Since my initial post ive kinda had more time to think it over and whatnot, and am finding myself not nearly as keen on the idea of passing on hosting the next BB. That being said of course, my initial statement has naturally led to the inevitable "Well who will run the next one" and thus me going "Eh I changed my mind again...ill run the next one, FOOLED YOU!" is not a good thing lol. With Kitharsis' current character state/mindset, should Kitharsis have the desire to in fact do a "prologue" handling that, I'm all for it. It could also allow for a period where those unsure of participating in another "full" story (Daccio and Cameron) more time to decide/work on their characters/etc. If not, I can continue with my story, though I cant make any promises it will be as grandiose/epic as EoT was, but I can promise lots of stuff for everyone to stabby stabby and whatnot lol.