I'd say though about Raven Guard and the Big SM Codex is that it does afford a ton of options; probably the most for any Codex. You could have any number of cool combinations of units as the Templar to me seem really limited as I start to build lists for them. They can't have a whirlwind, Librarians(They Hate Psykers, Adhor the witch and all that), Vangaurd, Sternguard, Devestators and a list of other things that a lot of Marine Players love to use. Those Devestator squads are pretty much the mainstay of a lot of Space Marine armies from what I can see reading lists online. With the new SM codex anyone can pretty much take a Redeemer or Crusader Land Raider and what would be awesome is taking some Legion of the Damned with ANY Space Marine army. I hate Ultramarines though... seriously they didn't do much during the Horus Heresy and their fluff is weak. Black Templar have some nice fluff including coming back from crusades to fight Vandire in charge of the Ecleisarchy on Terra the first army to fight where their founding chapter the Imperial Fists fought to subdue the Sons of Horus outside the Emperor's Palace Everything I'm reading now about Space Wolves looks awesome too, bezerker wolfen barbarians in space.
I love the inquisition fluff and stuff and definately am keeping an eye out for all the news related to them, but Black Templar are pretty much all im focusing on right now. I do have the taint of chaos and my renegade legion has a lot of room for growth too, if only I can pick a chapter color scheme I like. Chaos SM are cool too they have a lot of the SM fluff but with a couple dark twists. I definately hope we can all play at some point in the future before a 6th Edition comes out circa 2012ish knowing GW.
Recently I have been trying NOT to buy anymore stuff, I have sold off whole armies of stuff as I know I just don't have the time, Nids, Orks, Steel Legion all gone. The Prices going up has sorta forced me to buy one unit a month or less which is ok, I mean if u think about it, you buy your HQ one month for say under $45 then the next month or couple months you can save up and get the Battleforce and you pretty much have the basic troops, then from there you just flesh out based on what kind of army you like. Im glad the Guild is around and I do buy smaller items from time to time from them, but I usually buy the core of my troops online as the prices are just too good to pass up, if anyone would like a list of places to get stuff cheap online let me know. I then pretty much pick my blisters up either at the guild or used or even Bartertown.. I buy my hobby supplies online too as GW has some of the most expensive static grass, sand, paint anywhere.