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Author Topic: The Eye of Terror: The Labyrinthine Depths of Chaos (Part II)  (Read 115899 times)

Offline Cameron

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The Eye of Terror: The Labyrinthine Depths of Chaos (Part II)
« on: August 16, 2013, 11:36:37 PM »
This story is being continued from this thread:

Please wait for the Battle Master to make his first post here before proceeding.
« Last Edit: December 25, 2014, 11:15:18 AM by Starblade|MKIV »

Offline Cameron

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Re: The Eye of Terror: The Labyrinthine Depths of Chaos (Part II)
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2013, 12:06:58 AM »
Sepher hurtled towards the gate and the stunned defiler, ignoring the pain of his wounds, focusing his energy on the task ahead. Seeing the axe get through he magical defenses of the defiler on the gate, sepher knew what he had to do. He would become more powerful this day, and this defiler was his prey.

Drawing upon the concentration that afflicted his arm, sepher diverted the energy into his back. With a roar of pain, and a visible transformation, a pair of gigantic daemon wings sprouted from his back. The tearing of flesh can be heard to those in the vicinity as drops of blood fell to the ground.

Gripping Wind in his left hand, he leapt upwards, propelled by his run, hurtling towards to defiler on the gate. A burst of chaotic energy issued forth from wind as he swung it, hopefully impeding the magical defenses enough that he could get through.

He drew back his empty right hand, and with a bellow, sepher slammed into the defiler, putting his hand to the metal exoskeleton.

The world went dark to sepher, as he drew on a power so feared and respected by daemons that they would go out of their way to kill him to stop him. He slowly drew his hand back and lightning arced between his hand and the defiler, sparks shooting off visible to those watching. With a sudden motion, he closed his fist and braced himself, as he attempted to pull the daemon soul from the defiler into his own body.

Kitharsis's hammer crashes down and connects with the Defiler in a most satisfying manner.  The explosion results in a slight chuckle as the force of the blast pushes him into the air and away.  A clumpy, crumbling bowl of sand forms under and behind him to shield himself from some of the debris.

He lands rolling forward, encased in a sandy ball.  After a skip and a jump the rolling ball loses form and falls down around him as he comes to rest.  His ears are ringing and the sudden flash of the explosion has put spots in his eyes.  Blinking, he stands and shakes the sand out of his mohawk and the ringing out of his hears.

He feels Soul Reaver do some blinking of his own, and catches only a fading flash of red light where he once stood as he turns to look for him.

No time to stand around.

Sand dances and streams behind Kitharsis as he trots back over to his jug.  The strap is quickly tied and he takes off towards he Defiler on the wall's direction.  He knows Sepher is more than capable of taking down a Defiler.  The axe in the things head is evidence of that, but a little help never hurt anyone.

The random gunfire is quite a concern.  Bullets, rockets, and all sorts of other artillery spew into the battlefield. The barriers are still hampering ranged attacks, requiring another intimate encounter with these foul creations.

Piles of sand still litter the ground from a few moments ago, but having such a low reserve of energy leaves him few options.  Sepher's roar of pain paired with the sound of tearing flesh was startling, but intentional.  Kitharsis watches as the man sprouts wings and leaps into the air. 

Sepher flies towards the Defiler and slams into it.  The buildup of power between Sepher and the Defiler is immense.  He is doing something dangerous, and Kitharsis thinks better of being in the middle of it. 

But the Defiler isn't going to take it lying down.  Soul Reaver's face full of gunfire moments ago is evidence of that.  Mid stride Kitharsis unstraps the jug of sand from his back.  He holds tight to the worn leather cordage and uses the jug's momentum to swing it in an arc around him.  With a grunt he lets go and launches it into the air.  It careens towards Sepher and the Defiler, slamming into the barrier.  Upon impact the sand tears out and grinds through whats left of the magical shield.  If it gets through Kitharsis will direct it to clog this Defiler's joints and gun barrels like he had done just a few minutes ago.

Sepher enters a fierce battle of wills with the daemon soul hosted in the Defiler. He can feel the soul inside reacting violently, trying to resist. He is forced to dodge a few projectiles and claw swipes as the giant metal construct thrashes about, but the Defiler finds itself unable to move most of it's joints due to the well timed sandblast from Kitharsis. This prevents it from bringing most of it's weapons to bear, but the thing has been augmented with so much arcane energy that Sepher is finding it extremely hard to control. But then, from out of nowhere, Kalana is across from him. She drives a borrowed Force halberd into the construct's metal hull, augmenting it with her own frightening psychic energies. At the same time, Sepher can see the lightning elemental Karyl unleash a torrent of electricity at it from below, and the water elemental Kari appears behind Sepher, augmenting him with her own energies and increasing his fortitude.

With the assist, Sepher is finally able to wrench the soul from the construct. There is a brief second while he is absorbing it where he can see the full void of the warp and almost loses himself, but he wrests control back as the construct collapses into a pile of lifeless metal.

Jharm watches as the Defiler's weaponry violently explodes.  Seeing an opening, the Seraphim launches himself at the machine before him, latching onto it while it is defenseless.  Closing his eyes he focuses as his hands beging to glow, the light seeping into the Defiler and almost hunting down the Warp Soul within as Jharm attempts to exorcise the metal behemoth, purging it of the vile evil that hides within.

The seraphim catches the Defiler completely off guard. But like Sepher, he finds himself wrestling with the massive enchantments leveled on the construct by the chaos sorcerers. The battle of wills is immense, and it seems like the Defiler might be getting the upper hand. It raises it's claw high to strike at Jharm.

A huge las-blast destroys the claw and it falls limp. Another blast rips through the creature's armored skull, and all of it's defenses fall. Jharm is able to purify the soul and it is destroyed, causing the construct to grind to a lifeless halt. 500 meters away, a Grey Knight in heavily modified Terminator armor allows the las cannon he borrowed to drop to the ground, removing it's charge pack from the back of his armor. The warp elemental Mary Argent stands next to him, her sword drawn. The Terminator's helmet retracts to reveal the face of Cameron Alieron. He has finally rejoined his companions. Kalana had been too focused on her attack to sense his arrival, but she quickly teleports herself to him, embracing as much of his power armor as she can.

