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Author Topic: Tamrissa  (Read 11597 times)

Offline Tamrissa

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« on: April 07, 2010, 08:01:36 PM »
This is Tamrissa.  I chose to change my username...first, because I was in the mood to and second, because I'd like to start over with new characters.  Tam was fun at the time, but I would be lost on where to start with her and her storyline was a little...holey...if I remember correctly. 

For the past few years, I've been writing mostly about characters within Warcraft lore.  I have elves, Draenei and orcs on the brain...though EQ2 and fantasy fiction has made me start throwing some other ideas into that mix.  I am more able to appreciate the connection with nature, elemental and spiritual, that elves and orcs have in the Warcraft universe.  I'm thinking about continuing along that route since I'm more comfortable with it, but it's still in progress and I may choose to try another path. 

Anyway, it's bringing back memories to see the names and to read the character descriptions for the Epic BB.  I remember spending hours reading the boards and writing.  There was a lot I could have done better, but I have fond memories of you all. 

Time to go read a bit and hopefully I will have a character soon.  (Feedback from anyone who wants to will be lovely once I get the profile posted.)

Offline Cameron

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Re: Tamrissa
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2010, 09:15:40 PM »
Welcome back! We're finally starting to get a respectable user count around here.  8)

As with the other Veterans, I have migrated your original registration date and your post count from the old forums. Since you have over 1000 posts, this means you can set your own custom title in your profile settings if you so choose. Make sure you take a look at the new character generation rules when you get a chance, as we're doing things a little differently. And we are still in the market for someone to pick up as the Battle Host of the Epic Battle, so if you have any suggestions regarding that, make sure you bost them in BB Suggestions.

Offline Veldanya Venalla

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Re: Tamrissa
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2010, 04:45:42 AM »
careful.....the use of the word Warcraft is looked upon with great contempt by certain personnel of the boards *cough* Clutch *cough* :D  On a side note *high-fives Aracela* nice choice for a universe to get into :)

edit: course I should note my favorite race in there are the gnomes hehe (woot for them finally getting their city back in Cata!)
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Offline Cameron

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Re: Tamrissa
« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2010, 06:38:54 AM »
Hey, I have no problem with the setting. I loved Warcraft 3. The MMO, on the other hand...  :-X

Offline Kitharsis

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Re: Tamrissa
« Reply #4 on: April 08, 2010, 09:06:08 AM »
See!!  Draenei paladin ftw!

Welcome back...  Tamrissa/Aracela! 

Is EQ2 any good?  I was terribly addicted to original EQ, but its not the same anymore with all the defiant gear.  I had a level 10 bard with so much epic gear it was just a cakewalk.

Offline Cameron

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Re: Tamrissa
« Reply #5 on: April 08, 2010, 09:16:00 AM »
Man, I remember playing EQ. I still have my disks, even.

Offline Tamrissa

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Re: Tamrissa
« Reply #6 on: April 08, 2010, 12:31:55 PM »
I reached the point of raiding Ulduar with my level 80s in WoW.  I had a Draenei priestess (Holy), a Night Elf Druid (Feral Tank), a Draenei shaman (Elemental...Lava Burst is the poo!) (formerly an orc shaman; switched servers for a guild I really like).  I miss it, but I just became annoyed with how quickly people that played all day were able to get armor that I'd worked at for months...childish yes, but if you want to raid in WoW you need gear (ugh, I think I could still do most of the Northrend heroics with my eyes closed).  It was nice to be able to get groups quickly, but that random LFG just killed any hope I had with keeping up with guildies and my tradeskills.  Then things became busier in RL and just had to drop out for a bit.

EQ2 is my game now, but I don't know enough about the instances and higher levels to say whether it's a good investment of time for entertainment.  I do a lot of soloing and tradeskills, which allows me to walk away from my computer when I need to.  I play a Halfling Guardian and she's level 37 at the moment.  I miss knowing how to play my tanks and healers...still learning with the halfling. 

As for the lore, I like Warcraft's better because I know it.  It seems like in EQ2 though, there are more people role-playing on regular servers than you would have ever seen on a Normal server in WoW.  Sony seems to offer more functions for RPers than WoW did.  You can set a RP flag on yourself, put a little icon above your head that says you are offering a quest, change your title, put in a bio, etc...options you would have had to get an add-on for with WoW.

And as for Board Battles, I'll probably keep away from the hosting until I get back into the swing of things.  I don't want to start something I can't finish or that doesn't keep people entertained.  I do like that idea for Misthaven though...elves, dwarves, orcs...definitely classic with an interesting twist.

