I am largely indifferent to approach taken except for options E and F, which I would definitely -not- want to see implemented.
Sometimes life is busy or sometimes you're not particularly inspired for a post and it takes a while. But the board is supposed to be fun, not homework. I don't mind getting prodded occasionally if I've been slacking on posting something for a bit, but being threatened with something like 'make a post or I'll make it for you' just tends to make the inherently rebellious part of my brain go 'well fine, fuck you then, do it better yourself.' and want to post even -less-.
I find myself agreeing with Shadow, to me E and F feel like they may cause more issues than they would solve for that reason.
In the interest of keeping things going, options B and C stick out for me. Less stress on the Battle Host that way.
I think you might have both misunderstood what (e) is about...
The current rules already allow the Battle Host to god-mod a player that’s holding things up and preventing them from posting within their own deadline. Veldanya just hasn’t done so. In (e), I was proposing that if I see a situation where Veldanya's post deadline is coming up and a player still hasn't posted, it would me that would god-mod them instead of Veldanya needing to do so. That would leave them one less thing to worry about when they have time to post.
We’ve always had a rule that the Battle Host would be able to god-mod players that were holding up the plot. I personally have always thought that this was in important rule/tool to have available.
Put yourself in the Battle Host’s shoes: you’ve posted almost a month ago where you cooked up some sort of special attack against everyone that will wipe them out if they don’t respond in some clever way. And everyone’s responded, except for one person. What are you supposed to do? Unless you can god-mod the actions of the non-posting person to at least some extent by ‘assuming’ what they might have done, then the only options open to you are:
i) to hold off on your next Battle Host post, keep harassing the player that hasn’t posted (assuming you can get hold of them) and hope this person will post eventually (leading to a situation where one non-poster is holding everyone else hostage, and where you, as the Battle Host, need to ask the Admin/other players for more time so that they don't God-mod YOU to move the plot along)
ii) pretend like that character has done nothing at all and gets hit accordingly (which is a total jerk move and a type of god-mod in its own right)
iii) 100% ignore the character in your next post (which makes for some really incoherent writing, not to mention is sometimes close to impossible in certain situations where the characters really need to give their input)
iv) something else I haven't thought of...?
Making a god-mod post for a non-posting player is supposed to be a last resort when other methods (eg, ideally reminding the player etc) have failed. Practically speaking we’ve very rarely had to use that rule in the past, though in some rare cases we did have to do so. In those cases I was glad the option was there. I’d also like to point out that those god-mod posts should be kept very restrained – only as much detail is included to provide what is necessary. The posts tend to be relatively short, ‘conservative’ solutions to a given problem that are as much in-line with established character powers/personality as possible, and don’t do anything like introducing new powers or result in any key character development.
If the idea of the Battle Host (or Admin in the interim, if we accept (e)) making God-mod posts for a player who doesn’t post in a certain timeframe is something a majority of players can’t get on-board with, we will need some alternative, ‘official’ means for the Battle Host to deal with a situation where they are supposed to post but a player hasn’t posted yet.
If you’ve got any alternative ideas, or refinements to the current rule (please do re-read it if you need to jog your memory), this is a good thread to discuss those.