"Where the hell have you been?"

Cameron locks eyes with her and grins.

"Just taking care of some business with my friend from the future. But I'm here now. Let's kick some ass."

Defensive magics hiss and metal screams as Blooddrinker strikes true, bisecting the Defiler's armour plating as if it were ripe, hot flesh.  Teeth gritted, Soul Reaver clenches the hilt in both hands, violently ripping the blade along the Defiler's belly.  Sparks and dark flames erupt from the wound.  Soul Reaver ducks his head as a pained claw ineffectively slashes past just above him.

Then Kitharsis' hammer slams into the Defiler.  Its entire massive bulk lurches beneath Soul Reaver's feet, throwing him off balance, and then moments later, it explodes into a brilliant orange fireball.  The hot flames lick at Soul Reaver's heels as the shockwave throws him through the air.

Soul Reaver hits the ground about twelve metres from his original position, absorbing the impact with a skillful roll over his armoured shoulder and skidding to a stop amidst a cloud of grey dust.  His blood-speckled face quickly scans the battlefield to assess the situation.

The other two Defilers were stunned and damaged, so they would likely fall soon as well.  However, the Sorcerers who had summoned them... they would need to be dealt with.  Already they had unleashed Daemons and mechanical monstrosities upon him... whether they were about to call upon further horrors or attempt to flee, Soul Reaver was not inclined to let them live.

With most of the enemy force routed and the Defilers otherwise preoccupied, Soul Reaver had a clear view to the Black Gate where the Chaos Sorcerers are huddled.  Attempting to clear the distance on foot - particularly with his injured leg - would give the enemy too much time.  Other measures were required.

Soul Reaver focuses instead on the smoking, burnt-out wreckage of a tank near the gates and behind the sorcerers.  Picturing his destination in utmost detail in his minds eye, he speaks a few syllables of magic, and disappears in a blaze of red light.

The usual stomach-wrenching feeling of his Teleportation fades almost immediately as Soul Reaver drops half a metre out of thin air behind the tank.  If the Sorcerers had not detected his presence from his use of magic, they would surely notice him soon.  Soul Reaver draws back Blooddrinker, leans out from behind his cover, and hurls the sword like a boomerang at the gathered sorcerers.  The blade cackles faintly as it spins in a crimson disc, curving through the air towards its victims...

The chaos sorcerers know that the battle is lost. By the time the first Defiler falls, they are focused on only their own survival, pumping their magicks into defensive shields and preparing to flee. But as the second and third Defilers fall and Soul Reaver appears behind them, a voice rips through their skulls. Someone has been watching the battle through their eyes, and they have new orders. The sorcerers allow their defensive magicks to fall and channel all their power into one final spell, even as Blooddrinker tears through their ranks.

There is an ear-splitting tearing sound as the fabric of reality is torn asunder. The companions all suddenly find themselves trapped in the warp, hurtling to some unknown destination. Warp energies lash out at them and it will be all they can do to protect themselves as they are delivered to parts unknown.

As they are hurtled through the warp, Cameron and Kalana fight to stay together. But at the last moment, a huge wave of warp energy rips them apart. Cameron roars in fear and frustration as he watches Kalana get ripped into a warp storm and loses sight of her.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2013, 12:56:32 AM by Starblade|MKIV »

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Re: The Eye of Terror: The Labyrinthine Depths of Chaos (Part II)
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2013, 02:54:11 AM »
The companions are torn through the warp. Some of them are torn from the Eye of Terror altogether, either unable to control their trajectories or pulled away by unknown forces. For those that remain, the transition is equal parts disorienting and painful.

Cameron is still reeling from losing Kalana yet again when he feels himself leaving the warp. His ejection is violent, and he crashes into a metal coated floor panel. The impact is jarring, even through his power armor. He gets to his feet and takes stock of his surroundings.

Cameron finds himself on a large metal scaffold, about 90 meters wide. It appears to be an observation deck. The scene it is observing is horrible to behold. The huge cavernous chamber this post overlooks is filled with people on spikes. Millions of them. They are all alive, and the screams of pain and horror mix together to make a sinister, almost revolting background hum. Every one of these people have cables attached to them, and vast amounts of energy can be seen traveling through these cables into huge machines below. Cameron's equipment can't even register the full size of the chamber.

Breaking his eyes away from this scene, he focuses on what's on the platform with him. he finds Kitharsis laying close by. His journey through the warp looks like it was equally horrible. Cameron helps the Tithandrian to his feet.

"Woah, dude. Where the FUCK are we??"

Cameron looks to the edge of the platform. Karyl Sheeden, the lightning elemental, has pulled himself up with the railing and is staring out into the vast sea of tortured souls. Kari Katrea, the water elemental, stands next to him. She does not speak, but the shock of what she is seeing is plainly written on her face. Cameron joins his fellow elementals at the railing.

'We're somewhere in the labyrinth. I'm guessing this serves as some sort of unholy battery. This is one of the things we are here to try and stop."

Cameron turns away from the scene, trying to locate Kalana. As he does so, he catches something on the far side of the platform. It's... an ork??? No. MULTIPLE orks. The biggest one is wearing a pirate's hat. Why the hell is it wearing a pirate hat? Cameron readies his weapons.

"heads up, people. We might have a problem."

Something has obviously gone wrong. One moment, Gulgrim was on the bridge of his Krooza, ordering the Weirdboys to make a warp jump. The next, he and a few of his fellows are standing in some blasted huge chamber filled with screaming humans. There are some not-screaming humans standing on the big platform across from him, and one of them is a god damned SPACE MARINE. He's got weapons drawn but isn't attacking yet. One things' for sure. Wherever he is, he can feel Chaos taint all over it. He's going to have to react quickly.

Cameron is too focused on Gulgrim, and Gulgrim is too focused on Cameron. Neither of them notice the strange figure dressed in rags that has appeared on another part of the platform. Jorumn sees the humans on spikes, hears the horrible droning noise of millions of screams in unison, and then sees a standoff forming. On one side, big green monsters. One of them is wearing a pirate hat. On the other side, a man in metal armor with guns and swords, a lady with a staff, a blonde haired man with a GUITAR? and a large mohawked man. This situation could get volatile very quickly. Jorumn has not been noticed yet.

