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Author Topic: 1/22/2015: Administrator absence  (Read 4483 times)

Offline Cameron

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1/22/2015: Administrator absence
« on: January 22, 2015, 01:51:32 PM »
Greetings, everyone.

I will be heading to MAGFest tomorrow morning, and will not return until late Monday. I will have very limited access to email and no access to the boards for the duration of this trip. Since Soul Reaver is also on a trip that is limiting his internet access, Jharm will be your point of contact for any issues that require a member of the Ordos Administratum to resolve. Please direct any urgent questions or concerns to him. Non-urgent issues can still be sent to me via PM or Email, but I will not respond to them until I return.

Have a great weekend, everyone. I'll see you when I get back.

Yours in service,
Cameron Aileron (Starblade|MKIV)
Administrator of the Administorum