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Author Topic: Character Creation (Shadowstorm)  (Read 3440 times)

Offline Veldanya Venalla

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Character Creation (Shadowstorm)
« on: November 30, 2011, 04:17:48 PM »
Ok so here is a general setup for what I would like you to provide for your characters.  The more in depth you go the better :)

Character name:

Appearance: (Keep in mind if you decide to go the mechanical augmentation route, many of your augmentations will be visible)


Augmentations:  As mentioned in the suggestion thread, both mechanical and nano-augmentation are available to you, but know that nano-augmentation is relatively new and even more costly to acquire then mechanical.  I will be creating a seperate topic to cover Augmentations in greater detail.

Equipment:  What kind of gear does your character use, and what do they own?  Feel free to go in to detail on how you may have acquired your weapons and such if you want.

Background:  Who are you?  Where did you come from?  What do you currently do?  These are some key points that should be answered in your background.  I need enough info so that I can create a reason that Shadowstorm might learn about you and decide to recruit you.  Some things that can also go here is how did you obtain your augmentations?  Feel free to put in as much background as you want (though I ask that you dont give me something akin to a book or else it may delay your character being accepted lol)

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