Offline Cameron

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Re: The Eye of Terror: The Labyrinthine Depths of Chaos (Part II)
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2013, 03:07:12 AM »
Kalana finds herself ejected from the warp onto a stone floor. She skids into a stone bench and comes to a stop. There are other thuds all around her as others arrive in similar fashion. She shakes the cobwebs from her vision and gets up, looking around.

The chamber she finds herself in appears to be an old church. Obsidian church pews line the floor. At the front of the room is a huge symbol depicting the 4 chaos gods and a blood drenched pulpit. Horrible purple light emits from stained glass windows lining the walls. These depict images of chaos, murder, and death.

Kalana looks around and immediately spits Sepher lying in an aisle and Danyael laying across two pews. Looking further, she finds Garr Kelvin, the lunar elemental, sitting in a pew and rubbing his head. Mary Argent, the warp elemental, stands beside him in her full plate armor, looking annoyed. And the winged figure of the seraphim Jharm is found at the front of the room, sitting in front of the pulpit. No one else seems to be present. Mary looks back and sees that Kalana is awake.

"Oh, good. You're up. Where in blazes are we? And where is Cameron?"

Kalana frowns.

"I don't know the answer to either question. Let me see if I can find him."

Kalana's eyes flash blue as she first checks the vitals of everyone in the room to make sure they're alive, before turning her attention to trying to locate Cameron's position.

Soul Reaver does not appear with any of the others. Instead he finds himself ejected onto a huge bridge. it appears to stretch over a large canyon, though he cannot see either end of it from his current position. Within a few moments, Blooddrinker reappears beside him. The blade is soaked in the gore of the slain Chaos sorcerers.

Soul Reaver can detect a presence. About 7 meters ahead of him, a figure lies crumpled next to an old burnt out tank. Soul Reaver recognizes it as the renegade Daemon Natalya. She appears to be hurt, but is only unconscious.

Offline Shadow Chorus

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Re: The Eye of Terror: The Labyrinthine Depths of Chaos (Part II)
« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2013, 10:09:33 AM »
Something was wrong. Gulgrim wasn't on the bridge of his Kill Krooza like he should have been. He was in the middle o some burny place with loadz o' screamin' 'umies!

"Wot da zog 'appened? You boyz done zogged up da jump!" Gulgrim roared, turning to face his boyz, specifically Wurrzod, the nearest Weirdboy.

"Boss, we ain't done no-" the unfortunate Weirdboy was cut off as a third arm extended from the shoulder of Gulgrim's Coat o' Plates, reaching down with a Power Klaw and crushing the Weirdboy's head in its bladed grip.

"Right. All's forgiven. Now dat dat's over with, we'd best find some way outta here!" Gulgrim said, letting the lifeless Weirdboy lay where he fell. Finding both his Orky and his Cyborky hand empty of weapons, a situation that should almost never happen, Gulgrim drew one of his two massive Shootas in his Cybork right hand and pulled out what appeared to be an expensive Imperial Cigar with his left, holding it out to his side. A nearby Burna boy strode up and lit the cigar with his igniter, and Gulgrim planted the smoke-stick firmly in his fanged maw. His left hand now free, he drew his OTHER massive Shoota in his left hand and made quite a dramatic show of pulling the slides on each weapon by turning them towards the sky and extending his arms before bending them, slamming the stocks into his elbows and ending up in something of an Orky guns akimbo firing stance.

Looking around, his eyes settled on the only humies that weren't screaming like Panzees and he noticed one of them had weapons drawn and was looking at him. But he wasn't shooting. This was an interesting development. Gulgrim knew how to handle this.

"OI! 'UMIE! DON'CHA KNOW IT'S RUDE TA POINT A SHOOTA AT AN ORK AN' NOT SHOOT AT 'IM!?" The ork shouted, having to fight to get his voice to rise above the screaming below him. "BUT SINCE YA AIN'T SHOOTIN' YET, HOW ABOUT-AGH! DAMMIT BOYZ, SHUT DEM 'UMIES UP!" Gulgrim turned and shouted the last bit at his boyz, pointing with his rifle at the screaming human batteries down below. As one, at least a dozen shootas turned and lined up at the railing, opening fire into the helpless screaming human batteries.

Despite the din of gunfire, the Ork found it easier to speak over the bullets than the screaming. "NOW DEN." the ork shouted over to the Space Marine. "SINCE YOU'Z ONE O' DEM 'ARD 'UMIES, AN' YOU AIN'T SHOOTIN' AT ME YET, ME GUESS IZ YA REALIZE YE'RE PROB'LY AS LOST AS WE ARE." After all, if Gulgrim was lost, with his Orky sense of direction, no mere Humie could know where they are. "WHICH MEANS YA NEED MY 'ELP. SO HERE'S DA DEAL. YOU DON'T SHOOT AT ME BOYS, YA DON'T GET IN ME WAY, AND YA LET ME GRAB DA LOOT, AN I'LL LET YOU AN' YER BOYZ DERE FOLLOW ME WHILE ME AN' MY BOYZ TEAR UP DIS 'ERE-AH ZOG IT I'M COMIN' OVER!" The Ork said, leaving his boyz to stride across the platform, weapons in hand but not raised, to at least within a distance he didn't have to shout to be heard.

"Now den. How about a-What da zog is it you humans call it? A not-shoot?" The ork says, looking down at the Space Marine, his cybork eye glowing red as it always does, his massive jaw set in a cheeky grin.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2013, 10:18:27 AM by Shadow Chorus »

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Re: The Eye of Terror: The Labyrinthine Depths of Chaos (Part II)
« Reply #5 on: August 18, 2013, 11:19:49 AM »
Cameron does what he can to remain passive as the obvious lead ork approaches him. A warboss. Has to be. He almost protests the rest of the orks shooting the humans below, but then thinks better of it. They're probably doing them a favor. As the warboss approaches and speaks, Cameron allows his swords to disappear, though the wrist mounted stormbolters on his armor are still loaded and ready. He sends a mental message to his fellow companions to Stay back. This cigar smoking, pirate hat wearing ork is different from any other ork he's ever seen, and he doesn't know if they'll end up having to attack or not.

