners of my dreams and challenging the nature of my waking state. I will fight it, as I have for all these years . . . but to what end? What Gods set this torment upon me? How much longer can I repress my urge to feed? What will I become should I ever allow my darkness to surface? These are the thoughts that gnaw at my conscious. There will reach a point that I can no longer fight this battle alone. . .
~Desmond the Lone