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Board Battle OOC Threads / Re: The Three-Edged Sword: OOC Thread
« Last post by Veldanya Venalla on December 16, 2023, 07:36:38 PM »
Alrighty, some more combat for ya'll.  Attacks against the Shaiton troops are "god-mod allowed" but attacks directed at the two Siege golems are "no god-mod" (also attacks against the doors would be "no god mod" as well should anyone target them).  Anyone doing any sort of cursory type scan of the golems would detect a significant amount of magic from them, their forms clearly being reinforced heavily.
Board Battles / Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
« Last post by Veldanya Venalla on December 16, 2023, 07:32:54 PM »
Veldanya pauses as Soul Reaver speaks to her.

"My lady, you have our thanks for your skillful assistance in this battle.  It is an honour to fight alongside you."

He bows slightly to her, her gaze settling on him as she takes a drag on her cig as she almost seems to expect the next part.

"However, I could not help noticing that when the Shaiton's crystal erupted, it released a surge of negative energy that washed over us, evoking momentary feelings of dark rage and hostility... except for Jharm, who the energy seemed to outright injure...and you, who seemed to absorb the energy into yourself.  I am sure you can understand my concerns in this regard.  Do you know - or suspect - why this might have been the case?"

She gazes down at her free hand, darkness faintly wafting off of it, looking akin to dark black smoke almost. Her lips part as if she is about to speak but then she seems to hesitate.

Why?  You are preventing me...and I demand to know...why?

She receives silence in respones.  To Soul Reaver she gives a slight shrug.

"I suspicions but nothing for certain."

She takes a final drag on her cigarette before letting it slip from her fingers, the butt crushed beneath the toe of one of her boots before she looks to Jharm.

"Im going to head up to the cockpit and get us to the next one as fast as possible."

She then turns and makes her way further into the ship.  Jharm turns back to the Companions, looking to Kitharsis and then Phaerys.

"Yes, undoubtedly Nethalika will be ready and waiting for us as our assault on the first fort has demonstrated our capabilities.  That said, there isnt much alternative open for us other then battle.  Phaerys, your offer of wall breaching is gladly accepted as we will undoubtedly be reaching the fort before the bulk of our forces arrive to assist like they did here."

Just then a voice enters Jharms mind, the voice belonging to General Drayvon.

Seraphim, we are advancing towards the second fort but something is not right here.  While we are still facing some resistance, it is clear that the bulk of the Shaiton forces have begun pulling back.  The advanced scouts are reporting that it seems like they are reforming at the second fort.  This is concerning...

I agree.  Advance the army with all possible speed, myself and the others will travel on the Aisgeim as before.  If the Shaiton are indeed pulling back as fully as you say, exploit the opening to create portals as close as possible so reinforcements from the city  can march in ahead of you.

It shall be done Seraphim!

Jharm looks between the Companions.

"It would seem my friends, that the Shaiton forces are rapidly withdrawing and reforming at the second fort.  While this does mean that my people are rapidly advanding and likely will reach the fort sooner then initially anticipated, it is also concerning.  Never before have we seen the enemy do such a thing. It's as if they WANT us to reach the fort?"

He looks around, verifying that all of the Companions are on board.

Vee, we are all on board, get us into the air and to the second fort with all possible haste.

The cargo doors raise up as the engines of the Aisgeim spin up and the vessel lifts into the air. it takes off, screaming through the sky.  Far below, the Seraph forces rapidly march, advancing onwards even as winged Seraphs fly overhead and land, creating portals almost within eyesight of the Shaiton forces.  The Aisgeim draws nearer to the fort, display monitors attached to the walls showing the Shaiton army lined up just in front of the fort, ranks going back tenfold, the frontline equipped with large tower shields, forming an almost solid wall of blackened metal as they seem to await the arrival of their opponents.  They do not have long to wait as Seraph forces pour from the portals and soon enough, white steel crashes against the blackened "wall".  As before, crystals erected on the roof of the fort glow brightly as they fire beams through the air, targetting the advancing Ork warships.  Strangely though, it seems like, unlike last time, the crystals are not targeting the Aisgeim as it approaches.  The gates of the fort are visible but standing in front are two gigantic figures that look almost humanoid in shape.  Their forms seem to almost be crafted out of the same black steel that the Shaiton arms and armor are, giant purple crystals where eyes would be (for a humans face) and dark green gems look to be embedded in the giants palms.