"Ork, you must not have any idea where you are. If you did, you'd know that you need our help just as much as we may need yours."

Cameron holds out his hand and a galaxy map appears above it, with a marker pointing out their location.

'Welcome to the Eye of Terror."

Cameron closes his hand and the map disappears.

"I am Cameron Aileron. Chapter Master of the Grey Knights chapter of the Space Marines. Whether or not we're going to have a cease-fire, or "not-shoot" as you called it, will depend on your intentions. If your willing to help us kill Chaos, and can keep your boys from shooting up my allies, then I think we can work together. If not, we might as well have it out right here, where there's space."

Offline Shadow Chorus

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Re: The Eye of Terror: The Labyrinthine Depths of Chaos (Part II)
« Reply #6 on: August 18, 2013, 11:35:52 AM »
"Da eye o' terror?" The Ork says, scratching his chin in thought. "Been a while since I been in 'ere. Looks different. But den it's dem spikey boyz's home, so it would be. Wonder if Gork n' Mork're still 'round dese parts. Mighta' gone ta watch over Armygeddon."

The Ork looked over at the Space marine and chuckled. "Need yer help? I got outta here once an' I'll do it again. Just need ta find me Krooza. But I can't tellyport dere right now cause o' dem Spikey boyz. So yeah, We'z can do dat. Me boys know better dan ta shoot sometin' I ain't shot yet. Dey'll shoot da spikey boyz 'fore ya."

The Ork turned and shouted at his boyz. "Wurrzod! Oh wait, dat's right, killed him. Hmm. Lemme tink fer a moment." The ork said, raising its cybork arm to the sky. A copper lightning rod extended out of the bulky wrist and began to pulse with green lightning for a moment before dying out.

"Yep. Can't get a fix on me krooza. We'll have ta keep krumpin' spikey boyz till I'z got a better reception." Gulgrim said, resting his rifles on his shoulders. "So den. What'd ya call it? Cease-Fire? Sure. We'll Stomp together fer now. But me an' me boyz get all da shiny bits."

Offline Cameron

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Re: The Eye of Terror: The Labyrinthine Depths of Chaos (Part II)
« Reply #7 on: August 18, 2013, 11:43:15 AM »
Cameron is never actually sure if you can really trust an ork. But this one hasn't outright attacked him yet. And while he is separated from most of the companions, he could use all the help that he can get.

"Fine. You have a deal. We're not here for shiny bits, so they're all yours."

Cameron turns back to the companions. Karyl is tuning his guitar. Kari is still staring out into the sea of tortured humanity. Kitharsis is still recovering.

"We'll need to stay put for a moment while the rest of my allies recover from their jaunt through the warp."

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Re: The Eye of Terror: The Labyrinthine Depths of Chaos (Part II)
« Reply #8 on: August 18, 2013, 11:48:55 AM »
         The enormous pile of metal collapses in a heap as Sepher finally manages to tear the soul from the defiler and take a steel grip on it with his mind, so as to not allow it control of himself. Sepher leaped from the metal husk, landing heavily on the ground, panting from exertion. Letting a small trickle of energy flow forth, he let wind form into a silver metal bracer, clasping tightly to his arm, as he surveyed the scene.

   Suddenly and violently, and earsplitting screech is echoed forth that causes him to nearly cry out in pain as he covers his ears quickly. It does little good and suddenly Sepher felt a violent lurch, as if he were being torn asunder. Sepher throws up every sort of defensive shield to keep the warp energies from reaching out to him as he spiraled dangerously through the darkness

   His shields were tore away from him as he was ejected from the warp, material flashing objects  by so quickly he could hardly register it. A sharp pain flared as he smashed into some sort of pew and crashed into the cold stone floor of a building. He was dazed as he lay there on his back, letting himself rest for just a moment, to catch his wind. Kalana’s eyes would have taken in his vitals. They appeared fine, his pulse was a little fast, but just fine.

   He raised his head slowly, as he was a bit dizzy, and suddenly saw the symbol depicting the chaos gods. Inside of him all of the souls he had ever absorbed roiled angrily at the sight of the symbol, some trying to flee his mind in fear, some trying to control him, some simply raging angrily. For a moment, Kalana would see Sepher’s vitals spike oddly and suddenly. They were all over the place. Suddenly, they returned to normal once more.

As the deamon souls were brought back in line, sepher finally sat up, looking around. Finally, grumbling under his breath, he spoke.

“I am getting to old for this shit.” Slowly, he pushed himself to his feet, and took in the companions that had arrived with him.  "Everyone alive?" He called out quietly, looking around to who was concious.

(Edited for spelling)
« Last Edit: August 18, 2013, 01:11:20 PM by Sepher »

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Re: The Eye of Terror: The Labyrinthine Depths of Chaos (Part II)
« Reply #9 on: August 18, 2013, 06:04:20 PM »
While Blooddrinker tears through their ranks, the death screams of the Chaos sorcerers unconsciously bring an unwholesome smile to Soul Reaver's lips.  Blooddrinker flashes as it spins, its colour deepening to an even darker crimson as it bathes itself in hot viscera.

But even as the blade does its work, words of dark sorcery fall from the the Chaos sorcerers' lips.  Soul Reaver recognizes the intent of the magic, and realizes he is too late to stop it.  The sorcerers were intending to banish him to the Warp!  This sort of thing had happened before, and he would not be caught off-guard again.

As fast as he can in his weakened state, Soul Reaver erects a Warp Shield around himself.  Not a blinking of an eye later, all that is real and solid tears away from beneath his feet, sending him reeling and disoriented into the unpredictable storms of the Warp.

A stream of Warp energy crashes against his shields, threatening to shatter them and hurling him through the eerily shimmering clouds like a leaf caught in a hurricane.  But in an instant the chaos fades, and Soul Reaver is thrown back into reality.  Flying head-over heels, he lands painfully of his back on hard grey stone before sliding to a halt with the sound of grinding Black Steel and amidst rapidly-dissipating wisps of crimson Warp energy.

Disoriented for only a moment, Soul Reaver leaps onto his feet, quickly casting his eyes about for his weapon.  As if on cue, there is a hideous tearing sound, and Blooddrinker rips a hole into reality, hitting the ground with a dull metallic clang and spinning to a stop just a meter way from Soul Reaver's position.

