@Archdemon Stu: Thanks! The visual references are quite helpful. I figured he would not be one to weigh himself down with something like plate armor. I just wanted to have a clearer idea of what he might wear before he gets his boons.
@Kitharsis: As you have already acquired the Wisdom-Shapeshifting skill, as a romance benefit from Archer, you will receive Wisdom-Tracking. This will be very advantageous to you in the Sanguine Fields. Please update your character sheet to reflect this new skill.
Wisdom- Tracking
Next to nothing will escape the notice of an experienced tracker. The smallest clues such as a broken twig, a berry prematurely knocked from a bush, or a single hair upon the ground can easily be recognized by a veteran tracker. In addition, those with Wisdom-Tracking are exceptionally adept at masking the tracks of themselves and their companions. As a benefit of Wisdom-Tracking, you gain an ability called Conceal, which allows you to deftly obscure any tracks you may leave in your wake. Only a tracker of equal skill would be able to discern your movements.
If you have any last minute business to tend to, this is the last call for new posts. I will likely be indisposed this weekend, so I intend on putting up our next plot post on Monday. During said post, Fjorin will receive his Bulwark sign-on bonus and the party will be sent on its merry way to the Sanguine Fields.