Forgive me for being absent from the Original EOT campaign but I was looking at the old board and I'm having trouble figuring out which was the first part or the sequence of parts. I see a bunch of EoT camps some of them are logical though do you have a list ot the battle titles so I can read them in order? I started with the Gathering the Forces tread I think it was, but even then it seemed like I missed one or two.
Should this come to pass, I'm going to be writing up a recap post. I can't expect everyone who was here to remember the entire thing. But let me assist you for now with a few links.
Gathering The Forces Part 1 This is the first part of the campaign. My prelude post is in there, so it's the best place to start. This part of the story mainly involves herding the
cats companions together, and is the shortest part. There was a little bit of set up for this in some previous threads. I'll dig it up later and link to it, but for now, the only thing you're missing by starting here is Cameron's initial request for help and the companion's initial encounter with Abbadon the Despoiler.
Here is Part 2. The Grey Knights Part 1 Wherein the companions get led through Mars and wind up on Cellaris V, homeworld of the recently formed Grey Knights chapter of Space Marines. They reunite with Cameron and their mission is explained in detail.
Here is Part 2. Here is Part 3. Here is Part 4. Calm Before The Storm Part 1 Wherein the companions handle last minute affairs before leaving to assault the Eye. And then things get a bit weird.
Here is Part 2. The Battle of Cellaris V Part 1 Wherein Cellaris V falls under Tyranid attack, delaying the companions departure for the Eye and forcing them to fight for their lives against overwhelming numbers.
Here is Part 2.Journey to Cadia Part 1 Wherein the companions finish off the Tyranid threat and finally prepare to depart for Cadia, the planet closest to the Eye and official staging area for the Space Marines final assault on their ancient enemy. But first, a bunch of other inter-party stuff happens, and then the journey takes way longer then it should, and then some threads apparently got corrupted. -_-
Here is Part 2.Part 3 is missing. If I somehow manage to locate it's thread, I'll link it here. Suffice to day that after some extensive research, all you're missing is 8 or 9 pages of characters arguing with each other. Perhaps that's why it's missing.
Here is Part 4.Here is Part 5.Here is Part 6. Be aware that there are two threads for Part 6 if you actually look in the archives. The one I'm linking to here is the correct one. The other one is the exact same thread but has half the posts missing. Ignore it.
Entering the Eye Part 1 Wherein the companions finally arrive on Cadia. A way must still be found to get the Space Marine forces through the Eye, and the companions undertake a push against chaos cultists to secure a launch site for the elemental that can get the job done. The terrible pacing of this part of the story causes us to shed half our characters, so things get a little hard to follow.
Here is Part 2.Here is Part 3.Here is Part 4.Here is Part 5.Here is Part 6.Here is Part 7.Battle of the Eidolon Wastelands Part 1 Wherein the companions finally assault the Chaos homeworld at the center of the Eye of Terror, and finally have their second and final confrontation with Abbadon the Despoiler. Unfortunately, the boards were already in a tailspin when this chapter finally started, and the inevitable crash occurred partway through the battle with Abadon, making this the moment where the story cut off and has yet to be finished. The end of the part 2 thread is around about where we would be picking up should the EoT campaign be restarted.
Here is Part 2.Hope that helps. Should we restart this, I'll probably repost this in it's own thread.