Soul Reaver quickly scoops up the sword.  It has left a trail of blood sprayed across the ground, and the blade is coated with the thick liquid.

Too little and too late, Soul Reaver thinks to himself.

Weapon back in-hand, Soul Reaver surveys his surroundings.  He seems to be standing on a massive stone bridge, spanning over a vast, deep emptiness.  Faintly, Soul Reaver detects the spiritual signature of his ward, Natalya.  She must be unconscious, and seems to be hurt.  Of the others - friend, or foe - there is no sign.

Soul Reaver quickly rushes over to Natalya's immobile form to check the extent of her injuries, and to see if he can assist.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2013, 09:21:27 PM by Soul Reaver »

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Re: The Eye of Terror: The Labyrinthine Depths of Chaos (Part II)
« Reply #10 on: August 18, 2013, 09:17:30 PM »
Kalana hears Sepher call out and breaks off her concentration.

"I'm here. Mary and Garr are awake as well. Danyael and Jharm appear to be unconscious but alive."

Still unable to locate Cameron, Kalana gives up her efforts and approaches Sepher.

"Are you alright? Do you need healing? I can try to help."

As Soul Reaver approaches Natalya, he can see she's in bad shape. One of her legs is broken, and blue blood seeps out of her in more than a few places. Her face is barely recognizable. She stirs as Soul Reaver arrives at her position. For a split second, Soul Reaver can no longer detect her spiritual signal. Instead he can feel something... wrong. The feeling is overwhelming but vanishes as quickly as it came. Natalya opens her eyes, and there is a green glint in the left eye for a moment, but that too quickly fades.

"Master... Reaver. I'm sorry... I tried to come back..."

Natalya begins trying to stand, though it's obvious that she isn't going to be able to with her leg in that condition.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2013, 09:21:53 PM by Starblade|MKIV »

Offline Veldanya Venalla

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Re: The Eye of Terror: The Labyrinthine Depths of Chaos (Part II)
« Reply #11 on: August 18, 2013, 10:17:09 PM »
As the soulless hunk of chaos metal crashes to the ground the Seraphim gazes behind him and spots what initially appears to be a Grey Knight wielding a large gun, obviously the source of the blasts that enabled Jharm to finish his purifying attack.  The helmet raises up to reveal an old friend....none other then the long missing Cameron Aileron!

Ahh...Lord has been quite a while since I saw you last.  Where have you.....

A unbearablely painful screeching sound rips across the battlefield, cutting off the Seraphim's thoughts at the same time that he is sucked into the Warp. A hastily erected shield of white light is all that spares the angel from the vile and twisted Warp energies that attempt to besiege him.  As fast as it happened it is over as the angellic being exits the warp, falling a foot or so to the ground and while he maintains standing Jharm has to steady himself for a few seconds as everything seems to spin due to the sudden and unexpected warp travel.  He gazes around at his surroundings,  the sight horrifying and disgusting the holy being for it appears he was dropped into what could only be a Chaos "church".  A blood-soaked pulpit stands before him above what seems to be some profane symbol of Chaos as vile purple light bathes the area in a profane glow.  The pure and pervasive evil that the area radiates seems to affect the mighty angel as he grows unsteady, causing him to sit down in a pew just a few feet away.
    From behind him Jharm hears a few thuds and crashes as some of his companions appear to have joined him.  He senses Danyael, and Sepher...though he senses that the souls contained within Sepher react in a multitude of fashions to their current location, causing the Seraphim to grip his massive hammer in case they should manage to overpower their jailer before he recovers from the warp travel.  Jharm also senses the arrival of 3 of the elementals, Garr, Mary and Kalana.  The vital's scan that Kalana performs shows that the Seraphim is physically fine but reveals that the sudden and unexpected warp travel and arrival in such a heinous place affected him more then any physical bumps or bruises could, but after a minute it seems Jharm has cleared his mind and regained his mental defenses.  He then hears voices behind him.

"Everyone alive?"
"I'm here. Mary and Garr are awake as well. Danyael and Jharm appear to be unconscious but alive."

The Seraphim stands up, hoisting his hammer onto his shoulder and turns around, seeing Kalana move over towards Sepher.  He moves towards them, raising his available gauntleted fist in front of him as it begins to glow then he opens the hand as a pale glow of light washes over the companions, healing them slightly and helping to clear their minds.

"I am alright Lady Kalana though our recent travel and our current.....location....disturb me."

Religion and greed, cause millions to bleed.

Offline Daccio

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Re: The Eye of Terror: The Labyrinthine Depths of Chaos (Part II)
« Reply #12 on: August 19, 2013, 01:05:19 AM »
Pushing himself to his feet, Sepher dusts off his coat.

"I am okay. This place just has me a little on edge." As he looked to Kalana, she would see pain in his eyes. Not physical, but as of someone were remembering something particularly painful to them. He gave him self a mental shake.

"Alright" He said bringing his focus back to the present. He blinked as he was suddenly washed in a pale glow of light. He felt better, less fatigued, more clearheaded, but the daemons inside of him railed at the light, resuming their struggle once more to take his mind. He stubbornly shoved them into submission, he would not have that sort of thing happen here.

He turned to nod his thanks to the seraphim.

"Do you have any idea what location this is?" He asked Jharm.

Offline Archdemon Stu

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Re: The Eye of Terror: The Labyrinthine Depths of Chaos (Part II)
« Reply #13 on: August 19, 2013, 01:15:23 AM »
Sight.  At last, the senses were returning, though slowly.  Things steadily came into focus... a large, vicious figure - green, and armed to the teeth.  And another, perhaps a knight - his armor appeared impossibly heavy.  A massive man with grey flesh - covered in ritualistic tattoos.  Magical beings that pulsed with the powers of the elements...

"Location... unknown.  Immediate dangers... powerful beings.  Neutral at present."

After observing the argument between the massive troll-like creature and the heavily armored knight...

"Awareness of my presence... unlikely to provoke immediate attack."

Random flashes of thoughts and ideas crashed chaotically in the mind, faces, locations, names... all without context or feelings attached.  Soon, a few came to the forefront, and then fewer still... until: survival.

