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Please welcome Fallen Templar, our newest member.

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Board Battle OOC Threads / Re: The Three-Edged Sword: OOC Thread
« Last post by Veldanya Venalla on January 21, 2023, 10:26:31 AM »
Can you confirm if Soul Reaver would be able to sense or otherwise detect if he's about to enter the effective 'warp-gate blocking' range of one of the crystals?
If not, Jharm will likely need to let him know before he hits it.

Given his travels and experience he would likely sense that something is amiss upon reaching the area
Board Battles / Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
« Last post by Fallen Templar on January 20, 2023, 11:47:04 AM »
Jharm's description of the Shaitan was most appreciated. That they had not experienced many incendiary attacks from the Seraphs was another point in Phaerys' favour. Likewise, this poison some of them were capable of using seemed unlikely to affect his complete lack of an organic physiology. For his part, the Ataran felt confident that he would hold his own in the coming war.

With the expectation that the Companions would be up against heavy fortifications, Phaerys felt the need to prepare accordingly. Disassembling matter at will was all well and good, but sometimes the situation called for something more... expedient. And more likely to take down a few enemy troops along with it.

Satisfied that he had enough spare matter on hand for the moment, Phaerys began to create a small seismic bomb, intended for use as a breaching charge. His hands spun glowing metallic threads into being like a spider weaving a web. The process would only take a couple of minutes or so to complete, after which he would stow the silvery, disc-shaped explosive into a dimensional compartment and start work on a second.

"If we are to depart immediately, then these will have to suffice for the moment," he stated. "Otherwise, I am also prepared."
Board Battle OOC Threads / Re: The Three-Edged Sword: OOC Thread
« Last post by Soul Reaver on January 10, 2023, 05:57:06 AM »
Can you confirm if Soul Reaver would be able to sense or otherwise detect if he's about to enter the effective 'warp-gate blocking' range of one of the crystals?
If not, Jharm will likely need to let him know before he hits it.
Board Battles / Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
« Last post by Soul Reaver on January 10, 2023, 05:55:46 AM »
Soul Reaver nods at Jharm and pays close attention to the description of his foes-to-be.

"Summoning the forces of Inferno is best done as close to the battlefield as possible to minimize the chances of... unsanctioned activity.  Doing so will necessitate opening a large Warp Gate for a time, which I understand is impossible once we are too close to the crystals.

I will bring in Infero's forces once we are as close as we can get either to the front lines or to the crystal's maximum effective range, whichever comes first - as a Warp Traveller, I assume I will be able to sense the latter?"

He shifts one of his pauldrons slightly.

"In any case, I stand ready."
Board Battles / Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
« Last post by Veldanya Venalla on January 01, 2023, 01:27:45 PM »
Once more the Seraphims gaze shifts between each Companion as they respond in turn, with Gulgrim being the final one, the Ork wasting no time as he appears to begin summoning in his forces.  Gazing over at the Seraphs around the room he nods and gestures toward Gulgrim with his hand as he turns his attention back to the others.  The Seraphs close their eyes and begin to focus, each glowing softly as they extend a hand towards the Warboss, aiding him in his efforts.

"While I am loathe to rely on even darker forces for assistance, my previous decisions have left little alternative.  You can bring some of them in Lord Reaver."

He turns to Phaerys.

"The Shaitan are similar to my people, in a way.  While my people are composed of Light and wield it effortlessly, the Shaitan are composed of Darkness and wield it as such.  Some of their number, especially the leaders, are capable of unleashing horrible attack composing of poisonous blasts.  As for weaknesses well, in truth I could not really say.  My people do not wield fire, or lightning or anything such as that and so up til now there has been no way to know.  That said I have little doubt that any sort of shadow, or darkness offense and perhaps poisonous will have little effect on them.  As for your offer of building fortifications, that will be appreciated and will likely be useful once we take each of the forts to help in protecting it afterwards."

His gaze then shifts over to Kitharsis.