"Damn, those are Siege Golems.  Their strength almost matches my own, their steel forms reinforced both physically and magically.  Those eyes of their work similar to the crystals, emitting blistering beams of Darkness, while those green gems upon their palms can generate vile gases, causing those who breathe it to suffer an excruciating death as they struggle to breathe even as their body is melted away.  The troops around them are of little concern but we must disable the golems with all possible haste as they would almost certainly seek to follow us into the fort and facing them as well as whatever Nethalika likely has waiting for us within would be problematic to say the least.  It would seem best for us to drop in as before, focusing all that you have on those golems.  Phaerys, if able, do what you can to take the doors down so once the golems are felled we can immediately head in.  Vee, I am assuming you are listening in, same as before and join us as soon as you can."

From the speakers Vees voice is heard:

"Sounds good to me, with those crystals seemingly ignoring us, I should be able to drop you right on top of those things."

The Companions can feel the Aisgeim shift sharply as it screams towards the fort and then banks.  As at the last fort, the klaxon rings out sharply a few moments before the hatch slides open, allowing the Companions to depart and unleash their assaults upon the Golems and Shaiton below.
Board Battles / Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
« Last post by Fallen Templar on October 29, 2023, 05:08:31 PM »
Phaerys braced himself for the wave of darkness to hit. To his surprise, it harmlessly passed through him, save for the brief flicker of frustration over a duty left undone. The guardian's copies - on the other hand - had seemingly shared the crystal's fate, and the guardian itself had been pulled away to who knows where. The Ataran suspected that they would face it again before long. Jharm's own knowledge of this and other figures in the Shaitan leadership would prove invaluable in taking the next fortress.

As for the Seraphim himself, both he and Veldanya had been noticeably affected by the wave of darkness, albeit in different ways. As a native of this dimension, it was only natural for Jharm to be the most susceptible to any ill effects. But what of the gunslinger? If anything, she appeared to have absorbed this energy.

The more of these crystals they had to destroy, the more likely this could become a major issue. But if Soul Reaver had faith in Jharm, Phaerys was content to trust his judgement, at least for now. There was time enough to devise a contingency for if the worst should come to pass.

For now, they needed to press the advantage while they still could. Phaerys followed Jharm back to the Aisgeim and hurriedly ascended the ramp. Once inside, he began sorting through the combat data against the guardian in preparation for their next encounter. He looked up from his work when Kitharsis voiced his concerns in actually getting there.

"If our only goal is to destroy the next crystal, we may have to quickly bypass their defences and avoid a prolonged battle," replied Phaerys. From a dimensional compartment he retrieved one of the seismic charges he had created earlier and inspected the device. "I am able to assist in breaching the walls, however there is still the matter of holding off their ground troops. Can we still expect reinforcements of our own?"
Board Battles / Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
« Last post by Shadow Chorus on October 28, 2023, 08:38:49 PM »
Gulgrim is almost disappointed that his opponent didn't have more fight in him. Overall this skirmish had been disappointingly brief, and the Avatar of Gork and Mork grumbled to himself as he reboarded the Aisgeim. At least the next fight wouldn't be too long in the offing. Having figured out where he had dropped from last time, the Warboss took up position there again, tapping his foot impatiently as he waited for everything to get moving.

Idly, he began to check his weapons and tinker with his kit, pulling a spanner and welding torch seemingly from nowhere and beginning to make adjustments to his Cybork right arm. It was clear that the Warboss was right-handed in most of his mannerisms, but he seemed to have little trouble using his left hand to perform work on his right, nor did he seem to have need of eye protection as sparks flew from the work he was performing, tuning up the responsiveness and adjusting some of the finer details of his metallic limb.

Even in moments dreadfully lacking in combat, a true Warboss is never idle. Always preparing for the next fight.
Board Battles / Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
« Last post by Soul Reaver on October 21, 2023, 04:33:30 AM »
Jharm's first reply elicits Soul Reaver to answer with an empathic hand on his shoulder.

"Let us know if the burden becomes too much.  We can carry it for you."

The reply to his second, mentally-asked question is more terse and strained.

I see.

It sounds like Soul Reaver has made up his mind about something.