"Heart rate... zero.  Yet... life force intact."

The strange being stared at its hands through its now faintly glowing azure eyes.

"Absence of necromancy.  Deduction... transfer of life force to inanimate body."

It stood on its feet, and looked downward at its newly acquired being.  It was adorned with scraps of debris - various stones and even bits of metal - bandages, some ruined clothes, and a blue velvety robe with haggard-looking crow's feathers along the brims.   Its digits peered between the bandages around its gut to reveal a blue light that shined like the sun reflecting off of water.

"Power source identified.  Ritual requires time... hastily done.  Power necessary for survival.  Source..." the being looked to the millions of souls being tortured and electrified, "...abundant."

It rose, and casually walked past any in its path, emitting an effortless signal to the perceptions of those around him in a voice that was monotone, cold, and calm. "I sense..." the metal beneath his feet bent with a sudden unseen force, electric energy coursing through his being, " goals.  Survival."

Lightning arced in multiple directions, connecting with the machines through the enslaved souls bound to them... slowly, the core beneath his bandages grew brighter.  The thoughts from earlier became clearer and more vivid, though still nearly entirely unorganized and confused.

"Common names previously referred to... Sethir... Ferana... Benedict... Adriane... Olnir... Azurigal... Hassad..." The lightning stopped, seeming to have reached the amount of power needed to operate well from only a handful of connections.

"Elaboration of queries... names used to refer to personal being... Boy... Lad... Urchin... Bastard... Mage... Heretic... Necromancer... The Defiler..." his thoughts paused, "Deemed most significant:  Jorumn... Fargazer..."

The being turned to further gauge the situation, and further investigate the beings surrounding it.  However, something else came into its notice... a corpse, that wore bandages similar to its own, and in its hand: a familiar amulet. 
« Last Edit: August 19, 2013, 12:29:41 PM by Archdemon Stu »

Offline Danyael

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Re: The Eye of Terror: The Labyrinthine Depths of Chaos (Part II)
« Reply #14 on: August 19, 2013, 01:30:47 AM »
His tolerance with the situation at hand had lasted several moments too many. And with the rising tide of hostiles, the Nephilim Lord felt no need to tolerate the onslaught any further. The massive maw in the ground rumbled first, then erupted in a full blown explosion, disgorging blasphemous energies so tainted their appearance borderlined on appearing more fleshly than energy – resonant in the cacophonous shrieks of Danyael's nightmarish hosts of the Gerasene.

Unending in its rise, the beastly energies raged and howled defiantly before gyrating into an anarchic whirlwind, extending countless, blackened tendrils that shredded up the battlefield in all directions. At its center, in some repulsive reenactment of the miracle of birth, hatched the form of Danyael, eyes now ablaze with a wrathful battle-lust. And with a scream echoing only power in place of a voice, he surged forward, cleaving up chunks of earth and chaos marine alike – all on a straight ahead path to the Chaos sorcerers. Unsheathing both the Yamato and a lance of warp-like energies, he was suddenly jerked from his position of power by an outside force all too familiar, yanking him into the void of the warp with the rest of the companions.

While this was familiar, that didn't make it safe. Whipping about in the storms of the warp, all senses, physical and beyond instantly went into survival mode as he searched for his friends amid the ethereal anarchy, looking for and finding two of the many: Kith and Kari. He reaches, not with hands but with his will for Kith first, then for Kari, his very essence (dare say, his soul) lunges for those he kept in his charge.

Wave after wave after relentless wave, tore the threads of his grip further and further away from his friend and even further from the elemental. And then the final throes lurched his grip into the void as he spun, body and soul, uncontrollably through the living hell he'd long desired to never revisit for the rest of his undying days. For the first time ever, he screamed after his friend and the elemental, sanity suddenly breaking all bonds as the memory of losing so many finally surfaced. First, Sera and Kawanua. Then Mary. And Yue. And now Kith and Kari. He had lost so much. Too much. And with the feral potency of the warp, the feeling of it was raised exponentially on too many levels. And finally, he screamed with the full force of his voice “I will find you!” unknown, uncaring, whether or not those dear to him would hear him. Kith. Mary. Kari. Soul, even.

Another wave crashed against him, followed by another and another, pulling away at his consciousness until it all went black and he tumbled mindlessly through the deluge. And then he hit solid ground. Hard. Clattering across two pews, he lay there lost in unconsciousness, newly oblivious as to how he got there.

Bereft of his senses, he slowly lifted himself up, his back and joints cracking and popping away the strain in the process. If anyone could catch the names of the cunts that coldcocked him this fucking hard, he'd have paid them with a planet. He heard voices; all familiar, but none happy. He felt four, no five, presences within reach. Then he felt more, only for the numbers to dwindle back down to one: the companion whose name he did not yet know. Narrowed, weary eyes looked to see the seraphim, then to the elementals, one of whom he was particularly familiar with. Mary? How the hell did she– he didn't care. She was here. Somehow she was here. But she was different. Then again, so was he. Thoughts went back to when they first parted, and thus resulting in his first time being lost in the warp. Past, present and future selves. Past, present and future horrors. Multiple miracles. Multiple nightmares. The memory of Mary was his only guiding light. And now. She was here. His eyes watched the radiance of her power gleam about her – a coruscating halo effect almost. He longed to say something. Anything. But what worth was that now? What use was a voice to him now? Still... he'd longed for her for so long. Still longs for her.

Silently, he lifted himself to his feet. He took a few steps, thought better of it and sat back down, his head hung low. It wasn't physical fatigue that haunted him – never a freak like him. It was once again the feeling of being lost in the warp, only to end up somewhere else. Another unfamiliar ceiling. It was hell, relived, all over again. Sepher wasn't the only one on edge, it seemed. Setting his feelings aside, he took stock of the room, his 'eyes' looking over the trailing residues of energies coating the room as Jharm's gift of healing assisted this new companion, though he felt another surge of energy from him, only to be repressed by him once again. In some ways, this man reminded Danyael of a younger version of himself. And thus, whatever struggle he was going through, Danyael respected it.

