This is a special message for Soul Reaver. It is time to bring back the BBC. Not the British Broadcasting Company, The BOARD BATTLE CLASSIC.
I'll let the man himself explain it in his own words, circa 2004.
For those of you who don't know, the Board Battle classic is a largely story-less duel where our characters can fight each other. God-modding still isn't allowed, so you might wonder how you can 'win' the duel. Quite simple: it's considered to be in good sport to acknowledge when you think the other player has come up with an original or clever attack and let it hit... and to know when to admit that your character has probably lost. Coming up with original and clever traps and attacks to make your enemy acknowledge that you've done well is at the heart of it.
The Board Battle Classic allows you to pit Board Battle characters against other players, but don't think that it has any influence on the actual Board Battle story - it's just for fun. For all intents and purposes, the stuff there doesn't 'happen'. Characters can even be 'killed' during the Board Battle Classic, in which case they've lost the battle, but that won't stop them from coming back to life again almost immediately afterwards for another duel, or a rematch.
So basically, the new updated rules would be this: Has your character been approved for the Epic Battle? Pit them against other Epic Battle-approved characters in a fight to the death (but not really cause it doesn't count)! There would be rules, of course. Battle Master is the final arbiter of what attacks hit or miss. All fights are subject to the normal Board Battle rules. Etc. We can hammer that out later. For now, only two things are important.
1. Who is interested in this?
2. Soul Reaver, will you run it?