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Author Topic: The Legion Immortalis- General Gameplay  (Read 3952 times)

Offline Faidth

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The Legion Immortalis- General Gameplay
« on: June 29, 2010, 11:05:51 PM »

Gameplay is quite simple. It thrives upon three things:

1.) Your attributes
2.) Your abilities
3.) Your descriptions

When faced with a task, you may call upon your attributes or skills to respond to it. If you feel that you lack an attribute that will aid you, try to think of a creative way to use the ones that you have. Keep in mind, the more descriptive you are, the better chance you have of your action succeeding.

 For example, let’s say you are in combat with a foe and the attacker tries to deliver a devastating blow to you. You may say something to the effect of

“As the Forsaken’s immense greataxe seeks to sever my head in twain, I use my Dexterity- Dodge skill to quickly maneuver out of the way. The axe cuts through air as I fluidly avoid the attack, my body bending around the blade itself as I flip forward, over the head of the axe, in a beautifully choreographed evasive action.” 

But what if you don’t have Dexterity-Dodge? You have avoided selecting attributes for a combat-heavy character. What can you do?

“As the Forsaken’s immense greataxe seeks to sever my head in twain, I recall a tome I had read in regards to weak points on the human body. I use my Intelligence- Knowledge skill to determine the appropriate course of action, and in one swift motion, I jam my fingers into the major artery on the side of the attacker’s neck, thus temporarily inhibiting the appropriately flow of blood to the brain.”

Though there are attributes and skills to take into account, there really is not a level-up system and you’ll be granted more attributes and skills on a regular basis in order to help you flesh out your character.

I certainly encourage creativity, and your descriptions and in-character interactions will help to drive the plot along. Does that mean I expect you to write five pages every time you post? Good Lord, NO! Keep your posts dramatically appropriate. If all your character has to contribute is a few snarky comments and a well-placed one liner, so be it! If you find the mood strikes you to write a few paragraphs, fine by me as well.

In some ways, this battle will play more like an rpg than your standard epic board battle, so if you have any questions, comments or concerns, feel free to let me know.