When hearing Sepher's inquiry to Jharm, he lifted his head to offer a possible answer - or at least a guess. "Four statues. Looks familiar." Upon examining the depictions, he saw... ew. Seriously. Ew. Gods that statue was a fatty. What was it supposed to be? Was that really...? The bloated form, sickly in form. The putrid appearance and leathery skin. And that eerily carved feature of what could be a jovial grin along its pestilent visage. He'd seen this image before during his time in the warp - heard what might have been its name only once. Nurgle. It sounded bitter, sick, to repeat on the tongue; and so he didn't speak it.

Though a foreigner in this universe, he was privy to a great many things during his first exile in the warp. "A place of worship, perhaps, to the Ruinous Powers. Considering we were just thrown through another--..." he stopped himself, mentally shivering at remembering it all over again, then shook it off just as quickly as it came, "From what little I've been told..." he thought on his words, unsure as to how he could reference his information aside from telling of his time lost in the warp in this universe, "The Dark Gods are in constant rivalry with one another; something referred to as the 'Great Game'. Only one god may achieve total domination. And considering the very element they're affiliated with" referencing Chaos all in itself, "such power cannot be shared." he got the the point quickly, "Considering that the Ruinous Powers were never recalled to get along with one another, we see all four here in the same room. Either we're still in the Eye, or we're somewhere a lot worse. That'd be my guess. Opinions?"

It was the most he'd spoken since his return. More than he'd care to partake in. Then again, however, he could always be wrong.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2013, 09:48:28 PM by Danyael »
"Yeah, well, ya' better have a spatula where we're goin' cause my ass is frozen to this yak!" :o

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Re: The Eye of Terror: The Labyrinthine Depths of Chaos (Part II)
« Reply #15 on: August 19, 2013, 01:04:03 PM »
Kitharsis watches as his jug of sand goes to work on the Defiler.  The Elementals and Cameron arrive, bolstering the ranks of the companions and push the combined attack on the remaining Defilers home.

But it seems their timing is quite the opposite of lucky.  The ear splitting sound of reality being torn is not a welcome one.  Kitharsis is violently drawn into the warp with little time to prepare.  He clutches at a bag hanging from his belt.  His fingers clasp the one relic that could save him from the relentless Warp energy just in time.  The Warp is thankfully kept at bay as a shield blinks into existence around him.

The landing is hard.  Dazed, he grunts a "Thank You," as Cameron helps him to his feet.  The lightning and water elementals are here too, it seems.

The spikes adorned with living beings impaled on them turns his stomach.  His eyes strain to see an end to the cavern, but to no avail.

Orks.  The larger one has an exchange with Cameron.  Kitharsis is particularly grumpy, and wears it quite clearly.

"I concede to Cameron's judgement."  He says, plainly.  "Although do not misstep, I have little patience for-"

"I sense... mutual goals.  Survival."

The voice does not hit his ears.  Kitharsis unsheathes his horseman's pick as the blue being wrapped in bandages arcs lighting towards the machines nearby.

Every tattoo on Kitharsis's body flares to life in a red glow.

"Identify yourself!"  He demands to the bandaged one.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2013, 03:20:02 PM by Kitharsis »

Offline Archdemon Stu

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Re: The Eye of Terror: The Labyrinthine Depths of Chaos (Part II)
« Reply #16 on: August 19, 2013, 10:59:09 PM »
"Identify yourself!"

The being turned his head slowly toward the grey one, the glow in his eyes slowly crept from one corner of the eye to another, lost in thought.

"Query... difficult to answer.  Identity... relative.  However..."

It turned, and approached the nearby corpse.  The body was burned badly, but the scars were old.  There were no immediately visible wounds... how this man died was not immediately apparent, but could be easily surmised that he died due to his journey through The Warp.  He knelt down, and touched the amulet in his hand...

A flash of memories.  Thousands of them, and the emotions that came with them.  The being instantly withdrew his hand from it, startled.

"Identity... unknown.  Nomenclature... confirmed.  This man was Jorumn Fargazer; a direct match to my current perceptions." From a brief touch of the amulet, it appeared it could feel emotions clearly, if even for a moment.  "I... I am Jorumn Fargazer.  I..." he reached down, and brushed his fingers through the hair of the deceased body, pausing as he loses himself, "...died." the monotone shook for a moment in sorrow.

Jorumn clenched his fists, and stood suddenly.  He cast a spell on the amulet, encasing it in thick ice so that it could not be touched, and shoved it in his pocket.

"Sentiment... detrimental.  Priority: survival." He turned to the others, "What are your identifying nomenclatures?"

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Re: The Eye of Terror: The Labyrinthine Depths of Chaos (Part II)
« Reply #17 on: August 19, 2013, 11:33:05 PM »
As Soul Reaver crouches beside Natalya, her spiritual signature wavers for just a moment.  Soul Reaver's expression does not change, but his grip on Blooddrinker's eerily warm hilt tightens imperceptibly.

The feeling fades almost as fast as it came, Soul Reaver's grip loosens once more, and Natalya speaks from blue-bloodied lips.

"Master... Reaver. I'm sorry... I tried to come back..."

As she tries to stand, Soul Reaver places his free hand on her shoulder to make her sit back down.  Soul Reaver speaks in soft tones.

"Do not try to stand.  It was foolishness to bring you here, and foolishness of you to try and come back."

He assesses her injuries.

"You are seriously injured, and we never know if foes may be lurking nearby.  Unfortunately standard healing magics would be of little use to Daemons.  But I can probably improvise to fortify your own regenerative powers."

Soul Reaver reaches into his Infinity Pouch and pulls forth a familiar object - a small, silver coin bearing an unknown design.  He holds it up between himself and Natalya.  For a moment, a flood of memories wash over his mind, but he soon suppresses them.

"There was... another who wore one of these once.  But while you are with me here, I think you should have it."

Soul Reaver hands the coin to Natalya.  It glimmers with dormant magic.

"Place it on your forehead."
« Last Edit: August 19, 2013, 11:46:43 PM by Soul Reaver »

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Re: The Eye of Terror: The Labyrinthine Depths of Chaos (Part II)
« Reply #18 on: August 20, 2013, 01:29:40 AM »
"We are definitely still in the Eye."

