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Author Topic: MH:The Secret Flight of the Vilya - PART 1: A Troublesome Crew OOC Thread.  (Read 68377 times)

Offline Tyvaris

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Re: Misthaven:The Secret Flight of the Vilya OOC Thread
« Reply #20 on: June 29, 2010, 11:37:41 AM »
My goal is to beat Clutch and finish the first post today....  :P

Offline Danyael

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Re: Misthaven:The Secret Flight of the Vilya OOC Thread
« Reply #21 on: June 29, 2010, 01:43:09 PM »
My goal is to beat Clutch and finish the first post today....  :P

You could wait 'til the end of the week and you'd still beat him.  :-\
"Yeah, well, ya' better have a spatula where we're goin' cause my ass is frozen to this yak!" :o

Offline Tyvaris

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Re: Misthaven:The Secret Flight of the Vilya OOC Thread
« Reply #22 on: June 29, 2010, 02:11:48 PM »
Rule one should be: don't anger the Administrator Extremis...   He's doing his best to get an EPIC battle underway.  I on the other hand have just been throwing out excuses.

Offline Danyael

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Whatever happens, happens. Life is life and games are games. I don't take it personally. Neither should he.  :-X
"Yeah, well, ya' better have a spatula where we're goin' cause my ass is frozen to this yak!" :o

Offline Soul Reaver

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Re: Misthaven:The Secret Flight of the Vilya OOC Thread
« Reply #24 on: June 29, 2010, 05:26:35 PM »
My goal is to beat Clutch and finish the first post today....  :P

You could wait 'til the end of the week and you'd still beat him.  :-\


Offline Cameron

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(No really...I do... >.> )

I expect posts!

Offline Tyvaris

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But I spent all afternoon trying to talk reason into my girlfriend as to why she shouldn't go see the midnight premiere of Twilight...   It was a struggle between reality and insanity and I failed... She failed to seek reason and is now excommunicatus.  Well... not really but figured I'd throw that out there as an excuse.   Not going to make anymore promises but I really should have it up tonight. Recently I haven't been getting enough sleep and the free time I do have when I get home I feel mindless and uncreative.  I type all day at work and when I get home staring at a computer screen seems to be the last thing I want to do.  I've stopped playing video games and have been reading a lot of books.   Tonight I'll make a concerted effort and just finish it off, even it I have to just post simple sentences to say what happens. 

Offline Cameron

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Just because she's going to see Twilight does not mean that you have to go. Just sayin'.

Offline Tyvaris

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I didn't go with her... But she came home and bugged me until 830 then left to go with here Twihard friends...

Offline Angie

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so have any of you actually READ twilight?

because I have

it's as bad as you'd think.

COMPLETELY UNRELATED POSTSCRIPT: watching a book explode on the freeway? Fun.

Offline Tyvaris

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I have added a little more, but still not finished with my first post. I spent about an hour typing last night and was burned out.  Tonight I should be able to finish it off, as all that is left is the description of the Graceful Gale and the discussion with Grumbald on finding a crew. Then it wil be opened to new posts.   Today I'm going to clean up this tread and delete only the relevant OOC posts.  Too much crap in here.

Offline Soul Reaver

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Not to be pushy, but I'm hoping you'll get this show on the road soon.  The opening post doesn't have to be perfect - heck, you should see how the Board Battles started.....

Offline Tyvaris

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Yes, I understand; tonight I'll unlock the thread and I'll finish the discussion with Grumbald.  The dialogue with Grumbald is important as it will contain pretty much what Lark is looking for in crewmembers. Although considering his situation he won't have much of a choice he needs crew members whether he likes who they are or not.   I'm going to work on writing a lot of notes down on Misthaven...   

Essentially I have changed the name of Misthaven to Mistvald but the location is usually known to colloquially as Mist Haven, The Mist Haven(s), or Mistguard.

Offline Tyvaris

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Board is now open.  I am gonna probably do some grammatical clean up, but thats pretty much it.  Please PM if you have any questions or feel free to post here.

Offline Tamrissa

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Posted.  Err...didn't quite realize how long it was until I pasted.  Let me know if I need to edit anything. 

Hooray!  Still quite excited about this battle.  :)

Offline Tyvaris

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I'm not sure anyone else noticed but I am having a hard time editting long posts.  Everytime I try to click to scroll down the text box jumps all over the place.  So the I have to make all my changes in Word and then export them back into the box.  Needless to say I have missed some minor things like Itallisizing Graceful Gale, etc.   I won't have time today at work to read the posts, so I'll check them out tomorrow.  I have decided to describe Gracie in detail and I hope to scetch a concept picture of it when the characters show up at the aerodrome.

Offline Cameron

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I was editing the EoT recap thread all day yesterday and was not having any issues. What browser are you using?

Offline Tyvaris

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Int Explorer 8....

It is only a problem with big posts.  With the slider bar and the way it allows me to readjust the text box. 

Offline Cameron

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Protip: Don't use Internet Explorer. Problem solved.