I've rambled enough for now though.  Should read a bit of the old boards before I head back to work...

Offline Kitharsis

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Re: Tamrissa
« Reply #7 on: April 08, 2010, 01:37:19 PM »
If I didn't just get accepted to the Battle of the Immortals closed beta I would be buying EQ2 after work today...

Elemental Shaman was more fun, at least until they screwed with winfury... 

I never actually got to raiding and all that in WoW.  I have a short attention span and too many things I want to do in a day.  Meh.

Offline Cameron

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Re: Tamrissa
« Reply #8 on: April 08, 2010, 02:21:24 PM »
I played WoW once, and have attempted to rejoin once for every major expansion. Played a human warrior first. When I rejoined for the first expansion, I played a Draenei Shaman and a Blood Elf something-or-other. Rouge, maybe. Then I had a Death Knight for Lich King.

But since all of these characters were on Fei's account, and he's moved out, my WoW days are essentially over. Which is fine. Never really had much fun with it, and I hate the majority of the people who play. Present company excluded, of course.

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Re: Tamrissa
« Reply #9 on: April 08, 2010, 02:24:25 PM »
Yeah, I love you too Clutch.

*go back to raiding Icecrown Citadel*

Offline Yue Kurine

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Re: Tamrissa
« Reply #10 on: April 08, 2010, 03:06:41 PM »
Hiya Tam!! Havent seen you in forever! Welcome back ^_^

I used to play WoW for years with a bunch of mah gang. I had a few epic characters, my glass cannon!mage was pretty cool but my guild always played more than I did and I was left behind pretty quickly. Agreed its annoying that some people have no life in that game and play constantly to get the best gear... that and MCing the squishy mage off cliffs got super old. >.> Now I really havent the time to bother or the money to get back into it again. I prefer my DnD crack, its less hazardous, for me anywho.

Offline Veldanya Venalla

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Re: Tamrissa
« Reply #11 on: April 08, 2010, 03:10:38 PM »
lol i guess i lucked out then.  My guild isnt a big raiding guild (which fits with my current work schedule which kinda prohibits me from actively raiding) but i love my lil gnome rogue he kicks major ass!
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Re: Tamrissa
« Reply #12 on: April 08, 2010, 04:28:44 PM »
Hey, can we stop talking about (*retch*) MMORPGs for a moment and talk about Tam... uh, I mean Aracela instead?

Welcome back, it's really great to see you again!  You always did some of the finest writing and RPing back in the day, so I'm sure your presence here will be a valuable addition regardless of if you choose to keep Tam or start anew with another character.

I'm looking forward to reading your character bio...

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Re: Tamrissa
« Reply #13 on: April 08, 2010, 04:31:29 PM »
^^^ NO

The problem with WoW these days is that everyone looks like a fucking clown.

actually I love my clownsuit even though now its been upgraded to 265 it's yellow-green and doesn't look anywhere near as icy cool :(

Also hi Tam, I read about you but you weren't around when I was floating about a few years back.

Offline Fei

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Re: Tamrissa
« Reply #14 on: April 08, 2010, 04:48:58 PM »
Fáilte ar ais Tam!  I hope you enjoy creating a new character for the BBs.    Hopefully this jumpstart will be a good, fresh start for everyone.

I hope your'e having fun with EQ2.

It's good seeing you return.  It, honestly, caught me by surprise.

Offline Danyael

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Re: Tamrissa
« Reply #15 on: April 09, 2010, 09:21:35 PM »
The character of Tamrissa Roshan was always a favorite of mine. But I can understand the possible want for starting fresh. Welcome back, Tam. You've been missed.
"Yeah, well, ya' better have a spatula where we're goin' cause my ass is frozen to this yak!" :o

Offline Kitharsis

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Re: Tamrissa
« Reply #16 on: April 11, 2010, 03:50:42 AM »
Ok, Aracela, what server are you on for EQ2?  I have 14 days to mess around with and decide if I want to play for reals :P

Offline Veldanya Venalla

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Re: Tamrissa
« Reply #17 on: April 11, 2010, 05:11:38 AM »
phooey on EQ2....come to WoW :)
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Offline Cameron

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Re: Tamrissa
« Reply #18 on: April 11, 2010, 06:38:20 AM »

We're off topic here, guys. If you want to talk about EQ2 or WoW, take it to the General Discussion board. It's lonely.  ;)

Offline Tamrissa

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Re: Tamrissa
« Reply #19 on: April 11, 2010, 12:09:51 PM »
Answer to your question down in the General Discussion.   :)

Thank you to everyone for the 'welcome backs' and comments, by the way!  Hopefully my next post will be a character profile.