Mary's voice echoes out from the front of the chamber. She turns away from where she was tending to Garr and looks back at the other companions. Her violet eyes glow brightly, almost dancing with the warp energy flowing through her. Unlike everyone else, she seemed to be invigorated by the brief trip through the warp. Being a warp elemental probably has something to do with that.

"I don't know our exact location, but I know we're underground. probably in the labyrinth."

Kalana nods in agreement.

"I had gathered as much myself. Do you have any idea where the others are?"

Mary shakes her head.

"Not anymore. I could feel them all in the Warp. Some of them have been removed from the Eye. Soul Reaver was pulled away, but is still in the Eye somewhere. Cameron, Karyl, Kari, and the one they call Kitharsis were all grouped together. They are together still, but I lost their location when we exited the Warp."

Kalana looks relieved.

"At least they're together. We'll find them. I just hope Master Reaver is okay on his own."

Mary does not look concerned.

"I can tell you with absolute certainty that he'll be fine."

Mary turns and locks eyes with Danyael. A ghost of a smile crosses her face.

'Danyael. It's been a few years since I saw you last. How have you been?"

Cameron is just as alarmed as Kitharsis at the sudden mental message from a figure that up until then he had failed to detect. He draws his own weapons as Kitharsis challenges the newcomer. He is not thrilled about Jorumn charging himself up using the tortured souls in the chamber, but listens to what he has to say anyway. As he finishes, Cameron lowers his weapons again. He takes special note in the magic that Jorumn used to freeze his amulet. Since Jorumn is speaking telepathically, Cameron replies in kind, making sure that everyone else on the platform can hear his thoughts as well.

"Hello, Jorumn. I am Cameron Aileron. Chapter Master of the Grey Knights Space Marine chapter. I am sorry for your apparent death in the warp, but glad that you managed to survive in some capacity."

Cameron glances down at the apparent corpse of the original Jorumn before continuing.

You are trapped in the Eye of Terror. A massive Warp tumor that the forces of Chaos call home. We are fighting against them. It seems you are proficient in some form of magic. If you help us, I will do what I can to get you back to your home, wherever that may be."

Natalya looks almost confused as Soul Reaver offers the coin. She hesitantly reaches up and takes it, but does not put it to her forehead just yet. She stares at it for a moment before looking back into Soul Reaver's eyes.

"There are enemies nearby. My brothers... they tracked me here. They did this to me. I managed to escape. They're in a warehouse at the end of this bridge. I don't know if they have discovered that I am gone yet..."

Tears form in Natalya's eyes. She closes her fist around the coin and makes to try and stand again.

'We have... to stop them. Please... help me."

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Re: The Eye of Terror: The Labyrinthine Depths of Chaos (Part II)
« Reply #19 on: August 20, 2013, 03:03:25 AM »
So they were still within the world – a world, would be a more appropriate theory. He felt the chill moan of the world's vibrations, calling out in wave after wave of pleasure and pain all at once. But to which of the Dark Gods was this world affiliated? Which elements? And then he heard Kalana mention the word 'Labyrinth'. Curious. Perhaps it wasn't a world after all. Or perhaps it was something more. If that be the case, then what was this connection he felt? It was as clear and as real as any other connection he'd felt to any other world he was connected to. 

He let his face be seen through a dim curtain of light where his 'blind eyes' could be seen for the first time. The feeling of traveling the warp didn't physically unnerve him so much as it did in a different sense. It was a reminder – a distraction – of his foolishness. But his foolishness had inadvertently become his fortune. Now, with eyes transformed, did he see in even deeper clarity in exchange for perceiving the corporeal world. He could see the truth of reality, unveiled. And when he saw Mary, did he see the beautiful woman he'd fallen for so long ago. An innocent boy's crush to her, perhaps. Perhaps not. All the same, to him, he saw a kindred spirit in her. And after having lost too many friends so rapidly, it was a much cherished reprieve to see a face he'd longed to see for unacceptably too long.

Upon looking at him in the dimness of the lights, she could see he was, in some eerie way... different. Older. Darker. No longer the child-king she'd met so long ago. Now, for better or worse, he was someone else. Something else. He was clearly taller than before, and when seen from the light, one could still depict the body length tattoo of the 'Tree' – and all of its ominous subtext – spreading throughout his form. A flick of will and the second half of his encounter-suit materialized in sparks of ember, solidifying and seizing hold, effectively fitting his new form. His signature black, gold and red imperial jacket was next, followed by a set of fingerless sleek gloves. To finish the ensemble came his white scarf, materializing, like all the others, out of nothing. Another blink of will brought his everworld cloak to his grip from the ether and it flowed, hood and all, organically around him.

And then he heard his name in Mary's voice. If it made him smile, he didn't show it. He didn't smile much anymore. But somewhere deep inside, it did make him smile. In the past, they were, in some curious form, compatible with one another. And thus, the magnetism between the two was indicative of their power. And then, though unseen, what might have been his smile... now faded.

He turned to look at her with eyes she'd never seen before – a gift of being lost in time within the warp. 
He had no way of answering her question, however. How had he been? Let her look at him and see the answer for herself. Politeness notwithstanding, he felt a proper response was wisest. He did not speak this time with words, but with thoughts. A slew of feelings and images rushed gently across her mind with terrifying accuracy, forming together to present the message I've been busy. Seen too much. the second half of the statement was embodied in the thoughts of every past, present and future he'd crossed through in the warp; even a glimmer of how he came to know of the Chaos Gods. He thought of covering his face with his hood, to let it once again be hidden away in dimness and thus to return to that temporary solace it provided. That wouldn't be necessary. Not yet.

He thought of embracing her, of never letting go. But another surge of pain from this 'world' bade him keep his distance. Though his healing factor kept the pain at bay, it still simultaneously existed in tandem. As there was an ever so slight relation to his power and Mary's, it was quite possible she might feel the pain through him. But then again, it was only a possibility. All the same, he didn't want to hurt her. Perish the thought – and on the reunion of all fucking occasions. He wanted to say more, but how much is too much? What if whatever else it was that he was feeling from their new surroundings could influence him somehow? Control his words. His thoughts. His very actions. Best she ask and he answer. Safer that way.
"Yeah, well, ya' better have a spatula where we're goin' cause my ass is frozen to this yak!" :o