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Author Topic: 5/24/2015: Server move imminent. Please hold off on posting in Battle threads.  (Read 6215 times)

Offline Cameron

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We are preparing to change data servers again. A full backup of the forum was made today. The move should take place sometime tomorrow (5/25). To avoid any possible data loss, I would recommend that you refrain from posting to any of the battle threads until the move is complete. We shouldn't lose any data, so I will leave the boards open, but keep in mind that anything you post between now and the time that the move completes is at your own risk.

There may be some downtime tomorrow during the move, and some DNS entries may take some time to be re-pointed. Also, things may look strange on the site while themes and image links are re-pointed, and attachments will not work until everything is moved over. This should all be remedied no later than the end of this week.

Thanks for your patience. Watch this thread for any pertinent updates.

Yours in service,
Cameron Alieron
Administrator of the Administorum

(PS: I'm not dead. I should be able to resume normal posting once this is all wrapped up.)
« Last Edit: June 18, 2015, 10:26:34 PM by Starblade|MKIV »

Offline Cameron

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I was unfortunately mistaken regarding the move. The move will actually be taking place sometime at the end of this week. This week is being used for testing to make sure that the move goes smoothly. Sorry for the confusion. Posting in battle threads should be okay for now, but I would recommend writing your post in something other than the browser and saving a backup of it just in case.

Offline Soul Reaver

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I've noticed the 'it's happening!' post appears to have gone.  Is the server move done now/is it safe to post now without things vanishing?

Offline Nullav

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Re: 5/24/2015: Server move completed.
« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2015, 06:03:39 PM »
Yep. It's safe to post away now.

Offline Cameron

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Re: 6/18/2015; Server move completed.
« Reply #4 on: June 18, 2015, 10:14:53 PM »
I still have one configuration file change I need to make (I think? Nullav, chime in here if you already did that for me for some reason) but other than that, we're clear to go.