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Board Battles / Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
« Last post by Fallen Templar on February 22, 2025, 05:46:29 PM »
Gulgrim's bellow of rage was enough warning for Phaerys to get clear of his thunderous charge in pursuit of the Shaiton once more. Again they had fled through another portal. Phaerys decided not to follow immediately in favour of some last-minute preparations for whatever lay in wait on the other side.

The Ataran knelt down to salvage some spare matter from the floor, quickly crafting a small number of dense, sword-like shards to use as projectiles in the battle ahead. These he sequestered in his dimensional compartment to keep them hidden from their opponents' eyes in the midst of battle.

His gaze lingered on Jharm for a moment as he stood up, approaching Kitharsis as discreetly as he could manage.

"You have known this one far longer than I," Phaerys spoke in a hushed voice. "How can we determine that this one has not been compromised?"
Board Battles / Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
« Last post by Soul Reaver on February 07, 2025, 03:48:00 AM »
Soul Reaver watches with quiet relief, though not surprise, as Gulgrim continues to barrel forward and pursue his enemies.  They had denied him what he had wanted, so he sought to extract it from them.  Soul Reaver gestures faintly at his Daemon troops, and they prepare to bring up the furious ork's rear.

Before joining the pursuit, Soul Reaver turns to Jharm and speak to him quietly.

"We have been through much together, Jharm.  I have rarely seen your faith waver.  Yet somehow Venagon's words gave you pause."

He stands next to the Seraphim, hand on his shoulder and a rare softness in his eyes as their gazes meet.

"We are friends.  Is there something I must know?"
Board Battle OOC Threads / Re: The Three-Edged Sword: OOC Thread
« Last post by Veldanya Venalla on January 23, 2025, 09:10:07 PM »
well he is certainly getting his wish as its basically the final fight ya'll are headed into :-p
Board Battle OOC Threads / Re: The Three-Edged Sword: OOC Thread
« Last post by Shadow Chorus on January 23, 2025, 01:38:11 PM »
Oh don't worry, Gulgrim is madder than ever, but it's pretty laser-focused at the people who keep running away from him while talking about how strong they are.
Board Battles / Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
« Last post by Shadow Chorus on January 23, 2025, 01:36:01 PM »
How dare. For a third time Gulgrim's desires for combat have been denied by the enemy fleeing from him through portals, cowards running from the fight in the most un-orky way possible, not even bothering to toss a shot back his way as they fled.

"You lot call yerselvez strong!?" Gulgrim growled, his voice rumbling through the walls as his size continued to leak out of his control, fire and lightning flaring around him dangerously. "You'z can't even stand up fer a propa fight!! Get back 'ere ya panzee cowards!"

Gulgrim's barreling charge was heedless of anyone who might have been in his way, Companion or otherwise, as he launched himself toward the portal that was left open, intent on cannonballing directly into whatever foe awaited on the other side and -ensuring- that they would give him the fight he was looking for or that he would demolish them and everything they held dear otherwise. The Warboss was absolutely incensed at this point, and would not settle for anything less than complete annihilation of a foe who would pretend at strength while running from a proper fight.
Board Battle OOC Threads / Re: The Three-Edged Sword: OOC Thread
« Last post by Soul Reaver on January 22, 2025, 05:50:12 PM »
Soul Reaver is trying to figure out how Gulgrim is going to react to the Shation's retreat.
If he goes barrelling straight toward the portal, then all is good and right with the world.
But if it looks like he's going to murderize everyone in the same room as him instead, Soul Reaver will make an attempt to steer him in the right direction.

Hoping ShadowChorus will post so I can respond accordingly.
Board Battles / Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
« Last post by Soul Reaver on January 22, 2025, 05:48:31 PM »
Soul Reaver grits his teeth in frustration as Gulgrim barrels in, spewing flames and bullets.  As Venagon had indicated, the attacks failed to harm the Shaiton.  But Soul Reaver also notes that the defensive orbs begin to crack under the onslaught - clearly "He" was not omnipotent, and there were limits to the power of His defences when put under enough strain.

With Jharm released, Soul Reaver sees an opportunity to, perhaps, get answers from a less hostile source.  But there was another issue to deal with first - he was in the same room as a massive Ork that was going berserk for lack of good fighting.  At this rate, who knows if he might direct his frustrations at more immediately-available sources of conflict?

