For the purposes of making a title screen for To the Bitter End, I need to get a GOOD artist to volunteer to draw/paint me a title screen.
I advertised on the non-paid job listings section of (which is a great site) and got a bunch of good replies. I had to settle for just one of them in the end, and picked a guy called Tom Hering, whose art style I liked (see my avatar).
Unfortunately though he had to drop the project becuase he had to get himself two real (non-drawing-related) jobs so as not to descend into poverty. Now I don't have an artist. I've advertised again but haven't had many replies. I also e-mailed Chris Oldman (another guy who volunteered earlier) but he hasn't replied.
I'd really like to have more choice of artist available, but my choices are really limited right now. So does anyone know a good 2D artist willing to make a title screen for me? It's not a rushed or urgent job, but I really would like it to look at least semi-professional.
Any ideas where I can find one? I'm kind of at my wits end here on what to do...