As everyone files into their positions in the Aesgim, Soul Reaver addresses Veldanya directly.

"My lady, you have our thanks for your skillful assistance in this battle.  It is an honour to fight alongside you."

He gives a slight bow before straightening up again.

"However, I could not help noticing that when the Shaiton's crystal erupted, it released a surge of negative energy that washed over us, evoking momentary feelings of dark rage and hostility... except for Jharm, who the energy seemed to outright injure..."

Soul Reaver's gaze is unwavering but betrays no emotion.

"...and you, who seemed to absorb the energy into yourself.  I am sure you can understand my concerns in this regard.  Do you know - or suspect - why this might have been the case?"
Board Battles / Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
« Last post by Kitharsis on October 13, 2023, 09:38:47 AM »
As the wave of darkness passes through them Kitharsis feels an all too familiar feeling prickling his skin.  It passes just as quickly.  A fleeting reminder of his all too recent past, faint as it was. 

The copy of the armored guardian melts away in front of him, and Kitharsis lowers his weapons.  The floating swords return to his side, and the sand at his feet coalesces around him.

The guardian utters a remark, before being pulled into a portal behind him.  Another being mocks them, before vanishing also.  It appears they have caught the Shaiton's attention.

Jharm explains who these beings are after he recovers from the darkness.  It appears to have affected him more than the rest.  Except for Valdanya.  She appears to have had the reverse affect from the darkness.  An interesting development that will need to be watched.  After all, she was a newcomer with unknown origins.  A spy, perhaps?

He doesn't allude to any suspicion, as he follows Jharm back toward the Aisgeim.  Soul Reaver asks the questions on Kitharsis's mind.  He listens intently to their exchange.  As they switch from words to thoughts, he sighs and continues on his way.  He trusts their judgements, as always.

Outside of the base Kitharsis is met by the remnants of his summons.  The giant scorpion still stands proudly, its armored carapace having protected it assuredly.  The smaller golems did not fare as well, evidenced by two piles of sand scattered on the ground.  Only one of the pair of smaller scorpions has survived as well.  It stands guard of its twin even now.  The large golem was missing an arm, but still stands at the ready.

Kitharsis thanks each of them, and with a wave of his hand dismisses them all.  They return from where they were summoned.  They all will be returned whole, as is the nature of these summoning runes.

As he boards the Aesgim he digs through the rune pouch at his hip, selecting the next round of combatants.  The next base will likely be more fortified.

"Now that they know we're coming, the next base will most likely be more heavily guarded.  This Nethanya will surely see to that.  What is the plan for our approach this time?"
Board Battle OOC Threads / Re: The Three-Edged Sword: OOC Thread
« Last post by Veldanya Venalla on October 13, 2023, 12:26:11 AM »
As this is kind of the interim point/in between battles im kinda planning/intending to (if warranted) respond to posts "individually" as I just did to Soul Reavers.  Of course this will be expanded should more then 1 person post close together.  Basically this is the period where, should characters be so inclined, can banter a little with Jharm, Veldanya, each other.  Going to kind of treat it as "once each person has posted we might move on".  Soul has posted (course feel free to respond further if you want, may or may not get another response before "move on post") so once the other 3 post (or time limits are hit) I will move forward.  Given that 1/4 members are likely not overly interested in chitchat my plan isnt for the downtime to feel like its a significant amount of time (Gulgrim...feel free to prove me wrong here lol, but me thinks the Warboss cares more about more krumpin then figuring out weird shenanigans or whatnot :-p ).
Board Battles / Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
« Last post by Veldanya Venalla on October 13, 2023, 12:13:08 AM »
The Seraphim pauses briefly as he feels the hand on his shoulder.

"Jharm, I saw the effect of the crystal's destruction on you.  We seemed to weather it without major effects but..."

He pauses for a moment before continuing.

"As you said, this is a process that we will need to repeat.  Will you suffer similarly in the future?  Or worse?  Should you even be present when we destroy these crystals?"

The Seraphim looks at his friend for a moment.

"I appreciate your concern Soul Reaver.  It uncomfortable experience and not entirely unexpected.  Such crystals generally consist of condensed Light or Darkness, of course dependent on the side creating it.  In truth, I am not concerned as much about the crystals themselves really.  Given how things are already seemingly progressing this has already gone beyond what we have before."