He quickly assesses Gulgrim's trajectory...
Board Battles / Re: The Three-Edged Sword: Rallying to War
« Last post by Veldanya Venalla on January 19, 2025, 11:10:50 AM »
The Tirthandrans probe seems to indicate that what he sees before him is the true appearance of the Seraph and Shaiton.  It was almost as if an illusion had manifested for a moment then vanished as far as he could tell.  The Shaiton leader shakes his head and chuckles slightly at the responses of Soul Reaver, Kitharsis, and Phaerys and after a moment he gestures with his hand and the shadowy finger uncovers Jharms mouth

"Clearly his time away from his Lady has had an effect on him.  You think we Shaiton are the only ones who value strength?  The Seraphs and their Lady value strength just as much, if not even more.  They use strength to force all to obey and bend the knee, for once all are made subservient then peace shall reign.  Those who disagree they destroy."

The Seraphim scowl and shakes his head.

"Wrong!  We do not seek to make all serve, we simply wish to protect the weak and..."

Jharm seems to hesitate for a moment, as if struggling to find the words.  Venagon is watching him as he speaks though as he hesitates, the Shaitons gaze seems to shift towards Velgeim as a flicker of confusion appears on his face.  It is at this moment though that Gulgrim arrives and unleashes the gout of brilliant green flame towards the Shaiton leaders.  A surge of power can be felt far in the distance, clearly from the Shaitons fortress.  Translucent orbs of purple surround the Shaiton as the flame reaches them.  The deadly flames wash over the orbs, the purple flickering and shimmering as it holds back the barrage.  A few moments later cracks can be seen spreading across the surface.

"Very well.  He has received your answer.  Come then and face him."

As before, the Shaitons then get pulled through portals and vanish.  At the same time the crystals in the room pulse and shatter, and Jharm drops to the ground as the purple hand vanishes. A second later another purple portal manifests in the center of the  room as a deep voice resonates throughout.

"Yes, come forward and face me.  It has been too long since I reveled in the chaos of combat against a powerful foe."

The Companions can sense the vast power they have felt previously emanating from beyond that portal.  Jharm gets to his feet and scowls and is about to speak when a voice enters the minds of all present, recognizable as Drayvon.

"Seraphim, Companions, I assume the final crystal has been toppled.  The entire Shaiton force is withdrawing back to their fortress, all of their leadership has been spotted amidst their ranks.  We will continue pushing and work to secure you entry to the fortress proper."

"I do not think that will be necessary General.  It would seem He is no longer interested in waiting, and seeing as how we cant afford to let him possibly grow any stronger I see no reason to delay either."

"Seraphim, do you think that is wise?  Could it not be a trap?"

The Seraphim seems to be about to respond when he hesitates for a moment as if pondering that likelyhood when a very faint flicker of power seems to emanate from within Vee, similar in fashion to the brief illusion flicker that occurred previously.  Jharm scowls and shakes his head.

"Perhaps, but we must risk it.  The longer he remains unchallenged the greater chance he decides to push forward. Without Her we can not afford to show hesitation."

"Make yourselves ready my friends, the final battle awaits us on the other side and I have little doubt that He will not hold back in the least.
Board Battle OOC Threads / Re: The Three-Edged Sword: OOC Thread
« Last post by Soul Reaver on January 14, 2025, 04:17:57 PM »
Apologies for the wait, but it definitely felt like Gulgrim is best served as the last person to show up in this situation, so that conversation might actually be able to be had at least for a moment before he flips the table.

He's real mad about being denied a fight a couple of times now, so trying to reason with him is sort of out of the window.

The Board Battles were always supposed to be about us making things up as we go along, so Gulgrim busting in is something Veldanya (and us) will just have to deal with.  It's great and in-character.
Thanks for leaving a window for a response too though, as I am curious to see how Venagon responds.
Board Battle OOC Threads / Re: The Three-Edged Sword: OOC Thread
« Last post by Shadow Chorus on January 06, 2025, 07:45:50 PM »
Apologies for the wait, but it definitely felt like Gulgrim is best served as the last person to show up in this situation, so that conversation might actually be able to be had at least for a moment before he flips the table.

He's real mad about being denied a fight a couple of times now, so trying to reason with him is sort of out of the window.
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