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Author Topic: Linden Vireo (Misthaven)  (Read 4440 times)

Offline Tamrissa

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Linden Vireo (Misthaven)
« on: May 17, 2010, 08:05:33 PM »
Linden Vireo

A free lance pilot who's plane is in bad repair and is only good for running up storage fees at the moment.

Linden is spending her time in the dive bars/inns of a rougher part of town.  She's down to her last bit of savings and certainly not going to go crawling back to her aunt and uncle begging for scraps.  Still, a pilot makes few friends when they are always in the air and her belt is tight enough that her mind has been leaning towards less honest ways of making money.


A human woman with a bobbed plume of auburn hair.  Her longer bangs are often clipped to one side to keep them from her brown eyes.  Simple goggles sit atop her head when she is out and about during the day and of course are pulled down over her face when up in the air. 

Her face is long, florid complected and mostly small-featured.  Full lips are her most vivid characteristic.  One ear has a slight point to it, which may suggest that an ancestor was elven.  However, she is very human and is aging like one, though still quite young.

She's of average height; around five feet and five inches.  Her body is slim, but she's of healthy weight.  Her garb consists of a pair of tan breeches and an olive-green woolen tunic that has been belted at the waist.  Her dark brown boots are laced to mid-calf and form-fitting gloves of similar leather are pulled over the sleeves of the tunic nearly to the elbow.  A heavy longcoat with the symbols of her professions patched on the shoulders is thrown over her shoulder or the back of her chair if she isn't bundled up in it.

A rolled cigarette is often perched between her lips and a sweet smelling tobacco smoke mixed with the mildewy smells of the inns she's been sleeping in clings to her clothing.   


As a woman who has been on her own for some time, she's quite capable as a swordsman and a pilot.  Her temperment is steady under pressure, but there is some obvious frustration when it comes to mechanical issues she can't solve readily.  Despite her loss of hope in a comfortable lifestyle, she seems to enjoy the prospect of getting back out into the world...particularly the skies.


A leather knapsack with various supplies:  A canteen of watered down whiskey, a few days worth of dry tack, a small lightweight toolkit of cheaply-made basic tools for minor repairs, a small heirloom astrolabe,a thin book of astronomy, a crumpled map, a bedroll strapped to the top, a folded up flight cap, a knitted stretch of natural wool that serves as a scarf, a flint and tinder, and two candles (one melted down to half). 

A leather pouch on her belt with supplies for her pistol:  gunpowder, lead balls (enough for about twenty-five shots) and a new flint.


Padded leather longcoat.

Specially made goggles to protect her eyes and keep her vision clear in flight.

Woolen underclothing to protect her from the icy temperatures of the skies.


A dagger for cutting food slipped into a small sheath at her lower back. 

A concealable flintlock pistol that she keeps strapped to her right thigh, where it would be hidden by the hem of her tunic/coat. A ramrod is stored on the underside of the barrel.

A short cutlass on a sword belt.  Worn on her hip when on the ground.  Available within arm's reach when flying.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2011, 12:30:32 PM by Cameron Aileron »

Offline Tyvaris

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Re: Linden Vireo (Misthaven)
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2010, 06:08:04 AM »
This character is APPROVED for use in the Misthaven: The Secret Flight of the Vilya Board Battle.