He moves as if to continue onto the Aisgeim when Soul Reavers mental message comes through.

And I am sure that the effects of the dark energy wave upon Veldanya did not escape your attention either.  What do you make of that?

His gaze shifts to the ground for a moment before an ever so subtle shrug can be felt by Soul Reaver before the Seraphim contiues towards the Aisgeim and boards even as his response can be heard.

In truth....I do not know.  When we started I thought I knew...but now...well...I am no longer certain.  It is clear though that something seems to be in motion that I had not initially expected.

His gaze briefly flicks over to the newcomer as she slips past him, heading up the ramp and into the ship.  As she passes by she raises her right hand, a cigarette manifesting betwen two of her fingers as she almost seamlessly brings it up to her lips and snaps her thumb and forefinger of her left hand together to produce a flame and light the end.  Pausing for a moment she takes a deep inhale and holds it for a moment as the flame at her fingertips fades before she rubs her forehead and exhales.  A thick plume of smoke slips free as she briefly gazes over at the two and then heads further into the ship.
Board Battles / Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
« Last post by Soul Reaver on October 12, 2023, 09:48:01 AM »
There is a small sense of relief for Soul Reaver as his plan works, with cracks rapidly spreading over the crystal's structure.  Apparently there was a limit to the crystal's self-repairing powers, as he had hoped.

When the crystal erupts into a wave of darkness, that feeling is momentarily replaced with feelings of rage and hate - almost involuntarily, Soul Reaver lunges forward to skewer the opponent that, in that same instant, has melted away into little more than insubstantial vapour.

Though the feeling is only momentary for Soul Reaver, and he senses the spiritual effects as brief flickers for most of his companions, the same cannot be said for Jharm.  Even without his abilities, Soul Reaver would have been able to see Jharm fall to his knees from the effects and give a grunt that sounded like he was in physical pain.  Natural, perhaps, that Jharm would be so affected: after all, the energies released must have been the complete antithesis of his being.  More concerning perhaps however was how the wave seemed to impact upon Veldanya: not only did it do her no harm, but she almost seemed to absorb it, like a body of water might absorb a smaller drop.  Almost imperceptibly, Soul Reaver's brow draws into a frown.

When the wounded Shaiton general speaks, Soul Reaver's attention snaps to him.  The destruction of the crystal had not taken this foe with it.  But before Soul Reaver can act, their foe is spirited away by a dark hand.  Soul Reaver listens to the taunting voice, and his expression darkens: there was no doubt this was not the last they had seen of this particular enemy.  Even without his continued survival, the remaining crystals were likely to pose a larger challenge - the addition of a now vengeful and likely better-prepared Shaiton general would only serve to make things even harder.

As Jharm calls on the the companions to rejoin them on the Aesgim, Soul Reaver quietly walks up next to him and puts a hand on his shoulder.  He speaks quietly.

"Jharm, I saw the effect of the crystal's destruction on you.  We seemed to weather it without major effects but..."

He leave the thought hanging for a moment.

"As you said, this is a process that we will need to repeat.  Will you suffer similarly in the future?  Or worse?  Should you even be present when we destroy these crystals?"

Without speaking, Soul Reaver then communicates to him more subtly.

And I am sure that the effects of the dark energy wave upon Veldanya did not escape your attention either.  What do you make of that?

By then he has arrived at the Aesgim, where his Daemonic cohort already await him.  They seem to have weathered the assault rather well, with only moderate injuries amongst the Cruelbeasts - the Daemonspawn, with their regenerative abilities, held back the bulk of the assault under Blightwing's capable direction.  Thanks to the speed of their success, Soul Reaver felt he could keep the Daemons around for the next assault as well.  Once more he Discorporated them into black mist and with a wave of his hand had them take up their swirling position in the rear of the craft.

Meanwhile he looked over at Jharm, one eyebrow raised, silently prompting him for answers...
Board Battle OOC Threads / Re: The Three-Edged Sword: OOC Thread
« Last post by Veldanya Venalla on October 10, 2023, 01:07:10 PM »
Yes, didnt really note it but it would be clear that with close reinforcements cut off, the Shaiton are pulling back.  Then one the Seraphs construct their own crystal and open portals their forces will start arriving to that point.
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