The Chosen of Alviss takes his lute in hand, and the spirited tune that follows affects nearly everyone who hears it. It charms their minds with its bouncy notes, soothes their hearts with its cheerful melody and invigorates their bodies to motion, thus compelling each to dance.
Despite the fact that they have little control over their actions, everyone affected by this spell is filled with an unbridled sense of happiness, and they cannot help but to experience joy at these moments of levity.
Bran looks around the field incredulously, surprised and a bit amused by what he is seeing unfold before him. His elder brothers, Dennan and Corvus have linked arms and are spinning around in gleeful, bouncing steps. It had been many days since Corvus had returned from the frontlines and had since carried with him a very heavy heart. Bran cannot help but to smile at seeing the towheaded young man rejoice in gladness as the music overtakes him.
Archer shakes her head in disbelief as she watches Besnik hop from fencepost to fencepost as he dances a merry, falcon jig.
Down the path a bit, Blood and Muse are in the process of returning from Hestia’s infirmary. Muse’s face erupts in a look of unadulterated glee and she begins to whirl and spin, her arms stretched out to her sides, and her feet a blur of motion as she dances to and fro.
Blood’s eyes widen as she scans the horizon for the source of this madness. Her gaze locks on the form of a man of diminutive stature. As Sig continues his ballad, Blood’s eyes narrow in irritation. She starts forward to put a stop to this insanity, but finds that her hips are swaying in such a way that they are keeping time with the downbeats. She catches sight of her superior officer, Fury, and gives her a look of desperation. However, the General merely responds with an expression of amusement and begins to tap her foot to the rhythm, though it seems more a matter of choice than compulsion. Blood growls in irritation and crosses her arms over her chest, indignant at the subtle intrusion Alviss’s child has made upon her subconscious.
Sembas finds that he is unable to resist the alluring ballad as it reaches his ears and softly creeps over the entirety of his body. Faile, by some miraculous chance has been equally affected by the spell, and lands upon her master’s shoulder. She hops to and fro, landing upon his shoulder, bouncing to his head, and emerging on the opposite shoulder.
Depheir, also affected by the spell, turns into a whirling dervish. His swords are extended to either side of him and his feet cross and uncross as he happily dances across the battlefield.
Fenwick, too, is affected by the spell, and as the music reaches his ears, he is compelled to engage in the joyous dance that the All-Father has leveled upon the fray.
Sig cries out to Bran. "I do believe now would be a fantastic time to do some head-bashing, lad!"
Bran is instantly spurred to action and his eyes focus on the Elemental that is making its way towards Sig. Bran quickly closes the distance between himself and the creature, throwing himself in the Elemental’s path so that it cannot continue to pursue Sig. Bran holds his sword high above his head, and an earsplitting cry erupts from his lungs. So powerful is the shout of war that the ground beneath the Elemental begins to shake violently. As Bran roars, bits of dirt, chunks of rock, and pieces of minerals begin to fly from the Elemental as its form is stripped back down into its material components. Each particle that composes the elemental falls to the ground where it is quickly absorbed by the earth.