Hey everybody!
New around here, unless waiting for 4 years for the revival counts.
I was introduced to the Adminstoru after playing Soul Reaver's custom campaign on Warcraft 3. Really enjoyed it, so I sent an email to hiim and things went on from there. Sometime after, I joined and went under the name 'Spirit Slasher' before and had made that name just for the board. But just a while afterwards, the board died out.
Been keeping in contact with Fei and just yesterday Clutch told me the board was open again, so here I am! I live in Singapore, am 17 going 18 at the end of the year and have played online games for most of my life starting with neopets -> runescape -> wolfenstein: enemy territory -> DoTA -> everything else under the sun, while taking a side interest in D & D after being introduced to Planescape: Torment by Soul Reaver.
I'll Will create a new character and let Spirit Slasher die out, simply because it never saw action and I'm bored with his powers.
Please to meet all of you
Yap Jun Hong, Nemo (You can call me nemo)