Soul Reaver is jolted backwards by Gulgrim's energy blast and he is spattered with black ichor, while the Nightmares are thrown several meters away - though they land with surprising lightness back upon their feet. However, they turn their faceless heads upward as comets of holy light begin to descend from the skies.
The momentary distance, however, was going to be of use to Soul Reaver. With enemies and danger on all sides, a protective measures would need to be taken. A harsh gesture causes a dark barrier of sorcery to spring up around Soul Reaver. Faintly, screaming faces seems to be crawling over its surface.
Soul Reaver begins chanting at a fever pitch as the Ork marches toward him. The Nightmares converge on him from all sides, but are no match for his kutlass - even with their agility, they are cut down one after another, flying apart like dry leaves as they hit the ground. Gunfire roars from what remains of Gulgrim's armour, and a beam of crimson light laces from his robotic eye.
Each bullet and beam that impacts upon Soul Reaver magical barrier unleashes a cracking burst of black lightning and causes the surface to waver and shimmer. While it seems to lessen the impacts, the barrier doesn't stop them entirely - the majority of the attacks still seem to penetrate. Behind the barrier, Soul Reaver holds his ground, deflecting what he can with his gauntleted palm, and losing flesh and blood from those attacks he does not. Firey comets rain down toward him, and Blooddrinker flashes through the air to shatter them as they approach, but even then, Soul Reaver seems to be struggling to maintain his position as the ground around him is hammered with the explosive blasts. More than once, he needs to take a step back. But all this time, he just takes the punishment, his chanting droning on.
It is uncertain whether he sees Kitharsis approaching form his flank. If so, he did not seem to acknowledge the warrior yet, so fixated was he on Gulgrim. As the ork seemed to tower over him, a tangible surge of energy washes over Soul Reaver - the Waaaagh generated by the Ork was almost palpable.
And then, Soul Reaver springs to meet him. Blooddrinker slashes upward, sparking as it pushes through the holy barrier erected by Jharm. A chunk of Gulgrim's armor goes flying, and in return Soul Reaver receives a deep gash in his side. But something else is happening: the sword is beginning to feed.
The Vortex Blade begins to suck up the vast quantities of energy emanating from the Ork. Like a plug pulled from an over-filled drain, a veritable whirlwind of greenish-tinged energy begins to suffuse the blade. Yet it does not consume it as it normally would - perhaps even Blooddrinker cannot absorb this volatile energy that serves no master but its own. Instead, it spews back out and combusts violently from Soul Reaver's back, his shadowy wings becoming enveloped in jets of green fire that gout uncontrollably outward. The nerves up Soul Reaver's arms feel like as though they are on fire, yet the pain only seems to fuel his madness further.
Then, Soul Reaver completes the spell he has been casting. With sinister necromantic power, Soul Reaver weaves a cruel Choke spell into Gulgrim, then Locks it with the final words of magic. In moments, Gulgrim's massive lungs begin to fill with qualms of choking, oily black smoke. The true threat of the spell however lay in how it was crafted to be self-perpetuating: the more its victim fights, the more they rage and battle, the faster its effects would overcome them. Were he to back off, Gulgrim might be able to rid himself of the spell, but battle-mad as he was, he would likely drive himself to his own oblivion.
For now, however, the Ork still attacked as strong as always, and Soul Reaver was forced to take a step back as the Power Klaw grasped at him. The kutlass slashed from one side, to be met with Blooddrinker itself, but when Soul Reaver raises his other arm to block another attack from the Klaw, it seizes him by his unarmoured elbow. Soul Reaver has no chance to extract his arm before Gulgrim's claw compresses, slicing it clean off. It turns to ashes as it hits the ground, the gauntlet disappearing in a blaze of red.
And at that same moment, Kitharsis arrives, glowing tendrils scoring the ground like whips before him and striking Soul Reaver's barrier with thunderous booms. Soul Reaver roars and swings Blooddrinker in a wide overhead arc, once more severing Gulgrim's klaw. As the tendrils scorch his flesh, he delivers a massive kick at the Ork - strong enough to send even his massive bulk a few steps back. He is only just in time: Blooddrinker is raised overhead as Kitharsis' club descends. The weapons impact upon each other, unleashing a visible shockwave of light and noise.
With the sound of cracking glass, amplified a thousand times, a hairline crack runs up the length of Blooddrinker's previously impervious blade.
Blood bubbles and hisses from the severed stump of his left arm as flesh and muscle feverishly try to regrow. A smoky blackness billows from the wound, forming a partially incorporeal talon. Soul Reaver's eyes bore into Kitharsis' own. For a brief moment, Kitharsis thinks he can see beyond the red glow of those eyes, and perhaps glimpse a deep and painful emotional wound, left ignored too long, and now agonizingly torn open. But the glimpse is gone as quickly as it came, and Soul Reaver bellows madly.
A mass of razor-eged chains burst from the ground around Soul Reaver, intercepting Kitharsis' tendrils and Jharm's comets, blasting themselves into shards if needs be, while Soul Reaver charges forward, Blooddrinker forming a virtually impenetrable lattice of blows in all directions.