"As for environment, the best description I feel I could give is "wasteland".  An eternity of war has taken its toll on the land between where each side dwells. Then to answer your question of "when" well, as soon as Gulgrim and Soul are finished bringing in their forces, and if no one has any other questions, then I would say immediately after that.  While my people are holding the line so far, every moment we waste means more time for Darkness himself to grow in power and should he fully return the fight will be even more dire."
Board Battle OOC Threads / Re: The Three-Edged Sword: OOC Thread
« Last post by Veldanya Venalla on December 20, 2022, 10:23:13 PM »
Will be getting up a post later this week, the weekend by the latest.  It is my intention/plan that this post (and subsequent responses) will be the last round of "prep" and then you all will get the chance for some good ol' combat :)
Board Battles / Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
« Last post by Shadow Chorus on December 16, 2022, 12:45:24 AM »
Gulgrim scratches his chin during the back and forth, observing the war table analytically while others ask for information or offer suggestions. He almost appears to be doing calculations, judging how many of his own boyz he will need and how quickly he can get them. Then, seemingly having decided he doesn't have enough time to waste, Gulgrim steps away from the table a few paces, turning his back to the proceedings, and raises his Cybork arm to the sky. The surface above the wrist of the arm began to open, a copper rod extending upward and crackling with green lightning as his Cybork eye began to glow brighter.

"If you'z could 'elp me out wif some coordinates, dis'll be a lot easier." The Warboss calls over his shoulder at Jharm as the lightning begins to dance across his body, becoming somewhat more active as time went on. "I've gotta triangulate no less den three krooza-scale ships, includin' the Infinite WAAAGH!!!, as well as a 'ole host uv smaller escorts, an' me big battleship, da Overkrump. Dat's my standard small planet-krumpin fleet, an' it ain't easy ta bring it all in 'cross dimensional lines when I'z don't know where da Zog I am."

It was clear he was trying anyway, as the copper rod extending from his arm began to spin, and the lightning began to emit in regular pulses, as if probing the dimensional topography.
Board Battles / Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
« Last post by Fallen Templar on December 12, 2022, 08:23:57 PM »
Like the other Companions, Phaerys intently listened to Jharm's responses to the panoply of questions that were thrown at him. There were no shortage of insights to be gleaned, though Phaerys had further questions on certain matters, most prominently the nature of both the Darkness and the Light within this dimension.

Jharm's summary of the last war against this Darkness presented to Phaerys a picture of symmetrical warfare. Only weight of numbers had been the deciding factor. And while the Ataran made no claims to being an expert in strategic warfare, the fact that the Companions were the first extradimensional visitors here gave them an edge. These... Shaitan would have no knowledge of their capabilities. Combined with the use of rapid assault and air superiority... perhaps it could make up for the thinned ranks among the Seraphs.

After Kitharsis and Soul Reaver had each spoken, Phaerys added, "I would also request additional information on the enemy. What manner of creatures are the Shaitan? What vulnerabilities do your people know of that we may exploit?" Inwardly, he considered what effect his elemental sorcery might have against these beings. How susceptible might they be to intense heat and plasma?

"The element of surprise will also serve to our advantage. We are unknown variables in this conflict, and must be prepared to keep the enemy off guard for as long as possible. For my part, with sufficient time and raw matter I could create fortifications or other constructs to bolster our attack once we are inside."
Board Battle OOC Threads / Re: The Three-Edged Sword: OOC Thread
« Last post by Soul Reaver on December 05, 2022, 07:10:42 PM »
Sorry it took a while to post, been overseas for a while.  Post up now.
Board Battles / Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
« Last post by Soul Reaver on December 05, 2022, 07:10:06 PM »
Soul Reaver listens carefully to Jharm's response.

He does not reply to Jharm's visible irritation at his assumption on the Seraph's nature.  Soul Reaver's assessment had not been made in a vaccuum of course - what he had seen of their combat tactics had suggested to him a rigid, orderly martial code, and from what he knew of similar beings he believed that they might have been reluctant to use or possibly even consider more 'underhanded' methods like assassination.

Nor was he surprised that Jharm may have recommended such a course of action, as he knew Jharm had travelled and seen enough of the multiverse to see the necessity of such actions for the greater good.  He also would not have been surprised if Jharm's higher-ranking but less wordly peers had vetoeed his idea, which might explain why Jharm now seemed to so strongly yet without elaboration insist that such an approach was 'impossible'.  But he keeps these thoughts to himself.  Whether he was right or wrong, he would only upset his companion if he presses the matter, without doing any good.

He does, however, take the declaration that Jharm's people are not inflexible at face value enough to make his next suggestion.

"If numbers are an issue... how would you feel if I summoned support from Inferno?  Their number will necessarily remain limited and they could not operate too far from me, but they could lend further support for breaking into the Citadels.

I assure you that they will be under my control."
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