Ok, well the post shall be finished tonight. In the mean time I feel I should get the ball rolling and describe what will be expected in Battler's first posts. I'm planning on leaving battler's first posts open ended so you can describe where your character is and how they end up doing, etc.
Essentially the first post will end something like this and is mostly story and description which is why it's been hard for me to write it all.
* Lark will leave the legislator pretty much being forced into going on the mission to find the Vilya.
*He will head back to the Aerodrome where his Aeroship is located and I'll describe what the Aero looks like as it will pretty much be the bounce off point for adventuring.
*He'll return to find his companion Grumbald Aleheart(Halfling) distraught. Grumbald tells Lark the crew has been threatened by both Parth Sinder and Tellos Stormslade and have mutinied for fear toward their families and their own lives. Lark informs Grumbald of the two run-ins and with the Legislator's mission.
*Lark is left now without a crew, without supplies, with 3 days left before he is hunted down and no place to escape to without Tellos Stormslade having a Privateer connection being found there.
*Lark sends Grumbald Aleheart on a desperate recruiting mission, telling him that they are leaving in two days and to beg, lie, or cheat any new crew members to join his crew.
Now here is where it's up to the Battlers and their own creativity. I am giving full GOD-MODDing privileges to you for Grumbald Aleheart for youto describe an interesting way to join the crew. It's up to you how your character will join the crew but there are a couple rules.
You can't kill anyone unless it is lawful. You can't kill hurt or maim Grumbald Aleheart. Once you decide to join the crew Grumbald Aleheart will leave your character to find the next crew member. You can write up where ever you want to in the Lower dregs of Mistvald for your character to meet Grumbald.
Grumbald is a dapper but friendly Halfling who is bearded and sorta if I can find a real modern day equivilant to the Halfling/Gnome guy from The Chronicles of Narnia Prince Caspian movie. He is quick to anger and speaks his mind. He has a gruff voice, and loves to complain, which is why his nickname is "Grumble". He has red hair and beard and is middle aged. Grumbald has green eyes and has a love of Ale and bar life.
Grumbald will start searching that night(once Lark returns it is now dark) and take a nap sometime in the middle of the night and then return to searching in the morning(it's up to you if your character gets picked up in a bar or doing some late night activity.) Perhaps your character can save Grumbald from thieves or from temptations(gambling, ladies of the night, scam artists). Your character can be picked up during the day also. It's up to you, but the end result is that you will have to report to the Mistvald aerodrome by sunset. If you'd like you could PM your ideas to see if you'd like some input or if it's not too farfetched. The posts don't have to be in order or sequential the first post could be during the day the next night. It doesn't matter as long as the end result is the same. Your post can be as long or as short as is necessary to describe how you ended up being convinced to join the Vilya crew. You can create all the dialog that you need from Grumbald. He isn't dumb though. If you need input just send me a PM and ask questions. An example would be how would Grumbald feel if he enountered an elf or anything.
The Reason I'm posting this is because I really hate that I haven't got the post finished and I want characters to start working on their ideas. Please let me know what you think.
I pretty much wanna get the crew coming together part of the story so that we can get into the adventure. Please PM me or post questions here and check back for the update tonight.